Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 311: Havoc

Fall in love with, the other side of deep space

On the banks of the Liuhua River, a large number of extraordinary people were dumbfounded. Sun Wukong directly killed a rising star in the world outside the world? Too raw.

Chang Ming's sudden death caused huge waves!

"True Saint Dojo, for me and others, has always been just a legend, very unreal, and even the records in ancient books are not clear, but now, the descendants of this place have really come out, but... But he was shot directly in the head!"

In fact, the sword madman didn't even want to leave at all. He knew he couldn't get away. Instead of fleeing in a panic and being chased and killed like a dog, it would be better to die with a vigour and vigour.

"Yun Shuhe, I can't be killed, and I will definitely come to the world in the future. One day, a stronger me, without flaws and flawless in all directions, will come to you and end with you!"

Shang Yi opened his mouth, as if resonating with the other him in the dark. He is also swearing to find Yun Shuhe in the future.

Under the starry sky, Yun Shuhe said calmly: "You are talking about your real body holding the sword of the world, I already know that as long as he appears in front of me, he will not survive. Shang Yi: "!"

At the end, he still wanted to leave a bad hint in Yun Shuhe's heart. If his real body suddenly appeared in the future, he might make the other party uneasy.

It just didn't occur to him that the other party knew very well that his primordial spirit was divided into two parts.

"The galaxy is picturesque, but unfortunately, I can't see the path of true sainthood. Originally, I had hope to approach that field. Shang Yi was not reconciled, the primordial spirit burned, evolved into the sea of ​​​​stars, and then turned into a divine sword, swooping towards the first person. With the final blow, the jade and stone are all burned. At this time, he burned his Yuanshen, breaking the Dao Foundation at all costs, releasing all his potential, under one blow, the starry sky is broken, and you can see that after Yuanshen Hua Jianjing burns , The surrounding stars and rivers are intertwined so brilliantly, he seems to have mobilized a large cosmic starry sky to come and crash into the first person.

However, what surprised him was that Yun Shuhe was standing in the deep space, surrounded by purple energy, he didn't even hide, and he didn't need to go crazy to chase, the other party was waiting quietly in front of him.

"Having become a stranger, Shang Yi sighed, and suddenly, he felt disillusioned, how could he go to the last moment, the other party seemed to have taken that step.

Yun Shuhe said: Not yet, after killing you, I will be an alien.

Shang Yi was shocked, ashamed, and angry. The other party was looking down at him. Even at this juncture, it was still calm.

"Kill!" At this moment, all he could do was roar, the sight was amazing, the picture scroll of the cosmos unfolded, wrapped in the sword of the primordial spirit, and came overwhelmingly. Browser Search Town Demon Museum

Although he is inhuman, cruel and cold-blooded, he is indeed extremely powerful. Yun Shuhe did not despise him, he seemed peaceful, but he did not let go when he attacked.

For example, now, Yun Shuhe calmly flicked his fingers, and a dark spot of light appeared. It was a dark light condensed by extreme yin. It looked like a drop of black liquid, but it contained the rhythm of his understanding of the highest rules. It is the abyss of the extremely yin universe and the sea of ​​stars.

With a puff, a drop of black liquid condensed the highest law of the first person, pierced the embryo of the Primordial God Sword that Shang Yi had transformed into, and tore apart the wonders surrounding him. boom!

Shang Yi's Yuan Qi scene, the big picture scroll of the universe, burst open and was crushed by a drop of pitch-black liquid, and its Yuan Shen was also shattered again and again.

Yun Shuhe's eyes were deep, and he saw the ending of some acquaintances from the ancient times from the broken Yuanshen fragments.

Shang Yi was shocked. In the collision of their respective supreme laws, he saw the gap. Even if there was a physical body here, he would definitely lose and be beheaded.

Since the ancient times, he has been cultivating for thousands of years, but in the end, it is still empty, and he still has not closed the distance with that person, and he is disheartened.

He is dying, shattering quickly, the primordial spirit can no longer be preserved, and the true spirit is destined to disperse with the wind, disappearing into ashes.

"The feathering banner is really ominous!" At the last moment, he actually thought of this question, thinking that he had refined it, and that he knew the internal cause, so there would be no accident.

As a result, he was the same as those people in history, and in the end they all took the same path and died tragically!

Wang Xuan took a step and approached the area, while the strange objects on his mobile phone were being photographed. He said to himself: "Shang Yi was holding the feathered flag in his palm, and he was photographed by the mobile phone. This is a double blessing." Can't stand it.

"It has nothing to do with me, I'm just recording the truth... a good life," said the strange object on the phone.

"This time I approve of your words. What I see in front of me is really beautiful. Shang Yi is finally going to die." Wang Xuan said, if such a person who is full of blood and sin, if he is not dead, it is hard for heaven to tolerate it.

"Think of me, Shang Yi, traversing the mother universe, holding a feathered flag, and breaking into the great world of the transcendent center by myself. I am creating a miracle. How many people in history can achieve this step, and I am unwilling to end like this!

