Detective from The Future

Chapter 857: search

Ding Xifeng took out two buckets of instant noodles and two sticks of ham, "Let's pad it first. When the case is over, please eat well."

Han Bin's hungry chest was stuck to his back, and he tore open the instant noodle package. "Now, I don't ask for anything else, I can eat."

The two used boiling blisters on it, and then talked about the case, "Where do you think the case should be investigated next?"

Han Bin thought for a while and replied, "Hu Dingrong has always been in contact with the criminal leader Xuan. I think I can check their mobile phone numbers to see if the suspect can be traced, but considering that Xuan is more cunning. , The possibility is not too great."

"One more thing, according to Xu Yuehua's account, they have a stronghold in Yangma Village. I think I can search for it. Maybe I can find clues related to other associates."

"One more thing, Xu Yuehua has confirmed that it was indeed a red scooter that carried the stolen money. According to her, the scooter was stolen by a person nicknamed "Jiaotou". I think we can start with this nickname. See if he can be found in person."

These suspects all have nicknames, but no one can tell whether they are locals or foreigners. Even if the local Qindao is so big, it is not easy to investigate.

But the corners are different. He chose to steal the scooter in Pingan Town, indicating that he is more familiar with the situation there, and he may have been in the area. Han Bin felt that this should be the focus of the investigation.

Ding Xifeng agrees with the move that Han Bin said. After eating a few bites of instant noodles, he put his stomach up first, and said, "Then let's split the army. I will check the phone numbers of Hu Dingrong and Brother Xuan. Zhu Jiaxu has been there. Anping town investigation? Relatively familiar, let him find out the suspect nicknamed Jiaotou. You take people to the Yangma village base to search."

Han Bin drank a mouthful of noodle soup and went smoothly? "Okay? I'll take someone there after I have eaten."

"Be careful. The horse team is already injured. I don't want anyone to be injured."

"I will be careful."

"You take someone to see first? If the situation is not right? Call for support immediately, safety first."



Han Bin has never been to Yangma Village and is unfamiliar with the situation there? Considering that the suspect has firearms, he did not dare to search hastily.

Han Bin first took people to the police station in Ping'an Town? It was Song Xinqiao, the director who received Han Bin.

Han Bin talked with Song Xinqiao for a while? Learned about the situation in Yangma Village? At the same time, tell the other party the nicknames of Brother Xuan, Jiaotou, etc.? Ask him for help.

The comrades of the police station are on the front line all the year round. Although their jurisdiction is relatively small, they have a better understanding of the conditions in the jurisdiction. They have filed any thorns in the jurisdiction.

Song Xinqiao called several policemen who were familiar with the local situation to inquire, but unfortunately no one knew these people.

But Song Xinqiao still agreed? Will help continue to inquire about the news.

Later? Song Xinqiao personally took Han Bin and others to Yangma Village.

Speaking of the origin of Yangma Village? When many people hear this name, they will think that there are more horses in this village, but this is not the case. At the beginning, there were two families in Yangma Village? One with Yang and one with surname. Horse, as the population multiplied and moved in, gradually became a village, named Yangma Village.

Xu Yuehua was also taken to Yangma Village and needed her help to identify the location.

Han Bin still doesn't trust Xu Yuehua. Don't look at her crying bitterly in the interrogation room, repenting and renewing herself, but the old saying is so good that she knows people and does not know her heart.

Xu Yuehua deliberately shielded Hu Dingrong, which led to Ma Jingbo's shooting. Don't want to pass this hurdle easily. If Xu Yuehua can provide clues that help solve the case, she may have a chance to make up for it. Otherwise, a crime of obstructing law enforcement will definitely not escape.

Han Bin led people to look after Xu Yuehua, and Song Xinqiao, director of the village committee, invited the village head Yang Shaoan.

Later, under the leadership of Xu Yuehua, the group found the stronghold of the criminal gang, a house located at the south entrance of Yangma Village.

Han Bin didn't dare to enter, so he asked the village chief Yang Shaoan to come forward and ask the neighbors around him about the situation of the house.

According to the reactions of the surrounding villagers, the owner of this house is Ma Guoxian, a native of the village, and he has two houses in his family. Now he lives in the east of the village. Because this house has been empty, he rented it out.

Neighbors also responded that tenants do not live here often, but only occasionally, and every time there are a lot of people. But in the last two days, no one has been seen coming in or out.

Han Bin walked in and checked. The door was locked. According to the neighbors' reactions, there should be no one inside.

However, with Hu Dingrong's lessons learned, Han Bin did not dare to be careless and formulated a strict search plan.

Han Bin asked the police station to guard the outside, and he personally led the team into the search. The searchers were all armed with guns and wearing bulletproof vests. Wang Xiao and Bao Xing group, Jiang Yang and Li Qin, Han Bin and Zhao. Ming a group.

Zhu Jiaxu was less dangerous, so Han Bin transferred Zhao Ming over and gave him a gun at the same time.

Zhao is obviously very excited, because he has relatively junior qualifications and has not many opportunities to touch a gun.

The area of ​​this house is not small, the courtyard is big, but there are not many houses. There are only two north houses and one south house, and there is a pigsty to the west.

Han Bin and others got on the roof from the neighbor's house and observed the roof, but found no movement.

After that, Han Bin and others climbed down the ladder, and the doors of the North House and South House were locked.

After observing for a while, Han Bin left Jiang Yang and Li Qin outside the South House on guard. He and Wang Xiao, Bao Xing, and Zhao Ming searched the North House first.

Zhao Ming took the big iron tongs and snapped the lock of the North House door, and quickly flashed to the side, Bao Xing kicked the door open, Han Bin and Wang Xiao rushed in.

There was no one in the room, and there was not much furniture, and then the four people searched carefully in the North Room.



"Team Korea, I found a bag here, probably left by the suspect."

Han Bin didn't check, and ordered, "Set it aside first, search the South House and look again."

Then, Han Bin led people to search the South House, and after breaking in, there was a table on the right hand side with obvious dust on it. It should have been a long time since this house was entered.

However, Han Bin led people to search again, and found no suspects.

While Han Bin was at ease, he was a little disappointed.

Han Bin put away the gun and ordered, "Wang Xiao, take someone to search the house to see if the suspect has left other clues. Zhao Ming, bring the bag that Beiwu found."


Zhao Ming took the bag he found.

The bag is black, which is a common handbag. Han Bin took a few photos first, put on his gloves and opened the bag, which contained a blue police uniform. Han Bin took the police uniform out of the bag.

Zhao Ming also stood by and watched. He had sharp eyes and quick lips, and said in surprise, "Guns, there are two guns inside."

Han Bin picked up the gun and slapped it, "Fake."

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