Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 308: none

The latest website: "Why do you suddenly want to kill him?" Chang Qing was shocked. This guy didn't make a statement earlier, but he didn't expect that now he suddenly turned into a Jiang Raptor and wanted to kill Chang Ming!

If the youth carrying the Divine Sword is Sun Wukong and is opposed to Chang Ming, Chang Qing is naturally willing to see it, but if he directly kills him, he strongly opposes it.

"No, fellow Daoist, brother, don't be impulsive!" Chang Qing's liver was trembling, and even the name changed again and again.

He just met "Nothing" at night. If the other party suddenly attacked and killed and harvested Changming, the clansmen in the world outside the world would definitely think that he broke the rules and bought the murderer to kill.

The Yaotian Temple allows the disciples to compete and follow the principle that the strong will come to the top, but it will never allow such internal friction. There is nothing worse than this. "I feel like he's going to kill me." Wang Xuan replied secretly, the reason was not this, he didn't care.

The main reason is that Chang Ming is threatening Zhong Cheng with his words inside and out. If this person wins the competition, Zhong Cheng will be in trouble in the future. "Can't kill." Zhong Cheng was also taken aback. Chang Ming was born in a place other than the world. If he really wanted to die, he would inevitably provoke a very terrifying master. He was worried that "No" would have an accident because of it.

Although he ruled out the possibility that it was Wang Xuan, Zhong Cheng believed that he was probably related to the people in the mother universe, and he could not be allowed to provoke a world outside the dojo and lose his life.

He eagerly stopped and told: "The true saint will not care, and his eyes will not stay on this level. However, there are aliens in Changming's blood relatives, and their strength is terrifying."

Chang Qing quickly transmitted a voice and said that he wanted to kill Chang Ming, unless it was in hell, the place was very chaotic, even if the descendants who were personally instructed by the true sage died in battle, it was normal.

"Brother Wu, don't take risks, don't commit yourself

Go, if Chang Ming wants to kill you, I will come forward to stop it, don't be impulsive. "Chang Qing discouraged again.

For a time, he felt very absurd, who is Chang Ming? He came from a place other than the world and belonged to the descendants of the true saint, but he actually asked his opponent to intercede and save his life?

Wang Xuan didn't say anything, it will depend on the situation.

Of course, to be on the safe side, it would be better for him to go hunting in hell. After all, the true saint in the misty legend hangs high in the world, and no extraordinary person dares to say that he can traverse the sea of ​​​​stars.

The moonlight is like water, sprinkled all over the Liuhua River, and there are many spiritual fish flying in the water, floating in the night sky, in different shapes and colorful, and they are dancing, which is really beautiful at night.

At the same time, the beautiful music sounded, and there was a melodious flute.

, there are also ding dong sounds, turned into tangible symbols, blooming in the night sky, accompanied by the flow of fairy mist, there is a mysterious beauty in the hazy.

Standing on the painting boat, Chang Ming leaned on the railing and said, "Brother Wu, take a good look at it. Tonight, you are lucky enough to see Fairy Shenyue dancing in person, but you may not be able to see it in the future."

He sentenced the person in front of him to death. After tonight, he will completely disappear from the world.

"Why?" Wang Xuan stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the wide sparkling river, and at the fairy mist and soft glow in the night sky.

A fairy in a colorful robe walked through the mist of the moonlight, her blue silk fluttered, and in the hazy, incomparably holy and dusty, she danced lightly under the night sky.

Chang Ming opened his mouth and said, "Fairy Shenyue has been in the world for many years, and her experience in the world is about to end. It's time to be born. She is going to retreat to the Misty Palace to deal with the journey to hell."

He raised his glass and greeted Fairy Shenyue in the night sky from afar, showing a bright smile, his face full of admiration.

The Misty Palace is not an ordinary place. It is a famous top teacher in the Liuxia Star Region. The most important thing is that there are legends about the true saint. In the past, a young man with amnesia was living in the Misty Palace. Afterwards, he bombarded and killed the two aliens who came and took care of the woman who took care of him and drifted away.

Chang Ming said: "Extraordinary people with different aspirations will go to **** once, otherwise they will feel that there are shortcomings in their cultivation."

The banks of the Liuhua River were full of people, and there were many figures on the major painting boats looking at the night sky, all raising their glasses, watching the figures dancing under the moonlit night, exuding bursts of admiration.

There is no doubt that the Misty Palace has received the protection of the true saint, and the important disciples of the sect are walking in the world, and they have attracted much attention because of this, especially tonight may be the last dance.

