Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 021

In order to facilitate the care of the second princess, the more than 30 maids all ate in the order of shifts, and there was no collective meal action. I waited in the room for a while, and soon it was the turn of the four of the idiots to eat.

"Three, now the situation outside is very complicated. If there is nothing to do, it is better to pay attention to a little self-protection."

Before the meal, the maid Minnie said something wary with a serious expression. But this is also normal. After all, that kind of assassination had just happened, and there was nothing suspicious of her fear.

The idiot took Little Bread by the hand and followed Minnie to the restaurant. Behind him were Gan Nan, who had just returned from the special fuck, and Jones who had been missing for a while and appeared again.

"This is the meal vouchers for the five of us. After entering, we can show it to the person in charge. Then we can order freely. According to the lady's request, we can order appetizer, soup, two main dishes and A dessert and a drink. You can choose whatever you like to eat."

Minnie handed the meal coupons, and the idiot thought about it, then took two of her and the bread. Secretly glanced behind them, Jones and Gan Piao had already taken their meal coupons. First followed Minnie into the restaurant.

The hotel’s restaurant is generously decorated without sacrificing dignity, and the air is full of charming food aromas. Many hotel guests are eating by candlelight at the moment, talking to each other, to talk about the commotion that just happened.

"Five ladies, please go here."

The waiter came up to greet her, and Minnie, who was in the lead, smiled very decently, and led everyone into the table. The waiter pulled the chair away, and after serving the five of them to sit down, he took out the order book and distributed one to the four people except the bread.

"Five ladies, what do you want to eat?"

The idiot glanced at the attentive waiter, lowered his head, and looked at the order list in his hand. While pretending to order, he secretly raised his head and looked at the three women in front of him.

First of all, it is Gan Nan.

"Yeah" The appetizer comes with this honey duck tongue. For the soup, choose the pea cream soup. As the main course, give me a half-ripe steak and sliced ​​roast duck. For dessert, give me a blueberry pie. The drink is...please give me a glass of soda. "

This girl should not be a mad dog, because she has not only been naked in front of her, but also has the experience of being threatened by the enemy without making any resistance. At that moment, she would really fall into a situation where she would be killed anytime, anywhere. As long as the assassin's hands are tight, he can restrain her and let her breathe.


Thinking about it now, all of these theories must be built on a foundation to be established. That is, "Mad Dog" is not a master of empty-handed fighting.

If it is a master of empty-handed fighting, even if there is no weapon, it will not prevent him from protecting the princess. And she is the maid that Kong Meng first hired, and she has an intimate relationship that is so close as to take a bath with her. If she is a mad dog, such an intimate bodyguard is indeed the most convenient.

In addition, there are a few unnatural things in her body that make herself very concerned.

The idiot turned his head and looked at the maid, Minnie, who was sitting next to him.

"Well, please give me a vegetable salad, the soup is egg drop soup, and the main course, please give me two canned meat for lunch. For dessert, give me an egg pudding. Drink" water is good. "Are you used to it? I like to eat simple, easy-to-cook food.

The idiot stared at Minnie, who was serious and sitting on the seat, watching her every move.

Among all women, there is no girl who has been naked, and this maid is one of them. She said that she was born from an ordinary military family, and she had not received a formal military training and had only an intermediate level of skill.

However, she is the chief maid. It is often ordered by Temeng. One of the people who can often contact the princess.

So, did Temen simply choose her to be the maid chief because of her serious character, who can take charge of the work of all maids? Or. Is it deliberately delegating power to her so that she can freely deploy any manpower that can be deployed in order to protect herself and act cheaply?

Now, when the "mad dog" sees death and cannot help, and is very likely to rebel, she is understandable even if she does not stand up to protect Ning Cao from the danger just now.

So in the end, it is the last lady who is full of mystery, "Miss Jones who is in charge of financial calculations."

"I, scallion skewers, milk. A custard egg burger, please give me a cone ice cream for dessert. No soup, I just need milk."