Shang Yi's Yuanshen was dim and he let out a roar. He was really unwilling. A person who died thousands of years ago was resurrected, completely changing everything. Otherwise, he will become an alien today, and in the future he will enter the realm of true saints, and his future will be extremely bright, but in one day, all the

Department is empty!

"Is it great to enter the great world of the transcendent center?" Wang Xuan appeared, holding the Yudao flag, showing his true face, and said, "This year, who hasn't come here by himself?"

When he was about to die, Shang Yi saw him and his soul trembled. How could he not know this person? This "baby whale" from that year also came here.

He opened his Primordial Spirit's eyes angrily, full of indignation and grievance. When he was about to die, this kid appeared and said this kind of sarcastic remarks. Does this damage his Taoism and make him die?

What kind of realm was this kid in the past, far from becoming an immortal, but now he has successfully come here. Shang Yi is unbelievable.

Wang Xuan asked: "You must have come here by chance, right? The Life Pool and a certain prohibited item in the central universe once attacked the boundary wall of the great universe together, and there was someone on the opposite side. You must have sneaked in from there, or said, You found a shortcut in the highest spiritual world, otherwise, you should have died early.

Shang Yi stared at him stubbornly, but did not respond at all. In fact, he was mainly staring at the Yudao flag in Wang Xuan's hand, and the case was solved before he died.

Not long ago, someone prevented him from becoming enlightened, and used the Imperial Dao flag to lift his skull, directly blocking him. If not, he might have become an alien!

Then, Shang Yi thought again, that he had transformed into Wang Xuan and was inexplicably besieged by people from the Paper Temple and the Tattoo Palace, which also interfered with his timing of enlightenment.

"'s really bad luck!" He gritted his teeth, he was fading, and he was doomed to perish.

"Who are you Wang Yusheng?" At the last moment, he couldn't help but wanted to ask clearly

Wang Xuan said calmly, "Eldest nephew, you are going to die, why are you talking so much!

"#!" Before the collapse, Shang Yi pointed at him with difficulty.

At this moment, he is almost psychic, and he thinks that this young man is not simply taking advantage of him, that Wang Yusheng should really have something to do with the "baby whale"

At the last moment of the two brothers, he made this association, which felt absurd and horrifying at the same time. Could there be a "Pharaoh" in the parent universe?

"You... He pointed at Wang Xuan, wanted to ask questions, wanted to say something, but, with a puff, he was completely shattered, collapsed, and he couldn't even keep his true spirit. Under erosion, ashes vanished.

Wang Xuan was worried, he added a flag, no matter whether he still had the talisman paper or not, everything was ahead.

become nothingness!

Yun Shuhe has a tall and straight body, looks like a young man, with a little heroic spirit, sword eyebrows into the temples, deep eyes, quite quiet

He looked over and took the initiative to say: Although we met for the first time, I immediately knew who you were after you regained your true self. Wang Xuan has a good impression of the first person. Some people have an eye for it at first sight. This is because of his psychic intuition with spiritual eyes. For some people, such as Shang Yi, he has a bad feeling when he sees it.

It's just that he was a little puzzled why the first person did this.

Yun Shuhe explained that in the past, when Shang Yi blasted Wang Xuan's interior scene and absorbed his essence, such as his soul and body, it was equivalent to officially shining out Yun Shuhe's return.

He has been trapped in the dark and isolated from the outside world, and Wang Xuan, as a young whale, some of the essences that he has nurtured are similar to Yun Shuhe's origin, which can be directly submerged into the life soil, and injected into the few pieces left behind. The special bones of the mark of the imperial road nourished him and let him know about the outside world.

I am very sympathetic to what happened to my predecessors. Back then, I wished I could kill Shang Yi immediately, but at that time, I was not as good as others, and I was not able to do it..." Both of them were giant whales who had opened up their special interiors when they were mortals, and they came from In the same universe, there is a natural affinity for each other, especially, this time Wang Xuan attacked Shang Yi, creating extremely favorable conditions for the return of the first person. The two hit it off. "Boom!"

While speaking, Yun Shuhe also shot, and between his fingers, a drop of sacred liquid that transitioned from golden light to blazing white flew out, hitting Yuhuan.

on the flag.

A drop of liquid shook the black flag to erase the trace left by Shang Yi. He is a grateful person, and naturally he will not forget the woman in red, the strange person buried in the black banner. He wants to attack this picture and help the woman

Feather Huafan shook his forehead, and when he suppressed the woman, he also wanted to fight back against Yun Shuhe. I'd rather run away.

Wang Xuan immediately stopped Hei Fan. If possible, he would also be willing to help the woman in red and rescue her.

Whether it's the Wonder Woman or Yun Shuhe, their life experiences are too miserable, making people sympathize with them.

In fact, just because the women in the banners resisted, the feathering banners were already unable to exert their normal power, and naturally they could not walk.

