Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 295: The event is over

Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat. The first thing he thought of was his old friend. Those people in the mother universe have been separated for too long, and there has been no news of them.

For many years, the voices and smiles of those people seemed to be still in front of his eyes. Suddenly, everything seemed to be still yesterday, fighting together in the transcendent end of the decade when myths were corrupted.

"Who is it, he or she, what's the matter?" he asked secretly, really worried.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Fate, is covered by the fog, no one can see through it all, I just see the causal line fluctuating, shining and lighting up, I can't be sure, I don't know who it is, but it will happen in three or five days. result."

Wang Xuan took a deep breath, there was still time, and he had to remain calm here. The event should be over soon, and we'll talk about it when we leave Tianwaitian.

"Second father, you are distracted, Aunt An is asking you out!" At the critical moment, the young wolf Tian said, and shook Wang Xuan's arm to make him return to his senses.

Wang Xuan's mood was up and down just now, and a face of Zhang Xi appeared in his heart. Although it was only a brief moment, he was really negligent.

National Treasure Xiong Shan grinned and said, "Brother Kong, you can really do it, and the most beautiful female fairy is calling you across the street, how can you be so insane at this time?

Others also showed strange expressions, and the two kings of the Five Elements Mountains were indeed different.

"Auntie An, my second father is here!" The boy Langtian was so "conscious" a long time ago and discussed it with Wolverine. He was afraid that the second king would be lonely and old for life, because his character was too strong and domineering. No, he is a nephew. Enthusiastic again.

"Aunt An, it would be great to add another mother." Ling Qingxuan teased secretly, and was always targeted by the pair of black girlfriends, and she also fought back when she got the chance. Remember for a second http://

Jing Qi glanced at her and said, "Ling Xiaosan, pay attention to your words. It was you who asked me to wait for me to go to hell. Now there is someone you once extended an olive branch. Thank me."

"Hell, do you want to go with me?" Zhuo Yanran asked directly when Kong Xuan came over.

"Three missing one? Yes." Wang Xuan nodded. Originally, he had talked to the strange thing on the mobile phone, and he wanted to go to **** to see what the place was.

"There are still too few people. When others form a team, there are usually more than ten people." Ling Qingxuan said.

"Old Ren, calling you, where are you looking?" Jing Qi called Wu Tian's vest, and for a moment, Wu Tian in the distance didn't respond.

If you call him Wu Tian, ​​he promises that he will be shocked, and the liver and kidneys will tremble. If you call him Ren Tianxing, you will realize that you are calling him, but if you call him Lao Ren, he doesn't use this identity often, and he didn't respond for a while.

"Want to go to hell?" Jing Qi asked again.

"I#, Aunt An is really cruel!" Wu Tian had this thought at the first time, because he was "clean", and Jing Qi was related to the alien Li Lin, maybe one person!

Soon, he understood that it was not Aunt An who recognized him as Wutian and wanted to send him to hell, but invited him to go to the legendary place where the descendants of the true holy gate are willing to go to temper.

"Auntie An, no, Fairy An invites her kindly, and I'm naturally willing to go!" In Wu Tian's opinion, walking with such a person is the best way to cleanse himself, and no one will doubt him.

"You are already old, and you are still pretending to be young!" Jing Qi pouted.

Zhuo Yanran was surprised and asked secretly, "A reborn person, or is this a ruthless man who clenched his teeth and gave himself a knife, turned around and went to rebuild?"

"Don't talk nonsense, there are eavesdroppers here, and the strange things on your body may not be fully shielded." Jing Qi responded.

At this moment, Wu Tian's heart tightened. There are indeed many secrets in him, and each of them is hidden from the light. Could it be that Jing Qi can see some clues?

"Is Lu Renjia going?" Then, Jing Qi called out again, obviously, she also valued Kong Ming Zhenxian who could be as famous as Kong Xuan.

Lu Renjia came, and did not refuse, with big sleeves fluttering, and otherworldly.

Nearby, many people are envious. It can be said that it is an honor to form a team in this way. These people are going to the legendary hell? Shocked some people.

In fact, more people don't even know where the grind of **** is, and it's the first time I've heard of it today.

"When will you leave?" The cold demon king Kong Xuan asked proactively.

"It will take more than a hundred years." Jing Qi said.

