Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 339: Reunion with Sword Fairy Jiang Qingyao

Chongxiao Hall, a place where all ethnic groups once worshipped, the former True Holy Dojo, has recovered in one lifetime.


There is indeed an extraordinary person named Jiang Qingyao here.


I want to see her! "Wang Xuan said in a very sure tone.


"Your true sage jumped into the deep space and saw the trajectory of fate in a corner, and guided you to come here. It's my little junior sister who wants to meet? The woman in blue asked, remembering what he said earlier.


"Yes! Wang Xuan nodded, but he felt weird, Fairy Sword is not too small, right?


In the mother universe, she rose to the ancient times, she was more than 800 years old when she left, and she was already a heaven-level master. She is still just a little junior sister here?


Now that 237 years have passed, she has been doing the Tao for thousands of years, so she should be stronger.


"She has never been born, how could it have anything to do with you?" said the woman in Tsing Yi, her name is Zhou Qingdai, and she can be used for one hundred thousand swords at a time.


"I don't understand the words of the true sage." Wang Xuan said, fortunately, now no one thinks that he is using the Supreme Being as a guise to show off.


"Little Junior Sister is in retreat, but I can take you to see her." The man in black also said that his name was Mo Sijian, and he was the first to compete with Wang Xuan.


This group of sword cultivators was very straightforward. Earlier, he was not pleasing to the eye, so he immediately chased people away. Now that they respect him, they have nothing to say, so they just lead the way.


Wang Xuan has no ill will towards them, these people are much stronger than Wu Linkong and Chang Ming.


On the way, he saw one sword field after another. Some disciples practiced swords, but they were still very young, and some old people understood the law, and the sword intent was sky-high.


On the way, many people looked at Wang Xuan, because they knew that this was an alien sword immortal who defeated the real immortal realm.


Of the eight masters, no one can stop him.


Time, Sun Wukong is also considered a little famous in the Hall of Chongxiao.


Someone wielded a sword, and it could actually resonate with the dojo. The sword light was boundless, and the sword was cut out, interpreting the scene of the world and the state of life and death of the world.


Wang Xuan was moved and stopped for a moment in an old man practicing swordsmanship. This kendo holy place is really unfathomable.


"That is our fifth senior brother, who has been trapped in the heaven-level perfection domain for five hundred years." Mo Sijian said.


"That's fine. If you go to **** in the future, with five senior brothers leading the team, it will be much safer. Zhou Qingdai, who has a cold temperament, said.


"How old is he?" Wang Xuan asked.


"More than two thousand years old." Zhou Qingdai replied.


Wang Xuan is dumb, this fifth senior brother has short white hair and looks invincible. His real age is not very big, but he is not trim.


"If he wants to break through the past, he can do it at any time, he should be unwilling?


Mo Sijian nodded and said, "Yes, he wants to cut out the sword in his heart, but he is not satisfied so far, so he is trapped in this field."


Soon, Wang Xuan realized that the people who competed with him just now had practiced for a thousand or two thousand years.


This is already a very fast speed. The sky-level superhumans improve their realm and break through the small level, which is much slower than the real immortal period.


"How long have you been practicing?" Zhou Qingdai asked. Although she was a woman, she was very straightforward as a sword cultivator.


"Hundreds of years." Wang Xuan said, he didn't say the exact number, it was a bit dazzling and blurred the past.


However, the few sword cultivators who followed were still quiet for a while, a true immortal who has broken the limit four times in hundreds of years? This speed is a bit perverted!


Soon, Zhou Qingdai and Mo Sijian both knew that they had indeed misunderstood this saint-grandson earlier.


"I have to explain, otherwise I will be misunderstood forever. I'm really not the grandson of the saint, and I have no blood relationship with the true saint." Wang Xuan corrected on the spot and justified his name.


A sword cultivator nodded: "Understood, those who have high aspirations are not willing to live under the light of their ancestors, and they all want to go out of their own way. It is understandable."


