Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 402: flower viewing

It is necessary to go out as early as possible in hell. After dark, there are wanderers everywhere in the wild, screaming and screaming, and even creatures close to strange places appear. Wang Xuan waved his hand back, and in front of Fu Dao Niu, a space-time gate appeared, and with a swoosh, the horses disappeared from the main street of the city one by one.

Outside the city, the sky is there, and in the golden maple forest, there are mechanical moths and so on.

In an instant, some news and clear photos were received in the distance, and Kong Xuan left the city! The tattoo palace was the most stimulated. There was a photo of Mu Qingyun. The former five-time limit-breaker, who once served for Kong Xuan in that divine city, walked on the main street and watched him go away.

At the end of the horizon, the mountains were shattered, and the extraordinary beauty of the tattoo palace was unbearable. A palm pierced through the bottom, and the majestic mountains disintegrated, and the earth sank.

"Yu is a platoon!" Other dojos would sigh a little, and also received pictures of Yu Zhang. If Yu was passed on to the present world, it would be another earthquake, and some of the facades of the True Holy Dojo were rumored to be leading the way for Kong Xuan. "Go check immediately, where did he go?" As the sun rose, the points of each dojo were alerted and busy.

The morning glow is there. Wang Xuan rides a bull on the boundless land. His whole body is full of golden brilliance.

Fu Dao Niu is indeed very ordinary, bathing in the morning glow, first a wisp of purple air, and then a small piece of purple cloud, lingering around him.

Wang Xuan was quite satisfied. Yutou Niu was very suitable for traveling. At least when he left the city, he was worried about the ambush outside the giant city.

He naturally knew that he was holding a strange-level weapon and guarding at the end of the earth.

After some deliberation, Fu Dao Niu opened a time-space gate and jumped directly out of the plain where the city of God was located.

"Recently, I have been remote sensing the outer universe, ignoring the beautiful scenery around me. The scenery of **** is actually very outstanding." Wang Xuan said with emotion.

One by one, riding in the brilliance of the rising sun, with a faint purple mist, walking leisurely all the way, Wang Xuan saw too many wonderful sights along the way. Like a silver orchid garden, at first glance, it is full of silver-white orchid, no variegated, fragrant, just like coming to the sacred snow country.

Wang Xuan looked over and admired the natural garden formed by Yu Pian Tian Di.

Fu Dao Niu was even more keen-eyed, and found more than a dozen orchid king plants in a row, and then the cow chewed the fairy medicine, flicked its tail, and walked through the garden with graceful steps.

Jumping out of the city of God, getting rid of **** battles, watching **** with a peaceful mind, and enjoying the scenery along the way, Wang Xuan felt that the impetuousness of wanting to break through was diluted.

The sun broke away from the horizon, and it was warm and all things began. Wang Xuan sat on the back of the cow, leisurely and fascinated, and then deliberately pursued the realm.

Riding one by one in the world of hell, putting aside obsessions, slowing down the rhythm of life, and hurrying on the road.

In front, the camellias are full of camellias, far away from the glitz of the red dust, there will be no **** killings in the giant city, some are just leisurely and some are just casual, Wang Xuan suddenly raised his head, facing the mountains, falling flowers drifted down.

He thought of the orchid garden before, in the same fragrance, the same pleasing to the eye, when he stretched out his right hand, his palm had

A bunch of silver orchid appeared, snow-white and crystal clear, and the fragrance of orchid came. He was startled, Yuzai was an orchid that he had seized from the far away land behind him, and when he had a thought in his mind, it appeared from nothingness.

"There is from nothing." He whispered, thoughtfully.

Earlier, he was too deliberate. He comprehended the "True One Classic" and wanted to interpret the changes of "existence", but it was too late to see the results.

Now, he has put aside the chaotic fragments of thinking related to cultivation, riding the bull on the road, and has achieved something in his mind, breaking through some kind of delusion. The bluegrass is extraordinarily vivid in the morning light, and the dewdrops are trembling. The fragrance will be so real that it will eventually dissipate and disappear.

Wang Xuan was in a trance and pierced a layer of window paper. Although it was still perfect, he had an idea and the whole world opened up.

He didn't pursue the world, and he did everything he wanted. For example, now that he had thoughts, he thought deeply and wandered in the spiritual realm. At the same time, when he came back to his senses occasionally, he once again experienced the wonderful scenery of hell.

