Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 380: New solution to mental illness is far beyond imagination

, the fastest update to Deep Space Beyond! Hell, the city of chaos, the rioting monsters all over the city were quiet, shivering, and blood was everywhere on the main street. "Outside the city, Wang Xuan felt a chill in his heart, from head to toe. In the blink of an eye, everyone in the Demon Court was wiped out, and there was no suspense.

Is this what it's like to break the rules of the balance of hell? After verification, he has gained a lot of knowledge.

The black fog covered the entire plains and mountains. The figures of Sandaomohu didn't make a move in person, they passed by, and the big monsters shattered.

The thick fog dissipated, Mohu's figure returned to the giant city, and violent ripples were heard, the teleportation array was activated again, and they disappeared.

Must be an alien, right? Activate the weapons of this level, and the creatures you provoke are equal!

Wang Xuan looked at Tianchaocheng, and his heart moved.

The entire giant city seems to have icy mechanical life, watching ruthlessly, and the illegal camp will pay the price in blood. "

The test results were very terrifying. In an advance team of the True Saint Dojo, all the big demons died in an instant.

Wang Xuan is very afraid, this giant city is not only mechanically cold, but also has some ideals, examining everything.

During this process, he was still shooting, fighting, and blood was all over his body. Because of Sandaomohu's figure, he was a little constrained just now.

"I'll settle the account with you in the future." He didn't want to fight anymore, all the people in Yaoting were wiped out, and he didn't want to go shopping in Heavenly Chaos City. Moreover, the monsters all over the city started to riot again, gushing out like a tide, all coming towards him.

It's a pity that the green dagger, the alien-level weapon, was taken away by Mo Hu's figure. Wang Xuan felt regretful. It just fell to the ground. Although he was greedy, he didn't dare to pick it up.

The only gain was the piece of holy relic, which fell into his hands at this time. "

Wang Xuan rushed towards the end of the horizon. The three 5-time limit-breakers had left a splendid monster in the records of each True Saint Dojo, and led a city of creatures to hunt him down.

"I'll give you a face, right? I'll level this place in the future!" Wang Xuan glanced back, really not in the mood to fight. "

He was chased out for hundreds of miles, and after a certain range, those monsters retreated like a tide, and the empty wilderness became quiet.

Under the blood-colored sunset, the field of **** was a dreary red.

Wang Xuan lived outside a small town, where he "set up camp". He released several prisoners from the small Fudi cave house he carried with him. At the same time, he took out a black pot, and drew a clear spring from a distant mountain to wash the pot continuously.

The six demons, the bull demon, the black swan, and the yin and yang dog, looked at the black pot, and their eyes suddenly became dizzy. "

Shiri's quality inspector, want to stew them? Several demons were instantly hairy!

"Tell me, what's going on with the "Only Me Only Truth"? Besides, tell me about the Demon Court." Wang Xuan said.

With his back against the city wall of the old town, he interrogated the prisoners, but he did not enter the city, and did not cause the riots and attacks of monsters in the city.

His face is very serious, the mental illness Dafa is very mysterious, he has given him a lot of help, and he attaches great importance to this matter.

"We won't give in!" A black tiger monster said, with stripes all over his body and a suffocating aura, quite a bit wild and powerful like the king of the forest.

Wang Xuan nodded, he didn't want to talk nonsense with it, and he didn't even go to it to explore it.

Primordial Spirit, because the disciples of the Zhisheng Dojo have the spiritual realm


Soon, the black tiger shuddered and wanted to say something. But it was too late, and soon after the iron pot tiger meat came out and smelled delicious. "

Wang Xuan took a sip and immediately didn't want to eat it. From the perspective of the transcendent realm, it was really good, but from the taste, it was really bad.

The meat of the mature black tiger is too woody, and the muscles are almost the same as steel bars, and mortals will not be able to bite. Wang Xuan feels particularly chewy when he eats it. "

"The demons from the True Saint Dojo are not very tasty. They are not as smooth and tender as ordinary tigers." Wang Xuan sighed, quite disappointed. He looked at the bull demon, the black swan, and the yin and yang dog, and said, "Are you all old and your flesh is woody and hard?"

Spicy chicken! Several demon immortals wanted to scold, but their instinct was to tremble. Who wouldn't be afraid, didn't they see that the black tiger immortals were stewed?

