Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 415: amazing mutation

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"Besides, the three old kings are still one family!" The mobile phone strange thing sighed, adding that he looked quite emotional.

Wang Xuan wanted to give it a slap, but unfortunately it was not an opponent.

"You are spying on my secret." Wang Xuan looked at the strange object on the phone.

It even said the "three next-door universe old kings", and it is estimated that it has been investigating him all the time. Through his usual words and deeds, as well as the health furnace, he has learned a lot of things.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "I just overheard it."

"Have you seen Wang Yusheng? Tell me about his situation." Wang Xuan asked. Since the strange object on the mobile phone has spied some secrets, then ask it directly.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "He is very vigilant. When he glanced at him from afar, he immediately disappeared."

"It seems that he can see the outline of your body, how fierce your appearance is, and let an extraordinary alien escape in an instant." Wang Xuan said.

He was sure that what he saw now was just the appearance, and the health stove could see part of its original appearance, and he was shocked at the time.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "He thinks too much, and I have no plans to approach him at all. I cultivate geniuses without considering aliens. That series has long been finalized."

"Did you cultivate it and send it away from generation to generation?" Wang Xuan glanced at it and said, "You said, will I see the woman you mentioned in the imperial city, the holy temple, the Tianshen Mountain and other places? ?"

"I don't know." The mobile phone strange thing was silent.

Sure enough, if you want to deal with it, it is most effective to mention that this woman is left in hell.

"Will she mutate; wake up and live another wonderful life." Wang Xuan asked.

"Can you be quiet!" The strange object on the phone disappeared voluntarily.

In the giant city, Leng Mei-Lu Heng pushed her past, no monsters could stop her footsteps, the snow-white long skirt was hunting and flying, and she swept the road ahead.

Of course, the city is rioting, and there are still many monsters in all directions, rushing towards this side, man-eating vines, iron-blooded ancient trees, poisonous thorn flowers, etc., all very ferocious.

"The most powerful monsters have all been attracted by Leng Mei, and you will take care of the rest." Wang Xuan looked at Fu Dao Niu, who was not riding it now.

"The calf is willing to serve!" Fu Dao Niu walked gracefully, the fur was flowing with chaotic substances, and time fragments appeared under the four hooves, staring at the wonders of the galaxy and advancing.

"How old are you?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Xiao Niu is only a thousand and two hundred years old." Fu Dao Niu said with a humble look, but the confidence in his bones was still revealed.

"You're so old, you should call yourself an old cow in the future," Wang Xuan said.

Fu Dao Niu was stunned, and then, it felt very uncomfortable. This is because it has been disliked over the years.

Just over 1200 years old, it has reached the end of 4 times of breaking the limit, which is very remarkable.

"Master Confucius, how long is your longevity?" It asked cautiously.

"It's a little more than your fraction. It's almost three hundred years old. I sigh that time is ruthless and time is not forgiving." Wang Xuan said calmly.

"I... moo! It really wants to eat grass, and it's stuck in a panic. It's a fake monster. Normally, superhumans who have less than 300 years of life have almost never become immortals.

It shook its head and rushed towards those monsters such as the iron-blooded ancient trees, devil vines, dandelions, etc., and opened a killing ring to hide the shock in its heart.

At the same time, it released the yin and yang dogs, ten-tailed demon foxes, and bull demons in the exotic treasures of the cave house hanging on the special horn, and ordered them to fight with them.

In the giant city, shouting and killing Zhentian, this place is called Baicao City, and all the plants are crazy, crying and screaming.

Some towering withered trees rose from the ground, seeping blood, revealing an old face, full of trees shaking with red blood, and the place was banned by law.

There are also pieces of divine grass rising into the sky, the whole body is golden, and it is violently burned, as if dozens of rounds of the sun are floating, burning outsiders.

There was not a single plant around Wang Xuan. The whole journey was smooth, and all the surrounding areas were cleaned up. He toured the giant city calmly and calmly.

"When can you break the limit 5 times? If you can't keep up, you probably won't be able to take you to the depths of hell. Jing-/Hua-/Book-/Ge-/I want to see the Holy Emperor City, Tianshen Mountain and other places , whether all the monsters have mutated, awakened, and have a clear and powerful consciousness." On the way, Wang Xuan asked Fu Dao Niu in front.

"Xiao Niu, no, Lao Niu, I am very special, my bloodline is mutated, and I can carry the rhythm of Dao. I am still more sensitive to my own way of breaking the limit. In fact, I have reached the key point, but I just don't want to break through with the texture of the Imperial Dao of the Tattoo Palace. Also ask the master to bestow the most sacred mark of the royal road."

If nothing else, Fu Dao Niu's eyes are still very keen, and he naturally knows that Wang Xuan is special, and the texture of his Imperial Dao transformation is more terrifying than others.

Wang Xuan felt that it was very awkward that his own runes of imperialization were spreading and intertwining in a cow's body.

He opened his mouth and said, "In the past few days, I have helped you sort out the Yu Dao bones. The one that suits you is the best, and you don't have to copy others."

"Okay, but it must not conflict with Confucius's imperialization, otherwise it will not be able to increase, and it will not be possible to double the combat power." Fu Daoniu said.

Although Baicao City is special, it is very outrageous when the plants go crazy, but in fact there are only two city owners, a ghost tree, and a ghost fire vine. Although they are not weak, they have no accompanying sacred objects. Even if they join forces, they are not Leng Mei's opponents.

Leng Meigu manifested a spiritual spear, stabbed behind him suddenly, and nailed the ghost tree out of the dormant void with a bang.