Wang Xuan pressed the imperial road flag on the black banner and banned it here, the woman in red said, "It's useless, I can't live without this banner, I am dead and buried in the banner, this is my true nature. The cage of spiritual fragments, the moment I get out of trouble, I will disperse with the wind."

She was very pleased that the first person got out of trouble and ushered in a new life.

"There is a solution, if this era doesn't work, you should be able to get out of the next era as well.

Tired out. Yun Shuhe opened his mouth and told the woman that his primordial spirit had been strangled, and that the two sutras, the extreme yin and the extreme yang, were not alive and a miracle happened in the end.

The woman said sadly: "You have a body of flesh and blood that is full of vitality left, and I only have a dead skeleton left. It's different. My broken true spirit has also been transformed into a part of the artifact spirit.

"People like us, with tenacious vitality, are indeed not easy to be completely killed. When Yun Shuhe opened his mouth, he naturally meant people like him and Wang Xuan.

However, the two are also different, and each giant whale is different.

He bluntly said that he can use the strong vitality contained in his flesh to transfer it to a woman, and one day, he can lead her out, so that she can escape and recover.

Wang Xuan also nodded, the feathered flag may be a murder weapon for others, but for the first person, there is no such danger.

In fact, when he saw these two tragic people, he couldn't bear it in his heart. If these two people accompany them through the years and go all the way, they may be able to dilute some sadness and unsatisfactory. They are all people with stories, and they are Sympathy.

Next, Wang Xuan used the Imperial Dao flag to suppress the feathering flag, Yun Shuhe was not pretentious, he refined directly, and when he reached his height, everything would come naturally.

Because, at this moment, he has become an alien, and the purple energy from the sky is poured into his body, and his whole life is sublimated, elevated, unfathomable.

But he didn't immediately go to cross the calamity. He used feathered flags to cover up the qi machine and temporarily suppressed it.

The feathered flag has a new owner and has been fully refined.

Next, Yun Shuhe passed the two mysterious and extremely powerful scriptures, Jiyin and Jiyang, to the woman in the black banner.

At the same time, he also asked Wang Xuan to write it down, saying that these two essays were very special. After the two essays were blended together, the texture of Yu Dao was born naturally.

Wang Xuan also gave him the yin and yang chapter that he got a few days ago to see if he could make a useful supplement.

In fact, in this small gathering, Wang Xuan, Yun Shuhe and the woman in red had a very speculative chat, and the exchange of scriptures was naturally essential. The woman in red was once the mother of the extraordinary civilization of a certain era. The first person once surpassed the ancient times. Although Wang Xuan was a latecomer, the collection of classics was really not small.

They talked a lot about the meaning of the scriptures, because they came from the same universe, and meeting in this foreign land is also a kind of fate, and they have a special sense of intimacy.

"In ancient times, not everyone died." Wang Xuan told Yun Shuhe that Mu Yushen had a large number of supernatural beings following him.

The main reason is that the ancients and moderns have been "carried" twice in a row, and all the immortals and demons who have no hope and are destined to decay in this world have followed.

In addition, Fang Yuzhu, Yan Mingcheng, and other top-notch group of people also paved the way for the extraordinary who dared to travel far, and took a large number of people across the sea.

Wang Xuan said this because he felt that the first person always felt a little lonely, so he told him that the mother universe had a large number of extraordinary people here, which belonged to the passive migration of a civilization.

"Senior, if you have time, you can walk around and look for those people, you may be able to have surprises, discover the descendants of the old people, and even if the old people are not dead, everything is possible.

Sure enough, when he heard Wang Xuan's words, Yun Shuhe's restrained temperament showed a little edge, looking at the vast sea of ​​​​stars, he decided to take a look,

When sorting out the "blessed land" used by Shang Yi to store things, Yun Shuhe accidentally discovered that his saber was as sharp as ever, even though it was dusty for thousands of years.

Many people know that Shang Yi is called a sword madman, thinking that he is the number one kendo master in the world, but they have no idea that the number one person in ancient times was also good at using swords, and even more powerful.

"Let's go, I'm going to have a look around. Yun Shuhe got up, took the feathered flag on his body, and said goodbye to Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan gave him a transcendent communicator. If there is something going on in a special place, as long as it is not too far away, he should be able to contact him.

Yun Shuhe was relatively introverted. In the silence, he was still a little lonely and disappointed. He stepped into the deep space and traveled alone, and he wandered in Fan Mang Xinghai without a trace.

"Shijiu will take advantage of the years to travel the world with a sword." Wang Xuan concealed his true face, also carried a sword on his back, and stepped into the Xinghai in the other direction. His mood was naturally different from that of the first person.

He asked about cellphone wonders. When I saw Monkey King Monkey King's wanted notice four days ago, he said that there were still some novel discoveries, what did it mean? Sun Wukong. The strange thing on the mobile phone told me plainly.

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