What do you understand? Wang Xuan had the intention to break up with him, but after thinking about it, let it go, he was tired, and the most important thing was to find someone first!


On the way, he knocked on the side and asked about Jiang Qingyao's condition.


Mo Sijian told: "Little Junior Sister is lively and active, very intelligent, and extremely savvy, but she doesn't talk about the past, she forgets that she must have lost her memory."


Wang Xuan's heart sank all of a sudden, what happened back then, how could Fairy Sword lose her memory? He felt quite distressed and wanted to see her right away.


However, when he thought of the terrifying transcendent sea of ​​light, he sighed again, it was too dangerous to go that way, anything could happen.


His originally relaxed mood was covered by some haze again.


Zhou Qingdai took a look at Mo Sijian indifferently, and said, "It's your elm head who thinks that the younger sister has lost her memory, she just doesn't want to talk about the past. "


The Chongxiao Palace is revived and full of vitality. There are sword practice places everywhere, all kinds of kendos are available, and there is one place where the chaotic sword energy is surging, which is very terrifying.


In some places, some male swordsmen did not give in after a fierce confrontation, each covered in blood. There are also female swordsmen with graceful postures, who use sword light to remove weeds in the field of medicine. In general, this dojo looks thriving, climbing to the top again.


"It's here." Mo Sijian said.


When I got there, it was a relatively quiet area, with medicine fields, bamboo forests, and stone mountains. The scenery was scattered and simple, and there were no fairy buds swaying. In fact, the overall atmosphere of Chongxiao Hall has returned to its original nature, with swords as salutes, no wonderful scenery, flowers and so on, and many mountains have flying swords inserted.


There are some bamboo forests and medicinal fields in this area, which is relatively soft.


In the Shishan area, accompanied by bamboo forests, there is a stone pagoda in the area, which is simple and simple, with twelve floors, and each floor has many sword marks, which were left by the sages of the past dynasties.


"Junior Sister Jiang!"


"Little Junior Sister!"


Mo Sijian and Zhou Qingdai called out in a low voice, and the middle section of the twelve-story stone pagoda suddenly lit up with sword light, flowing with the rhythm of Dao, interwoven with sacred textures.


Then, a familiar figure pushed open the tower door and walked out, ethereal, out of the dust, very active at the same time, and the trot was very light like flying and floating.


Wang Xuan has endless joy. She is really the sword fairy Jiang Qingyao. Judging from her agile state, it is impossible to be controlled by others. She should have a good life here.


But soon, he was in a daze again.


"Several brothers and sisters, do you want to compete with swords? But you are far from my opponents." Even the lively, spirited Fairy Sword came to the Chongxiao Palace, and her words were not so euphemistic.


"Someone is looking for you." Zhou Qingdai and Mo Sijian were not embarrassed. Obviously, they were used to it, and they played against it many years ago.


Fairy Jian had already been staring at the strange man in front of her, and said, "It's weird, so stunned, my eyes are straight, where did it come from? It's strange, it's a bit familiar."


I have to say that her intuition now is terrifying, even better than back then.


After her arrival, Wang Xuan took a few steps forward, feeling up and down, it was really not easy to see her again in another big universe.


From ancient times to the present, so many splendid civilizations, so many former sages, all died during the battle, and it was very tragic, with no bones left.


They come from the same place, and being able to meet again in a new and unfamiliar universe is really a "heinous" miracle with a small chance.


"Why are you getting smaller as you get older?" Wang Xuan said, making no secret of it, what if he was found to be related? He is from the Huaguo Mountain of the True Holy Dojo.


As he spoke, he pinched towards Fairy Jian's little face.


Is this the sword fairy who was placed in the health furnace in the past, or is the priceless version of the sword fairy growing in reverse? He was younger than before, so he was in a daze when he first met. 237 years have passed, Jiang Qingyao has not grown taller, but has become more and more miniature. Now she looks like she is only six or seven years old. Although she is still beautiful and delicate, ethereal and immortal, her little face is so tender and tender. At a glance, people can't help but want to start pinching.


