Demon’s Diary

Chapter 450

Demon’s Diary The latest chapter, the first volume Barbarian Ghost Fengyun fourth volume Grand Purity Sect 449 trials, floating astronomy At this time, there is another more surprising news that goes away!

Another deputy Association Leader, Qu Ling, even announced that due to cultivation mistakes, injury to the cultivation base, which led to a significant decrease in strength, and the need to retreat, so he voluntarily withdrew from the gambling.

As a result, the number of vacancies has become two!

As soon as this news came, the Eternal Wind Association was once again up and down, and many people in the meeting were more enthusiastic.

鏋 劧涓崭箙涔嫔悗锛孍 劧涓崭箙涔嫔悗锛孍 劧涓崭箙涔嫔悗锛孍 劧涓崭箙涔嫔悗锛孍 劧涓崭箙涔嫔悗锛孍 劧涓崭箙涔嫔悗锛孍 劧涓崭箙涔嫔悗锛孍 Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z浼 腑 腑strength chain 寮 殑涓や 殑涓や 锛屼唬琛 …ternal Wind Association

姝よ█涓€鍑猴纴璁╄澶氲嚜璁やnigh strength 涓嶅急涔嬩涔嬩锛岀悍绾锛岀悍绾穬璺冩璇曪纴鍑嗗鍦ㄦ娆¢夋嫈璧涗笂鏄鹃湶涓€鐣﹃€

Key 岃繎娈 椂闂 纴鍫 Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu 四 四 四 四 四 四 四€宁箣鍦帮纴镊︻劧涓嶆儨琛€链兂瑕佷粠浠栦汉澶勬崲鍙栦竴浜汿 alisman Spirit 鍣纴鍣纴宻trength 绋嶉€婅嚜璁や负娌°C湁宁屾湜鍙效姞涔嬩汉锛屼篃鏄兂瑕佽秮链烘崬涓娄竴绗斻 €


Liu Ming Immortal Dwelling 镄勫铡呬箣涓€

镆 纴杈涗簩浜 纴杈涗簩浜 纴杈涗簩浜    屽潗锛屼竴杈 屽潗锛屼竴杈 屽潗锛屼竴杈 屽潗锛屼竴杈 屽潗锛屼竴杈 鐏佃尪锛屼竴杈 鐏佃尪锛屼竴杈 鐏佃尪锛屼竴杈 鐏佃尪锛屼竴杈 鐏佃尪锛屼竴杈 鐏佃尪锛屼竴杈 鐏佃尪锛屼竴杈

鈥滃姝よ鏉ワ纴杈涘厔浼 箮瀵 娆¤祵鏂楅镒熷叴瓒 纴鍑嗗鎶ュ悕鍙 纴鍑嗗鎶ュ悕鍙 纴鍑嗗鎶ュ悕鍙 iu iu iu iu iu iu iu iu iu iu涓€鍙h尪姘达纴骞抽镄勮阆撱镄勮阆撱

ラ渶€ラ渶Spirit Stones 锛屽墠鐣﹄ 浜嗙 鏉 鏉 琛 琛 铦楀吔 瘨锛岃繛 瘨锛岃繛 瘨锛岃繛 瘨锛岃繛 钖庝竴镣 钖庝竴镣 钖庝竴镣 钖庝竴镣 钖庝竴镣 钖庝竴镣讳 锛岀幇鍦ㄥ疄鍦ㄦ槸锲娄腑缇炴 锛岀幇鍦ㄥ疄鍦ㄦ槸锲娄腑缇炴 銆傗 漍 漍 漍 漍 Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan

鈥沧娆¤祵鏂楁秹鍙婂埌South Sea 鍑犲ぇ锷垮姏浠剁殑鍒╃泭绾犺忆锛屽喅闱炶〃闱笂闾d箞绠€鍗旷殑锛屼綘鍙键冭槛娓呮浜嗐€傗€滚iu Ming 鐩厜闂姩镄勭湅浜嗙湅Xin Yuan 銆备笉缃彲钖》殑璇翠简涓€鍙ャ€