"Little demon, it really looks old and woody!" The cow demon was the first to speak, afraid of being eaten, but soon it woke up again, and quickly changed its tune, calling itself an old cow, for fear of causing misunderstandings, thinking its meat is still very tender .

Then, it quickly said: "I only have the truth, I come from the hometown of my demon court. It is said that it is a very remote universe."

It was afraid of death, worried about being eaten, and explained there that the dojo attaches great importance to this neurological text, and has placed a ban on the disciples, so that it cannot be spread.

Moreover, only the Yin-Yang dog and the ten-tailed demon fox have practiced here. Those who are not talented and those with exceptionally strong primordial spirits are not qualified to practice at all.

Many demons follow the body-refinement route.

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Well, yes, I will reward you with a few pieces of black tiger meat."

Niu Yao is an extremely tyrannical monster in the real fairy field, otherwise he would not be qualified to enter the real holy dojo.

It was holding the chunks of meat that weighed dozens of kilograms, and it was neither unpleasant nor unpleasant to eat. This was the meat of the cooked demon Black Tiger Immortal.

"Don't force it, just throw it aside if you don't like it. I also think the meat is too rough and not tasty." Wang Xuan said that he was telling the truth.

But the bull demon was afraid that he was speaking the opposite, so he bit down in one bite, and then he also said the truth, saying: "It's really fragrant!"

The incense it said refers to being good for itself and belonging to a great tonic.

Next to him, the black swan, the yin and yang dog, and the ten-tailed demon fox all looked at it with strange eyes, thinking in their hearts, what a dog this cow is!

Afterwards, the black swan also took the initiative to speak up, made various confessions and supplemented it, but it did not forget that Kong Xuan said that he wanted to eat braised goose.

"I'm not qualified to practice "Only the Truth", but I have heard that it is very important within Yaoting, and some high-level officials have talked about it many times."

Wang Xuan is interested, there are many monsters, and there is more information to add. The ten-tailed demon fox grabbed the words and said: "This scripture comes from the mother universe of the true sage. Its true source is difficult to verify. Every time it appears, it is very strange, and it always manifests in the rest of the extraordinary civilization." Learn more naturally.

Wang Xuan took it seriously. How did he get this page of scriptures back then? Found from the remnants of an extraordinary civilization that died out in the parent universe.

A large number of scriptures have been burned, and only one withered page of paper remains, recording the "True One Classic".

The withered-yellow paper was of very ordinary material, and just because it carried the scriptures, it would not be extinguished. Wang Xuan took it into the world behind the life soil, where it was burned by the fire, and it was still there.

This is very special.

The point is, according to the legend of the mother universe, this scripture came from the Mutianjing civilization, but Wang Xuan found it from the fire of the civilization of Xiaoyaozhou.

Now, when he heard the people in Yaoting say that it appeared in Yujin every time, he suddenly felt that there was something in it that exceeded his expectations.

The ten-tailed demon fox said: "It is reported that the supreme true sage has talked to the high-level officials of Yaoting, and some people have comprehended the "Only the Truth" and created a brilliant civilization in a remote place. , and refined a forbidden-level mirror. Some people have comprehended this scripture, fell into madness, and finally lost their practice." Wang Xuan was shocked, and sure enough, the origin of mental illness is more mysterious than he knew, it is not Originated from the Mutianjing civilization?

In the higher spiritual world of the mother universe, he once saw the spiritual remains of a strong man who was the last remaining of the Mutianjing civilization, holding the fragments of the Mutianjing mirror.

Such a powerful civilization was also developed based on the "True One Classic"?

Of course, the splendid extraordinary civilization cannot be determined by one person, and it is the brainchild of all extraordinary people in an era.

Wang Xuan found that several demons were replenishing, only the Yin-Yang Dog was more silent.

Then, the dog barked, and Wang Xuan had long ago threatened that even the dog would be slapped if he caught the demon court.

Earlier, when he was chased by the people of Yaoting, it was mainly this dog's nose psychic, who led the way to chase him.

"Ow, ooh, ooh" The dog carrying the black and white yin and yang diagram, his mouth was swollen by Wang Xuan's beating.

Then, the yin and yang dog also spoke, and had to lower his head to add, otherwise he would be beaten.

