Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 365: 18,000 Yuan

Yuan Tian's body runes flowed, his breath was terrifying, and the light of his fists illuminated the entire dojo, but everything came to an abrupt end, and someone grabbed his body. &qu;He wanted to wave another fist to solve the crisis in front of him, but his whole body seemed to be stuck in a still picture scroll, and it was very difficult to move. He felt like he was being choked by "fate", and his soul was following Ji. In fact, someone grabbed his neck and lifted him up, with both feet off the ground.

"Come on, call me uncle" Wang Xuan urged, he didn't have a good impression on the four time-breaking disciples of the Guixu Dojo, and naturally he would not show mercy. &qu;Ah...&qu; Yuan Tian spoke with difficulty, blushing and thick neck, he felt like he was going to explode, what a shame this was.

Who is he, the direct disciple who came out of the True Saint Dojo, who has broken the limit four times, and entered the world as a legend, attracting attention and shining brightly. Even outside the world, the 4 time-breaking disciples are the focus of attention, and their status is extraordinary.

With his identity, the core disciple of the True Saint Dojo, he actually had such an experience. His fist pierced the world, but he was cut off before he punched out. &qu;Ah, Yuan Tian felt like he was going to explode, not only was his body going to explode, but he was going to explode with anger, a humiliation that he had never experienced before. "What is the ghost called, can't you understand me?" Wang Xuan grabbed his neck with his right hand, preventing him from moving, and let go of his fist with his left hand. Then, Wang Xuan turned the big slap and slashed it directly, with the lake on his fairly handsome face. In an instant, that loud voice reverberated in the dojo and resounded in everyone's heart.

Wujie Mountain is responsible for serving tea and pouring water here, and the ordinary extraordinary people who are responsible for entertaining "VIPs", as well as some disciples, instantly feel like the body is rushing through a weak electric current, the scalp is numb, and then there is a pleasant refreshing breath sense.

Over the years, they have felt and felt that the dojo is extremely dull, and they have heard some things, and disaster is coming.

Now the core disciple of the hostile dojo, Yuan Tian, ​​was directly grabbed by his own young demon king like a son of a bitch, and then slapped him. They felt that their hearts were relieved, and they spit out a mouthful of suppressed turbidity.

The expressions of the people in the other dojos have changed. Kong Xuan is more domineering than the rumors, and the fact that he directly used the big slap lake true saint disciple has a lot of influence.

One Buddha of Yuantian was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and his eyes were immediately red. Over the years, wherever he went, it was not the stars holding the moon and becoming the center of one party. What he was experiencing at the moment was so unreal.

&qu;Try again and see&qu;Wang Xuan will naturally not be merciful,&qu; slapped it up with a big slap. Outside the arena, Ziying from the Guixu Dojo had an ugly face, and her pretty face was full of icy cold air. Kong Bian was slashed like Yuan Tian, ​​but it was their faces. She couldn't bear it any longer.

Wu Lindao was surprised, and then smiled. When he was young, he was wilder than many people, and he had to rush. After so many years of stability, he could no longer be happy with grievances and restraints. He was very unhappy. Now seeing this scene, his heart is very comfortable.

His heart has been suppressed for a long time, and he wants to laugh at this moment, and the people of Guixu Sect are slamming their noses on their faces, even if it is the True Saint Dojo, how can they fight back? .

Wang Xuan secretly asked Wu Lindao if he could kill him directly. After all, it involved the battle at the level of the True Saint Dojo, and he didn't want to affect anything because of himself.

&qu;You can do it yourself. &qu;Wu Lindao said, he doesn't care anymore, he can do whatever he wants. Since some things are destined to happen, then there's nothing to worry about. Yuan Tian let out a low roar and went down like a lake. This is a typical example of Guixu Dojo. Lu Shu, to return from reality, will soon disappear in darkness. "Where are you going?" Wang Xuan squeezed his neck tightly, and pulled him out of the void.