鈥淗ehe 锛屽彧鏄弬锷犺祵鏂枭othing more 銆傛垜杩樻槸 chain夎嚜淇“彲鍏ㄨ韩岄岄€镄勩€傗€漍in Yuan hearing this 鍝堜竴绗戠殑璇撮死銆

鈥滆緵鍏剆trength 锛宼his Liu 笉杩囨枟娉曟瘯绔熷嵄闄╋纴杩樻槸灏忓 笉杩囨枟娉曟瘯绔熷嵄闄╋纴杩樻槸灏忓 笂銆傗 笂銆傗 滚 滚 iu iu Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Yuan 涓€鍓娍鍦ㄥ繀寰楃殑镙峰瓙锛屼瓙锛屼涓嶅啀锷濋樆锛屽彧鏄井寰竴绗戠殑鎻愰啋浜嗗嚑鍙ャ€

鈥淏rother Liu 杩囧浜嗭纴浣爏trength 姣旀垜鍙自涓嶅急锛宒on鈥檛tell me 渚挎病鎯宠鍙效鍙 in Yuan 鍙d腑镊︻劧璋 “櫄浜嗗嚑鍙ワ纴suddenly 杩栾埇闂 杩栾埇闂 銆

鈥滃湪涓嫔嗳澶囧啀闂叧cultivation 涓 阒碉纴绛夋捣镄囦 阒碉纴绛夋捣镄囦 阒碉纴绛夋捣镄囦 涔嬫瘨褰诲簳椹 涔嬫瘨褰诲簳椹 粬 粬 粬 iu iu iu iu iu Ming 鍗磜Ithout the slightest hesitation

锷纴浣嗗叾 锷纴浣嗗叾 锷纴浣嗗叾 嬩腑鍗 缮鎷ユ湁涓嶅皯瀹濈墿銆傝嫢鐪熸兂鍙樼幇 缮鎷ユ湁涓嶅皯瀹濈墿銆傝嫢鐪熸兂鍙樼幇 缮鎷ユ湁涓嶅皯瀹濈墿銆傝嫢鐪熸兂鍙樼幇 缮鎷ユ湁涓嶅皯瀹濈墿銆傝嫢鐪熸兂鍙樼幇 Spirit Stones 镄勮瘽锛屽 掍篃涓嶆槸澶︷毦銆

Azure Carp Island 镞 棩涓嶅锛屽浜嶨 棩涓嶅锛屽浜嶨 old Jade Alliance 镄剆ituation 涔熷苟 chain湁oo 浜呜В锛屾€濋噺杩囧悗鍐畾杩樻槸涓嶈稛杩欐娴戞 button

Xin Yuan 瑙佹镊︻劧涔熶笉鍐嶅璇达纴宀斿紑璇濋涓嶭 iu Ming 鍙堥棽镵娄 鍑犲彞钖庯纴渚胯捣韬憡杈炶 鍑犲彞钖庯纴渚胯捣韬憡杈炶 屽幓銆


涓ゆ棩钖庯纴Azure Carp Island Assembly Altar 闄勮繎镄勪竴闂撮涓洪殣绉樼殑Immortal Dwelling 涓纴涓€骞 爞涓诲 high strong high level Guest Official 鍦ㄥ垰鍒 琛屽畲涓 娆 娆 皬鍨嬩氦鏄 皬鍨嬩氦鏄 钖庯纴 钖庯纴 钖庯纴 掍篃娌 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆 湁绔嫔嵆绂诲紑銆

Liu Ming 浠ュ强闾d竴寮€濮嫔紩鍏跺叆浼氱殑Wei Yun 锛岃 鐒 鐒 篃鍦ㄥ叾涓 €

杩戞绫诲皬鍨嬭仛浼氶绻侊纴Liu Ming 涔熻秮 哄皢 哄皢 哄皢 浜涙棤鐢ㄧ殑鏉愭枡鍑 浜涙棤鐢ㄧ殑鏉愭枡鍑 浜涙棤鐢ㄧ殑鏉愭枡鍑 浜涙棤鐢ㄧ殑鏉愭枡鍑Pirit Stones 銆 苟浠庤 苟浠庤 笉澶氱殑 笉澶氱殑 笉澶氱殑 笉澶氱殑 笉澶氱殑 acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon acon

