Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 423: Kill the Immortals after the catastrophe

One after another, the broken mountains are densely packed, with no end in sight, they are all charred black.

The supernatural beings from the various avenues are coming, and they are all on guard. They are not worried that Kong Xuan will kill him. Even the catastrophe is gone. They think he must be dead. They are guarding the team of city masters farther away.

"Dead, no one can interrupt the robbery. He can temporarily clear the thunder, which is the limit of what he can do, and it is beyond the outline." A super peer said calmly, and the conclusion was reached.

In the land of tribulation, the surface has been pierced, and many places have become Great Rift Valleys, most of which are charred black, and there are places where magma is surging. The incomplete giant city is exposed underground. After a long time, the pattern is still valid, otherwise this piece of earth will not know what it will look like when it is pierced.

The transcendents of the True Saint Dojo had a sense of relief. It was very difficult for so many people to kill a real immortal. In the end, three transcendents died before pulling him on the road, and they all carried alien-level weapons.

A true immortal actually needs to recruit teachers and move the crowd.

Many transcendents are in complicated moods, and winning is not glorious. After all, the other party is crossing the calamity, and he is already on the line of life and death. ≈quot;He is indeed extraordinary, the calamity of such a ghastly man, magnificent and terrifying, has never been seen in the realm of immortals, enough to be included in the annals of extraordinary history. ≈quot;Someone said. More people are hostile, Kong Xuan made them too embarrassed, and he offended all religions alone, and it was so difficult to surround and kill him. ≈quot;After all, he died, he died well, a person made such a big noise, look for his remnants, or strange things left. ≈quot;

- A group of people started a carpet-like search here, but they felt that there was little hope. They thought that he was either smashed by the catastrophe or smashed by a foreigner. No matter how you look at it, it is completely wiped out.

In the distance, Leng Mei, whose whole body was covered in black robes, stood on a broken mountain, staring at the devastated place of tribulation. She sighed lightly, life is impermanent, a wizard who can behead ≈quot;5 broken immortals≈quot;

Although she knows that Kong Xuan is extraordinary, the calamity cannot be interrupted, and there is no escape. This is the consensus of the transcendent world. Now that the calamity is over, there is no need to say more.

The people from Yaoting appeared in the distance and looked at her back. They didn't participate this time, naturally because Leng Mei had secretly greeted her in advance. Leng Mei is a close disciple of the true sage, with a high status and status, and even the top super peers who have broken the limit 4 times will not be neglected. Kong Xuan was dead, and Fairy Leng had lost her sight this time. ≈quot;Someone speaks.

"I haven't made a move, but I have already sensed the strange gazes around us. If we walk alone like this, we will make each dojo think more, and we should not deviate from the general trend. Those who can stand here and talk about this kind of thing are naturally extraordinary.

≈quot;It is said that Fairy Leng may be sanctified in the future, but now, her luck is not enough. Under the True Holy Seat, there is not only one disciple, but the other one is also good. ≈quot;A middle-aged man said calmly, but this rhetoric ≈quot;overtone≈quot; is a bit heavy.

The eldest super peerless warning "Don't say a few words, in the demon court, only the supreme true saint, don't mix with others!"

The people in Wujie Mountain were very silent, they were hunting in the clear sky, and the five colors were shining in the sky. They couldn't help but want to take action. Wu Lindao stopped her and said: ≈quot;Wait-wait!" This time their number was not dominant.

The extraordinary people watching the battle are also talking about it. Today's incident has a huge impact, and it is so difficult for each religion to encircle and suppress one person.

It's a pity, it's a shame, let's not mention it, in the past five thousand years, he was the only one who injured me in the real immortal realm. Super peerless Huang Youcheng opened his mouth with a very emotional look, and said, ≈quot;He is indeed a genius.

Many people were speechless. He only met Kong Xuan with a palm in the city of God, and then he used his fart to escape.

Fu Dao Niu stood on another broken peak not far from Leng Mei, and was also looking into the distance. After a long time of dullness, he said to himself: ≈quot;The cow, wandering for half a lifetime, never met the master of the Ming Dynasty, and finally met Kong Xuanque …

In the land of calamity, the supreme peer of the Time Heaven Dojo instructed the disciples to turn over every inch of the land and carefully clean up to see if there were any relics.

He believes that there are too many secrets in Kong Xuan, and there may be some strange things that can be concealed from the perception of consciousness, etc., and need to be carefully searched. ≈quot;It's cheaper for him to be killed by Lei, this kind of sudden death is much more enjoyable than a thousand cuts. ≈quot;Time Tian's super peerless said coldly. It seems a little sinister to say such words in his identity, mainly because the five time-breaking disciples he admired were beaten by Kong Xuan, and even the wanderers were not made.

"Yeah, the murderer is finally dead, it's cheap for him!" Many people in the dojo agreed.

