Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 322: Banned must kill list


"On that kill list, who can last for a long time? The sea is flowing, and the people and things on the list have changed and changed." .

He was startled for a moment, then smiled helplessly, and said, "It really fits the situation, it's dark and cold, life is helpless, and I'm going forward with a heavy load."

The cook said again: "Look at it, um, I'm talking about the wonders of mobile phones. I live in the present world, and I don't want to sink. For it, the old world of red dust has a warmth, those fragments, those splendid characters, that deja vu experience, Make it feel that he is still alive. Those old photos, the changes of the transcendent center..."

"Cook, what nonsense are you talking about, what kind of soup are you giving him?!" The golden whirlpool flashed, and a strange thing on the phone appeared.

The cook raised his head and said, "Isn't this going to the execution ground? No, it's going to be a life-and-death test, and everyone is going to die, so I can't tell people about it, so that he can understand better."

The strange object on the mobile phone glowed with a faint green light, an unprecedented color, and said: "In the past, I met many creatures by chance, walking together in the old world of red dust, and the process was indeed a bit 'expensive', but now, at present, it's a bit 'expensive years' , and even cost me photos."

The cook was surprised and said, "Aren't you going to be sent to hell? Also, it's probably a special node, where there will be special events violently erupting? Isn't this a proper death, **** is empty, whoever enters is who Die without any accident."

After speaking, he sighed again and said: "Last time, the girl was so powerful, and it wasn't a tragic death. The few who were not as good as her were not chosen by you, because they didn't go to **** again, look at the following. Over the years, everything has become so powerful, but it has become heaven!"

The more Wang Xuan listened, the worse his eyes became.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "This is true. The next emergency may be unprecedented, and it will be more ferocious than the previous generations."

Then, it added, "However, don't talk nonsense, especially in this place, you have no heart and soul, some old memories are missing, stand on the seaside of transcendent light, speak carefully, don't be listened to ."

Wang Xuan said: "Have a good time, how are you going to send me away? I also ate the deadhead meal, clearing the fog and opening my heart. What kind of monsters are you all? What is the origin of that must-kill list, and now I am too I feel that you really should be destroyed or erased, and you don't seem like good people!"

"Looking through the world, walking around the world, good and bad, black and white, how can you distinguish so clearly, everything is because of different positions." The strange thing on the mobile phone opened, and the faint black light appeared again, saying: "Life is alive, It is normal to have emotions. The transcendent is brilliant, the female fairy is very moving, the myth is beautiful, and fairy tales are aspirational. These are all embedded in the inherent cognition of many people. In fact, in the flowing mist of the haze, the deepest darkness is dark. It's the norm."

It didn't stop, and continued: "Different stages, different levels, corresponding to the realm you really touch, and 'truth' will emerge in your heart. Do you think the true saint hangs above the world, very detached? No, he There are also opponents. If you are not careful, you will fall completely. Are the super-banned items in the front very powerful? There is also an existential crisis. In the world, who can act arbitrarily? , there are, but this kind of fairy-like creature is short-lived, and when the era changes, it is all rotten soil. In a sense, **** is not an opportunity for you, in case you can survive Woolen cloth?"

Wang Xuan heard it speak deep and heavy, and at first he showed a dignified expression, but later he was not very convinced.

"Don't be fooled, if I don't go, will I not be able to live? I can be free and unrestrained, walk among the stars, become a supernatural being, step into a peerless world, party and drink fine wine with alluring women and friends, it is no better than going to **** to find death Ten thousand times?"

The mobile phone strange object said: "The bigger the pattern, the longer the vision. Going to **** is to go further and stand higher in the future. In that case, it will not be a problem to find a female saint to drink in the future."

Wang Xuan squinted at it and said, "I believe you are weird. I climb step by step by myself, and naturally I can reach the height it should be."

The strange thing on the phone said: "Do you have the ambition to rise in the world of great competition, do you have the confidence to cover the vast universe alone and defeat all competitors in the endless sea of ​​stars?"

Wang Xuan said: "There are no outsiders here, and I won't hide it anymore. Let me show it off. I will naturally have ambition and confidence. Even when the true saint returns to his youth, he comes to compete with me, and I still don't embarrass him!"

The cook said from the side: "What is this baby called, the child of the Xiao family and the Zhang family? So arrogant!"

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Then I will ask you again, do you have the confidence to become an alien in the next era, and do you have the confidence to become a true saint in two eras?"

