Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 430: Encounter, Wang Zesheng

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In the past few days, the rumors about Kong Xuan on the cosmic starry sky in the real world are all outrageous.

From the earliest time when I could attack the city of God by myself, I already wanted to be there, and after two days of "cooling down", it was time to refute the rumors, saying that I was still alive, and then when the wind came, I could only build a new one by myself. In Jucheng, it is suspected that there are many conflicts with you.

In the transcendent world, with some news sent back by the **** explorers, some rumors that Wang Kongxuan wanted **** in the Second Five Elements Mountains gradually made him three-dimensional.

\"Some news came out before, it's outdated, do you know what state Kong Xuan wants to be in **** now? Be prepared to talk about Xuan's discoloration, it's hard to see a person who has broken the limit 4 times? The five legendary disciples who have broken the limit have all been reconciled to the world, but there are checks and balances!"

\"The self-media I want now has no credibility. Don't brag about it. Have you seen the first 5 limit-breakers in your life? Once you make peace with the world, who will fight?!"

Then, some vague videos were passed on to him one after another. When the whole body rhymed with you, the massive monsters on the giant city of **** were suppressed by raising his hand, showing the ruling-level strength far exceeding the normal true immortals.

\"Who is the National People's Congress? You want to summon the extraordinary meteors outside me, super handsome! When you wave your hand, there are dozens of them, enough to slaughter the city and destroy the world. When Guan Jianren stood in the bronze pagoda, she was so quiet and dusty. The bookish gas, people... should be the one who breaks the limit 5 times! I believe it, the strongest disciple of the true saint in your field has come to hell, with human-like power, who will compete?"

No well-known male fairy, saw the video message, immediately attracted attention, very excited, low praise. Of course, it doesn't matter what your career is. If one of your anchors is too big, you need to guide the audience in a retrograde mood.

In an instant, there are very few cold discussions. Xu Shao Nanxian joined the discussion.

Regarding hell, the latest news is vague and clear, it is more mysterious, and there is no time to say that there are extremes in hell. Even when the real saint of you has died very rarely, all parties should pay attention and want to know your latest results.

\"The news in the video is true, the Ye Jingxu in your field of the Great Returning Market, the legendary disciple who broke the limit 5 times. But it is up to you whether it is time to fight against this, everyone can wait for the continuation. Message.\" commented by a **** explorer, with a vaguely regressed suggestion.

However, this has been criticized most of the time, saying that this is a great jealousy, and a great respect for the true saint, Ye Jingxu, the weakest disciple in your field.

(Then, her white clothes and dust, Kongming and cowardly figure, showed the law of light, a video of banishing a green withered, was released and him, and the entire Wang Shan monster was suppressed by this moment.

Immediately after he came out, Idemitsu, my weakest disciple, the legendary 5-time limit-breaker-Liu Nian, became the most unpopular moment, and his video was released, causing a huge sensation. Rarely commented, this kind of you-kill-me-level and famous time objects are extremely complicated. The same appearance, short hair, white shirt, clean and refined, like a big body to be under the long river of time, rich and **** like jade. On the screen, Izuma's light and rain surrounds it, looking down at the green withering, it is more transcendent.

The most important thing is the most important one, the sacred object of fleeting time and no primordiality - the halo: even if you know her domain well, but it is popularized, you will know what it means. In addition, some pictures show that this person is suppressing a Wang Shan, and he looks like a peerless white robe. He suddenly thinks that the screen will be frosted that night. He thinks that Jietai, a big and small "appointed god", a young and weak from Gai Dynasty has risen. Gone!

However, all the good things had to be broken by a blurry video that night.

From time to time, we saw that the quiet and elegant Ye Jingxu in Guixu was covered in blood and fled all the way. Then I saw the just \"Fengshen\"", just like a god-like fleeting time, was chopped off the sacred object by your severe rippling light - a halo, and the middle itself was also chopped up by the light of you!

Who wants to make peace with each other, and why did the disciples who broke the limit 5 times escape? "

\"The big one is capable, the fleeting person is so weak, how can he be killed? I know that you will be reversed, and your old routine is too small to create gods, deliberately behave like that, so that \"\' Some are off topic. Moreover, the picture is so blurry, the middle will say a big fake video!

\"How can I see that, the vague figure of the person looks like a big... giant city, does this want to be chased and killed in the middle?\"

Obviously. The news of **** was relatively sluggish, and it was sent back to a part of the real world cautiously a few days later.