Jones leaned back in his chair, placed the order list on his lap, leaned his back against the edge of the table, and finished his order. Then asked the waiter to take away the order and sit quietly and silently. But this didn't make the idiot lose the gaze that was staring at her, staring at her.

Jones in charge of financial management? Joe, "Is it? Just...Kouyang...8.0...Yushu concave body clam!

In Xiezhou, from the area where Mijia is in charge, she is the least likely to be connected with the squeezer. In fact, she rarely sees any connection between her and the lemon. At first glance, it seems to be a distance. Meng is the farthest and least likely to be that "mad dog"

However, it is precisely such a small person who seems to be completely inconspicuous, but he is currently one of the only two girls who have not been able to see the nude. Whether she would put the weapon aside, without any defense at all, is far from confirmed.

And among the three women present, this girl had a very suspicious move. It should be the first time I met the member of the Shadow of Gray, the leader named Libeklie. Why did she intertwined and talked with each other?

And in that alley, if she hadn't entered Temeng's bath on the side, where did she disappear again?

The idiot held the ordering book and looked sharply at the three "companions" after ordering the meal. They did not talk to each other, but all sat quietly and waited for the meal. With the help of the ordering list, it seemed that the idiot's peep was completely ignored.

It's... terrible

Now, not only has not been able to see through the "mad dog" successfully, but there is also a "betrayer" in this team for no reason. Judging from the fact that the mad dog did not show up for rescue when Temeng was attacked, the betrayer and There is a high probability that a mad dog is the same person. But if Ran Shi's mad dog was entangled because of something else and there is no chance of rescue, then who would this betrayer be?

"Miss, what would you like to eat?"

The idiot kept thinking about things, so he never responded to the waiter standing next to him. Finally, the waiter waited a little longer, and said a little embarrassingly.

what. "

The idiot woke up and ordered a few random items on the menu. Little Bread was very excited to take a look at that. It took a long time to order a few dishes and leave them to the waiter. However, the idiot knew that the dishes he ordered were not destined to enter his stomach.

In this crisis-ridden environment",

"By the way, it's really late for us to eat. It's almost time to eat."

See the other three. The girl didn't speak, and the idiot took the lead in talking about it after thinking about it.

"Ah, ah, yes. It's really late. So, my stomach is groaning with hunger."

Gan Nan smiled and nodded at the idiot. But after seeing Minnie who was next to her without the slightest hungry expression, she couldn't help but said with some envy.

"The maid, are you not hungry at all?"

"What are you talking about."

Minnie helped her forehead and said solemnly: "As a soldier, you should have the consciousness that you will be hungry at any time. For work, there is no way."

What Minnie said was very generous, but what embarrassed her was that these big talks became awkward. The sound of hungry came from her belly, adding a shy blush to the maid's original serious face.

Work, eh? So to say,,?

"Minnie, what do you mean by work?"

The idiot asked.

"Ah, I'm serving the lady for dinner." In order to cover up her embarrassment, Minnie finally smiled and said, the lady was watching the performance in the hotel and was too lazy to do it. I have to feed my lady bite by bite. "

Oh, it's really a stubborn princess whose clothes come to reach out and open her mouth

The idiot ignored Dim Mie's teasing, but bowed his head and stopped talking. Just at this time, the food was brought up round by round, and the three people around the table began to eat leisurely. It was the idiot who frowned slightly in order to deal with the food in front of him.


Little Bread sat on a raised seat next to the idiot, gently pulled the idiot's clothes, and pointed to the food in front of him. Just now, she and the idiot had bought several noodles on the street outside and stuffed them into her stomach, so she was not hungry at all. Regarding the food in front of me, I seem to be hesitating how to deal with it.

It is definitely not enough to eat.

So what we need to do now is,

"It seems that I still can't eat it

The idiot shook his head and pushed away the food in front of him. I said after seeing the other three women looking at me

"My one is here, my appetite is not very good. And that happened just now" Can't eat anything. Let's eat for three, I'll go to the toilet. "

After that, he pulled up the bun and walked to the women's toilet on the side. After the three women looked at the idiot and the bun, they only asked a few words of concern. Without further obstruction, left.

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