"How?" Chang Ming asked.

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "That's right, the dancing pose is not tainted with fireworks, and it reflects the stars and the moon. There is a kind of rhythm that I see a lot of people being fascinated by it, and they have become quiet, and they resonate with the spirit."

Then, he realized that this is the strangeness of the supernatural scriptures of the Misty Palace, using the spiritual resonance of many dancers to practice his own method.

Fairy Shenyue dances like an elves in the night sky, she is indeed infinitely beautiful and impeccable. Moreover, she herself fell into a certain wonderful realm, using the resonance of the spiritual realm of many extraordinary people, and she had an epiphany.

"Let's go, goodbye." Wang Xuan said goodbye, soaring up into the night sky.

This time, Chang Ming didn't hold back, because he decided to find someone to move

Hand, Ling San let go of his pigeon, temporarily unable to borrow a knife.

"Go all the way!" Chang Ming said lightly.

Wang Xuan glanced at him and didn't say anything. He felt malicious in the dark, but he didn't care.

"Goodbye by fate." Fairy Shenyue finished dancing, and she also rose into the air and landed on a big boat, piercing the clouds and breaking the fog, and went away.

On the Liuhua River, many people did not regain their senses, and were still immersed in the ethereal dance atmosphere just now.

"Old He, you can do it." Chang Ming said, his face was calm, and said: "No matter how high the talent is, if it is not used by me, it is also useless. I will give you a chance not to, if you are on the wrong team, then disappear as soon as possible. ""Old He, where are you going?" Chang Qing appeared, standing under the night moon, his face was a little cold, he stopped the way, and said: "No has promised to go to **** with me, you are from a place outside the world, don't keep it Rules, do you want to intervene in the affairs between me and Chang Ming?"

A middle-aged man frowned. This was difficult for him. He really couldn't interfere in the competition of disciples in the True Holy Dojo, otherwise he would be severely punished afterwards.

"Oh, I knew you would stop it!" On the painting boat, Chang Ming was aware of it early, showing a cold killing intent, holding an extraordinary communicator. Said: "Maureen, the person has already gone up, let's start, use the Immortal Bow to kill him!" On a small cloud layer, there is a slender, wheat-skinned girl with a strong sense of strength, dormant like a cheetah , holding a large dark bow in his hand, and the energetic arrow feathers have been placed on the bowstring.

This is a sacred object that Yiren has cultivated for many years with Yuanshen and true blood. After the death of Yiren, it has become a treasure without a master. It can be said that this Yixian bow is extremely powerful.

Even if the woman is only a heavenly superhuman, she can control this bow in her hand, which is a threat to the super peerless world, let alone a true immortal.

Of course, at most, she can draw the bowstring two or three times to the side. It is too difficult for her to draw a bow at this level.


A big hole appeared in the sky, the sound far surpassed that of thunder, and the entire cloud burst open and completely dissipated.

People's eardrums are about to be torn, and when they hear this sound, the terrifying arrow feather has long since disappeared.

Centered on the woman, a terrifying beam of light was plowed out, shattering the sky. The thick passage was extremely terrifying and penetrated into outer space. Wang Xuanhan's hair stood upright, and a beam of light caught up behind him, and it was about to approach in an instant. The power was extremely strong, and he knew that his body could not stop it. "It's not the light of the Royal Dao emitted by prohibited items, but it is far superior to other weapons. This should be a big killer made by foreigners.

"He immediately guessed what series of treasures it was.

He quickly changed direction and fled into the distance. A five-colored ship had just arrived in outer space. He swept across, but the powerful arrow changed its trajectory and followed.

When the energy rune arrow feathers chose the optimal route, they should have wiped past the rear of the boat, but this boat is extraordinary and has a strong defense. It automatically raises the rune mask to protect the hull.

With a bang, the arrow feathers hit the mask, causing a huge explosion, and the hull shook violently.

"Excessive, even attacking us?" An old woman on the boat said, and Fairy Shenyue frowned, also a little dissatisfied, her hair was flying, but she didn't say anything.

After this blocking, Wang Xuan went away, entered the meteorite area, and found that the energy arrow feathers came at an extremely fast speed, without any intention to slow down the offensive.

Moreover, a woman was driving a special immortal boat, shattering the void, and chasing after her, she drew her bow again, and shot another arrow. In outer space, there was another big explosion. A huge hole appeared in the void. It was extremely terrifying. An even more amazing energy rune arrow flew out, ploughing out a terrifying road.

