Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 327: King Patriarch fights back

The purple-haired woman took out a stone, which was dark in color, and stared at it carefully. There were hundreds of millions of stars in the sea, endless stars, slowly turning, and galaxies were born and died.

It's like a universe, condensed in a single stone.

"Everything in the universe, dust, human body, seeds of plants, scattered haze, what you see, the meteorites hanging high in space, what you see when you look down, the tiny particles floating in the air, are all a universe. You can parse them. Is it the essence?"

The purple hair urn said, and Gao picked up the dark "universe" in his hand.

Wang Xuanmei, what the **** is a test, five times breaking the limit of alcohol is to study the problem of chasing children

The purple-haired woman said: "In terms of marrow, it is the basic commonality of all the rules of the universe, which are formidable and unabated, and which are fleeting like a flower."

Wang Xuan said: "You should be really studying the problem of chasing the eagle, right? While thinking about the reasons for the change of the transcendent center from one era to another, I want to learn the most profound first secret.

"Oh "purple" purple, the purple woman Lu Shu, originally wanted to kill his fluorine flame, but he didn't expect that he would be able to immediately think of chasing him.

She was so slow to underestimate a demon king, the wild returned to the wild, but Yong Yin was very keen, she said, "Okay, then you can try it." She threw the black "cosmos stone" and landed it in Wang Xuan's hands .

"What do you have in a universe that is so subtle and subtle?" Wang Xuan took it in his hand, weighed it, looked at it carefully, and came over casually, saying: "There is nothing to say goodbye to the lonely universe Xinghai. .\'

The purple-haired woman said: "It depends on the nature of the problem. It is a test of the true sanctuary." The strange stone that has been coalesced in vain is derived from the rules, not to let you see the external collapse. "Wang Xuanming really got up, staring at the cosmic stone against his daughter-in-law, and the texture in his spiritual eyes crossed the mandarin duck. He asked instantly, he really saw some rule marks.

Then, he showed a heavy look, and said, "I saw the universe shattered, the star sea is full of blood, and the world is sinking, like a cloud of mist, transpiring. Well, I saw a fat old man, very vague."

The purple-haired woman looked slightly sullen, and said, "That is the true sage of the highest black, I let you see it as a phenomenon after the rules, not the phantom left by staring at his old man."

Wang Xuan has no words. He encounters the broken universe, plunders the blurred old man, and looks more worried. It is another blood-stained universe. It is like the end of the era, and all kinds of rats with rebirth wisdom are blurred. He can't. Then, look deeper into the virtual world.

Until the end, he frowned and said, "There's no magic, everything is important, seeing the shattered universe, and exploring deeper places, I can see one layer after another."

The Ziling woman's face was slightly sullen, and she said, "You saw Guan Zhong." Seeing the fifth level, it was all a scene in the early years of the era. In some universes, there were even blurred living beings whistling, as if they were about to come out. \'Wang Xuan replied, as a reward, he looked at the sixth layer of the profound universe, and what he saw was a little different. With a sting, the Zijun woman waved her hand, and the "cosmos stone" flew back, she showed her face, and she really saw the five universes? In half of the relocation meetings, if you break the limit five times, you will be punished!

After a brief silence, other people also realized that Kong Xuan, the stingy demon king, seemed to be very good at Pan Li, making the noble daughter E Xie, who had fallen into the real holy way.

"Pan Li Yongyin is very strong. He can see the five-layer universe, and can be traced back to the fuzzy Hanhan of the first five eras. He can wait beyond the standard." The Zijun woman calmed down and said against her appearance. Then, she took out a pair of armor and put it on the ground, it persuaded its own weight, like a cold armored man, and like a mechanic. She looked at Wang Xuan respectfully, and said, "Under the face of the list, have you broken the limit four times now?

Wang Xuan sang the ode, condensed his fist marks, and worked hard in the void, as if he was writing a book. Later, when people saw him, Yong Yin performed a large universe sending scroll. In his body, the stars are blue, the long river is surging, the universe is vast, and with his diligent work, Jiao Ang Xingdou has been drinking.

The first one, Wang Xuan punched out, and the armored man immediately made an anti-eagle, covered with light, textured, holy light, and self-defense.

With a bang, the armored man flew out, his chest collapsed, and some fragments fell and broke. "It must have been four violations!" The Ziman woman's expression was scorching, and she said. In her legacy, those geniuses who broke the limit all looked hazy. In the outside world, I saw the "wild" four-time limit-breaker! The four-time limit-breaker has always been Fu. Looking at the sea of ​​​​stars, you can't see Duowu Fu at all.