姝ゅ埢锛孡iu Ming 姝d竴杈 湁涓 鍙ユ 鍙ユ 鍙ユ 鍙ョ殑韬梺镄刉 鍙ョ殑韬梺镄刉 Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬╠o two things at once 涔嬫湳锛屽惉镌€鍏朵粬浜洪棿镄勮皥璇濄€

Suddenly 浠栧 涓竴锷ㄣ 皢娉ㄦ剰锷涢泦涓埌浜嗗闱 皢娉ㄦ剰锷涢泦涓埌浜嗗闱 皢娉ㄦ剰锷涢泦涓埌浜嗗闱 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

鍙︼浜屼汉閮芥槸30-40 宀佹ā镙凤纴涓€浜鸿韩绌夸竴浠剁豢琚嶃€傛楠闱(五)様Key 纴鍙 竴浜哄嵈鏄竴涓︷昵鍙戞姭 ╃殑鍑 ╃殑鍑 ╃殑鍑

姝や袱浜洪瀛旈檶鐢熺殑寰堬纴搴旇鏄椈璁粠宀涘璧瀛旈檶鐢熺殑寰堬纴搴旇鏄椈璁粠宀涘璧舵潵镄刟dvanced level Deacon 锛屾晠Key屽湪鍏埚墠澶ф涔嬩腑涓 鐩 鐩 鐩 病 病 病 夊嚭鐜 夊嚭鐜 銆 銆

鈥沧潕鍏勶纴姝ゆ钖椈Association Leader 胯銮 胯銮 変笁鍗佷竾 変笁鍗佷竾 Spirit Stones 閰姵锛岃缮灏嗗ぇ寮€Secret Storehouse 锛屽彲阃夊彇涓変 瀹濈墿銆 粡杩涘叆杩嘐 粡杩涘叆杩嘐 粡杩涘叆杩嘐 粡杩涘叆杩嘐 粡杩涘叆杩嘐 粡杩涘叆杩嘐 粡杩涘叆杩嘐 Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind琚岖 琚岖 瀛愬悜澶撮檧濂 瀛愬悜澶撮檧濂 镄勬墦钖 镄勬墦钖 镄勬墦钖 镄勬墦钖 镄勬墦钖

涓 DDaoist Priest hearing this Hehe 绗戜 涓 澹 澹 澹 纴 纴 纴 纴 澹 澹 澹 煶锛屽悜缁胯鐢 瓙灏忓 瓙灏忓 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮

鈥沧垜涔熷彧鏄綋骞存浛Association Leader 锷炰簨锛屾晠Key 屾湁骞歌繘鍏ヨ繘鍏ヨ涓娆娆纴浣嗗綋镞纴浣嗗綋镞粨粨冧箣闂冧箣闂苟苟苟嬶纴鍙栧畲thing 涔嫔悗涔熶 绂诲幓浜嗐 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 € € 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴 笉杩囧嵆渚垮彧鏄寙鍖嗕竴鐬ワ纴侪璁 笉宸蹭 笉宸蹭 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 瀹濈墿鍏 瀹濈墿鍏 瀹濈墿鍏 瀹濈墿鍏 篃 it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it犲 涔嬬墿銆 涔嬬墿銆 苟涓旓纴鍏 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 腑杩樻湁鍑犳牱 〔 €[€

鈥滆繛鏉庡厔濡傛 佸璇嗗 佸璇嗗 涔嬩 涔嬩 涔熸棤娉曡瘑鍒纴镊︻劧鏄ソ 涔熸棤娉曡瘑鍒纴镊︻劧鏄ソ 涔熸棤娉曡瘑鍒纴镊︻劧鏄ソ 浜嗭紒 浜嗭紒 涔堬纴蹇粰鎴戣 涔堬纴蹇粰鎴戣璇 傗 傗 濈豢琚岖 瀛恏 瀛恏 瀛恏 瀛恏 瀛恏 瀛恏 瀛恏 not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not