Of course, if some people in the world know what he thinks of hell, with countless beauties, magnificent mountains and rivers, many species, and dense earth, they will definitely think he is crazy.

Hell, in the eyes of all the sects, it is **** and cruel. They have too many geniuses who died in the universe. Even the 5th time limit breaker enters the deepest part of hell, and will be turned into a splash, and most of them will die and disappear. end.

Wang Xuan watched the wonders of **** all the way, and came to the towering Daxue Mountain. He picked an ice lotus flower, put it on his lips and inhaled a refreshing fragrance, which seemed to be lingering in his internal organs for a long time. He looked into the distance, the ice field was open, and the snow-white world was incomparably vast, and only he appreciated it a little.

As for the Fu Dao Niu, it is bowing its head and nibbling on the ice lotus on the snowy mountain.

For a moment in Yu, Wang Xuan felt that the sky and the earth were vast, and the snow scene was beautiful.

Then... it caused an avalanche.

The white snow peaks suddenly collapsed and tsunami, the snow waves rumbled like thunder, galloping and roaring away, impacting down the mountain and rushing into the distance.

Fortunately, Yuli is a wild place, and it is a quiet place in hell, which belongs to the real spotless area.

Wang Xuan continued on the road in the ice and snow, stepping over thousands of mountains and thousands of snow, walking out of the ice field, a touch of new green came into view, so full of vitality. Later, he saw only the grass buds, but also a large peach blossom forest. As he rode forward, away from the ice field, the front of the earth was getting warmer and warmer. For peaches, the altitude is the same, and the peach forests are in the same season.

He picked off a bright red peach and washed it with a clear spring. The moment he bit it, it was fragrant and sweet, and his mouth was full of juice.

The taste is very beautiful, but for a while, Wang Xuan was eating it. I still remember that year, after the myth decayed, he was the only one who was still in the transcendent realm. Only take away a few wilted peaches. Later, he would take Zhao Qinghan and his children to visit the deserted peach orchard. At that time, Zhao Qinghan was still very young with a bright smile, while Wang Ye and Wang Xinhui were still young and innocent.

Looking back, more than two hundred and forty years have passed. The peaches in his mouth turned into a sour taste. He could eat them, and the peaches in his hands slowly faded and disappeared.

He sighed lightly, and went on the road again, thinking more about it. But thinking

Xu lingered and drifted past, pulling him towards the dim, dusty and rotten mother universe.

Then, his hand gently brushed in the void, Wang Ye, Wang Xin, and Wang Hui's young faces all appeared, smiling brightly, and stretched out their hands to him, as if they were shouting happily and joyfully dad.

He stretched out his big hand, gently held their little hand, and stroked their pure little faces, while Zhao Qinghan was smiling at them in the distance.

The warm picture was still, and then shattered. The three small figures all dimmed and dispersed, and Zhao Qinghan would travel with them.

Wang Xuan was quiet for a long time, then swept away his depressed mood, raised his head, and said, "As long as I am strong enough, nothing is possible." The bundles appeared in his hands, and came from nothingness.

For a time, a passion and an uncontrollable pride rose in his heart, and he looked up at the sky of **** and said, "As long as I am strong enough, even the old saints can come out from the dissipated years!"

With a bang, there was a faint thunder across the sky of hell.

Wang Xuan ignored it, his eyes shone brightly, and said, "As long as I am strong enough, even in an older era, more mysterious creatures, as well as the present and the future, regarding the extraordinary birth and death, I can... "


In the distance, a chaotic sky thunder fell, and several majestic mountains turned into powder, collapsed on the spot, and dissipated cleanly, leaving traces of chaotic matter.

Fu Dao Niu was horrified, his cyan fur stood upright, and he said in a trembling voice, "Master Kong, don't talk about it, I have a feeling for it!"

Wang Xuan was scornful and said: "There is a woolen thread, if it really exists, it has already been manifested, so why pretend to be a vision of heaven and earth!"

He cared about it at all, and said: "Everything is going on. It was my epiphany at that moment, blending with the Tao, and orderly fragments stirred out, triggering some mysterious rules of hell. Besides that, what else could there be? Everything in the world is nothingness, who would really care about it!”