"How many years?!" Wang Xuan was convinced that he should have heard correctly, but is this time serious?

"No matter what, you have to prepare carefully and set off in more than a hundred years." Zhuo Yanran said.

Wang Xuan is in a daze, a person from the great universe at the transcendent center, is this time-willed? To prepare, it will take more than a hundred years?

He looked at the two women and found that what he said was normal, not a slip of the tongue, and Ling Qingxuan on the other side had no objection to it.

He is really speechless. Now that he is 224 years old, he has to wait more than 100 years before going to hell, which is equivalent to half of his life.

Jing Jing said: "What are you in a daze, aren't you a true immortal who has broken the limit three times more now? Try to break the limit four times and become a creature of the most beautiful side. Then enter the heaven-level domain, break through the fierce point, and accumulate more Taoism. , In that kind of place, most of the superhumans in the early days of the sky will have no good end."

Of course, she thinks that Kong Xuan is very powerful in breaking the limit. After he really enters the heaven level, he will fight and break through in hell. After years of hard work, he should be able to fight very well.

At this time, Wang Xuan figured out that if a true immortal goes in, he will die, and the hell-level tempering starts with a heaven-level superhuman.

True fairy? Maybe someone went in, but it's unknown how tragic the end was.

At this moment, he wanted to take out the strange object of the mobile phone and beat it fiercely.

"How do you know if you don't try?" The strange thing on the phone spoke to him alone, with a calm and natural expression.

Wang Xuan ignored it and asked the three women if any real immortals had succeeded?

"There may be, but I haven't seen it in the records." Jing Qi told him that it was hard to say whether he could survive, everything is unknown.

"So, young people should have the courage to try, the unknown is full of mystery and the motivation to challenge." The strange thing on the mobile phone secretly expressed his opinion.

"We also have to prepare. It will take time to advance to the late stage of the heaven level." Zhuo Yanran told that in that kind of place, the transcendents who were personally taught by the true sage may not be able to come out alive, no matter how important they are. .

"For more than a hundred years, I will sort out the texture of the Imperial Dao, strengthen the real bones, and improve the realm." Ling Qingxuan nodded, and then said: "I still need to find that Sun Wukong, if I don't find him, I really can't swallow that breath."

The high-cold Kong Xuan smiled and said nothing. Only he can defeat Sun Wukong himself.

"What are you laughing at, thinking that you can defeat Sun Wukong?" Ling Qingxuan keenly saw the smile on his face.

"No, I don't like fighting, I don't want to get involved in other people's grievances." Wang Xuan shook his head, what a joke, another person who asked him to beat himself?

Jingjing Qi reminded him and said, "Ling Xiao...Ling San's family has a lot of classics. If you have the opportunity to meet Sun Wukong and fight with him in the future, you can ask her for the highest chapter."

Wang Xuan was immediately stunned, and said in surprise, "The real Bible of Xuankong Mountain?"

"What are you thinking about, the secrets of the true holy dojo, which are not shared by outsiders, can't be seen by outsiders. Anyone who dares to spy on them will inevitably be killed. But over the long years, some places outside the world have been broken up, and there have been true holy deaths. If it falls, there are fragments that have been circulated, and there must be records in Xuankong Ridge.”

Wang Xuan came to the spirit and said: "Sun Wukong is a dangerous person. If you fight with him, you will be in danger of perishing. If you have to capture him, this is... difficult to do."

"If you meet him, provide me with effective clues, or hit him hard when you block..." Ling Qingxuan offered some very harsh conditions.

"Let's see the situation later." Wang Xuan said.

After some exchanges, Jing Qi, Zhuo Yanran, and Ling Qingxuan all believed that there were still too few people, and those who formed the team were usually ten or twenty people.

Because, not only is there danger within hell, but there may also be a firefight between teams.

"Go back and ask Heihe, Xuantian and the others." Zhuo Yanran said.

In fact, the event is now almost coming to an end, and the rest of the time is spent holding wine glasses and meeting friends.

During this period, many people approached Lu Renjia, but it was still a paid fight, and some people didn't give up.

In addition, the Bronze Arena and the Fortune Casino have also come to contact Kong Xuan and Lu Renjia, the two kings of the Five Elements Mountains.

Up to now, Wang Xuan has no intention of presenting an "exhibition game" for them.