In hell, what is about to happen at this moment is even more shocking. At this time, the blue sky is like washing, and the brightness and purity are flaws.

"The latest news, Jucheng chased and killed Wang Xuan County Lord, approached several times, and beheaded two more City Lords!

Hell, when it comes to the great explorer and the great true saint, he was shocked by the news that came back to him from the rear, and he said that the situation of the battle was actually less ethereal than that of the great truth.

Riding against the horses of more than a dozen cities at a time, and defeated, what is the "fight of the gods"?

Want it now. They got the latest news that County Master Wang Xuan fled all the way to the depths of hell, panicked and chose the road, approaching the border of my level area.

The picture shows that the giant city looks like a "shepherd", chasing and killing the army. Princess Wang Lan, who opened the teleportation array a few times, but was always chased down.

The Holy Imperial City is far away, so Princess Wang Xuan did not intend to flee in the direction of the nearest mountain, hoping to get rid of the giant city's pursuit.

\"The opposite is in the higher self-level area?\"Kong Xuan rides on the back of the mother universe, looking at the border, a layer of light \"light wall", to partially transparent, to see the situation on the opposite side. Whether it's King Xuan County Master or King Shanyue, both of them can always open the empty door and need a short rest, so Duan Da has to fly long distances before going upstairs.

In front of the county, Prince Wang Shan didn't have a lot of low-handed hands around him, and he had fewer means of running away. He took the direct line to escape, and Yinbi was completely chased down.

The mother universe is tired like a big dog, and she sticks out her tongue and wants people to be rude. When Wang Shan looked at Daqian, he often spoke to him, and he chased and killed it with the shrunken one in one arm.

Of course, the big and small ones have to ride on the back of the bull again. This is going to be a long way to go, and the drill will continue.

Although they are far apart, they are large, and there are not many monsters in the back of the place. The prowlers who have not gone to measure them suddenly come to a piece, and they are swept away by this "new method" of speculation.

The borders of my level are not really immortal. There is no post station in the distance, and there is no broken city, and even the creatures on the face can be seen.

Often, when there are people around the wall, the creatures who are not my level look at the giant city, the universe, and the icy hot eyes, and they are very afraid.

\"What are you looking at?\" Kong Xuan came forward with a mace, and the wall... collapsed. distortion. With all his strength, he was able to pass through the energy wall, and with a bang, it smashed the head of a creature of my level.

\"Roar" The other party hated it, but was furious, and wanted to take revenge.

Kong Xuan realized that because of the need for the balance rules of hell, the light wall between the areas of my level is not really immortal.

On the way down Suizhong, I met a my-level creature who looked so pleasing to the eye and showed and killed this creature. This was given to him in front of Juqian, and he practiced \"die\".

Of course, he wasn't a ruthless character, and he didn't think this would be a counterattack, but he was slowly drinking his hatred.

In the area of ​​my level, there are no creatures of all kinds, and the battle is very easy. And when it is obvious that they will appear in the world at first glance, they need to explore the terrain, find the must-see list, and so on.

Kong Xuan was attracted by a commotion. In the area of ​​my level, there was actually a fierce fight. Without her, the woman rushed all the way, destroyed the dead, and killed all the monsters that blocked it.

No doubt. At this time, the extraordinary person in the world of Xinghai, in modern attire, with complete white clothes, cracked inner armor, and covered with a big II, but then she was very peaceful, and there was no unspeakable temperament in the future of her escape.

In the distance, there is not a group of extraordinary people to chase and kill, so I followed him with this ass.

Bai Yi Shi also fled against the boundary light wall. When he saw Kong Xuanbu, who was covered in blood, he asked you: \"There are brothers, they are miserable enough, the army is defeated, which force will be chased and killed by it? So little time They were all defeated, and they fled for their lives. Seeing that he chased very well.

The blood of the enemy was under him all the time, and he didn't own it, but across the wall of light, the other party obviously misunderstood and thought that Kong Xuan was part of the defeated army.

\"But what's wrong with that, being chased and killed by hundreds of thousands of people?\" Kong Xuanlu and Heteri looked at this, because it seemed that the temperament was ordinary and even familiar.

so. This requires the bull to talk about him without the other party talking about him.

\"It's more than hundreds of thousands, people can only be regarded as a short distance away, and it's really hard to live. I fled with him from the super peerless area, and I was chased and killed across the area, alas."

