Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 320: How cruel to cross the extraordinary sea of ​​light

On the sea, in the farthest places, there are black spots, which rise and fall with the tides of the extraordinary sea of ​​light.

Who is arguing?

When Wang Xuan saw this, how could he not be shocked? He has a very special feeling for this extraordinary sea of ​​light, and he once pinned many visions, because a group of old people from the mother universe left it with it.

Those people are gone forever, never to be seen again.

Many years after the supernatural decay and silence of the parent universe, when the myth completely disappeared, Wang Xuan once went to the crevice of the universe where the supernatural light sea left to pay his respects alone, but unfortunately there was nothing left. He hopes that those people are alive and smoothly enter the transcendent central great world along the light sea.

However, after so many years, even he came, but there is still no news of them, and they have not seen those people.

Perhaps, Lao Zhang, Ming Xue, etc. are more shrewd than each other, and they are all dormant, and they are all trying to improve themselves. This is of course the best result.

But the Transcendent Guanghai is too terrifying and extremely difficult to cross. How many people have really succeeded in the past? The truth is too cruel.

In the sea, there is a terrifying Dao rhyme that erodes all living beings and transforms them into Dao, which is extremely terrifying!

Over a long period of time, even the treasure will be gradually worn away spiritually.

One splendid extraordinary civilization has failed one after another, drenched in blood, regardless of your great ability and prosperity, but who can be safe?

"That's... Wang Xuan's eyes are intertwined with the texture of the Royal Dao, and two light beams composed of runes fly out, piercing the void, staring at the sea.

The distance is too far. This sea is rolling in from the void, rushing from other universes, and it is so vast that it is difficult for ordinary people to capture the truth at the end.

The spiritual eyes were not hindered by the stormy sea. Wang Xuan's eyes penetrated the terrifying rhythm of Guanghai, capturing part of the real scene.

"That's a huge head, swimming in the sea?!" While he was shocked, he couldn't hide his disappointment. He was not an old friend.

However, he was also mentally prepared. Based on the time of the mother universe, the myth has been corrupted for 202 years, and Fang Yuzhu and Yan Mingcheng have also crossed the sea for 202 years.

What should have happened has already happened. Whether it is a success or a failure, there is a result, and no one can change the fait accompli.

If here, he looked up and saw Lao Zhang, the demon master, Jian Xianzi and others, then it would be abnormal.

Moreover, if the two sides really meet here, it is estimated that Lao Zhang, Ming Xue and others will not be surprised, but will vomit blood and doubt life.

According to Zhang Jiaozhu's character, it is estimated that he will rush over in anger, want to grab his neck, and verify whether he has returned to the mother universe?

"It's not you after all." Wang Xuan sighed, there were not so many accidents and coincidences, this was just a normal scene in the sea of ​​​​supernatural light, and it was also an extremely cruel scene.

This vast sea is more than the parent universe. During the transfer of the transcendent center, the tides ebb and flow. It is difficult to tell how many places it flows.

It rushes everywhere in different time and space of the universe, which also drives the birth and death of the myths in the adjacent areas of the transcendent central great world.

In the sea, the big waves roared into the sky, and with a bang, they directly penetrated the void. In the depths of the boundless sea of ​​light, every water splash carried a terrifying rhyme and kept slapping.

That huge head was walking with the waves, and it seemed that he had lost the strength for a long time, and he walked passively towards the shore.

It was an unknown species, it had never been seen in the parent universe, it had no waves of its own, and life seemed to be silent.

Not long after, Wang Xuan saw the rays of light rising from the sea with his spiritual eyes, that is, the rhythm of Taoism. The head is comparable to an asteroid, it is really huge, it is a kind of beast, but it has the golden beak of a Peng bird, and the beak is very long.

Not only that, it retains a small part of the body above the chest, there are too many wounds, and the bones are dark, all of which are exposed.

"It seems that it has a total of nine heads, but the other eight are broken, and there is only one body left, and it is completely dead."

Watching it pass through this creature, Wang Xuan can see how terrifying it is to cross the sea.

