Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 388: The 1st fairy in the 6th century

The city of hell, inside the central palace, is cold and quiet.

In the past, the super-spec giant palace seemed to have become a cold palace, full of prosperity, cold and silent. "Is that her?" Wang Xuan turned his head and looked at the strange object on the mobile phone.

The black-and-white photo on its screen is very dim, and the woman seems to be standing far away alone, blurred and indistinguishable.

The woman in the space ahead is also like this, hazy and ethereal, as if separated by years, separated by time and space, covered by a layer of Dao rhyme, standing still.

The cracks were fully expanded, and the chaotic mist filled the air. The woman had a real Dao rhythm. She appeared in the form of a **** statue, like a living god.

Except the face is not very clear, the body is lifelike, standing high on the giant platform made of Daluo Shenjin, wearing soft star silk fairy clothes.

At his feet, a row of figures solidified, as if resurrected, they were all crawling on the ground, all of them were the "City Lord-level powerhouses" she killed here in the past.

Undoubtedly, these people should have broken the limit five times, and now they are in the form of Dao Yun, becoming an embellishment, lying at the feet of the female goddess.

Who made the statue? The woman seemed to be treated beyond standard in hell. After the others died in battle, they all became monsters and wanderers defending the city.

She looks like she has been established as a god!

"My child, it's been a long time. It's not just the vicissitudes of life, the vicissitudes of life, the years have passed, and even the universe is changing, changing one after another. After many years, I see you again." The mobile phone strange thing said calmly.

Although it still has no mood swings, this is the first person who can make it say such a thing. At that time, it really liked this woman, as a child, as a junior who can pass on the mantle and mantle.

Otherwise, in its indifferent and numb state, sending so many wizards away, how could it be possible to have this kind of mood, always obsessed with a person?

"Hell treats you favorably, but where are you now?" The strange thing on the mobile phone asked without any turbulence, like the sound of a dry well echoing.

Wang Xuan knew for a long time that it was impossible to see a real woman here. Back then, she slaughtered through the Hell City and wiped out all 5 limit-breakers. She did not die here.

But he was still greatly touched. That was a row of city master-level prowlers and monsters, all of which were related to this city back then? They were all killed by one person, which felt a bit outrageous.

He seriously doubted that Hell God City could also summon the Lord of the nearby giant city to join the battle, otherwise why so many people?

Some of those people can see clearly, and some are blurred. For example, the people who are crawling on the edge are similar to nothingness. Are there 5 limit-breakers farther away?

Therefore, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact number of city-level monsters.

Wang Xuan has a big head, although he is very confident, even in the eyes of outsiders, he is wild and domineering, but here, he admits that he can't beat these city lords at present.

If they don't break the limit five times, if these city master-level creatures recover and come out alive, he can only run away without any suspense. If they really die, they will be hunted to death on the spot.

"How strong was she back then?" Wang Xuan asked.

"The first in the sixth century." The evaluation of mobile phone strange objects is very

It's short, with no unnecessary words, and a sense of silence.

Sixth Century, a slightly sensitive number.

Wang Xuan was a little "not aware of current affairs", disturbing its regret and disappointment, and asked with a frown, "Before the sixth century, who would be stronger?

"You talk too much!" The strange thing on the phone really didn't like seeing him anymore, and was forcibly pulled back from his old thoughts, which made him particularly unpleasant.

"I just asked casually, and at the same time wanted to comfort you and avoid your sadness. By the way, shouldn't she be your daughter?" Wang Xuan asked suddenly.

Because the strange thing on the mobile phone favors her too much, and it has never been so kind to him.

On the screen of the strange object of the mobile phone, a hand composed of Dao Yun protrudes, hazy and snow-white, and you have to press it directly to him!

This is something that has never happened before. Although this pit has been violent in the past, it has finally endured.

Wang Xuan hurriedly shouted: "Stop, stop being irritable, say something if you have something to say, this is hell, if you recover casually, there will be "Nei Li" that will be charged to you, and it will be troublesome for you to go to **** in the future, I want to see her The remains cannot be done.”

The strange object of the mobile phone finally endured, and the hand slowly dissipated on the screen.

