Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 065

…What a hot summer. Will eventually disappear ※

Soon, the golden autumn in October replaced the festival in September, letting the smell of wheat fragrance float in the air.

There was a lot of fun. The sacred grace of the moon finally restored its tranquility, and everything began to slowly get on track.

Yes, step into the right

Sitting in the wheelchair, the idiot opened his eyes and looked at his right arm after a moment of contemplation.

The right arm began to flip. The whole right hand can gradually be closed and made into a fist.

The body sensation that had disappeared for more than half a year began to sprout again, allowing this body that had slept for too long to welcome the upcoming moment of release.

Slowly", the idiot stood up.

His footsteps are vain, and he can basically be seen as unable to stand alone.

Mi Li supported him to prevent the idiot from falling. Under the golden sunlight, the girl silently supported the idiot who gradually began to adapt to the body, helping him do some simple rehabilitation.

Well, it seems normal movement is fine. But what about power?

Want to measure?

There is no power.

The idiot can feel that he can only make some simple movements, but he can't clenched his right hand. It seems that there is still a long time before a complete recovery. At least" the one-year period will never fall.

Holding the idiot in Mili, she jumped off the platform. At the moment she landed, the single wing behind her opened and the black wings flapped slightly. With a gentle air current, the idiot landed on the ground steadily.

Mili folded her wings, supported the idiot, leaned on the Dulan trunk, and sat down. After confirming that the idiot was really fine, the girl quit quietly and returned to the tree house to start cleaning.

The afternoon sun. Always seem so comfortable"

The light spots fell through the leaves of the dulan tree, which was still green, and speckled reflections on the yellow grass. Looking around, the small forest is full of green, yellow, red and other colors at the same time. Full interpretation of the breath of autumn.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, the idiot looked at his right hand again, and slowly made a fist.

Since it's useless to be anxious, don't worry. The idiot exhaled and looked away with a flat face. There, a fence was erected between the originally chaotic trees. Inside the fence, there are flowers and plants that have been carefully cared for, forming a small garden.

"La la la

Tolan took the scissors and walked back and forth among the flowers. Looking at the flowers that bloom in autumn, he seems to be in a good mood. Wherever there are extra branches and leaves, he will carefully cut them off. Then gently put it in the pocket you carry with you. After a while, after the construction is completed, take a small hole dug out in advance on the side, put these broken branches and fallen leaves into it, and bury it by yourself.

Ah, so poor. "

Hearing Tolan's voice, the idiot opened his eyes. I saw Tolan squatting under the shade of a tree, his face full of worry and compassion. Take a closer look, and there is a bunch of white chrysanthemums that just sprout under the shade of the tree. After thinking about it, Tolanto returned to the shed immediately. In a hurry, she walked out together with the small bread, holding his homemade flowerpot and shovel in her hand.

"Come to the little master, let's move it somewhere."

Tolan smiled and squatted happily next to Baiju. Xiao Bao also nodded "um" and watched him carefully dig up the white chrysanthemum with a shovel and put it in the flowerpot.

Under the afternoon sun, the long light blue hair was draped casually.

The hair that touched the ground was stained with a little dust, but it didn't look dirty. On the contrary, Tolan, who was smiling there, felt fresh out of thin air.

After installing the white chrysanthemum, Tolan walked into her homemade garden with Little Bread and placed the flowers in a sunny place. After putting it away, Tolan frowned when he looked at the poor sunlight in this courtyard, and then at the towering trees above his head. Then, he pulled the small bread away, took a deep breath, and began to bow to every big tree around.

"I'm sorry. I know you have the right to enjoy the sun, and I also know that my forced request is too rude. However, I still hope you can forgive me for what I will do next. After all, I want every life They can all have the right to enjoy the sun, and they can spend their short lives without complaints."

After speaking, bow.

Just when the idiot was thinking about what Toran was going to do, the death knight suddenly pulled out two blood reds from his waist, and his whole person rose like fireworks.

No, that's not as fast as fireworks. Rather, it slowly rises into the air with a soft breath.

In that short-lived air, two reds are like two soft ribbons dancing between the green leaves. It looks like a carefully crafted dance, a dance party that encourages nature.

With a few soft noises, the branches covering the top of the garden broke. With a beautiful figure, Tolan quickly hugged the broken branches into his arms in the air, and fell gently and skillfully. When he landed, the piece of sunlight that was too stingy now showed its gentleness generously, illuminating the entire garden. Tolan put down the tree skills in his hand, stretched out the slender Bai Zhe's fingers, and gently touched the small white chrysanthemum.

"Come on. You have to grow up and bloom beautiful flowers

It's just that the young chrysanthemum swaying with the breeze seems to be responding. But Tolan, who had eaten the wind, was now covering his mouth and began to cough non-stop.

The red blood drops flying with his cough,

It's incredible, isn't it?

Almost every host before you will find it incredible. Think he can't bear the name of "devil" at all.

Oh, interesting. Having said that, there are only less than four months left before February next year. If you want him to stay by your side, you'd better find a way to kill him immediately during these four months. Now you are able to move, I guess in another month or two, you should have no problem holding me tight. Then, as long as he relaxes for a moment and pierces the sword through his heart, everything will be resolved.

Over there, Tolan was still coughing violently.

A few drops of scarlet blood were printed on his white skin, which looked like two completely different substances repelling each other.