At this point, the woman Ma Lin stopped, her primordial spirit was extremely tired, and her body was almost exhausted.

View from the fairy boat.

In the distance, Wang Xuan changed directions many times and fell into the meteorite group. He still didn't use the Imperial Road Flag.

Because, when he looked back, he had already seen that more than a dozen extraordinary battleships and immortal ships flew out from Ling Xiuxing.

He frowned and sighed secretly. Forget it, he should rely on himself to resolve it. Besides, anything can happen in the future, so he should learn to reduce his reliance on the treasure.

He took out a bunch of monkey hair from his body, tore his fingers, stained with his own blood, and then sacrificed it behind him.

In an instant, the divine ape appeared, but he was immediately covered by the light of the runes formed by his blood, which he had received on his behalf.

This kind of golden monkey hair has a great origin. It was taken from the head of the old ape of the Gibbon God with a karma fishing rod when fishing in the different seas.

On that day, the old ape was furious, and he was really angry. So far, he has not found the murderer of the sneak attack.

Those golden animal hairs fell to the ground and turned into monkeys, but they were all covered with runes and blood. People in the distance could not see it clearly. They could only see the hazy human figures in the sound of puffs, and the ape bodies turned into dozens of monkey hairs burst one after another. , not even cosmic dust is left.

The first arrow feathers dimmed, disintegrated, and disappeared here.

The second arrow feather came flying, this time Wang Xuan consumed 29 blood-stained monkey hairs, those figures were killed one after another, and the second arrow feather dimmed and disintegrated.

A big explosion occurred in this meteorite area and it was completely destroyed.

Wang Xuan glanced at it. The monkey hair of the old ape clan was consumed a lot, but it was nothing to feel distressed.

He has evolved wonders in this area, showing the picture of his real body being shot and exploding, making people see the illusion of being destroyed. As for whether he can completely hide from the other party, he doesn't care.

He submerged into the void with an invisibility talisman and disappeared from here.

Maureen watched, but did not approach, and soon drove the immortal boat away. The five-color fairy boat stayed here for a while, and the spiritual consciousness swept over, and then the big ship sailed away without much intervention.

"That young man doesn't seem to be dead," said the old woman on the boat. She was sensitive and thought the sight of the real body being shot and exploded was suspicious.

"It's none of our business, let's go." Fairy Shenyue said.

On the Liuhua River, Chang Ming sat on a big boat, drinking to the moon, very calm.

"Shooted and shattered." Maureen, a strong and vigorous woman like a cheetah, returned, and her wheat-colored skin was crystal clear in the moonlight, she informed the situation.

"No, it's really gone this time." Chang Ming said, then contacted Ling Qingxuan and told her directly that he owed him a huge favor and helped her solve Sun Wukong.

Ling Qingxuan held the communicator and said, "Describe his spiritual aura and Yuanshen map, and I will determine if it is that person."

Soon, she showed a strange expression and said, "It should be him." She ended the call.

"That villain Sun who attacked you three times was really killed by Chang Ming?" Xiao Yue was stunned and surprised.

Ling Qingxuan shook her head and said, "Of course not. He fought against Sun Wukong, but killed others? Interesting."

In outer space, Wang Xuan was murderous, he was reflecting, looking back, if it wasn't for the little monkey hair on his body, would he really need to use the Imperial Dao flag this time?

After that kind of big killer locks on a person, either the target is shot and disappears, or the arrow feathers are powerfully blasted by the target.

Wang Xuan's face is not very He is not strong enough to blow up the two arrow feathers with his bare hands, which are the rune arrows condensed by the big killing weapon that Yiren personally sacrificed. Yu, although it is not as good as prohibited items, it is not difficult to shoot true immortals and heavenly masters.

He compared it, and the Yixian Bow was more powerful than Yin Mobai's broken yin and yang flag.

On that day, the Yin Yang Fan had severely injured him, some wounds made his body translucent, and this Immortal Bow was enough to shoot him!

It's a pity that the woman didn't chase down all the way. If she really wants to reach the land of no one, he might be able to win a big killing weapon of the alien level. How can you not retaliate if you have revenge? Besides, he was thinking about attacking Chang Ming.

In an instant, his appearance changed, the corners of his eyes and brows were glowing, he became unruly, raised his head to the sky, released the heart of the great sage of the sky, and held a pitch-black immortal iron rod.

"My grandson is here!" This time, he sneaked back silently, still on the Liuhua River. Now he is Monkey King, fearless, no need to follow any rules, sap, kill, make a scene, all are optional!

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