Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 433: Hell's Twilight

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Fang Yuzhu's appearance appeared in Wang Xuan's mind, but when he thought about it, he had some good memories. He had such a high cultivation level, and his beauty was peerless, and he even wanted to cook in person.

It is impossible to go high, and personally end the last rhyme of the mother universe Laigu, and cut off the last batch of the emperors who had **** hands with deep thoughts.

In the past, there was a deep intersection between Wang Xuanda and Wang Xuanda. It would have been a long time ago that Fang Yuzhu was safe in the new universe.

It took 32 years to crack the rules of the old zombies in Silent Hill, and it took 32 years to live and die. During this period, the extraordinary frequency that came from the TV in the restaurant was invisible, and I didn't know the origin. The sea, where there are two paths to hell.

In a brief thought, Wang Xuan didn't think about her because of her.

The next thing you realize is that the leader of Zhang is suspicious, and now it is estimated that he is a little murmured. It can only be said that Lao Zhang is very shrewd, and he has already realized that he has already begun to test too vigorously.

"Fang Yuzhu has entered hell, I expected something, it should be for me to collect the rhyme." Wang Xuan nodded, still calm, the whole body has a deep rhythm, and there is no change.

"My, that's what I'm thinking. If you want to be a dissident, you must be here." Zhang Buling said no, and sure enough, there was no confirmed news, so he took her guess as a test.

"Ren Zhang, it's time to work hard." Wang Xuan sat on the back of the ox, patted the shoulders of fear, and looked like he was in harmony.

Master Zhang, I have some initial doubts, and I am a little too convinced. Youhe can reach a high level for more than 200 years, and there is no opponent in the real fairy field. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

Being slapped on the shoulders, I felt a little strange down there. Once upon a time, I was the leader of my side, but now I have become a "person Zhang".

Fu Buniu "understands it very well", with an unfathomable appearance, steady as an old Buddha, indifferent, deep, with strands of chaotic matter flowing around him, accepting rhyme on me, the embodiment of your closeness in life .

In addition, its feet are intertwined with the stars and rivers, walking slowly, looking at the warmth, but it is like me walking through the years, and the speed is actually very fast.

In addition, there is a holy relic hanging from its nose - Fu Buhuan, which attracts a purple air, and the heads of Shang and Yiqi are filled with purple air, which is quite a purple air, and the posture of Qi and her line.

When Lao Zhang saw it, his doubts were reduced too little. Even his mounts had sacred objects. They were used as nose rings, and they leisurely carried their masters and peace, a typical true sage she Guantu. And now Ichi and Ichi, who are chasing after a dozen giant cities, are fleeing in front of the extraordinary, who can play her just by their posture?

Wang Xuan, who Zhang Buling remembers well, is indeed very ordinary, but two hundred years is too good to be in one step, right?

"Gentlemen, Wang Xuan, am I a new universe?" Lao Zhang asked directly.

"Well, Taizhong is going to retreat, and the middle part of the day is a time to see you later." Wang Xuan responded calmly.

Along the way, "Pharaoh" and "Ren Zhang" chatted casually, talking about the group of peace that crossed the sea in the mother universe, and the first part was "taken away" by the true saint.

Old Zhang also doesn't know which gates are distributed, and some real immortals will enter Jiulingdong.

During the last conversation, Wang Xuan sat on the back of the ox, and Tai Duan studied the "death", and suddenly there was a monster big superhuman who wanted to pass by in Taitian.

"The time is with me" Lao Zhang looked at her strangely.

"It's still too mature to think about a technique. This technique will hurt you a lot. It's a bit of a stretch to practice with an enemy," Wang Xuan explained.

When he didn't know that in the field involved in the trump card, the super-transformed prohibited item that the big legend could - the dead, after some similarities, Lao Zhang was a little numb. She was skeptical, and was kicked again, kicking her too little.

"Where did you escape, and you want to get away again?" Wang Xuan shouted, urging Fu Buniu to open the sky door and intercept it.

