Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 427: 1 battle **** quiet

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A small flag is only about a foot high, the flag is hunting, the red glow shines on the sky and the earth, there is an immortal charm, and it is supreme, like a strange thing that has broken away from the long river of time.

Although the flag of gathering immortals is small, the dangerous aura it exudes makes all true immortals palpitate, and even those who have broken the limit five times are affected. The inextinguishable light shines, the flags are intertwined, covering the entire legion, making the city master creatures bow their heads in awe,

Wang Xuan's body was like a divine arrow that was detached from the string, shooting straight into the sky, but he was unexpectedly blocked, and a dazzling light burst out from there. "Trap him," someone called.

The Juxian Flag is very mysterious, and the rhythm flows, spreading to the entire army, locking time and space.

Wang Xuan's figure blurred and disappeared from the spot. Then, people sensed a shock that was even more shocking than the robbery, accompanied by a deafening sound.

He penetrated a layer of immortal light and was killed from the Hell Legion.

He looked at the Juxian flag and the army covered by it, and was deeply surprised. The small flag was really dangerous. He went all out to penetrate the rune area.

In fact, some people in the Hell Legion were even more shocked than him. What kind of monster was this that actually pierced through the immortal light curtain of the Juxian Banner with his bare hands?

In the distance, all the great venues felt that this small flag exudes a palpitating and disturbing atmosphere, with a flowing charm, as if restraining the immortals.

"Master Confucius, this flag is very irritating and quite dangerous. My holy relics fall into the ring one by one, and I feel a little bit nervous about it." From the rear, Fu Sheng said.

Leng Mei, whose whole body is in black robes, also transmits sound, and she also feels that the Juxian Banner is threatening, which is suspected to be one of the strange things that have been passed down in **** since ancient times and endure forever. Wang Xuan observed carefully, Cao Teng did not seem to be affected.

"Kong Xuan, if you want to see me, then come, I'll wait for you here!" A woman's voice came from the depths of the **** army, apparently the county master. Moreover, she ordered the legion to attack, and 15 city lords appeared!

They are like 15 "sacred swords", walking out of the army, each with a large number of prowlers, the most important thing is that these 15 "swords" are covered by the rich crimson immortal light, in the bright , also like there is blood flowing.

This is a bit intimidating. The 15 city owners brought monsters from their respective cities, and after the blessing of the Juxian Banner, the energy fluctuations were extremely terrifying. They are one body with two sides, like the holy sword coming out of the body, and like the 15 blood knives of **** are slowly drawn out, the murderous intent has broken the vegetation at the end of the horizon, the fallen leaves are broken, and the whole land is full of chills.

"Let's go!" Wu Mingxiu secretly transmitted his voice. This legion in **** is too terrifying. After being blessed by the Juxian Banner, it is shrouded in immortal light and has the potential to be invincible.

You stay away from here, I'll be fine, I can leave at any time. "Wang Xuan said, he didn't mean to fight the monsters in a dozen cities alone.

He stood high in the sky, looking down at the depths of the army, trying to find the county lord and smash it out.

"Kill!" The 15 city lords led the army, and at the same time let out a loud roar, which can be said to have shaken the entire outer area of ​​hell, the sky was shattered, and the ground even collapsed. In the distance, the supernatural beings of various religions are far away, and they are far enough away.

The monsters in City 15 rioted, shouting and killing with the city lord, which was truly earth-shattering, making Wang Xuandu feel deeply palpitated.

At the same time, 15 beams rushed up, strangling all beings in the real immortal realm, carrying Chixia, accompanied by blood, like a blood-stained holy sword. At this moment, even Wang Xuan avoided his edge.

Each beam is the gathering of the power of a city of monsters to kill, with the city lord as the blade, slashing towards Wang Xuan in the sky. Wang Xuan disappeared from the spot and entered the fog. After this group of people was blessed by the Juxian Banner, each city seemed to be integrated into a whole, of course he would not fight hard.

Breaking the record in the outer zone of hell, fighting against Duocheng alone, he is not interested now, and he is run against them head-on, which is not worth it.

15 terrifying beams, with blood color, cut through the sky, in fact, the whole world was cracked, spread rapidly, and then shattered.

The scene is extremely terrifying, the space in this area is densely cracked, and time is disordered. A major fissure that cannot be closed for a long time in the sky.

In the distance; all extraordinary people are horrified, no wonder that **** is unfathomable; since the 17th century, it has always been **** to empty out outsiders, rather than extraordinary people who can really penetrate hell.


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A county lord brought the Juxian flag and ordered more than a dozen cities to come out, creating an unmatched army. How can we fight this?

"This small flag has been recorded, and it is as famous as the Zhenxian Banner. It was originally a strange object used by the Zhenhuang City in the depths of hell. It was unexpected that it would appear directly outside hell."

The extraordinary discussions of the various religions have revealed the origin of Xiaoqi.

In the fog that must be described, a mass of chaotic matter appeared in front of Wang Xuan, and along with his thoughts, a pitch-black mace came out with traces of chaotic energy.