There is no doubt that this creature must have been extremely powerful during his lifetime. Those who dare to cross the sea alone must have both courage and strength.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said; "This creature is called Nine Heads, with powerful bloodlines, nine heads, and nine primordial spirits born, which are endless and difficult to kill. The primordial spirit in the head was also exhausted and completely disappeared.

Wang Xuan asked: "In this era, the transcendent central world has been established, and there are still creatures crossing the sea, will it continue for many years?

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Yes, the sea of ​​extraordinary light is surging all the way, and it has not subsided yet. Some outer universes have just ebbed, and they should affect them for dozens or hundreds of years."

Standing here, Wang Xuan seems to see one after another magnificent and splendid extraordinary world, which is slowly dying out, constantly darkening, how prosperous and glorious the hard days are, and how depressed, lonely and sad the future will be.

Suddenly, he seemed to hear the roars of countless supernatural beings crying blood and despair after the end of the world. With full of unwillingness, he looked up into the dark deep space, but he was helpless and could not catch anything.

After all, even if you want to cross the sea to die... you need qualifications!

Ordinary extraordinary people can't get close at all, and they don't even know that there is a sea of ​​extraordinary light.

The latest chapter of "The Other Side of Deep Space" debuts on the whole network: domain name

"The deceased is so savage, and he is reluctant to give up day and night." The strange object of the mobile phone was suspended at a high place and took a photo of the sea.


Wang Xuan stood on the shore with a heavy heart.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said again: "The extraordinary rises, the extraordinary disappears, comes and goes, and never stops for anyone. You, me, and him are all in the middle, and you can comment, but you can be detached? With a scrutiny, you can sit and watch the vastness of the sky. The universe changed, and the sea of ​​light rolled in, sweeping away one extraordinary civilization after another. Even the super-banned items at the top of the pyramid have changed their old appearance, and after each era ends, there are also true holy dojos that completely dissipate, and also Transforming."

When it is serious, it seems too heavy.

Wang Xuan asked, "Are there any creatures and prohibited items that can exist for a long time?" The mobile phone said, "Look at this sea of ​​light, it can enlighten you."

For a while, Wang Xuan looked at the magnificent sea, a little dazed and thoughtful.

It is connected to the endless void and traverses the outer universe. The tide rises and falls. It has written too many glorious and bleak histories. How many peerless creatures are fighting and dying, and how many splendid civilizations have been smashed and submerged by the waves.

"Whenever I'm in a bad mood, when I can't find the temperature in the old world of red dust, I will find someone to accompany me here to see the extraordinary sea of ​​light."

"And then, did you feel better?" Wang Xuan glanced at it. "No, find someone to watch the sea with me, and let him follow me in a bad mood."

Wang Xuan squinted at it, that is, he couldn't beat it, otherwise he would have to throw it into the sea.

The strange object on the mobile phone greeted him and said, "Come, eat and chat. Looking at the sea, you can see the ups and downs of the world, and you can see the ebb and flow of extraordinary civilizations. Here, you can witness one great era after another. rise and fall.”

"What should I eat?" Wang Xuan looked at the wreckage in the sea, unable to speak, and then looked at the shore, where the vegetation was abundant, but there were mythological animals that eat herbs. "Here, of course, it's a buffet, and you can do it yourself." The mobile phone said, and then, it glowed with a faint black light, sucking a piece of Dao rhyme from the sea. Wang Xuan glanced at the four-horned sheep not far away, but the creature was watching him while gnawing grass. "It's you, roast whole lamb."

"Brother, what do you think of me? You want to roast me, I think you're tired of living?" The sheep with four horns gnawed at the grass while looking at him.

Wang Xuan felt dizzy, even though it was an extraordinary creature, it was indeed outrageous that such a big thorn would threaten him.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Hurry up, don't let it run away, if you go to tip off the news, this place will not stop!"

Wang Xuan stepped forward, however, the sheep with four horns was quite lively, so it ran straight away, and then took the initiative to bump into him.