Wang Xuan slapped Fu Sheng and said, "Go, go to the cloud, wait and see, can there be something that will hack me? I have already quit that state of mind and rhythm." Fu Dao The cow shivered and wanted to take a step, but when he saw the terrifying texture of the imperial Taoism around Wang Xuan's palms and fingers, it had to take the soul dance step again, stepping on the void, to the place where the Chaos Heavenly Thunder had just crossed. place, the results were indeed calm.

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "Have you seen it, I am the only real person in the world, what I see is like a dream, there is no existence, it is all false."

He completely got rid of the emotions of thinking about the past earlier, with a strong belief in his heart, his eyes were open and closed, and his light was shining brightly. "Keep going!"

He rode a bull across the land of the pointless area of ​​hell, far away from the giant city area, and realized the changes between nothingness and existence in peace, watching the scenery and flowers along the way. Fu Dao Niu carried him away from the cloud, and the throbbing and fear in his heart slowly disappeared. In any case, it still admires the courage of the young man on its back, but it does not dare to talk nonsense or compliment.

Wang Xuan walks through the mountains and rivers of hell, as if he is nourishing his energy and spirit, there is a surge of energy and spirit, and he is spontaneously surging with passionate emotions. "

The flower of the gods is blooming at the beginning, and it is the best in the world. I look forward to my 5 breakthroughs. ' he muttered to himself.

Fu Dao Niu immediately followed up and said, "Master Confucius has great spirit, presumably at the beginning of breaking the limit 5 times, he was like a bouquet of divine flowers alone, topping the era, sweeping the immortals, breaking the taboo field 5 times. There is no rival!"

Wang Xuan glanced at it and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, am I going to use flowers as a metaphor for myself? I'm talking about the grass in front of the primordial spirit. It has buds, it is truly beautiful, and it is about to bloom soon. "

Fu Dao Niu was not embarrassed, but was stunned. Yuwei has not entered the limit-breaking realm 5 times, and he saw the sacred artifact of Yuanshen in advance, and it is about to mature? It felt extremely shocking, and the four hooves surrounded by fragments of time all went out and the body was slightly stiff.

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "Let's go, along the way, I have seen the wonders of the mountains and rivers in hell, and I will appreciate the flowers and plants. Go to the scenic spots and historical sites to have a look."

Fu Dao Niu knew that Yu was going to the giant city area, but don't let it go directly to places like the Holy Emperor City and the Mechanical Holy Temple.

Although it has confidence in Kong Xuan, some forbidden places are really suitable for approaching. Those rumored "Holy Lands of Hell" make its corbels feel a little weak, and the rumors alone make it fearful.

Fu Daoniu said cautiously: "Master Confucius, let's break the limit 5 times first, the imperial city and the holy temple are too special. For example, the inner city of the holy emperor is equivalent to the city of hell, and that In this kind of place, monsters and prowlers sometimes take the initiative to come out!" "It's a cow who has stayed at the True Holy Dojo, but you know very little." Wang Xuan stopped talking, chatting with it along the way, and the journey was full. will be monotonous.

The speed of the Fudao Niu is naturally inconceivable. It grows lotus at every step, and its four hooves seem to be wading forward in the galaxy, faster than shrinking into an inch. If it is true, in the land that may carry Wang Xuan across hell, he will see various natural wonders and magnificent things for most of the day.

It was still far from the giant city area, and Wang Xuan was staring into the distance.

The Fu Dao Niu will stop and look at the end of the horizon, it will feel it, and then it will see a man, stepping on the void, coming very fast. "The 5th Limit Breaker!" It is strong in An, that is a very powerful transcendent, a creature in the realm of the real fairy, and it is definitely a flawed 5th Limit Niu It is still quite ordinary, although he is afraid and ready to fight, but his aura is in fear, after all, Kong Xuan is sitting on its back. It looked ahead and said, "Would you dare to appear in front of Confucius?"

In the distance, the man's aura was extraordinarily powerful. As he walked step by step, even the heavens and the earth were resonating, and the mountains seemed to be beating.

Wang Xuan's eyes swept over, and then he looked at the end of the horizon, where a dot would appear.

Afterwards, he opened his spiritual eyes again and looked at the far end of the sky in the other direction, and a third point appeared.

Fu Dao Niu is hairy, and there are only three in a blink of an eye. They should all be 5-time limit-breakers from the True Saint Dojo outside the world, right?

Thanks: King Youzai wants to fish, thank you for the support of the leaders for many times!

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