She suddenly shook the golden spear and shattered the ghost tree of the city master level.

A group of Netherfire is coquettish, weird, and terrifying, tearing apart the time and space abruptly, killing it from an unknown place, and rushing towards Leng Mei.

A mutation occurred, and the prowler ran out of the city to transcend the tribulation, and was actually awakening.

The people from Time Sky were naturally more attentive, and at the same time they were surprised, they immediately sent someone to understand the situation.

"I feel that this is a very bad omen. In the outer area, there are already city lords who have transcended the calamity. What happened to those areas in the depths of hell, there are stronger city lords, whether they have already crossed the tribulation first and fully awakened. "

Someone proposed this hypothesis, which immediately made many Taoists uneasy. The **** of this era has become mysterious and seems to be more and more dangerous.

Wang Xuan was sitting on the back of Fu Dao Niu and was rushing to Insect City. On the way, he was still interpreting the changes of existence and non-existence, which caused the cold and charming figure to be dazzling for a while, and a little dim for a while.

Leng Mei's real body was originally in a stronghold many thousands of miles away, but now, she found herself appearing in two places from time to time, which made her surprised and sighed, this Kong Xuan is indeed very perverted, only 4 times to break the limit. This unpredictable ability.

If you want to deal with her, the real body can't escape and can be forcibly detained.

At first, her real body was only blurred in place, and only the main body consciousness would go far away and merge with the distant clone.

And as Kong Xuan kept trying and became more proficient, he seemed to have completely stepped into some kind of mysterious realm, so that her real body could completely disappear from the place and merge with the secondary body.

Not only her consciousness, but even her body appeared thousands of miles away.

"It's almost there, the change from nothing to something has been explored." Wang Xuan nodded, very satisfied, and when he saw Leng Mei's real body once again manifested in front of his eyes, he stopped the scriptures.

Leng Mei and her avatar were one, her body was empty, and she said with Dao rhyme flowing: "I heard someone talking about in the stronghold just now that there is a city master in **** who has awakened."

"Oh, it's really raining and the wind is blowing all over the building, and there is a shocking change in hell." Wang Xuan didn't feel too surprised, because in the imperial city, the strongest monsters had already awakened.

When they came to Insect City, they still opened the way coldly and killed inward, while Fu Dao Niu was cleaning the road behind.

There are poisonous insects and monsters everywhere in the city, squirming and escaping, and there are all kinds of insects.

Insect City was originally supposed to be the three major city lords, but only two **** insects appeared to fight, and Leng Mei killed it alone.

Leng Meidai frowned slightly and said: "The strongest bug, shouldn't it go to the tribulation? This is an independent act, or someone is making it happen."

"There is a high probability that some monster has come out from the depths of hell." Wang Xuan opened his mouth and told some news she had heard from Hu Python.

"What, there are a lot of monster mutations in the Holy Imperial City, and the Xeon Prowlers have awakened?"

Even though Leng Mei is extremely extraordinary, there are mysterious sacred objects in the Primordial Spirit who has broken the time limit 5 times, but now she also feels cold all over her body. This **** has become unpredictable and will be extremely dangerous.

Wang Xuan said: "There's nothing to fear, as long as I'm strong enough, I can penetrate any giant city! Take the time to capture Dao Yun, and pass one or two giant cities, I should prepare to break the limit 5 times and officially pass the customs. "

Before the sun went down, they left the insect city and rushed towards the city of the Five Immortals, and finally entered this giant city when the sunset disappeared, and they were destined to spend the night here.

If it was in the past, Leng Mei would not be so adventurous if she said anything, the Five Immortals City is too famous.

But now that she and Kong Xuan entered the city together, she felt at ease and felt that it was no big deal.

In fact, the strongest city lord here, the famous person in history, has disappeared, and only four city lords are left to fight.

This time, Wang Xuan took the initiative to test the changes between nothingness and existence, especially the newly comprehended "existence", and officially displayed it.

Under the blue moon, in the wilderness outside the city, countless rogues rioted, and Kong Xuan in the city killed all the four city masters by himself.

In fact, this is a complete erasure. He has emptied the digital city lords of the Five Immortals City, and they will not reappear.

"It's all gone, they're gone forever." Leng Mei stood quietly on the side, her eyes were strange, the legendary **** was empty, and it might appear.

She stared blankly at Kong Xuan who was in front of her, how strong would he really be if he broke the limit 5 times, and Kong Xuan's voice sounded: "Go, wash up."

He took off the blood-stained shirt again, and suddenly turned the cold and beautiful face a little black. This was definitely intentional, and he was calling her again. She immediately retracted the soft gaze she cast on him, picked up the clothes and left. .

"When did you break the limit 5 times?" In the end she still couldn't help asking.

"After dawn, choose a suitable place." Wang Xuan informed.

"You feel it ahead of time? There's only one night left." Leng Mei was surprised, almost no one could accurately predict the moment when she broke the limit five times.

"Tomorrow, break through." Wang Xuan nodded.

The strange thing on the mobile phone appeared and said: "I thought that if you didn't go to the Dao Rhyme of the Holy Imperial City, you would not break the limit 5 times. After all, it is very special there. It is still very meaningful to blend in and resonate with each other.”

"Don't worry, when I break the limit six times, I will step over all the so-called Jedi, such as the imperial city, the holy temple, and the Tianshen Mountain, and stand in the forbidden area of ​​​​the true immortal!" Wang Xuan said calmly.

However, in the extraordinary history, there has never been a record of '6 broken real immortals'. True saints have a consensus, and true immortals have no 6 broken domains.

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