The enemy's nest, let alone the enemy, even the eggs and yolks in the nest are shaken away. "

"The Supreme True Sage and high-level officials talked about that this scripture is extremely mysterious. There is only one piece of paper. Every time it is the end of the era, and it is reborn in the rest of civilization, and the content revealed each time is different."

The yin-yang dog deserves to be gifted, and he knows more after practicing this scripture.

Wang Xuan's heart is not calm, and sure enough, there is a problem with Dafa of mental illness, and the background is bigger than imagined.

"You dog, don't hit next page! Current page 1/total 2 pages

Don't say it, right? "Wang Xuan finished, and Papa gave it two more slaps."

The dog was a little stunned and wanted to bark very much. The good girl was slapped if she didn't open her mouth, and she was beaten when she opened her mouth. It was too difficult for me.

"Go on!" Wang Xuan ordered.

The yin and yang dog's face was swollen and said: "Every time the "Only Me Only True Sutra" appears, the meaning of the scriptures does not change, but each chapter has a new interpretation, like a complete scripture, only one chapter is opened for each chapter. page, displayed in the remainder."

Wang Xuan took a deep breath of the supernatural factor of hell, calming himself down, mental illness is a bit outrageous!

The dog shut up at the right time, not disturbing his contemplation, for fear of being beaten again. However, at this time, the strange object on the mobile phone glowed and told him that the people from Wujie Mountain contacted him.

"Kong Xuan, we have decided to send troops after we have considered it clearly. Are you going to deal with the people from Yaoting? Our troops have been assembled and are ready to go!"

Wu Mingdao, the core disciple of Wujie Mountain, is indeed a ruthless character. After making a decision, he really dares to do it. He believes that the aura of Wujie Mountain must not be weak at the moment. Whoever dares to move their disciples will fight whoever!

Otherwise, the group of predators will continue to approach when they smell the blood, and they will be insatiable, and finally swarm up.

"No, everyone in Yaoting committed suicide." Wang Xuan quickly stopped him. ""what? "

"They went crazy for no reason, rushed into the city of chaos, and they were all destroyed!", "Ah!"

After the brief call, Wang Xuan's thoughts came back, and he thought about the "True One Classic" again, and let Wu Mingdao doubt his life.

"Only one page of scriptures is displayed in each era, how many pages did the true saint of Yaoting get?" Wang Xuan asked.

The yin and yang dog said: "It is said that even in a remote universe, the supreme true sage survived after the extraordinary cold winter and darkness fell, immortal, unparalleled in the world, and called a strange man. He himself is in the rest. After getting a page, I also learned some from the inheritance of a curtain-glass civilization."

"The old guy got more than me." Wang Xuan said to himself.

Several demon immortals were immediately This Kong Xuan really practiced this scripture, and it seemed to be the original chapter, not the inheritance of the demon court.

"When the true sage talked with the high-level people, he mentioned that every page of scriptures can be practiced, but the scriptures that follow are more important. Unfortunately, he never found it again, and was eager to leave that remote universe and enter the transcendent center. World, he still regrets it to this day." The ten-tailed demon fox said.

Several demon immortals looked at him suspiciously. Could it be that Kong Xuan is from the hometown of the true saint of the demon clan? Immediately, their mood is difficult to calm down, how is it possible!

Then, they turned pale again, wouldn't they be silenced right away?

"A little more, I'm very interested in this verse

interest. "Wang Xuan glanced at them and said that he was psychic, and anyone who had false words could be identified and cooked on the spot.

Then, he became friendly with Yan Yue again, and invited a few demons to eat black tiger meat.

The yin and yang dog said: "The supreme true saint mentioned, that page records that there are

The withered yellow paper of the scriptures can only be kept around for a few years, and it will slowly fade away until it disappears. "

Wang Xuan was surprised, there is such a thing? Then, part of the light of his primordial spirit entered below the life soil, went to the place of nothingness, and took out the withered yellow paper.

Two hundred years later, isn't it still there? He looked at it carefully, and it was the same as before, nothing changed, it was still yellow and old, with the words "ghost painting" on it.

Wang Xuan said: "What else did the true saint of the demon race say? Did you mention his past in that remote universe, for example, what made him hold revenge, what moved him, what made him angry, and what made him remember deeply Yes, those people, and some old things."

At this time, several demon immortals were all staring at the old piece of paper in his hand, completely ignoring his words, all with shocked expressions, saying: "The demon saint said it is impossible!"

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