Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 075

Bu flowers bloomed in the air, and the deafening sound and colorful colors continued to empty.

All corners of the city are filled with the sound of bagpipes and violins, and people who revel in music and dance wear masks. Feel free to vent your daily depression and fatigue.

Tonight is an indulgent preparation. It's also a joyous, lively night" isn't it?

The idiot looked at the pale pupils in front of him. After a long time, he put the king back in his hand. Almost at the same time, the two adjusted the clock on their hands. After adjusting, the two began to look at each other again.


Perhaps the surrounding environment is very noisy.

But, around them. It's quiet and terrible,

According to the first-hand principle. The bandage boy walked first. He squeezed the soldier carved in the shape of a humanoid and took two steps. In response, the idiot picked up the sealed knight and leaped out.

Quiet confrontation, without the slightest spark of tit-for-tat. The two of them seemed to be playing their own chess, and ignored the opponent's tactics.

But can such a peaceful situation last forever?

The answer is of course impossible.

"Your strength, but so."

The idiot raised the castle, and where it fell, he had begun to threaten the bishop of the bandage boy. Subsequently. Spit out these words with a slight contempt.

The fool raised his head and looked at the man with the iron mask in front of him. At this moment, the man with the iron mask was also looking at himself. The contempt and mockery in his eyes are superficial and conspicuous.

According to the general principles of chess, an idiot must never let the Iron Masked eat his bishop. In this case, one's own combat effectiveness at the bevel will decrease a lot. Moreover, it will make the opponent's castle fall into a state where there is no child to resist in a short time.

Yes, under normal theory, let the bishop avoid it. Seems to be the most correct choice,

Is he despising me? Is it because you have an advantage and you start to be arrogant and arrogant? ,

The fool kept staring at the black pupils in front of him. It seems that looking at the opponent's eyes is far more important than the chess game played.

unconfirmed. Since it is not certain. It's better to try him first to see if he is really arrogant or arouses me. )

The fool picked up the bishop and took a step back. Afterwards, he said gently

"Yes, I play chess very poorly. Please play, be merciful."

He avoided

The chessboard is the battlefield.

This is the first impression of an idiot when he comes into contact with something like chess.

No matter how bad the form is and how tragic the situation is, as long as the opponent's cowardly king can be successfully defeated, the final victory can be achieved.

On the chessboard, any pride, arrogance, excitement and emotions can be fatal before the moment that decides the outcome. These feelings will hinder the leader's calm thinking and unknowingly step into the trap set by the other party.

Yes, trap,

A game of chess is not just a technical battle.

As long as people are playing chess, there must be feelings.

Whether it is on the battlefield or on the chessboard, as long as you can successfully read the opponent's feelings, then victory is not far away.

Now, the bandage boy avoided.

At the same time, he also said a word of weakness.

So what does this sentence mean? Is he really weak, is he really cowardly?


(Are you testing me?)

(Quietly. It must be.)

(Just now I deliberately agitated you, you behaved very calmly. If you are an ordinary person, you will face this kind of person with no stern expression, and secretly compete "I must beat you, and let you shut up" will also Stare at the board carefully, don't miss any step.)

(However, you have never looked at the board since just now. This shows that you are very clear that you are not a purely technical opponent, but a")

(An expert who understands psychological warfare and traps.

The idiot thought over, and immediately set the tactical positioning of the bandage boy in front of him. Starting from this Xuan, he will no longer be any contempt for the other party. There will be no more relaxation. He knew very well that he was definitely not a simple opponent in front of him. A little careless. May fall into the abyss of death.

Chess pieces, fighting back and forth on the board.

They are very slow, almost every step will use the timer to the last second.


The two men thought, staring at each other. Trying to figure it out. After other people's chess game has ended, their chessboard seems to have just begun.

(Can't stick, it's better)

The idiot glanced at the chessboard, then glanced at the opposite pair of eyes. After thinking for a moment. He suddenly picked up the queen and rushed directly into White's camp. This trick seems powerful. But at the moment the idiot settled, the pale pupils of the bandage boy expanded a little in an instant.