The group from the super peerless area ran along the border at first. I wanted to find a chance to break through the wall of light and come back. The latter found that I was being chased tightly. After breaking through the border in no time, I started to move towards the real fairy area Crossing the depths, I want to run to a place where there is no city.

If you take her hands in those hands, it's too much to break the balance rules of hell. Wang Xuan naturally intercepted her, but some and I escaped, and some of them were miserable and were intercepted by the next. Anyone who is super peerless is famous in the outside world, and it is too much for me to die once they die, and now you have killed them in the top 10!

There is no doubt that in me a tragedy!

If this really spreads to the Xinghai in the present world, it is bound to cause an uproar.


You come from the sky, like a divine arrow shooting down your sun, smashing the sky, the energy boils, and some strong people fall to her, and they flee directly.

But Youhe was locked by Wang Xuan, the grass vine flew past her, the divine flower bloomed, and the rhyme turned into a dazzling light, and she wanted to strangle a Zhihe.

I've been staring at the paper and the next day, and I must be a master of the paper temple. I don't care what form I am, and I will kill me.

Obviously, after the paper and I played the ruthless character, the last moment was revived, and the super peerless power broke out, and it was too concerned about the life and death of the companion.

Anyway, this is dead, and I want to pull the monster riding a bull, let's go together!

The nearby powerhouse was horrified, and even greeted him with the Three Character Classic.

"Quick, open the teleportation array!" His only reliance was on me, and I got away from Zai.

Wang Xuan originally wanted to intercept it, but at my wrong opportunity, I might be able to kill the previous movie, but I finally held back and didn't take any risks.

Zhi He came with a different-level weapon, which was also activated, grinning, revealing her terrifying killing intent, and slashed at Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan rode on Fubu Niu and took Lao Zhang, and disappeared instantly. With 5 times of breaking the limit, the next step becomes more and more advanced, and the speed is faster and faster when entering the foggy area beyond the real world.

Zhihe was stunned. It was okay to go to the previous battle, and it was enough to lose the trace of the bull-riding monster. He said that I will fully recover from the top and bottom. It takes a lot of paper to fall off from the body, revealing her flesh and blood, and becoming a real superhero. Peerless, how strong the sense of God is, Dao still finds that one and one ride.

"Where's the harmony?" This is crazy, the lower part is in the strongest state, and the spiritual sense is psychic, but if I found too much harmony, will I die in vain?

Booming down to the wall of light, I want to pass through the middle and escape.

However, when there is no wall, I balance the wall of rules, and the boss stops me because I have already "violated" the rules.

In the border area, the city is broken, and it has become a relic. The difference and harmony under the punishment are a little later, at least a moment slower than the place below.

The group of masters who used the teleportation array escaped dangerously and dangerously.

But I recovered the paper and the flesh and blood, but I was in despair. The group and the passers-by who teleported the array looked at it coldly, and they were too good at waiting. A pale front hand, which can be probed from the broken city from a distance, smells of rotting, and flows with yellow corpse fluid, covering the whole piece of your universe, and then grabs the master of the Paper Temple, puff With a bang, it smashed down. Wang Xuan regretted that there was a delay in the scriptures. Some of the people who crossed the border from the super peerless area ran away, and some of the above went through the wall of light.

Wang Xuan chased her for a long time, but he was shocked by her cold sweat, and was almost blocked. There are also some masters who can enter the wilderness without cities.

Only a small number of them are super peerless, and they are also mixed with the former army.

Next, the monsters and prowlers he brought in the middle, the front part of the team of the Da Qingling County Lord ran towards them.

"Where are you chasing down from here?" Zhang Jiao was a little dizzy when he saw it. One and one horses chased after a long distance, and they fled in front of a dozen giant cities and horses. It was a little spectacular, but it must have ended. "

I want to enter the Holy Imperial City, but I want to escape to your sacred mountain or Ash Ridge. How can I do what he wants? You can only stop here in the study of the lost words, it is time to be ruthless. "

Wang Xuan said that he could "shepherd the sheep" and "chasing the dog" all the way. Who knows what will happen.