The woman in white stepped forward to grow her legs. Obviously tired, nothing to worry about, sighing to you: "When Tongda my career fell, I wanted to be so big that I was close to the real immortal area, and I encountered a group of defeated troops like Kemen, but I would also be chased and killed. Let's encourage each other. Able to escape smoothly.\""

The more Kong Xuan looked, the more familiar he felt. The main small and large light wall did not interfere with the spirit of this person, but Daran can see through the other side for the first time.

Although she was about to flee with blood all over her body, the woman in white was still very cowardly. Looking back, the Chinese side charged with low hands, the sky was full, and they were about to approach.

"Fortunately, the newly-researched escaping technique should be in the top line of the peerless field. In the past, the probability of escape was possible, so please take care of yourself." The woman in white said to you, and smiled, her teeth were shining, as if she wanted to say , too can not be the same, can get away. This one looks more aloof.

dude. He was chased and wanted to chase the rear crowd to go to the army. \"Kong Xuan opened his mouth.

As soon as the words were harmonious, I seemed to be noisy, the woman in white was stunned, and Zhong was completely heartbroken!

I looked at the rear, going to the army is on the side, the smoke and dust are rushing to me, conservatively estimate that it must have the strength of the big two or eight cities, right?

However, this time, he looked back at himself, and his murderous aura also swept me. The power of the same two cities, Wang Shan, who occupied the super-peerless area, controlled the monsters in the whole city, was about to fight. This time she hunted down.

Comparing the two, this heart is cold and cold, the smile on his face suddenly "weathered", and there is only a trace of tension and aloofness, all of which are out, and he wants to talk. .

Although it is considered that I was on the same road in my career, but the other party is like this \"\" degenerate", she is the ultimate chasing person who is outrageous in her freshman year!

\"Farewell!" This made me want to talk straight away, running away was very tiring and bitter, and it was compared like that. It's getting cold outside.

you. \"Wait a minute, but he is from a rotten universe, but his name is Zhang Youling?\" Wang Shan asked

Because, after observing for a long time, I slightly believe that when she was a big leader, it was really not outrageous, and she actually wanted to meet in such a big time! ?\"Who's the big one?\" Zhang Youling was shocked, looking at this, really didn't recognize him, who was so bullish in the past, traversing the hell, chasing and killing several cities and troops at all times. Just guess at the time, when it was not more ordinary than this leader? !

Wang Shan was sure that in Da Lao Zhang, because the other party used Wang Shanyue's "dialect".

With a slight smile, you: \"There is Zhang, but why is it so miserable? But he can't be in the same place as her. But...Pharaoh.\"

He was suppressed by Master Zhang. And before being educated, it's obvious that he's stunned.

\"Which is the big one when you're fighting your cow?\" Master Zhang was shocked, but big, when he came out, he thought of what was big, her old king. "The old king of the old land.\" Kong Xuan said to you.

\"Is it Wang Zesheng when the meeting is a big surprise?!" In the end, the mind was turbulent, and he exclaimed, and it was a rare time to calm down.

To cross the sea of ​​​​supernatural light, it is not often that he has not learned about Qi Shi from the mouths of the demon master's parents, Yan Mingcheng and Bai Jingshu.

Wang Shanyue, a peerless and a big end point, is not as odd as you are when you have a deep and big test! Moreover, Yan Mingcheng revealed a little bit, Kong Xuan's parents should be very strange!

When Kong Xuan heard this, he was stunned. Cult Master Zhang obviously had a big misunderstanding, but it was big. This complexion has changed greatly, but he is still very calm and irritable, you: \"There is Zhang, over there, he can be overprotected.

\"It's really a strange time.... Yu Zesheng?\"Old Zhang still thinks that he is ahead of the The strange time that she lays behind also crosses the universe before him?

This is followed by you:\"If you don't have a relationship with Kong Xuan, don't go against it!

\"I knew you, but I almost grabbed the front neck.\" Kong Xuan said to you fiercely.

It ran away. If you were a bully, and even knew about that kind of thing, Master Zhang was suddenly excited. Has a strange time run to the real immortal area to experience life? The chase is so many that the army flees, and one can be so weak to chase and kill at any time, that is called \"pattern\".

"Junior, Guo is about to be hunted down by the supernatural beings in your realm, not hell, and the emperor's followers. Is it possible to deal with them?" Master Zhang asked you.

"That's the problem, there is Zhang, he has been there before. What kind of emperor, dare to cross the region before him, let this become a dead emperor." Kong Xuan said to you calmly.

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