Detective from The Future

Chapter 844: whereabouts

Lin Wei and Cui Shaowu were police officers and soon realized the seriousness of the problem.

Cui Shaowu was very cooperative and left temporarily.

Just like Han Bin said, taking transcripts of inquiries in accordance with the rules can prove the innocence of the two of them. If they are not clear when they are asked together, they will not be clear at that time.

Seeing Cui Shaowu going out, Lin Wei couldn't help asking, "Captain Han, what is going on? Why did Liu Yufen die."

"Don't worry, I will tell you about Liu Yufen's situation later. You will answer a few questions first."

"Okay, you can ask."

"The first question, why did you go to Cao Junhao's house?"

"We are investigating a fraud case. Cao Junhao has a certain connection with this case. We probably know some clues. We would like to ask him to make a transcript. We called him and summoned him. At first, he agreed well, but it was the appointed time. But he didn’t come to the police station. The second time we called, his cell phone could no longer be reached. That’s why Cui Shaowu and I came to investigate.” Lin Wei said, looking at Han Bin expectantly, as if he wanted to get him. "Captain Han, we are investigating the case in accordance with the regulations, you should be very clear."

"When did you go to Cao Junhao's house? Did you bring your documents and procedures?"

"Take it. These are all recorded in the bureau."

"When did you arrive at Binhai International Community?"

Lin Wei thought for a while, "It should be around three o'clock. We drove there and parked the car in the parking lot next to the community."

"Who opened the door for you?"

"Liu Yufen, she claims to be Cao Junhao's nanny."

"What was she wearing?"

"At that time..." Lin Wei recalled for a moment, "She seems to be wearing a green sweater on top and black pants underneath."

Han Bin wrote a note in his notebook, which was different from Liu Yufen's clothes when he died. "Did she wear jewelry at the time?"

"It seems not."

"The watch."

"No impression." Lin Wei shook his head, "because we were looking for Cao Junhao at the time and didn't care much about his nanny at home."

"Have you seen Cao Junhao?"


"Are there anyone else in the family?"

"No, we went in and searched. Not only we didn't find Cao Junhao, but we didn't even see his wife."

"At that time, did Liu Yufen show anything unusual?"

"There is no obvious abnormality."

"Has Cao Junhao's family found any other suspicious persons?"


"When did you leave Cao Junhao's house?"

"About 3:20. We didn't find Cao Junhao and his wife, and the babysitter couldn't get in touch. We had to leave first. Liu Yufen also sent us to the door, which was fine at the time. I didn't expect her to have an accident..." Lin Wei couldn't help sighing.

"You have been investigating the whereabouts of Cao Junhao?"


"Do you know where he might be hiding?"

Lin Wei replied, "Cao Junhao and his wife have four properties, a house in Binhe International Community, two houses in Xinyuan Community, and a Wolong Villa in the suburbs. We have checked all four properties, except Binhe. Outside of the house in the International Community, the other three properties cannot be opened. We do not know their whereabouts for the time being."

Han Bin asked, "Have you ever investigated their immediate family members or call records?"

Lin Wei said, "Not yet. The two of them are only involved in the case, not the key suspects. Our investigation is still focused on the suspects in the case."

After inquiring about Lin Wei, Han Bin called Cui Shaowu in again and asked similar questions. The answers of the two were roughly the same, but there were some differences in details.

For example, Cui Shaowu clearly remembered that Liu Yufen did not wear a watch at the time, and he saw an op phone on the table in the living room. This is the same as Liu Yufen’s husband’s description. Liu Yufen did have an op phone.

After finishing the transcript, Han Bin led the people back to the city bureau and reported the situation to Ma Jingbo and Ding Xifeng. After all, it was related to the brother department.

At the same time, Ma Jingbo also had new clues.

Now is the age of technology. Most people don’t leave their hands. Mobile phones have become a part of people’s lives. The mobile phones of Cao Junhao and his wife are down, and the police cannot lock their locations.

However, as long as Cao Junhao and his wife are still alive, they must still use mobile phones. They dare not use mobile phones under their own names and can only use mobile phones under other people's names.

Ma Jingbo investigated the immediate family members of Cao Junhao and his wife and found that Cao Junhao's younger brother Cao Junheng had two mobile phone numbers under his name. Both of these mobile phone numbers were in use, but the location of the mobile phone numbers was different.

Many people use two mobile phone numbers with dual sims and dual standby. Even if one person uses two mobile phones, the location will usually be the same. It is rare that both numbers are used but separated in two places.

Afterwards, Ma Jingbo and Han Bin moved separately, and the two tracked one of their mobile phone numbers.

The mobile phone number tracked by Ma Jingbo is in Xinhua District, and the mobile phone number tracked by Han Bin is in Changdao District.


Long Island District, hot spring villa community.

This villa complex is far from the city center, but its gimmick and selling point are hot springs. The hot springs here are mainly for the owners and tenants of the villa complex. If people outside want to take a hot spring, they need to apply for an annual card, which is expensive.

In a hot spring pool covered with pebbles, a man and a woman lay in the hot spring, with fruit plates and red wine next to them.

This season, the weather outside is already a bit cold, so you can enjoy yourself in the hot spring pool.

The woman took a sip of red wine and asked the man on the side, "Husband, when are we going to live here?"

"Don't you like hot springs, beauty, and weight loss."

"Then you can't soak every day, I haven't been to the mall for a long time."

"It's not easy to visit the mall. I'll drive you to another day."

The woman sighed, "I feel a little homesick."

The man asked, "Are you uncomfortable living here?"

"Comfortable, but it's not my own home. There is a saying to say this. Golden nest and silver nest are not as good as your own dog nest."

The man shook his head and laughed, "Wait, let's come out when the case is over, so we can save ourselves trouble."

The woman complained, "This case has nothing to do with us, but it has been hiding like this."

"Then what do you say, the police called us to the police station must be a single question, I will say or not, no matter what I do is wrong, it is better to play a missing, when the case is over, we will live in Anan. Come back home."

"I'm lying here every day, and I feel panicked."

The man said with relief, "If you want to start, isn't this environment very good? Right now it's a tourist."

The woman hummed, "No matter how good the scenery is, you can't stay in one place every day. How can there be such a tourist."

At this time, a man's voice sounded not far away, "If you are bored here, I will give you a different place to travel. It includes food and housing, and no money."

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