Taking a deep breath of the transcendent factor, holding the mace, and flicking it with her hand, she came to face the densely packed mysterious words, like turning over a chapter in my supreme scriptures, and spontaneously pronounced her unrhymed, divine sound, flowing with chaotic matter, and below. Further unlock this item.

On the same day, Xia also activated the grass vine, let it accompany the pitch-black mace, light and rain fell, and then Xia swooped directly towards them.

With a bang, the mace's front rod skyrocketed, piercing the sky, and the grass and vines floated on its surface, followed by a rhythmic expansion, saying that I concealed its qi, but in fact, I added blessings, and the two sacred relics recovered in all directions in the same sky. , an explosion of power.

Before the mace was far thicker than the mountains at the end, Wang Xuan blasted them at them.

There is no giant city to guard in the road, and all the defeated troops are on the way to escape, and they have not entered the ruined city near the wall of light.

The terrifying consequences of a single blow are like destroying the world. Light and rain pours down, chaotic matter flows, and mysterious words spread over you.

Puff puff

The essentials, all kinds of monsters, and prowlers are too ignorant of how much they are destroyed, and they burst into blood mist, and after they are defeated, they really disappear, and they will go to **** to recover.

There was a city master level and a thing that killed the middle one. My awakened one, roaring, showed her 5 times of breaking the limit.

"The master of the revived giant city?" Zhang Jiao took the initiative to admit, and he knew very well that the overlord in my region was the monster at the end of the real fairy.

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Wang Xuan greeted him.

"Roar!" Naturally, Taizhi was a city lord, and there were six of them in the middle, causing Teacher Zhang's pupils to shrink sharply.

In the same domain as above, I have saved my way with the six city lords, and when I walk to the forbidden area of ​​true immortals, I can climb further.

"You don't even have any sacred relics, so you dare to fight with them?" Wang Xuan said.

Even Fu Bu Niu is very hard-hearted and confidently said: "Human Niu is willing to be responsible for opening no, I am invincible in the real fairy field, uh, the Lord and detachment come up!"

Then, Leader Zhang saw that Yihe Yiqi was rushing in a wild rush, and those Hejie blocked him too much, the dazzling rays of light on the top, and the wave of fear of the upper road, the texture of the imperialists spread.

On the battlefield, there is blood light rushing into the sky, and some city lords have been blown up!

Lao Zhang rubbed his face and felt a little numb. Although I was fighting at the level of a true immortal, I would use an analogy in the next world. Those city lords, where can I get soft persimmons? are extremely dangerous.

There is a super peerless who sees six city lords besieging Wang Xuan, thinking that there is an opportunity, and then counterattacks, but the result is completely stunned. After the charge of Yihe Yiqi, half of the city lords are gone!


Lightning thundered, spells bloomed, the prowler monsters in front of them all exploded, and the six city lords Tianjian Taichang were all killed and swept by Wang Xuan!

Super Peerless died again. He was very aggrieved. He was blocked by a wall of light. He tried to break the rules of balance.

Wang Xuan swung his mace as majestic as a mountain, and smashed it to the ground before the film. The blood stained the red scorched earth. He really had the posture of emptying hell, like a kind of rehearsal for me.

The monsters in more than a dozen cities collapsed, and the ones who didn't escape were too many to be destroyed. It was a bloodbath for me.

With a bang, the mace was swung again, and a red flag emitting the light of immortality rose up, propping up the light curtain to block the next devastating attack.

The Qingling County Lord finally let her down and smashed her, and went to sacrifice her to block the Juxian Banner. Now, there are still a few city lords and some direct lineages and horses around. The rest have been killed, and even the monsters that crossed the border from the peerless area are too far away, and they have been killed. .

"It's him who is so far away from your sacred mountain. I believe that in the depths of hell, the Holy Emperor City and other places have also received news. Hold on, all parties will definitely help and encircle it." Encouragement.

There are a few super peers in the cross-border, and the ones who didn't escape and didn't die are also in the middle.

"I am so ashamed of my generation." Lao Zhang was quite shocked. So many former troops were defeated by Yihe Yiqi. This is my extraordinary myth.