&qu;Kong Xuan, you already have the upper hand, let's stop. Not far away, the white-haired woman from Time Innocence Holy Dojo spoke up. Wang Xuan didn't look at her, and said, "The main lord didn't say a truce, you count that green onion that grew into a snow-white lotus flower and stayed there." Yuan Tian tried several times, but he couldn't "go back". All failed, the other party seemed to pull a radish from the void and smashed him back. puff

And at this time, Wang Xuan couldn't help it a little bit. He hit hard and cracked him. Not only was the flesh bleeding, but even the primordial spirit was torn apart. At this moment, Yuan Tian was very decisive, and he couldn't break free, so he blew himself up.

He didn't want to kill himself, but because the True Sage Cultivation Technique of Returning to the Ruins Dojo was very special. If he could return from the present world, he would naturally "chengxu". A burst of light

The blood and primordial spirit splattered, and it looked very tragic, but in the next moment, all these substances disappeared and disappeared into nothingness. Of course, he has to pay a price for using this method. Otherwise, it would have been launched long ago, so why should he try to break free and wait until now. "Well, I'm not dead." Wang Xuan's perception was keen, and he opened his spiritual eyes quickly, scanning the dojo to capture his true body's whereabouts. If it was performed by a high-level figure in the Dojo of Returning Ruins, it would be really traceless, and it would completely dissipate form and spirit from the real world. Yuan Tian's Taoism and heat were insufficient, and he was immediately discovered by Wang Xuan's spiritual eye, and he was condensing his body in the depths of the void. Wang Xuan passed by, simple and rude,

The mark of Dao glowed and spread to his hands, and then, he seemed to tear open a picture scroll. His hands slammed hard, separated the void, and saw the prey.

Yuan Tian was stunned. This was the first time he had seen such a wild and powerful opponent, and he found him in an instant, violently breaking through the void. Naturally, he couldn't sit still and wait for death, the true holy practice was running, and the sound of Taoism was deafening.

In the first battle, he blasted his fist marks, lacking changes and lack of adaptability. Now, when he takes action, the rules spread, the divine chain of order is intertwined, and the opponent is fully locked, and then he follows up with the magic of the Return to the Ruins chapter in the True Holy Cultivation Technique.

In an instant, he was like a holy spider in the void, the spider was weaving a web, and he wanted to seal the opponent in the return grid constructed by the true holy practice. However, the strength of the opponent made his heart chill and his body cold, especially when he saw the opponent's deep eyes, his soul would be frozen. The other party is too confident, not afraid at all, and does not bring

The one who avoided it was still the probing hand, and the stars on the fingertips were endless and unpredictable, like falling down with a cosmic starry sky. When Wang Xuan took action, it was directly Xinghe to wash his body.

The dazzling web of order was ignited by the starlight and burned cleanly. Wang Xuan seemed to grab a big spider from the broken spider web, and then smashed Yuan Tian out. Yuan Tian was strangled again by &qu;Fate&qu; 2

Moreover, Wang Xuan released the texture imprint of Yu Dao, locking the void and not giving him another chance to escape. "Call Grandpa" Wang Xuan said while holding Yuan Tian.

Mainly, he took a look at the situation around him and found some "older" extraordinary people, such as Ziying and other extraordinary people, who knows how many years of practice. What if Yuantian is her junior?

Wang Xuan felt that if Yuan Tian called him uncle, he might suffer a loss, so he was upgraded now.

Around, many people from the True Saint Dojo were stunned and their eyes were strange. Just now, people called him uncle, and in a blink of an eye, this Kong Xuan is really arrogant. It is on the side of Wujie Mountain, and people are also dumbfounded. It's really okay to have such a domineering seedling on the side. &qu;Excessive&qu; Time Tian's white-haired woman Enying spoke again. &qu;I'll let you call for a while for anything that matters to you&qu;Wang Xuan looked back at her. At this moment, Ran's chest almost choked with internal injuries, and a mouthful of blood almost choked out.

Zi Ying's pretty face in Guicheng Dojo sank, and she asked who should be humiliated, "You are the local master of Wujie Mountain, so how will the rivers and lakes meet in the future? Be careful because of today, There will be other fruits.