鈥淗ehe 锛屽湪涓嬭璇嗕竴鑸纴娌’han 鐪 鐪 杩囩殑 杩囩殑 杩囩殑 镊︻劧鏁 镊︻劧鏁 絾鏄叾涓嚑浠讹纴鍦ㄤ 絾鏄叾涓嚑浠讹纴鍦ㄤ 絾鏄叾涓嚑浠讹纴鍦ㄤ 絾鏄叾涓嚑浠讹纴鍦ㄤ笅鍗充锲炲幓镆ラ槄浜嗘墍锲炲幓镆ラ槄浜嗘墍塧ncient book 锛岀珶鐒懒缮鏄椾簲鑹茬熆鐭冲拰涓拰涓鎴﹄綋琛ㄩ亶鎴﹄綋琛ㄩ亶冧簲鑹瞫pirit mark 镄勯摱绔癸纴渚挎槸棰囦负濂囨€﹂€[€[€濆ご闄€琚ソ鍙嬩竴鎹т箣涓嬶纴闱笂cannot help but 暗 箣涓嬶纴闱笂 涓濇磱娲嬭嚜寰椾箣鑹诧纴鐣ュ 涓濇磱娲嬭嚜寰椾箣鑹诧纴鐣ュ 涓濇磱娲嬭嚜寰椾箣鑹诧纴鐣ュ 涓濇磱娲嬭嚜寰椾箣鑹诧纴鐣ュ 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙鍏朵粙缁嶈捣鏉ャ€

浜屼汉璋堣瘽铏 Borrowing partner 煶寰堣 iu Ming鈥檚寮哄ぇmental power 锛岃嚜鐒跺惉镄勪竴娓呬簩妤氥€

褰 腑骞碊 腑骞碊 aoist Priest 鎻愬埌鈥滈摱绔 濆 濆 濆 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 弿杩 弿杩 弿杩 弿杩 弿杩 鎯娿

鈥滈茕Fellow Daoist 锛屼袱浣嶅爞涓 纴鍦ㄤ笅 纴鍦ㄤ笅 濅竴蹇靛 濅竴蹇靛 濅竴蹇靛 濅竴蹇靛 姝わ纴 Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming熷彛锛屼 绂诲紑浜嗗 绂诲紑浜嗗 绂诲紑浜嗗 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al

Wei Yun 绛変汉铏界劧瑙夊缑 chain 夌偣镒忓锛屼絾鍙尳鐣欎 鍑犲彞钖庯纴涔熷 鍑犲彞钖庯纴涔熷 鍑犲彞钖庯纴涔熷 鍑犲彞钖庯纴涔熷 鍑犲彞钖庯纴涔熷 鍑犲彞钖庯纴涔熷 鍑犲彞钖庯纴涔熷


褰揕iu Ming 鏂 mm Immortal Dwelling 锛屼 浜岃瘽涓嶈镄勭珛鍒 繘鍏 ecret room 涔嬩腑骞剁洏鑶濆潗涓嬶纴both eyes 绱ч棴璧潵銆

The performance is the same as the ivine Consciousness Sea, but the ball of light is awarded to the ball of light and the mental power.簻婧滆 簻婧滆 锷ㄧ殑鍖栦 涓 贰 贰 戣壊 戣壊 戣壊 戣壊 戣壊 戣壊 ancient book 銆

姝f槸闾f湰Great Astral Sword Technique ancient book 锛屼竴 撹 撹 屽紑钖庯纴渚 屽紑钖庯纴渚 镄勭炕锷ㄨ 镄勭炕锷ㄨ 镄勭炕锷ㄨ 屽紑銆侺 Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Word 腑 chain chain Sword Embryo Spirit 镄勯儴鍒嗘潵銆

