Detective from The Future

Chapter 852: Household survey

The photos Han Bin took out were all MLM employees who were robbed.

When investigating the case at the beginning, Han Bin suspected that there might be robbers in MLM.

Just because there are too many MLM personnel, no obvious suspects have been identified.

Seeing this photo taken by Dong Jianfei, Han Bin was somewhat surprised.

The picture shows a woman in her thirties who looks pretty pretty.

Han Bin was quite impressed with this woman. She was named Xu Yuehua, one of the two strong female victims.

The other strong female victim named Fu Nianqiao was also the informant.

Because Xu Yuehua was assaulted by robbers like Fu Nianqiao, it was easy to be classified as a victim, which made people feel sympathetic, and it was for this reason that he was not included as a key suspect.

Now it seems that Xu Yuehua's being strong is more like a bitter trick, a layer of protection given to Xu Yuehua by the robbers. Even if she suspects that there is an internal response in the MLM organization, no one will think that she is the woman who was violated by the robbers.

"Do you know what her name is?"

"I don't know." Dong Jianfei shook his head, "I just played with her twice, and I felt that she was pretty good, so I looked at it more and didn't talk in detail."

Ma Jingbo sat up straight, "If you take a closer look at these photos, are there anyone else you are familiar with?"

"Yes, leadership." Dong Jianfei has a very correct attitude, he is a man of vision. After Ma Jingbo entered the door, although he hadn't spoken all the time, looking at the person's sitting posture and the drinking posture of no one else, he was the real leader.

Dong Jianfei picked up the photo and checked it carefully for a while before saying, "Leader, I know that woman, but I didn't recognize the others."

Ma Jingbo stood up and patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "I'll leave it to you? I'll prepare it."

"Okay." Han Bin replied. Now that he knows that Xu Yuehua is suspected, in order to avoid the other party from escaping? Control it as soon as possible.

Ma Jingbo went to arrange the arrest.

Han Bin continues to interrogate? "How many guns does that group of robbers have?"

"It seems that there are four people with guns."

"What style of pistol?"

"Is it the kind of common pistol? I can't tell whether it is 54 or 64."

"Is the gun new or old?"

"The light was a little dim? I didn't dare to look."

"What kind of transportation did the suspect take?"

"do not know."

"Are there surveillance near the hotel?"

"This...I didn't pay much attention either."

Han Bin secretly figured it out? More than 20 days have passed since the casino robbery, and a lot of evidence has disappeared. What can be done now is to check the surrounding surveillance and interrogate those involved in the gambling.

As far as Han Bin knows? Xihua Road police station is already summoning and arresting people involved in gambling? After the police station captures people participating in gambling? Han Bin can just go directly to question? It can save a lot of things.

The most urgent task now is to collect surveillance around the hotel? Check to see if the suspect has been photographed.

After the interrogation? Han Bin went to meet Ma Jingbo.

At this time, Ma Jingbo had already reported to his superiors, had obtained an arrest warrant, and was about to take people to arrest the suspect.

After hearing Han Bin's report, the two divided their forces? Ma Jingbo went to arrest Xu Yuehua? Han Bin went to collect surveillance videos near the Juzhong gambling hotel.

Because he is not familiar with the situation there? Han Bin first contacted the Xihua Road Police Station? I want to ask them to help with the case.

The person in charge of receiving Han Bin was Liao Mingyu, the police chief of Xihua Road Police Station. Liao Mingyu was in his early thirties and was not tall? His speech and manners were quite capable.

"Captain Han, welcome, if you need our assistance, just say it."

"Sergeant Liao, trouble your comrades."

"I can't talk about it, it's all a family, don't be polite if you have anything."

Han Bin is naturally not polite in investigating the case.

"Sergeant Liao, after our preliminary interrogation, this group of robbers who robbed the casino should be the same group who pretended to be the police to rob the MLM organization. Thank you for your clues."

Hearing this, Liao Mingyu also showed a little joy. He led the team to sweep the emperor. He helped the Municipal Public Security Bureau by mistake, which is a big credit.

"Dong Jianfei provided some clues, but he didn't know much about the situation. We hope to record more people who participated in the gambling. I don't know how many people your office has summoned to be present."