Before his queen was able to slaughter my camp,...Yueqi Ten would instead fall directly on my Fengjiao's habit because no one saw it. Sixth, he didn’t notice this, and fell into the wrong situation. Is it? I slammed the bishop in and devoured his knights. Then, within three steps, my bishop could not pose any threat and be isolated.

Three steps, in other words, I want to turn my attention to this one, wasting three steps. Can I put my bishop back into combat? ,

Time is too long. Idiot waiting, watching,

He expects the other side to go deep into his own war zone. The black knight who devoured himself. In order to lead three steps, he did not hesitate to contribute to a knight. Is this great gift not enough?

However, the result he was waiting for was ignored by the bandage man. Using this only one step, he mobilized his own chess pieces to connect any chess pieces that the Black Queen could attack end to end, making the idiot queen a decoration, useless.

Temptation, speculation, avoidance, counter temptation. Anti-guessing. Avoid again.

From the beginning to the present, the two men have been stuck in a stalemate on the battlefield, except for occasionally devouring the opposing pawn.

They looked at each other, constantly showing weakness and changing traps. On this mere chessboard, there was a fight that only the two of them knew clearly!


The sky, which was originally filled with fireworks, suddenly thundered. The rain in summer is pouring down like a young girl's fickle mood.

The chess players on the square noticed the rain. Whether it was victory or loss, they all yelled and covered their heads with their hands, and quickly ran under the eaves of the shops on the edge of the square.


There were two people, but they didn't seem to care about the rain at all, they were still sitting there. In those black and white pupils, the only thing that could be seen was the opponent and the chessboard that had been soaked in rain.


Little Bread squatting beside the idiot stretched out his hand, trying to pull the idiot. But suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky, which shocked the girl.

At this moment Mi Li ran over. She wanted to call out when she saw the idiot, but the idiot's black and deep pupils caused her to swallow all the voice that came to her mouth. She had no choice but to pull the bread first, and hid under the eaves of the nearby shop with Xingli and others.

At this moment, the rain began to pour down formally.

The huge square was filled with rain in an instant, under the yellow chandeliers across the square, showing the crazy side of nature.

It seems even crazier to those who hide from the rain. There was nothing more than the two who were sitting in the torrential rain, all wet, but still playing chess.

The battle is open.

With the moment the dark soldiers rushed into the white camp first, the game really started.

The pale pupils lifted up the queen and killed a soldier who dared to invade the palace. At the moment of landing, heaven

However, in the sky above this game of chess, is there only Randian raging?

Do not.

When the black legion controlled by idiots began their conquest, the rain that fell unknowingly turned into dark snow flakes. The weird hexagonal crystals have been swallowed by the darkness, with the most weird dance, descending melodiously in this world.

"Hey! You two... It's raining so hard, come back soon! If you want to fight, wait until the rain is over."

Someone yelled nearby, but the voice was suddenly drowned out by the thunder.

The bodies of these two men were soaked by rain, and the stagnant water on the square rose slowly, and some of them submerged their toes. But they are still sitting and watching. It seems that everything from the outside world is completely unable to invade their battlefield.


The bandage boy pinched the knight and fell.

I don't know if it is an illusion, under the colorful thunder and lightning in the sky, the eyes of the knight who should have been lifeless began to emit the same white light. After the bandage boy's hand left, the place where the chess piece fell began to flash with some jumping electric sparks, crackling, and walking on the chessboard.


The man with the iron mask raised the soldier and calmly challenged.

Do these lifeless pieces feel the power of the white lineup? After his hand moved away. The eyes of the soldiers exquisitely carved with ebony wood are slowly emitting blood red light. After the stone was placed, a mist began to spread on the chessboard that was already covered with rain. But where the dark soldiers fell, a layer of black profound frost slowly formed.

On the chessboard, the battle continues.

And the thunder and lightning in the sky finally could not be controlled. Begin to vent in the square around the chessboard as the center.

But in the huge roar, the black crystals were neither humble nor overbearing, with a layer of cold returning from hell. Floating above the square

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