Not far away, the supreme peer of the Guixu Dojo also said indifferently: "There are always people who feel that they are different, but in the face of the general trend, under the long sky of history, what kind of thunder comes down and returns to its original shape, dust Dust to dust, dung to dung

Many extraordinary people in this area nodded their heads, and those who participated in the encirclement and suppression were naturally those who were hostile to Kong Xuan, and it was impossible to find anyone who could sympathize with him. "It's good to die, it's finally clean!"

≈quot;What is the wealth of the sky, nothing after death, it is better than the living weeds on the roadside!≈quot;

In the distance, the city lord of **** stood together and was also searching. The tall knight in the bronze armor was very majestic, indifferent, and had an extremely dangerous aura. He looked at the various sects many times, which made the True Saint Dojo very jealous. If the 12 city lords did it, it would be extremely dangerous.

Some super peers responded forcefully, pulling out inhuman-level weapons to shock and awe, with a posture that would not hesitate to break the balance rules of hell.

"We can talk." The tall knight sat on the back of the rotten dragon and said with aura, "Holy Imperial City, I would like to contact outsiders, okay, let's chat.

Yes!≈quot;The heads of the major venues nodded immediately and did not want to conflict, and the atmosphere suddenly eased a lot. In the depths of the fog, in a mysterious and unknown place, Wang Xuan was healing his wounds. He opened his eyes quickly. He could perceive everything in the outside world. At this time, he completely recovered his vitality, his body was crystal clear, with a strong Dao rhyme. in its current peak state.

He didn't even think that after entering this foggy land, the robbery was completely terminated. He thought that he could only cover the secret for a short time, but the result was far beyond his expectations. There is nothing to say now, a group of enemies have gathered, they are all outside, he is ready to fight back!

Naturally, his hunting target is not ordinary extraordinary people. If he wants to kill, he will kill the extraordinary peers of various dojos, killing them to the point of pain in the flesh and heartache. As for the 5-time limit-breaking disciples, as well as those city lords, they are also the first choice.

He chose the first two goals, namely, Shi Shitian and Guixu Dojo. The two old guys said that he died suddenly, and the dung returned to the dung.

At the same time, he chose super hunting. If the two of them counterattack, take revenge, and destroy the balance rules of hell, it will be easier. Everyone in their camp will die tragically, and he will not need to attack many times.

Lian Yu used the Rippling Slash in the fog, he felt it was unnecessary, after all, after that kind of killer was activated, it could no longer be used in a short period of time, and how could he be forced to surrender if he didn't go out?

Wang Xuan suddenly broke out, without warning, and appeared behind Shi Shitian's super peerless world. He attached great importance to it and arrived with flowers!

In his hands, the grass and vines appeared, and the sky and the earth were extremely gorgeous in an instant. The sound of flowers appeared and illuminated the entire space and time. With a bang, the rhythm expanded vigorously, with chaotic light, sweeping out from the flowers. .

With a bang, Shi Shitian's super peerless head exploded, and the primordial spirit was swept away by the sacred object and disintegrated. what…

He screamed and screamed, and he really did not sense the crisis in advance, because Wang Xuan returned from a place beyond the world, and was directly behind him.

Daohua bloomed, seemingly soft and bright, but when the light rain poured down, it was extremely domineering, shattering the impact of his broken primordial spirit, completely shattering it.

A super peerless death! Even, he died tragically before he had time to make a choice whether to break the balance rules of hell. At the same time, the thunder light fell from the sky, covering the area, and there was a huge scream.

The robbery reappeared, and it was actually continued. Wang Xuan, who was stunned, was a little stunned. He thought he had successfully avoided the robbery by accident, but after he came out, he was actually hit by thunder, but this should be the end.

He noticed that in the final stage, the danger level of the catastrophe increased dramatically.

Maybe it was the transcendent source in the dark, knowing that he had escaped the catastrophe, and he had stopped, and now he is overweight, there are more than a dozen thunder lights with colorful chaotic substances, and they began to focus, only looking for him. In the final stage, Wang Xuan was broken down.

Although other people were not targeted by this kind of thunder light, they were extremely uncomfortable and painful, and many true immortals in the field were shattered on the spot. Even, there is a sky-level master who also exploded.

Especially the people near Wang Xuan, this area was almost emptied, and the closer they were to him, the more dangerous it was. There is no doubt that the various sects suffered heavy losses, and everyone fled wildly. As long as they didn't die, they would all be horrified. This place couldn't stay there anymore, and it would become a dead Jedi. "Where to go!" Although Wang Xuan was penetrated by the special thunderbolt of Tian Jie, he was not afraid and was still chasing the target.

He directly slaughtered the super peerless towards the Guixu Dojo, and the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and he fought against him with the Dao Xing of the 5-breaking real immortal field.