"Golden years, record the good life." She lost her mobile phone and couldn't hold back, and took a few pictures of the spectacular scene, the blood-stained front.

Wang Xuan ignored it and was staring at the highest-level sacred object—the Juxian Banner! What monster in me? Master Zhang looked at the phone and looked too shabby!

Just in the sky, Wang Xuan suddenly felt that it was too right, the whole piece of your land suddenly became dark, and the thick yellow fog rose up, covering the blood-stained land.

"Oops, in the twilight wonders of my legendary hell? Jing/\\hua/\\book/\\ge... first. release. update. new~~" Qing Ling exclaimed, seeming to be extremely frightened, and then, There was a commotion in his place, too much to perceive.

Wang Xuan is vigilant and on high alert, what is my situation?

"The twilight wonders of **** are actually hers, and even the wonders of mobile phones are very surprising to me.

"Master Ji, what's the solution?"

Lao Zhang even looked like I was scratching my head, and knew exactly what happened to her, but it seemed to be extremely serious.

The strange thing on the mobile phone responded to Fu Buniubu: "The Shizhuhe killed Xiaomeng, the former army of more than a dozen giant cities, let the next and pierced through, and I killed countless monsters in the big prowlers, and Killing the city lord in a row is equivalent to a blood sacrifice for me before the peak, which caused her to appear in the twilight of hell."

Fu Bu Niu stared at the bull's eye, but I didn't understand it too much. What does it mean to be in a spectacle? "It means extreme danger, unknown, Taidao prediction, chaos, disorder. There was a true saint who entered the wonders of Hell Twilight, but they all disappeared, and she was never gone again!" The strange thing on the mobile phone said no seriously.

"Moo!" Fu Buniu's scalp was numb, and he couldn't make it through the day.

"Ren Zhang, keep up with the side, don't go away." Wang Xuan said no with a solemn expression!

Master Zhang nodded, the yellow fog in front of him was bright, and the heart palpitations were also bursting down, feeling that he was inhuman.

Not only the stroke, but also the whole piece of your land is too similar, the people are hazy, blurry, the trees are shadowy, the villages are looming, and some scenes are flowing.

"What's the matter? He hasn't moved his footsteps yet. Why has everything changed, like I've changed places!"

Originally, the ground was washed by Wang Xuan's blood before the film, shattered, devastated, and the vegetation was too green, and it was completely ruined. I said that I am too different now, there is a tree with a crooked neck in the distance, and a tree with a slanted neck is still hanging from my tree.

"The devil, the devil, you dare to go up and see them!" Wang Xuan jumped from the cow's back to ask for it. With a clang, the mace disappeared, and then he pulled her out of the chaotic matter and took a holy sword full of my mysterious words, Huang Huang The sword shines on your ground, approaching the crooked neck tree!

The tree came to hang a dead man, and then I came out as a young man, very handsome, with blood on the brow, wearing a yellow robe, wearing a crown, the strength of the living seems to be extremely strong.

"The original body, Yubuhua's bones are very powerful!" Wang Xuan saw her clues at first glance, even if the other party's rhyme has disappeared over the years, but there are some traces left by me, I can let you discover some essence. sexual things.

"Three eras, the second master of the Holy Emperor City, second only to the prince of the Holy Emperor." The strange thing on the phone said.

Do not. "I was shot by my daughter at the time? Tell me why would she find her there?" Wang Xuan asked!

"Back then, the lower part was beaten out of body and spirit, completely dissipated,

Why do you still want the body? ” Mobile phone wonders mused.

Fu Buniu's heart palpitated, the spectacle of the twilight in **** was really unusual to me. As soon as I entered, I saw a prince who used to be incomparably strong before being hanged inside.

Suddenly, a black shadow stumbled, rushed past, and cried out, "He lost his heart and became a cold machine, the livestock shed their fur and sat high in the world!

"What!" At a moment, the strange object on the mobile phone burst into her chaotic matter, and there was still a lot of purple energy in front of her. She couldn't drink it: "Shige is to stop!"

On weekdays, it was extremely calm and calm, but now it has lost its composure, turning into a streamer and chasing the shadow.

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