After Wang Xuan thought about it, he raised his head and said leisurely, "Is it too slow? Make the layout bigger!"

The cook couldn't stand him and said, "Hurry up and throw him into hell. This kind of thorn doesn't immediately let him experience how cruel the world is when a special event breaks out, and understand how vast, mysterious and terrifying the universe is. What are you waiting for?"

The strange thing on the phone said: "Since you have this ambition, then obviously you will care about that must-kill list."

"How do you say? Be more detailed!" Until then, Wang Xuan was really attracted and really wanted to know.

The strange object of the mobile phone flowed out a misty white light, covering this area and isolating it from the outside world.

It said in a low voice: "When a special event breaks out, there should be half a piece of paper in hell, which is half of the must-kill list. Do you want to get it and think about it carefully? See if there will be your name in the future. "

Having said that, it suddenly cursed: "The mental illness is here again! You first look in this sea to see if there are any relics of the old man, and I will come back to pick you up."

Liuxia swayed, it disappeared from here, and when it reached the horizon, the golden vortex flashed and drilled directly into it.

Sure enough, the young man appeared from a distance with a giant axe. After seeing the afterimage of the whirlpool, he slashed the sky with the axe and followed.

Such a large sea of ​​light traverses the frontiers of the universe, and involves some great worlds where myths are decaying. If you want to find something, it is really more difficult than finding a needle.

However, Wang Xuan still took out the fishing rod and did the same. Everything was for treasure hunting, and he was able to cross the sea. In the end, he died in the ocean. There is no simple person.

Perhaps, there may be treasure fragments left behind.

The edge of the transcendent light sea is fine, but deeper, Dao Yun is too terrifying. It integrates people into Dao, assimilates them into rules, and becomes a part of Dao Yun. If the treasure stays here for a long time, it will also lose itself.

Wang Xuan continued to explore, cautiously went deep, and kept throwing hooks. He was very careful and must not hurt the karma fishing rod.

The treasure was not found, but a piece of the top-level broken material was found.

The cook said: "I'm lucky, it turned out to be Hunyuan Daojin, plus a few rare materials, you can open the furnace to refine the weapons of the most extraordinary people, and add more than a dozen strange objects to refine the rough embryos of prohibited items. That's fine too."

Wang Xuan asked him for help, and wanted to make it into Kong Xuan's mace and Sun Wukong's iron rod to enhance its toughness.

The cook's black pot, flowing chaotic substances, can not only cook vegetables, but also train soldiers, and quickly solved the problem for him.

"I'm here, I succeeded in crossing the sea, and I entered the new transcendent center big universe alone!" Laughter came from the sea.

It was a faint shadow, standing slim, walking against the wind, with the sound of the scriptures self-sounding, it was a mysterious rhyme.

But her figure became weaker and weaker, until she landed on the shore, she seemed relieved, smiled, looked back at the sea of ​​light, and said: "You wait for me, wait for me to become a true saint, help you cross the sea, and lead you to come. "

She walked towards the shore with a bright smile and a peerless graceful appearance, but she became more and more faint, until she disappeared with the wind and disappeared completely.

"It's a pity, it's about to succeed, it's not far from the sea, but in the end, only a ray of obsession floated over." Wang Xuan sighed, how many Yingjie died on the road, and it was too difficult to cross the sea.

The cook looked heavy and said, "This kind of scripture, this chapter, is somewhat familiar. She should be from a powerful Dao lineage that was once supreme. That big universe was also the center of transcendence in a certain era, but after all It has changed, and it has become an ordinary place, rising and falling with the ebb and flow of the tide. The originator of this Taoism once lived in the sixth era and was an extremely powerful true saint, but in his sixth era, when the era ended , is dead after all."

"Is it related to the must-kill list?" Wang Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"In the fifth era, his name is on the list, and he died in the sixth era," the cook said.

"Extraordinary is very beautiful, but it is also deadly. Different people see different scenes." The strange thing on the mobile phone appeared, calling Wang Xuan to run away immediately, he didn't want to meet that lunatic again.

The golden vortex flashed, Wang Xuan entered, turned around and waved back, saying goodbye to the cook.

The moonlight was like water, and all the sounds were silent. He stood in his own courtyard in the Black Peacock Holy Mountain, looked up at the starry sky, and everything seemed like a dream.

Outside the sky, after the longevity fruit event was over, he came back and announced a retreat. In fact, it was under the pseudonym of Sun Wukong, who crossed the deep space beyond two or three hundred stars, and then went to the extraordinary sea of ​​​​light, and the journey was too long.