Of course, if the other party can really come up with strange bones, even fragments of the true Bible, etc. that interest him, and survive this period, it is not impossible for him to consider it.

At present, he desperately wants to leave, and wants to see the fate ahead of the fog, and he is really worried.

Wang Xuan believes that although the mobile phone is very pitiful, it does not have a bottom line.

For example, when he beat Ling Qingxuan three times, he was besieged by a group of geniuses who broke the limit. The strange thing on the mobile phone once told him which people are black, who have slaughtered an entire planet of life, and which extraordinary people are inhuman, killing masters for the dream medicine medicine. Those who are not inherently bad are out of their home planet in order to improve the fate of the ethnic group.

At the end of the event, people saw Lu Renjia and Kong Xuan, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, toasting the glasses for the first time in history.

Zhu Hong from the Candle Dragon Clan, Yuan Sheng from the Gibbon God Clan, Yuan Hong from the Hedao Sect, and other opponents, all frowned upon seeing this scene, and they were the least willing to see these two make friendship.

They gave Lu Renjia a sternum.

In fact, at this moment, Wang Xuan asked the mobile phone to cover up the strange objects, and the real body and the body of Hunyuan were exchanging scriptures with the primordial spirit to communicate with each other.

Kong Xuan has also gained a lot. Although he did not take over the quest, before the masked sorority started, Yiren Li Lin once showed a ray of avatar, condensing an ethereal space, and placed Zifu peach, yin and yang jade bamboo shoots, etc. At that time, Kong Xuan was daring, stared at the page of golden paper she was reading, fought for it, and recorded it with his spiritual eyes.

This scripture talks about cultivating his own imperial path texture from one point to the whole body. For him, it is extremely important. He may try to start from the parietal bone. After all, here is the birth of his own imperial path. Core imprint!

"Brother Lu, you can't get too close to Kong Xuan, this person is eagle-eyed, domineering and arrogant, sooner or later there will be disasters, and the person who blows up the Five Tribulations Mountain, don't think that he can be safe in the future, this kind of person is doomed will die."

Yuan Hong of the Hedao Sect met Lu Renjia in private, and talked to him secretly.

Wang Xuan really wanted to slap him, in front of the real person, dare to directly curse the master? Forget it, let the ignorant let him go and make noise.

The opponents are looking for Lu Renjia to fight on their behalf, but it doesn't work now. He has clearly told him that he is going to retreat for a hundred years, and everything will wait for him to go out.

The event is over, completely over, and its duration is shorter than it used to be.

When parting, Wu Lindao said to the clear sky: "Two months later, you and the old senior will take those good seedlings to Wujie Mountain together, and those you choose can be sent."

When he said the old senior, he naturally meant the old alien from the Black Peacock Clan.

The people of Black Peacock Mountain set out on their way home. It took many days when they came, but it was too fast when they returned. There was no other reason. A dark and huge old peacock spread its wings and shattered the void, and teleported away with everyone. .

The body of the old alien is really too It seems to be able to squeeze into the deep space, like a black nebula, magnificent and boundless, even Chongxiao, Eight-eyed Jinchan, Luo Ying and others are in the black hole patriarch It was the first time for a big person to sit on the vast black back of Lao Yiren, accompanied by chaos, which was really shocking.

In less than a day, they returned to the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain in the present world.

When they got here, people found that the old man of the black peacock was much larger than the holy mountain. No wonder it carried the holy mountain at the end of the last century.

After returning, Qing Sky told Wang Xuan that he had already spoken to Wu Lindao, and that Kong Xuan was suitable for practicing in the Black Peacock Holy Mountain, and going out to hone by himself, so he would not go to Wujie Mountain for the time being.

"He agreed?" Wang Xuan was surprised, Elder Qingkong's face was really big.

"Naturally agree." Qingkong nodded and said, "He can understand and understand your concerns. He said that Wujie Mountain also has some pure land outside. If necessary, he can let you in."

"I want to retreat here for 100 years!" Wang Xuan wanted to close the cave and meditate.

In fact, after coming back, that night, he divided the various great medicines he had picked in the spiritual dojo for Wolverine, Eight-Eyed Jinchan and others, and then went straight to retreat.

It didn't take long for the golden vortex to appear, Wang Xuan stepped in, and then directly entered the deep space. This time the long journey was beyond imagination, he at least crossed hundreds of star fields!

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