"Isn't this a reasonable guess? You see, the super-transformation prohibited items have descendants, and now there are descendants wandering around outside the city of God. I'm thinking, you are not weaker than others, and there is a high probability... ..."

Seeing that the screen of the mobile phone was glowing again, Wang Xuan resolutely shut up and stopped talking about it.

"Before the sixth century, it is not easy to trace back, because my memory is a bit disordered. In my impression, she is the first among true immortals, and none of the creatures that I can remember before the sixth century are in the same level domain. Comparable to her."

The strange thing on the mobile phone still responded and said such a paragraph.

This evaluation is too high, the sixth era first? Wang Xuandu's complexion changed, and he was quite surprised.

And before the sixth century, among those messy and broken memories, she was also unique? Let Wang Xuan doubt again whether she is the daughter of the strange object of the mobile phone.

"Which area is she in? After I break the limit five times, I must go and see it." Wang Xuan said, this time he was very solemn and did not smile.

"You'd better penetrate the True Immortal area first. When **** is empty, that's the end point. When disaster strikes, she disappears and she dies." said the mobile phone.

It regretted a little, and the words of the chef of the Tianting Canteen once pierced its numb heart.

In the past, some people who were not as good as her rose up, and there were even people of the same age as her who were once suppressed by her with one hand, but in the end they became true saints.

"She was defeated, but instead rushed up. I brought her here, but in the end, she disappeared at the end of hell."

This incident broke the defense of the mobile phone wonders. Its actions were actually a risk. Instead, it killed a Gedai wizard and interrupted her growth trajectory.

Wang Xuan said: "Didn't you try to fight, what **** is empty, attracting many people of the same level to fight, if it is me, I will kill them all!"

Obviously, this has hit the heart of the mobile phone strange thing again.

It was silent for a moment, then said: "I do want to break the rules of balance in hell, that's the only time I want to

The principle of breaking oneself, but it is too late, at the end of hell, everything is empty, all is gone. "

"Don't worry, since **** gave her preferential treatment, I don't know if it was those prowlers or some monsters who set up a statue for her. After all, she is now the king of prowlers, right? No matter how bad it is, there will be some remnants left. , you still have a chance to take a look at the remains."

Wang Xuan really doesn't know how to comfort people. The first half is okay, but the second half is not so right. "By the way, if I have an accident, will you blame yourself more?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Who are you?" Now, it's not bad to shoot him without the mobile phone.

Wang Xuan also didn't want to touch the bad head, so he stopped provoking it, and directly inspected his territory in the giant palace, and then began to try to approach the Dao rhyme similar to the rules of the outer universe.

In the depths of the giant palace, there is indeed a rhyme that is different from the transcendent central world. It is a huge attraction for 5-time limit-breakers and transcendental peers who want to become aliens.

However, when he realized the rules left by different extraordinary civilizations, a shocking change occurred!

Those "city lords" who were crawling at the feet of the woman, a row of creatures became clear, and then they all moved, stood up, and rushed out of the space in an instant.

They were transformed by Dao Yun, but now they seem to be recovering for a short period of time, and an earth-shattering aura erupts. The entire giant palace is shaking violently, and the recovery of the pattern cannot stop their powerful aura from overflowing, and then the entire city of God begins to shake. trembling slightly.

The former 5-time limit-breakers, a group of once incomparably powerful "city lords", who seem to have crossed time and space, came from an unverifiable era, each with a murderous aura, and the corners of their eyes and brows are full of Taoism. In the realm of real immortals, absolutely top power.

"I've been scammed again, a group of people cheated on the corpse!" Wang Xuan quickly retreated and rushed out of the giant palace. Although he was confident, he was not blindly optimistic and knew the current situation very well.

After all, he is still a 4-time limit-breaker, and when he encounters a single "city owner", or two or three 5-time limit-breakers, he dares to rush up.

But now, his group of people walked side by side, and at first glance, they were all the overlords of the real immortal realm that were extremely difficult to mess with, and they all rushed over.

Someone opened their hands, their eyes were wild, and they pressed directly at him, hunting arbitrarily.