Liao Mingyu replied, "According to the clues provided by Dong Jianfei, we have determined the identities of the two gambling personnel and have also summoned them to the police station for transcripts, but no one has been present yet. If the time is not there yet, we will Apply for a coercion."

"As for the identities of more people participating in gambling, we are still investigating. Although Dong Jianfei has provided some clues, he does not know the identities of those people. It is difficult to find out."

Han Bin nodded, "When your firm has caught the gambling personnel, I hope you can let us know."

"no problem."

Han Bin continued, "In addition, this time I came here to check the Hongyuan Hotel, where the gambling is located, and then collect the surrounding surveillance to see if the suspect has been photographed."

Liao Mingyu said with a smile, "Captain Han, more than 20 days have passed since the gambling incident, and there are no clues nearby. As for the surveillance near the hotel, I have brought someone to collect it. If you want to check, you can go directly to the police station."

Han Bin secretly said, this time it's easier. This Sergeant Liao is a worker. The monitoring must be watched, but before watching the monitoring, Han Bin still wants to check around the Hongyuan Hotel.

As the old saying goes, it’s better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. Only by checking in the ground can you have a real understanding of the situation at that time.


As a MLM employee, Xu Yuehua made a detailed transcript at the police station. Before she was released, her contact information, home address, and relatives were all clearly written.

The one who led Xu Yuehua away was her father Xu Jinbao, who lives in Room 301, Building 1, Huiziwan Community.

Ma Jingbo took the second group of people directly to the Huiziwan community.

When they arrived at the location of the arrest, Ma Jingbo and Zhu Jiaxu worked together and prepared to use the excuse of the "census". Although this excuse was used a lot, it was aimed at different people each time, and it was indeed easier to use.

"Boom." Zhu Jiaxu knocked on the door.

"Who?" A woman's voice came from the room.

"Property, census."

"Chuck..." As soon as the door opened, a woman in her 50s and 60s stood at the door and glanced at Zhu Jiaxu, "Come in."

This woman is not Xu Yuehua.

"Wait a minute, I'll bring shoe covers." Zhu Jiaxu said perfunctorily, took the opportunity to look inside the house and asked, "How many people are in your family."


"Who is there?"

"Me, my wife, and my daughter."

"Are they all at home?" Zhu Jiaxu took a closer look, and the woman in front of him had a somewhat portrait of Xu Yuehua, probably Xu Yuehua's mother.

"Just my wife and I are at home, and my daughter doesn't live here."

This situation was a little beyond Zhu Jiaxu's expectations, but he did not completely believe the other party's words. If the old lady lied, Xu Yuehua would hide at home, and if he trusted the other party's words, he would probably let the suspect run away.

Zhu Jiaxu and Ma Jingbo followed into the house. When Mrs. Chen turned around, Ma Jingbo left the door.

After entering the living room, a 60-year-old man sat on the sofa. Zhu Jiaxu took the initiative to say hello, "Uncle, we are here for the census."

The man took a look at Zhu Jiaxu and asked, "The census is going on again. The second child has been released in the past two years. Has the population increased."

"I can't say that, I'm only responsible for this piece of us. Big data can only be seen by superior leaders." Zhu Jiaxu replied and said, "Who is the head of the household?"

The man replied, "Of course it is me."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Xu Jinbao."

"I heard you have a daughter?"

"Yes, her name is Xu Yuehua, and her household registration is still here, but she rents an apartment by herself and doesn't live here anymore."

After confirming his identity, Zhu Jiaxu started doing the census in a fake way.

Ma Jingbo was wandering around the house, "Auntie, your house is of a good size? I want to buy a house like this."

"It's okay. This house has been around for many years. Although it is a bit old, it was cheaper when it was bought, and a lot of area was given away."

"Can I have a look in the house? My family plans to buy a house recently. I like this type of apartment."

"It's okay, see."

"Thank you." Ma Jingbo paced and started wandering around the house, as if the truth had been in the house.

The house is not big, there are only two bedrooms, a kitchen and a toilet. Ma Jingbo turned the house around in the name of looking at the apartment type, and even checked the wardrobe in the bedroom when the other party was not paying attention.

Ma Jingbo confirmed that there was indeed no one else in the house, and asked, "Auntie, where does your daughter live, we have to register her."

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