She is smaller than before. The previous miniature version of Sword Fairy, when she grew up a little, looked at least over 10 years old.


More than two hundred years later, she has become more and more "girly"


There is no doubt that she is stronger than in the past, regardless of being small, but she has a high level of knowledge, "It should be in the late stage of the heaven, and she avoided Wang Xuan's "clutch" in an instant.


But she was startled, she was too familiar, especially this action.


Her mind suddenly fell into the past. Back then, when she was in the mother universe, there was a daring guy who was a repeat offender and had done this many times.


"Could it be you?" There were textures in her eyes. Back then, she had semi-mature spiritual eyes, and her spiritual perception was naturally extremely sharp.


Now, she is staring at the man in white in front of her, looking at it carefully.


However, she felt that it was difficult for that person to come over back then.


This is an extraordinary universe. Over the past dynasties, how many civilizations and how many powerful people have exhausted the heritage of the entire era, and they have all fallen on the road.


Although that person was very special back then, when he left, he was in the realm of Xiaoyaoyou. He couldn't give up the people and things of the mother universe, so he didn't follow them on the road and risked his life. Can he come by himself? If it is normal, it is too difficult, and there is no life after ten deaths, "Unless you are extremely lucky and relieved, you will follow a certain road without encountering any danger.


"He is Sun Wukong, from the Huaguoshan Dojo." Zhou Qingdai said, feeling that the two might have something, or maybe even an old acquaintance.


"Ah?!" Sword Fairy Jiang Qingyao was in a daze. She has been in seclusion all the year round, and has never understood the outside world. Now that she heard it for the first time, she suddenly lost her mind.


At the beginning, in the final stage of the end of the supernatural, she also blended into the red dust, and learned about all kinds of new things from the old soil and the new star. As for books, she naturally did not miss it.


She knew the name, this "dojo", and her eyes widened immediately, a miracle really happened, that person also followed him back then? !


However, it has only been more than two hundred years. In the environment of the depleted mother universe, although he is very special, he has grown too fast, right?


When she was in a trance and in a daze, her fleshy little face was finally hit by a poisonous hand." She was caught by someone.


"Why are you getting smaller as you get older, walking against the time, what kind of immortal art are you practicing?" Wang Xuan squeezed and squeezed.


He was extremely happy and excited. On the same planet, it would be a blessing to meet in a foreign land, let alone into a strange universe, and to be able to meet again like this.


In fact, for a long time, he was mentally prepared, maybe everyone who crossed the sea died, and now he can see a living sword His thoughts are full of joy and excitement Incomparable.


"Let go!" Jiang Qingyao, the sword fairy, almost gave him a sword qi that pierced the sky. After confirming that it was him, she finally restrained her little face from being pulled out of shape. In addition to being happy and excited, she quickly warned that several senior brothers Senior sister is watching, she doesn't want to be embarrassed?


Next to them, a group of people were dumbfounded. Sun Wukong is really good. He would pinch their little junior sister when they met? That is a superhuman in the late stage of heaven. They only knew very little about this little junior sister. They only knew that she suspected that she had another foot, and that she had re-traveled the transcendent path, and now she has a very deep Taoism.


"Let go!" Little Sword Fairy Jiang Qingyao recovered, her ethereal charm was gone, she was fierce, just like the miniature version back then, she was about to show her teeth and claws.


Seeing her face covered in collagen, Wang Xuan couldn't help pinching it again, and released it quickly, confirming that it was the same feeling as when she was in the mother universe.


Junior Sister, do you know him?


"Okay, let's talk, let's go first." Zhou Qingdai and Mo Sijian, seeing this situation, immediately understood that the two had crossed paths in the past. Full cut out.


Although the few sword cultivators were cold and seldom smiled, they were not really dumb. They said hello, walked away and disappeared, leaving this place to the two of them.


Wang Xuan has too many things to say, how has she been through these years? Where are the others, and what did they encounter when they crossed the sea?


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