Just like Wang Xuan, when he encountered the 4 time limit-breakers artificially piled up by the True Saint Dojo, he dared to grab the opponent's neck directly.

There were also creatures that rose up into the sky and stepped towards him.

There are also "city lords" who are extremely domineering, slashing with a knife, and wishing to smash him into pieces with one move, so that his body and spirit will be destroyed.

It seems that they still retain the state of the last battle that year. They were driven crazy by the woman, and their fighting consciousness exploded, so they rushed out.

"Spicy chicken!" Wang Xuan flew away very fast, and at the same time his face sank, it was enough to hunt him around, and he dared to be so scornful.

He opened his mouth and said, "Although you are all very strong, you are too arrogant. If you dare to treat me like this, I really think I am an ordinary 4th time limiter!"


He broke out, and at the moment of flying back at an extreme speed, he was also counterattacking at the right time. The first thing he faced was the young man who shot at him arbitrarily and caught him.


At this moment, he sent ten thousand swords in unison. The four-page sword scripture from the Scarecrow in the backyard of the true saint, combined with the Dao Slashing Sword, directly solidified the time and space, and the world was still.

The wild man was blocked when he reached out to Tianling Gai with his hands, but after a short pause, he stepped forward again. It is conceivable how terrifying he was.

If it was someone else, he would definitely be fixed on the spot, unable to move, and he was broken in time and space, time and space were dead and still at the same time, and he could not restrain him.

However, this brief pause was enough for Wang Xuan. In his hand, an energetic sword composed of extraordinary factors appeared in his hand, which was hundreds of kilometers long.

With a bang, even in the form of Dao Yun, this man still gives people a lifelike sense of reality. He was slashed in the face by this sword, blood splattered, his face bones were twisted and deformed, and half of his head was cracked. .

"It didn't explode, it's really hard." Wang Xuan stunned, the monsters here are very difficult to deal with.

During this process, Wang Xuan did not stop, and was still flying back at an extreme speed. It was impossible to do anything here, and he could not face so many city lords now.

With a quick glance, he had already discovered that eight "City Lord-level" monsters had rushed out of the giant palace. Each of them was fierce and arrogant. It seemed to be different from other places, and there might be more in the back.

He continued to shoot, casting spells one after another, black and white light blooming on his body, sweeping across the front, suddenly the rhythm collided, the void exploded, the sky and the earth exploded, and the entire giant city trembled.

In the distance, all the monsters in the city were shivering. I never thought that so many city lords would suddenly appear in the quiet giant city. The world-shattering, rotting beasts, all kinds of exotic birds and **** insects, etc., were all lying on the ground. On the ground, as if on a pilgrimage.

Bang bang bang!

Wang Xuan's body continued to bleed, all of which were terrifying blood holes, which made him translucent. Although he was very strong, facing so many people who had broken the limit 5 times, he felt powerless and fell into a desperate situation.

Some monsters were super fast and did not participate in the first wave of attacks. Instead, they tried to outflank him. When Wang Xuan flew upside down, they rushed over with all their strength and cut off his back path.

This is a battle of life and Wang Xuan never thought that an abandoned cold palace would provoke so many monsters, far more than other giant cities. Kill here.

The starlight swayed and poured down from the sky of hell. He used the galaxy to wash his body and waved the rule galaxy interwoven with animation and sky against the enemy, accompanied by endless thunder, which was deafening.

However, those monsters walked side by side, with boundless light blooming on their bodies, and it was unimaginable that the overlords who had broken the limit five times in the real immortal realm joined hands.

With a bang, Wang Xuan's body burst open in many places, and his bones were broken. This was a terrible battle he had never encountered in the past, even a woman who valued mobile phone wonders, known as the number one in the Sixth Epoch. In the realm of breaking the limit, the real condescending immortals all bleed here, were wounded, and angered her, and only then did she have the terrible record of finally killing this place.

Now, Wang Xuan has not been promoted to the end of the true immortal, the terrifying field that is exclusively reserved for the "true saint's capital". At this time, he was very difficult, fighting with all his strength, and the battle was extremely tragic. As soon as he touched it, his whole body was red and blood was everywhere.

The difference was that this time it was his own blood, not the blood of a monster.

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