He coughed very hard.

Although in the past six months, he will try his best to choose places that he can't see every time. But the idiot knew that his seizures had become more frequent compared to six months ago. Uncomfortable time, also

Little Bread ran into the thatched house anxiously and took out the medicine for treating lung disease. At the same time she also fetched a glass of water. Tolan endured the pain, poured out the medicine, and drank the water. After a long time, a little blood finally appeared on his skin, which was whiter than any girl. The chest also began to rise and fall normally.

To be honest, even though he has been with me for so many years, I still feel confused about the attitude of this loyal dog on this point of life.

He is a death knight. It is the devil who controls the world after death. But why is it that a demon like him has such respect for life? Doesn't he feel uncomfortable? Every time I am sick. Wouldn't it be more comfortable and stronger to die earlier?

Oh, I knew that I would not answer nine out of ten times I spoke to you. "By the way, I remember. You said before that in the fourth sword one romance, there are also some descriptions of demons?

Haha, talk to me. Let me know what kind of understanding does the creator of this swordsmanship have about the devil? Is it a virtue with me?

The idiot closed his eyes, and in an instant, the numbered musical notation of the Fourth Sword appeared before his eyes. But this time he didn't look at the picture, but let the text annotation next to the notation zoom in and zoom in. He began to look at the sword intent that he had already seen.


The name of the sword move is strange. The annotations are also very strange.

The name of this sword is obviously not like the first three swords, it can more or less show the original face of the sword. For example, Shu represents the limit of speed. Insects make a sound. Xia Lan is even more of an image, a storm of swords. But "love affair?" Do you need "love affair" when pushing this sword?

OK, OK, don't think alone! Hurry up and show me the sword intent? So let me know how the creator of this set of swordsmanship integrated the devil into the swordsmanship?

The idiot in the darkness raised his head and looked at the sword intent. After a pause, he began to read.

This is not so much a sword intent as it is a story.

A long time ago, there was something wrong. Beautiful and rich country. The king and queen of such a beautiful country are very affectionate. In the crystallization of their love, there is a daughter named Manafi.

Princess Manafei is very much loved by the king and queen. Because she is empathetic and knows the cold and warmth, her brothers and sisters, princes and ministers, and even ordinary people like her very much. Every day, every day, Princess Manafei grew up in such a happy life.

In a blink of an eye, the princess was almost sixteen years old. She is beautiful, and the moon in the beautiful sky must be shy to avoid it. The nearby kings and princes heard that there was such a young and beautiful princess, and they came forward to propose.

However, the king loved Princess Manafi too much. I always don't want to let the princess marry so quickly, and marry away from others. Because of such constant rejection, Princess Manafi's beautiful reputation has spread farther and farther. Finally, it reached the ears of the devil.

The devil heard that humans have such a beautiful princess, so he wanted to see for himself whether this princess was well-deserved. Therefore, on the princess's sixteenth birthday, the devil pretended to be a human being and came to meet the princess.

Originally, the devil intended to laugh at the princess's vulgar fan and kill her. But that night, on that side, the devil fell in love with Princess Manafi sincerely. I swear to marry the princess back.

The devil began to propose marriage, but who wants to marry a demon?

In the face of the devil's pursuit, Princess Manafi refused in every way. Even speaking, the power of the devil can only occupy her body, but can never hold her heart.

The devil decided that he would not use the power of the devil on Princess Manafi throughout his life. He wants to win the princess's favor with integrity. At the same time, he has to prove that he is the one who loves the most princess in the world.

So, how can we prove this love?

The devil made a decision one

Kill all those who love the princess. Then, didn't he become the princess's favorite? So the devil began to act.

He killed the king and queen who loved the princess the most, and then asked the princess, am I the one that I love the most?

The princess shook her head.

Then, the devil killed all the princess's brothers and sisters, and asked the princess, will anyone in the world love you more than me?

The princess nodded.

Then, the devil slaughtered all the princes Da Ran. After still unable to convince the princess that she loved her more than anyone else, she began to kill everything in that beautiful and rich country. people.

In an instant, the beautiful and rich country became a dead city. The devil asked the princess again, now I should always be the one who loves you most in the world.

But the beautiful princess still shook her head, tears made of blood swirling in her eyes.

The devil kept his promise. He did not persecute the princess, but continued to work hard to prove his love. He began to conquer any country that had proposed to the princess before and killed the kings and princes, subjects and people of those countries. He always came to ask the princess hopefully every time. Have you become like this? The person who loves her most in the world. But every time, he returned with disappointment, thinking hard about who else in this world loves the beautiful Princess Manafi more than himself.

Therefore, the devil kept killing, in order to carry out the love in his heart, he kept killing. Finally one day, he finally became the person who loved the princess in the world.


Because in the whole world, the only thing that still preserves life is the princess.

The devil came to the princess happily, pointed to the continent that had fallen into silence, and asked the princess again whether he was the one who loved her most. This time, the princess nodded.

With blood and tears, the blind princess nodded.

The story is over here.

Obviously, this sword is obviously different from the first three swords, which directly specifies how to move. Because of this, the idiot will watch the sword intent several times, and when he thinks he can't understand it, he will put it on the shelf and concentrate on studying the action of the doll in the picture. In any case, the puppet will move and actually make a sword. Compared to the sword intent that was not understood, it was easier to study too much.

ECH is closed.

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