For half a month, but once he returned, in an instant, he stood on the Black Peacock Holy Mountain, as if he had never left.

The next day, just before dawn, Wang Xuan went out, pushed open the door of the small courtyard, and had a small gathering with Wolverine, Eight-Eyed Jin Chan Jin Ming, Chong Xiao and others.

Because, he knew that these people would be leaving soon and going to Wujie Mountain to "study", and he didn't know how many years had passed.

"Brother, you have been retreating for half a month this time, and you really missed a lot of big scenes. Breaking news one after another, the sea of ​​​​stars has turned upside down!"

As soon as he came out, Wolverine explained to him that Huaguoshan was born, a new saint was born, and the starry sky shook.

Eight-eyed Jin Chan Jin Ming also sighed with emotion: "I thought that Brother Kong Xuan was very capable of tossing, but compared with that Sun Wukong, Brother Kong is just a bit wild at best."

Even Chongxiao, a very stable person in the Black Peacock Clan, couldn't help but sigh: "This Monkey King is really out of line, making trouble in the Liuxia Star Region, provoking strange people, and disturbing the Demon Heavenly Palace of the True Saint Dojo, without him things you dare not do.”

Luo Ying also came and said, "This person is indeed very fierce. There are many rumors about how to beat Ling Qingxuan four times and beat Chang Ming, a disciple of the Demon Heavenly Palace with three sticks. It is reported that many disciples of the great sect are wearing helmets when they go out, which is really strange. A sister I know also strongly recommended a new type of phoenix crown to me. A generation of murderers can actually affect the business of some head accessories and protective gear."

Wang Xuan couldn't help but express his position, followed by laughing and participating in the discussion.

"Kong Xuan, since you are out of the customs, let me ask you one last question, you really don't want to go to Wujie Mountain?" The supreme elder Qingkong came, dressed in a black dress, mature and glamorous.

According to the agreement, in the past few months, the old man and the clear sky of the black peacock tribe will bring people to Wujie Mountain, and they are ready to go on the road ahead of time.

Wang Xuan said: "I won't go, who asked me to owe me a hand, and on a whim, beat up the people from the True Saint Dojo."

The Great Elder Qing Cang also arrived and sighed: "Your temperament, you have to change it in the future, what a good opportunity it was originally, that is the legendary True Saint Dojo!"

Qingkong said: "Actually, it's nothing. If you practice outside, you may not be able to soar into the sky. Besides, Kong Xuan is still pretty good, he's better than that Sun Wukong. disaster."

Everyone else was speechless. I wanted to say that Elder Qingkong was too biased, and his intention to maintain was too obvious. Even Kong Xuan, a big thorn, is still honest? Those beautiful words have nothing to do with him, okay!

Wang Xuan himself was also ashamed, somewhat embarrassed, he was really ashamed, in fact, Sun Wukong was also him, and compared the two, he couldn't praise him, eldest brother don't laugh at second brother.

"Really not?" Whether it was Clear Sky, or Wolverine, Jin Ming, Luo Ying, and others, they all asked him again, they were about to leave, and it might take many years to come back.

"As far as I know, the Five Tribulations Mountain may have an action. After more than a hundred years, it will probably take people to **** to sharpen it. During the period, various good things will be given to improve Taoism and strength." Qingkong said a secret message.

Wang Xuan suddenly looked solemn and told everyone to be careful, life is the most important thing.

His heart is Hell is not a good place, I hope this group of people will not catch up with the special time point.

Moreover, as far as he knows, other true holy dojos will also have disciples from all walks of life going to hell, which is destined to be turbulent.

"I can't tell, I have to go down the road ahead of time." Wang Xuan muttered to himself.

"Second father, I will miss you!" The young wolf Tian was reluctant to part.

"It's over there, keep a low profile. Of course, don't be afraid. If you really want to be bullied, write a letter to the second father. What happened to the people in the true holy dojo? When I say these words, I am particularly confident, because I am used to it.

"Okay, second father!" Lang Tian nodded seriously.

Qingkong said: "It's a pity that you don't go. I heard that there may be disciples coming out of the nearby True Holy Dojo. Let's get to know each other. If you are there, you may be eligible to attend."

Wang Xuan shook his head. In the end, he watched them sink into the Xinghai Sea. Under the leadership of the old Yiren from the Black Peacock Clan, the group headed to Wujie Mountain.

Not long after, he received a letter from the young wolf Tian.

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