Great Astral Sword Technique ancient book 鍓嶅昆閮ㄥ垎璇 inch殑镊︻劧鏄疓reat Astral Sword Embryo 镄勫哜缁冧箣娉曪纴Key屽悗鍗婇儴鍒嗗嵈璇 inch殑鏄拰Sword Embryo The Spirit chain is wide open

Emb 腑灏 腑灏 腑灏 Emb Emb word Embryo Spirit 鎯咃纴 鎯咃纴 cultivator 鏄棤娉曞啀鍑濈粨鍑篏 reat Astral Sword Embryo 杩欐牱镄勬櫘阃歋Word Embryo 浜嗭纴浣嗗彲浠ュ埆璧 亸阌嬶纴阃氲 Emb 浜涚 nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor Emb Emb Emb Emb word Embryo Spirit 銆

杩椤嚑绉峉Word Embryo Spirit 锲犱 镓 鐢ㄦ潗鏂椤拰鍩 鐢ㄦ潗鏂椤拰鍩 鐢ㄦ潗鏂椤拰鍩 Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb 屽彲浠ヨ 屽彲浠ヨ 屽彲浠ヨ簩娆”哜缁揝word Embryo 鍑 鍑

鍙槸unorthodox Sword Embryo gallium 鐢ㄦ潗鏂檞orld 灏戞湁锛宨n addition 鍩 偛璧 偛璧 Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb Emb綍 変 変 铡诲煿 铡诲煿 € € € € € 笉杩囦竴镞 笉杩囦竴镞 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 兘璁 兘璁 兘璁 兘璁 兘璁 兘璁 兘璁 兘璁€

Keychain chain 珿reat Astral Sword Scripture 涓婏纴灏辫杞 鍏 鍏 鍏 腑涓 绉嵝 绉嵝 ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞 竴镞皢鍏剁鍏rue flying sword 涔嬩腑钖庯纴鍙flying sword 鑻ラ殣鑻ョ幇锛屾潵镞犲 铡 铡 铡 晫浜庢棤褰 五 五 (5) 棿銆

Emb 簬鍑濈粨姝 簬鍑濈粨姝 word Embryo gallium 鐢ㄤ箣鏉愭枡锛屽嵈鏄竴绉嶅悕鍙 淰 淰 Bamboo Bamboo bamboo 鈥濈殑鐗 畩鏉愭枡锛屽嵈鏄叾钖篃 chain 浘钖 镄勬潗鏂欙纴鐢氲呖 镄勬潗鏂欙纴鐢氲呖 勭劧澶 巺绗戞剰 巺绗戞剰

Key 宎ncient book 涓婂悓镙锋弿缁桦嚭浜嗘鏉愭枡镄勭敾 嚭浜嗘鏉愭枡镄勭敾 est uest Official 鍙d腑鎻愬瀛愪竴鑸棤浜岀殑镙峰瓙銆

鈥渄on鈥檛tell me 闾f埅 threshold 壊绔 壊绔 瓙褰撶湡渚挎槸 Void Bamboo 锛熲€滚iu Ming 鍏埚墠镞╁凡灏咷 reat Astral Sword Technique 鍐呭镡熻杩囨暟阆嶏纴濡 粖浠庝腑镙 粖浠庝腑镙 疄浜嗕竴鐣悗锛屽 疄浜嗕竴鐣悗锛屽 疄浜嗕竴鐣悗锛屽 疄浜嗕竴鐣悗锛屽 疄浜嗕竴鐣悗锛屽 疄浜嗕竴鐣悗锛屽

A 綋鍒濓纴浠栫殑 Great Astral Sword Embryo 闱 (1)  Sea Monster Sovereign 揩锛屾棤濂堜箣涓媠 揩锛屾棤濂堜箣涓媠 揩锛屾棤濂堜箣涓媠 elf-exploding 姣佸幓锛屼 寰椾竴韬 寰椾竴韬 Chain ▉鑳 ▉鑳 鏄ぇ 鏄ぇ 撴姌 gallium 撴姌 o 纴鍑犱箮鍦⊿ word Dao 涔嬩笂渚胯姝 (two) 浜庢浜嗐 €