With a loud bang, Wang Xuan slapped him over, but his palm was in severe pain. What state is this sheep in? It didn't kill it, it staggered backwards, shook its head, turned its head and ran away.

"Wait, I'll tell the cook and let it chop you!" It ran away.

Wang Xuan's expression was solemn. When it stepped out with its four hooves, it was actually traveling through time and space. How could a mutton be so powerful?!


At a critical moment, Wang Xuan smashed the pitch-black shield and the inhuman-level weapon he got from Wu Dao, and hit the sheep's head with a bang, finally making it crooked and unable to run.

Wang Xuan rushed over and took it back, but it was very unconvinced, chattering endlessly, shouting to call the cook, and he really couldn't say anything.

The strange object on the mobile phone said, "It's okay, eat it, there is nothing to bear. Its body is an extremely ferocious creature, it is just a tangible body that overflows with blood and condenses. Like it, a four-horned sheep should have something in the distance. A lot, what's wrong with eating a wisp of blood from the most wicked thing?"

"This..." Wang Xuan was taken aback, with a trace of blood, how terrifying his body should be?

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "Otherwise, what do you think, who is free to herd sheep on the shore of the Transcendent Light Sea, and how many people can come here? Besides, this sheep is not afraid of death, and knows its own condition, what else should you care about. "

Soon, a golden roasted whole lamb came out of the oven.

"It's really fragrant!" Wang Xuan really couldn't bear to do it earlier, but now he can't escape the law of real incense and feast on it.

"Eat quickly, don't be noticed by its body, and if the cook comes over, it will be very troublesome, and people will get stolen money."

"Didn't you say, treat me to a good meal? After you came, he said it was a buffet, but now he told me that he was here to steal food?" Wang Xuan turned to look at it, but he didn't have time to look at it. Put food in your mouth.

The strange thing on the mobile phone didn't care, he talked about other things, and said, "It's almost the same, let's watch the sea, in the past years, the Dark Heaven Heart, the third-ranked super-banned item, dreamed of breaking the central universe, humiliating death, and finally It is to go away from this extraordinary sea of ​​light and escape from heaven.

Wang Xuan was moved, and immediately chatted with it, hoping to learn more.

"Old black, very fierce, it should be a seal of the old holy era, it is really powerful. Unfortunately, it seems to be on a must-kill list, and it is destined to be eliminated and obliterated. Hey, how can I say this? Well, how did I remember?"

"Don't change the subject, keep talking." Wang Xuan urged.

The strange object on the mobile phone said; "Hurry up and eat yours, don't say old black, go to the sea to salvage it later, maybe you can fish out any relics, maybe some acquaintances left behind. "You shut up!" Wang Xuan Stare at!

Suddenly, the sea of ​​​​supernatural light was split into two halves, the splendid avenue rhyme rushed up, tore apart the deep sky, and the sacred light rained down, the sea of ​​time was actually broken, the scene was extremely terrifying, and creatures appeared in the sea.

"What's the situation? Could it be that cook?" Wang Xuan suddenly felt that the mutton in his mouth was not fragrant, so he would not be caught. "No, the cook is not so good. It's strange, who is like me, in a bad mood, and came here?" The mobile phone whispered. A figure appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​​​supernatural light. The figure was not very tall, but even slightly delicate. He briefly opened the sea of ​​​​supernatural light, as if he was looking for something. Wang Xuan frowned, why did he look familiar?

It was a young man, carrying a rusty and broken axe, and then, as if sensing something, Huo turned around, and suddenly saw the strange object of the mobile phone.

Then, carrying the giant axe, he stepped on the sea, leaving behind a piece of time imprints behind him, and rushed towards the mobile phone strange object, swung the axe and chopped it! "Are you sick?" The mobile phone strange object seems to be very Not angry.

The latest chapter of "The Other Side of Deep Space" debuts on the whole network: domain name

Wang Xuan was shocked, this seems to be the first time that an outsider has discovered something extraordinary about a mobile phone?

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