He held it in his hand, ready to use the third sacred object. He covered it with grass vines, and it was suspended beside him, covering the breath of the mace with Dao rhyme.

Afterwards, Wang Xuan rushed out, carrying the heavy weapon of the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, a mace, and under the blessing of Cao Teng, suddenly attacked "One City".


As if the sky had collapsed, he pierced the immortal light with a mace, and slammed into the city lord with unparalleled domineering power. Sure enough, his holy relic was not affected by the Juxian Banner and was never suppressed.

He came from a sneak attack, hid in the fog, and did not fight head-on. Now he came directly, leaving the city owner in a hurry. Moreover, now the enemy has entered their city army, which is extremely troublesome.

Wang Xuan waved his pitch-black mace and directly smashed a large piece of the monster in front of him.

The city owner was also dead, and was beaten alive by him with a mace. This scene made everyone get goosebumps, numb scalp, too cruel, too brave, just broke a "Holy Sword"

With a swipe, Wang Xuan rushed out, disappeared again, entered the mist, and stood in a mysterious and unknown place.

Since the other party used the ancient and immortal **** wonders like the Juxian Banner, he would not be polite, and was ready to kill them one by one. It's a pity that he didn't see the main lord, and the real target was the county lord.

In the rear of the army, he only saw the three masters with inkstones, stone bowls, and meteorite sacred objects who were repelled by him, but did not find the county master.

"Fantastic, Kong Xuan actually pierced through the immortal light of the Juxian Banner and defeated a city!"

In the distance, many spectators were a little unbelievable. This scene made their hearts beat wildly, and many people became petrified.

Standing in the mist, Wang Xuan glanced at the sky, and continued to look for the princess in the army of hell. U line up the sword array, cut the time and space!" The county master spoke again.

The remaining 14 city masters once again exuded terrifying energy fluctuations, bathed in immortal light, such as 14 blood-colored holy swords raised, and someone in the area where the broken "holy sword" was located.

It was the master who possessed the stone bowl sacred artifact who rushed over immediately. For a time, 15 blood-stained "sacred swords" vibrated, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the trajectory was irregular, like ripples, like Dao Yun chains, expanding everywhere in the sky and underground.

All the sword lights are filled with a faint meaning of immortality, and with the blessing of the Juxian flag, it is even more dangerous.

Wang Xuan frowned, some sword light spread into the fog, the gathering of immortal flag is indeed extraordinary, but it can't reach the area in the depths of the fog.

Hell is amazing, there is such an ancient heritage as the Juxian Banner, and the foundation is too thick. "He muttered to himself, then seized the opportunity, swooped over from the gap of the sword light, and attacked again.

l The mace he is holding in his hand is not the one from the Five Elements Mountains. It is unpredictable and engraved with dense and mysterious words. It makes him feel shocked.

The third sacred object, after turning into a mace, has the potential to destroy all things, and there are immortal divine patterns contained in it.

With a bang, the immortal light in that area was pierced again, he killed it, and smashed the stone bowl with the sword light flowing in the mouth of the bowl with a big stick.

Of course, he covered it up with grass vines, it was suspended outside, and the outside world would only think that it was showing its power again.

The owner of the stone bowl, his pupils contracted, he was fighting at close range, and he naturally saw the clue, showing a look of horror, that pitch-black mace is an ultimate sacred object? Pfft!

He turned into a mass of meat sauce, his bones were broken, tendons were broken, his soul was shattered, he was beaten up by Wang Xuan, and he died quickly. ≈Wang Xuan felt that he did not use the wordless formula to blow up the opponent with the holy artifact, and he was also killing it completely, and they could not recover. He slammed, and all kinds of monsters and prowlers were strangled, and a large number of them were emptied.

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In an instant, he fell into the mist. The newly added "Holy Sword" was also broken!

Not to mention the distance, inside the Hell Legion, the mutant monsters, and the awakened prowlers are all riots, this outsider is too terrifying.

In their view, this is simply a goddess descended from the earth, and it is difficult to match unless the one from the Holy Imperial City comes out. The supernatural beings of all religions also looked dazed and quieted.

Kong Xuan's bravery broke their inherent concept, and he alone dared to fight against the monsters in more than a dozen cities blessed by the Juxian Banner in the legend of hell.

"It's not that he is facing the bombing, how deep his true Taoism is is open to question." Someone said in a sour tone.

One era after another, facing the strange object in the legend of **** - the Juxian Qi, there are not many extraordinary people who can penetrate its immortal light."

Many people lost their minds. If this momentum continues, who will compete with him at the same level? To which realm he climbs, it is a "disaster" for the extraordinary people in that field.

"Kong Xuan's sacred artifact is quite amazing. It is not affected by the Juxian Banner. That grass vine is likely to be one of the most powerful sacred artifact!"

Wang Xuan frowned, that county master can really hide, he still hasn't found it, he can only say that the Juxianqi is powerful, and it can hide the aura and rhythm of the righteous master.

14 "Holy Swords" were raised, and the sword light was intertwined, still sweeping the sky and the ground, killing everything.

This kind of power is indeed terrifying, and the real time and space slash, even Wang Xuan will not go to the front.