The super peerless eyes of Guixu Dojo, this young demon king Kong Xuan, is trying to force him to submit and make him want to break the balance rules of hell.

The robbery ripped apart Tianyu, and the special thunder pierced through many parts of Wang Xuan's body. If it wasn't for his special skull, which gave birth to his own mark of the Royal Dao, his head would have been blown up.

He looked up at the sky, is this being treated by Heavenly Tribulation beyond specification?

Then, he glanced at the four directions, the place where the calamity was crossed, and many people died. After being covered by the calamity, some people couldn't even stand a few thunder lights. Nearby, the blood of the immortals stained the ground red, and the broken arm of the sky-level superhuman flew out.

What surprised him was that the tall knight who looked extremely powerful and had the most aura, ran faster than anyone else and rushed out of the catastrophe area first, and decisively threw the rotten dragon behind him, and the other city lords also rushed followed.

This ultra-luxurious lineup is not afraid of Wang Xuan's personal combat power, but is afraid of that special catastrophe. After all, they have 12 city masters who really want to join forces, thinking that all creatures in the real fairy field can be killed!

Wang Xuan discovered that the super peerless and city master-level characters ran the fastest, where are the other strongest disciples, didn't they follow?;

"Ah... The screams came one after another, and the most people came from each avenue, and of course the worst. Wang Xuan's sword light expanded outwards, and when it swept all directions, many people were killed by him! Of course, those who died in the catastrophe more people.

The eyes of the super peerless distressed were black, and they were about to faint. This sudden change directly caused them to reduce their staff to nearly 30 percent. Where to go!" In the end, Wang Xuan couldn't hold back, and was ready to use his trump card, wanting to kill the extraordinary peer of the tattoo palace, because he was worried that he would get away.

Wang Xuan entered the fog and stood in a mysterious and unknown place, with a sacred and hazy light all over his body. With a chirp, soft ripples rippled out, and his place was completely dark.

He wanted to know how the other party would choose.

It is a pity that the super peerless in the tattoo palace, and before he can make a choice in the future, was suddenly cut off, the primordial spirit collapsed and completely disappeared.

≈quot;Flee!≈quot;In this area, the immortals are terrifying, and the supernatural beings feel like they are having a nightmare. The sword light just now, and the light of the catastrophe, caused them to suffer an unimaginable catastrophe. grid

Wang Xuan recovered from his injuries, rushed out again, and then killed the enemy, and then he discovered an extremely terrifying fact. He fled into the fog, and every time he came out, it seemed like he was being punished. Not only did the calamity not end, but instead gave him more money. This time, he didn't move, standing in place, he had to quickly end this great catastrophe, and then focus on dealing with the enemies.

The calamity is indeed coming to an end, and the special lightning is focused, and the thunder with chaotic light and all kinds of terrifying wonders, such as the crushing of the extraordinary light sea, the decay of the mythical universe, and these special The spectacle and thunder almost shattered him. Come again!" With his hair disheveled, he looked up at the sky, the calamity was finally over.

There is no doubt that the final end of the catastrophe is extremely deadly, and if it is replaced by other true immortals, it will definitely be wiped out, extremely dangerous and terrifying. Wang Xuan was covered in blood, swaying, rebellious, but in an instant he straightened up glanced around, looking like he was about to hunt. Unexpectedly, he would be able to reproduce alive, and he would immediately start killing. ≈ap;ap;h≈ap;ap;t) In far-flung areas, the superhumans of the various dojos that have been reorganized together have reduced their staff by 30%, and their hearts are bleeding. Relatively speaking, the 12 The city lord is still there and has not been damaged, and they are also examining and looking at Wang Xuan.

The tall knight said: ≈quot;The reinforcements who are ready to hunt him in the depths of **** are coming soon. Although he is strong alone, he cannot be too out of line. The 12 city masters, all of whom have broken the limit 5 times, have awakened their consciousness, enough to kill anyone in the real fairy field. Don't talk about this era, it's the past - Ji Youyi - Ji, how many people can fight against so many city masters alone

He lost his new mount again, and the rotten dragon was shattered under the calamity. More than a dozen city lords moved, and forced them towards Wang Xuan!

In fact, the supernatural beings in the various dojos who are still in shock are also staring at Wang Xuan, and they hate it, but they are also extremely jealous.

"Master Confucius, I'm here!" Fu Dao Niu took elegant steps, bored the fragments of time, rushed to the top, and shouted: Niu, wandering for half a lifetime, finally know where the road is. "Leng Mei's black robe also appeared not far away. As for those who complained about Yaoting, they are completely quiet now.

Wang Xuan looked at the four directions, and said: ≈quot;Today, I am standing here, I will not take a step back, who is going to shoot? Even if we go together, I am enough, and I will kill all the immortals after the catastrophe!≈quot ;

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