After Wu Lindao heard this, his expression became indifferent, and he said, "Who are you threatening? Forty-seven years ago, it was you who did it first. Kong Xuan, pinch him to death&qu;&qu;If he was outside the dojo, Wang Xuan would have killed him long ago. Here, he tried his best not to have an unpredictable impact on Wujie Mountain. Now that Wu Lindao doesn't care, he said so. , what else can he keep? "Stop" Yuan Tian saved himself, his spiritual realm glowed, he knew that if he didn't say anything, he would really be killed.

&qu;Earlier, the competition for strange things was just a battle of spirit, and those are all related to you. Today, I will reveal it and turn the chapter. &qu;He couldn't speak in the flesh, and he quickly and secretly transmitted his voice with his spirit. &qu;It's too late, I asked you to call grandpa, but you told me about fate again, you missed me by 18,000 fate, can you still afford it &qu;Zi Ying stopped drinking, but she couldn't get over and was blocked by Wu Lindao. Wang Xuan glanced at her indifferently.

His palm glowed, and he displayed the Extreme Yang Chapter. With a bang, he pierced through Yuan Tian, ​​who was imprisoned in this void and couldn't escape, and burned it directly. Everyone was shocked. This was the 4th time-breaking disciple of the True Saint Dojo who was killed on the spot. Wujieshan was very strong. This Kong Xuan was even more overbearing.

&qu;Ah... Yuantian's body turned to ashes, Yuanshen screamed and was also burning, but soon a talisman appeared, it was a strange thing unique to the True Saint Dojo, it could save the lives of the disciples, and could be resurrected on the spot. , Wang Xuan has dealt with this kind of fetish more than once. He has long experience. He has imprisoned the other party, and has been waiting for this moment. . Yuan Tian's body died and disappeared, ashes disappeared.

&qu;Five Tribulations Mountain, you have gone too far, have you ever thought of the consequences? Ziying from the dojo of the return to the ruins suddenly rose into the sky. In fact, she was about to swoop over just now, but was strongly targeted by Wu Lindao, unable to break through. &qu;

Now, hearing her words, Wu Lindao also stood in the air, and said coldly, "The consequences, do you want to show me? Do you dare to extend a finger to my people from Wujie Mountain in Guixu Dojo, this time we will Catch your family and beat them hard, endlessly. As for the other dojos, you have all listened carefully. There may be an opportunity in this era to divide up the Dojo of the Returned Ruins as well." Zi Ying's heart froze and she stopped talking. Mainly because she saw the tragic death of the 4 time-breaking disciples, she felt indignant and unbearable, and she was a little reckless.

&qu;This white-haired woman counts as Who are you, either from returning to the ruins, or a disciple of Shikongtian, right? Wang Xuan looked ahead, he and Yuantian had been fighting before. I have asked, who wants to end.

In addition to Ran Ran, there was another man who was not far away at this time.

Everyone could see that this Kong Xuan was like a rainbow, domineering and strong, and he really dared to kill him. Even the white-haired woman, Ran Ran, was terrified. She stood up too early, and it was difficult to ride a tiger at this time. Wang Xuan didn't wait for them to speak, and said, "Don't come one by one, whether there are other true immortal disciples in Shi Shitian and Guiqiang Dojo, one of them is one, let's all end together" He said this, in the other From the point of view of people, there is simply no limit to self-confidence.

&qu;Anyway, they are all parallel imports, and they are all defective 4-time limit-breakers. &qu;Wang Xuan said flatly, and began to release weapons of mass destruction again. &qu;Presumptuous&qu; someone shouted.

&qu;You just let it go, don’t you know how much you weigh?” Wang Xuan looked at the true disciples, and said, “If you don’t agree, you will end up. I will educate you to be a new person.” Who can bear this, especially Eun Ran, There is also that young man who stood up prematurely, and now there is no way to retreat.

&qu;It's not enough, in the end it was you just now, said I was arrogant, you come over to me, after a while you will call me master"Wang Xuan began to take the initiative to point to the true saint disciple

It's not enough to hit one or two, he is still shouting, flying and conceited, this is not a thorn, this is the real aura of the great demon king, he is indifferent and strong at this time, his eyes are terrifying

In the Moon Palace, the disciples of the various dojos were greatly shocked. No matter what the outcome was, the name Kong Xuan was destined to spread to all the true saint dojos today.

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