With a bang, Wang Xuan made his death hand for the third time, breaking a "holy sword" again, blowing up a city lord who was shrouded in immortal light, and emptied a large area of ​​hordes of monsters. "retreat"

The voice of the county lord came from the army, and she was deeply afraid. The death of several city lords made her full of helplessness and fear in her heart. Wang Xuan stared at the Juxian Banner, and he suspected that it was a sacred relic that could be passed on, located at the top of the pyramid. Kong Xuan, fight again next time!" The voice of the princess came out.

Then, in this area, whether it is the broken ground or the void, there are mysterious patterns intertwined. With a bang, the entire army is blurred as a whole and disappears in the light and rain.

No one would have thought that the county master from the depths of **** came with a dozen people and horses from far away, with a great momentum, and finally left so swiftly and disappeared in an instant. Many extraordinary people were speechless, watching the light and rain evaporate, and the place was completely quiet. swoosh swish...

Guixu, Tattoo Palace, Time Sky, Paper Temple, Evil God's Palace, etc., all opened the door of time and space, and without a word, they all disappeared from here. Only Wujieshan and others were left, and even more than half of the superhumans who watched the battle ran away, such as the seven-star whoring bug Pu Chong in Xuankong Mountain, and Huang Youcheng in Huangxian Cave, all of which were gone.

"Cow dung, he wouldn't really be a descendant of "No" or "Have", would he?"

After a short reunion, Wang Xuan still separated from Qingkong, Wu Lindao, Wu Mingxiu and others.

In the evening of that day, the sky was dyed red by the sunset, and Wang Xuan rode a Fudao bull to a huge snow-capped mountain and occupied a huge city here. He was about to take a rest, and was about to enter the depths of hell. His goal was to go to the Holy Imperial City, to fetch scriptures, and to find the must-kill list.

As for now, he is a little relaxed, and today he has crossed the Heavenly Tribulation and fought several battles. Although he will not be completely exhausted, he has been in a state of high tension and needs to be slowed down.

Every giant city is a trace left by an extraordinary civilization. The city on the highest snow peak is very distinctive, and the city is full of vitality, all of which are plants that can grow in ice and snow.

The ice-blue tree with blue lantern-like flowers is fragrant. Butterfly tree with ice crystals, purple and bright, full of butterfly flowers, fluttering and flying away, the unique fragrance waving in the goose feather snow, people can't help but take a deep breath. There are all kinds of plants, the city is full of ice and snow, it is actually colorful, and there are many plants and trees.

At the top of the giant city is a palace. Wang Xuan has already kicked the ice demon city lord out, regardless of whether she is a woman or not, and deprived this palace.

At this moment, he was soaking in the extraordinary hot spring; his whole body was soothed, and the rich mythical substances, as well as the spirit nurtured by the snow-capped mountains, nourished his whole body and completely relaxed. This is an open-air hot spring pool, at the highest point, overlooking the mountains, hell, and all the beauty. Fu Dao Niu is leading several little brothers, such as Yin-Yang Dog, Ten-Tailed Demon Fox, Niu Demon, etc., are eating in the distance

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Barbecue, drinking wine, watching the snow, the atmosphere is very warm.

Leng Mei is like a hibiscus out of water. She has just taken a bath in another extraordinary hot spring pool. There are still water droplets on her snow-white skin. Now she is covered with a black robe to hide her beautiful curves.

In the black iron pot, some luminous meats and magical medicines were boiled, all of which were extraordinary ingredients. She took out some and looked at the hot spring pool at the highest point. Her fingers glowed, causing the tray with the food to float up.

Wang Xuan leaned against the wall of the hot spring pool, the goose feather snow fluttered nearby, drinking fine wine and admiring the snow scene, it was very comfortable.

He looked at Leng Mei below, and then looked into the distance, and said, "I'm going to the depths of **** to visit the historical sites of the Holy Imperial City. Do you want to go?" Several time crows, let them each send letters.

The most important time crow flew to the magnificent Holy Emperor City in the depths of hell. She made it clear in the letter that she would either bring the Zhenxian flag, or ask the Holy Emperor to come out in Otherwise, it would be difficult to Check and balance the outsider - Kong Xuan.

As for the other letters, she asked Time Crow to send it to several True Saint Dojos, telling them that Hell is willing to communicate and communicate with them, and they are completely open-minded. The Holy Imperial City is very pragmatic and there is no problem with cooperation.

There is also an important letter, which she wrote to Tianshenling, telling them that if a person appears in hell, his record may break the dusty record, just like a **** descending to earth.

In the tallest giant city with snow-capped mountains, Wang Xuan got up from the hot spring, put on inner armor, and walked out barefoot, his strong body flowing with a crystal luster. He looked down at the mountains and into the depths of hell, letting the goose feather snow fall. Leng Mei walked over and said, "I would like to go to the Holy Imperial City to have a look."

"Bath towel, wipe hair." Wang Xuan said.

Although his hair was wet, but as a true immortal, he still had to wipe it? Leng Mei was stunned, and was instructing her to do things again! She was slim under the black robe, and finally she moved and walked forward.

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