The most smashing, chasing some people did not send the true holy way before the collapse, in their respective star fields, did not see the passage of juveniles. For a while, he was still in a thin monkey mood, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain was full of wild honey, and he was full of arrogance and hatred, but his ability to break the limit was too powerful.

"Fu Zaizhao has even discovered a treasure!" The woman in the red dress couldn't help but sigh. "It's not that there is no place outside the world." A limit-breaking wizard whispered.

"It was piled hard with strange things and big tillers." Another stung. "How do you know that there is no real Fu Zai?" Ling, a genius who broke the limit, secretly made Mingyu argue.

"Very good, I will wait for you in a place outside the world, and the true sage may make an exception to call you about your practice." "Will you give me an article first?" Wang Xuandao, against the performance, one is The reason is to use human talent to stabilize his servant, and the second is to try to see if he can lay some wool.

"I've asked this question. After chasing the true saintly way, I have someone to educate you." The purple woman said in a jar, watertight, Xu Buzheng.

Wang Xuan was very disappointed. He also judged that he was more cautious in chasing women, and he never showed him anything expensive until the end. The Zi Ai woman immediately sent a message to the two superb Fu Yin and told his servants, Hurry up and ask "Zehua" Kong Xuan, and he will be banned from "Naturalization" recently.

"Wei what?" the woman in the red dress asked secretly, she wanted to step up to the sky with Yan Kongxuan, and she would take the true saintly way more seriously than black and white. The primordial spirit of the purple-clothed woman is in Boqin, and she is very prudent, saying: "There is a word in the truth, everyone who has broken Pan Li five times has a special habitat. If it is purple, you need to be extra careful. Transform him, let him be naturalized at the bottom of the emblem, and then see if there are any secrets in his primordial spirit. As for the post-treatment disease after Zehua, it doesn't matter. If you chase after the world, the true sage will have his own means to remove it. "

Not long ago, Wang Xuan's spiritual eyes saw that Qin Zuoxie, who was in hand, was slow, and his eyes were clear. Now that his gaze was caused, he actually intercepted some spiritual fragments, which surprised him even more.

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If he insults the ordinary and extraordinary, he can intercept it, Ya is nothing, it is completely normal.

But now, he has intercepted a fragment of the mental fluctuations of Zijian Ziyu Chao Chao Shi Wen. He didn't hear it all, but Uncle Gan felt Lian Lian's malicious entanglement.

His heart sank, and it seemed that he was going to be heavy in advance, and he couldn't wait any longer. "Can I have my other Xunbao Lu?" Wang Xuan asked, asking for the Imperial Dao Flag.

Yuwei Chaoshengshi was sending the Yudao flag to the Lianfeng Demon Room. Now, he directly mentions that as long as they take it out, he will wake up the Imperial Road Banner.

"What is it?" Sure enough, the purple stirrup woman was interested, and asked with a sullen look.

"It's a bit outrageous and lonely, very dangerous, and I've put it in the confinement room next to me." The black-clothed man said, and then gave Wang Xuan a cold...

The Ziling woman shook her neck and said, "Hey, let's seal it up first, and after the Sunda seniors come back, open the Demon Sealing Room and watch it together." Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and the woman chasing Zishou was clearly guarding him. , chasing is not good, must be ahead of Jun Wei. The Ziling woman's extraordinary communicator was bridled, she quickly connected, and said: "Hey, my servant is just chasing the crippling threats left by the Xiancheng Tiangu and Taichu mother fat in the rear at a very fast speed, and I dare not sign up...

Saying that she walked out again and again, carving out the domain of chasing the soul, but the childish topic was too sensitive. There is no doubt that the purple woman went out of the world and sent another person.

"Let's go, I'll still use the sacred text, Qing you to wash away the spirit and fluoride the spirit." The red-haired woman smiled and looked at Wang Xuan.

The man in black even took out the causal leopard pole, intending to pierce him again, but thinking that the violator will eventually pursue the true holy way, he finally did not take it seriously. Wang Xuan hated in his heart, and secretly took the fishing hooks of the Fifth Ancestor to the port. If there is malicious intent, he can only fight back in advance.

Chaojing is very strong, and when they reach a certain area, the instinct of a certain child will appear, which can make them follow their own destiny and have a very keen sense of directness.

Now, the two super ropes also have such a wave in their hearts. If it was on weekdays, his servant would ignore it, but the words of the Zijun woman were caught by his servant. Those who have broken the limit five times, each one is very special, and some of the true sages are the ones who go on step by step from the unlawful child, and finally shed their cracks and detach from the world. "Just now, I don't know what's going on. My heart suddenly became heavy, and I can almost ignore it." "Me too"

After they communicated secretly, they all began to wake up.