A chain塆reat Astral Sword Scripture 杩欓“阒剁殑Dao of Sword Cultivator 锛岃嫢涓嶈兘鐪熸cultivation 锛屽 涓仐鎲 涓仐鎲 彲鎯 彲鎯 彲鎯 彲鎯 岀煡銆

姣旷珶Ye Tianmei 浠rystal Transformation Initial Stage cultivation base Transformation 昵鍓 昵鍓 Transformation Transformation Crystal Transformation Late Stage Expert 閮 笉鏁 笉鏁 (3) ‖鎸 叾阌嬭姃镄勫 叾阌嬭姃镄勫Signing rudder 皵锷匡纴鍙粰鍏剁暀涓嬩 鏋佸叾娣卞埢镄勫嵃璞 鏋佸叾娣卞埢镄勫嵃璞€

濡 粖寰楃煡灏氭湁 轰 轰 鍐嶆鍑濈粌 word Sword Embryo Spirit 锛岃槠鐒跺彧鏄竴绾垮笇 chain 涳纴浣嗗 璁╀粬澶 璁╀粬澶 枩杩囨湜浜嗐 枩杩囨湜浜嗐€

姣旷珶浠栧彧瑕佹湁瓒婂己澶х殑strength 锛屾墠鑳 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢 缭璇佽嚜宸卞湪浠婂悗镄刢

鈥滆嫢鑳 哜缁冨嚭 哜缁冨嚭 Sumeru Void Sword 锛屼 鏄圹鎷呬竴浜涢闄╀篃鏄 缑镄勩 缑镄勩 缑镄勩 缑镄勩 傗 傗 iu Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming纴 chain 缁埚喅瀹 缁埚喅瀹 缁埚喅瀹 缁埚喅瀹 篃瑕佸弬锷犺


A few days later.

杩椤嚑镞ュ湪宀涗笂浼犳壃镄勬 娌 壃 壃 殑璧屾枟阃夋嫈缁堜簬鎷夊紑浜嗗阜骞曪纴 殑璧屾枟阃夋嫈缁堜簬鎷夊紑浜嗗阜骞曪纴 殑璧屾枟阃夋嫈缁堜簬鎷夊紑浜嗗阜骞曪纴 Eternal Wind Association Assembly Altar 镞佺殑镆愬鍒嗘鍐咃纴鎯 鍙 鍙 姞阃夋嫈涔嬩 姞阃夋嫈涔嬩 姞阃夋嫈涔嬩 姞阃夋嫈涔嬩 闄嗙 闄嗙

“Brother Liu, I didn’t expect you to come too. It’s very good! Isn’t it necessary to close the cultivation?” Xin Yuan, who just finished his name, accidentally saw Liu Ming in the hall. He was first stunned and then surprised and happy.

“Under the original, I was so planning, but I thought about it. After all, I couldn’t resist the temptation of the 300,000 Spirit Stones.” Liu Ming naturally wouldn’t tell Xin Yuan the truth, and replied vaguely.

“Hehe, in this case, the two places in this gambling will naturally not escape the hands of both of you and me.” Xin Yuan Hehe smiled and asked Liu Ming’s perfunctory words.

Next, after the two talked a few more words, Liu Ming gave a first-hand punch.


Half a month’s time, naturally passed by.

On this day, on a small island near Azure Carp Island, between the two small peaks, a huge platform like the martial arts field, two large-scale platforms are being placed at this moment.

In the middle of the ring, a blue black robe and an Eternal Wind Association Association Leader Feng Zhan wearing a sapphire crown are standing still. Their behind are their female style and the Disciple Wei Zhong of the Five Spirit Sect.

Around it, there is a lot of people standing in the east. It is obvious that the internal selection not only made the Eternal Wind Association’s guest official have come to a grand event, but at the same time also attracted a lot of low Level disciple, I also want to open my eyes and join in the fun.

For a time, the crowds at the trials were crowded and lively. (To be continued, please search h astronomical W, the novel is better updated faster!

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