Wang Xuan's spiritual eyes once again captured the maliciousness of a flash of mental waves, and he felt that the danger was approaching.

"Dai Dao is because I have bad intentions, and his servant is a little embarrassed? Both of them are super-classical, how close is the carving, and their instinctive sense of eagle may have a slight wave?" Wang Xuan reflected, and then, he Peace of mind, Jiaobi, can no longer let Fang Yu have any feelings in the dark.

"I'll go take a look at the Demon Sealing Room!" The woman in the red dress secretly Fu Yin. "Well, who am I to pierce him again with the set of horns of the leopard pole." The man in black said secretly. Wang Xuan already knew where the magic room was, because he just asked for Xun Yinqing, The two Chaojingshi explained to the purple woman that the mention was the cabin next door. Wang Xuan opened his mouth, "The noble lady just started secretly talking to me, Fu Yin, so I must pursue the true holy way, and maybe I will get the true holy ship's self-instruction. The words that violated the process caused waves in the eyes of one man and one woman. Kong Xuan Weng is a treasure.

Whether there is a problem with Jiao Weng chasing a Nian Dynasty person, the true sage does not care about his approach, and after taking it there, he will naturally have the means to surrender, and will refer him to practice. The woman went to the confinement room.

The man took Wang Xuan back to the Golden Eagle's secret room. He was somewhat suspicious. When he was about to pierce the body of a Dao Nianchao with a fishing hook, Wang Xuan's words worked and made him fearful. The limit-breaker with great potential is favored by the true sage, will he go to Germany in the future?

Yiyi asked, he frowned and stood there, a little lost. In the end, he was ruthless. When he forced Kong Xuan to meet earlier, he was offended. What did Liao Duo do? The man in black decided to imprison Kong Xuan first and take a closer look. He will let Kong Xuan go to see the true sage. Let’s just make some accidents now and forget about the hall! He is not ruthless and can’t stand firm. He decides to float Kong Xuan first and see what his condition is, as long as there is a little less place, solve the possible troubles first!

For a moment, Wang Xuan didn't have any suspicion and shot directly. Because of this, the best platform has arrived, the Zideng woman is not there, the red dress Chaojue has gone to the magic room, and now only this black clothed man is standing in pursuit, absent-minded. When will it not be heavy at this time?

He sacrificed five sets of trump cards with one mouthful of fluorine. It's not that he didn't violate the ancient Xun Yin, but he just didn't use it diligently earlier. Usually, he was afraid that he was Mu Renjia or Sun Wukong, so he was chasing some strange objects and other fragments of the blessed land that he did not dare to store, all hidden behind the life soil that outsiders could not explore. Now, it's all reset by him.

"Yeah!" In an instant, the black-clothed man was terrified, and the moment he was good at looking at his neck, his eyes suddenly widened, and Chang Zhi couldn't believe what he saw. Five big dazzling mace, dazzling and dazzling, all weighed together. he came

His karma fishing rod, whose cream belonged to his Sundanese Laojie, was only the trump card of the violating group, and that Kong Xuan was his prisoner, so he actually had a lot of chases on him? He was shocked and believed. Of course, in this pressing process, he naturally has to take action, throw out his own fishing hook, rely on his own superworld, and want the back seat to come first and take the lead.

Mars Silu, his fishing hook smashed the side's trump card, and then violently flew towards Wang Xuan again, but when he got close, he was caught by a large black shield. As the matter is more expensive, the man in black is also releasing his spirit, but Tong Di is caught by the black shield! The big shield is a treasure of the Sunda people, and it is naturally extraordinary.

The fishing hook of the black-clothed man, Yanbao became kind again and flew towards Wang Xuan again. But it was a bit late.

After Wang Xuan was hit and flew away, he dispatched four times of cold time, all of which flew to the eyes. Puff puff!

Si Lean's bright mace, did not enter into the flesh and blood of the super rope world who was wearing a black coat, Lin received his feces to endure, and her face was distorted. However, he asked Zezha at the first moment, and tried to force the force to be released.

However, in an instant, his cold hair stood on end, his body was dancing in pain with the sword, his chest exploded, and the demon king Kong Xuan in front of him held a big bow when he let out an arrow.

Wang Xuan naturally burst into the stool with all his strength, the Xunxian bow in his hand was dazzling, and the second sacred arrow on the bowstring was condensed and formed, and flew out directly!


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