Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 257: weird phone

Now, Zhuhai's eyes are bloodshot, looking at the huge palace in the distance, it is so splendid, attracting the light of the stars, like a vast river and sea falling.

People all over the city know what's going on, who is practising the scriptures related to starlight. Zhu Hai didn't expect that after the war, he was actually \"rushed\" again, and the starlight was immortal, he was equivalent to standing in the midst of gossip.

In a sense, the demon king Kong Xuan continued to inflict damage on him. The battle is over, but the impact is not over yet!

In the bronze giant palace, in a secret room, the bronze walls are engraved with dense symbols, all of which are now activated, and a strong starlight surges out.

This is all-round, flowing from all directions, the white starlight condenses into a viscous super-matter here, and it is accompanied by the evil spirit in the starry sky, and in the end it almost becomes a water swamp.

Wang Xuan sat cross-legged in the secret room, and all the cells in his body were activated. This was the unprecedented satisfaction he had experienced in the recent past.

He is still very grateful to the people here in the Bronze Giant Palace. This secret room is so amazing. The starlight it attracts is at least dozens of times the starlight he draws from sitting cross-legged under the stars. The most lacking thing in the book is this kind of material in the starry sky. Now he has the old ore fairy material in his hand, and this secret room has completely solved his problem. The transpiration came out, the room was full of brilliance, and the starlight attracted by the bronze giant palace was enough. In the secret room, the liquid star force appeared,

\"The water level\" continued to rise until it submerged Wang Xuan. This experience is really wonderful.

He ran the "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra", which was natural and empty, silent and silent. Only the star power slowly flowed into his body and washed his body from top to bottom.

For a while, Wang Xuan's flesh and blood underwent some inexplicable change. In every area, every corner, and every cell, a big star appeared, slowly turning, pulling the starlight from the outside world.

At this stage, his Xinghe Body Washing Sutra naturally officially took off. Even the most difficult follow-up mental method could not stop his footsteps. The stars were like water, resonating, and absorbed by the cells of his whole body. Those big stars in the body became more and more brilliant. Dispelled the last fog. Rumble!

At this moment, his body and mind were calm and his body was light, with billions of stars, and he seduced his body and reflected himself in a bright light. At this time, it was very dangerous. Normally speaking, people who practice this scripture will lose their physical body when they reach a certain stage. It will be unbearable, it may collapse.

Because, in each cell, the activity is skyrocketing, and it corresponds to a big star, like a real star. The stars in the whole body resonate together. This is a terrible power. Many people cannot hold on to this resonance for long. There will be cracks in the flesh and blood, until the physical body completely collapses! This method of refining the body is too overbearing!

\"It is said that the body is washed by the galaxy, but it is actually the body refining of the star, and it can even be said that the body is sharpened by the various evil spirits that exist in the sea of ​​​​stars of the universe.

Wang Xuan was enlightened and saw something essential.

Hundreds of millions of stars, coming from the sky, also drove all kinds of evil spirits that exist in the vast universe to fall down and submerge into the body, thereby refining the body.

And the real starlight is actually relatively soft and is used to repair the injured body.

Now, he is practicing "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra", and the disturbance is not small, but the outside world thinks that he has bald the candle sea and is practicing the exterior scene of Xinghe, no one thinks much. In his body, in all the cells, all the big stars are resonating and continuing, and bloodstains ooze from the surface of the tough as a king

In the end, his whole body shook and bleeds everywhere. In fact, this extremely terrifying baptism caused all kinds of evil spirits in the universe to refine his body, as if he was bathing the blade of a knife.

\"The body is reborn, and in the most domineering way, let the whole body change and transform, breaking through the past is a new piece of the sky, failing to break through is the physical collapse, bursting and dying. Wang Xuan said to himself, he naturally has a strong self-confidence , otherwise he wouldn't be on the road. Finally, all over his body, every

In a cell, the slowly rotating big stars are following the process of resonance, and cracks appear. puff!

In an instant, his whole body spurted blood. This scene was extremely terrifying. There were even broken bones and tiny fragments of damaged internal organs, which rushed out of his body. All the big stars were shattered, and in Wang Xuan's cells, all kinds of starlight poured out, surging with evil spirits, and his whole body was about to collapse. In an instant riot, the interior of all cells went dark, because their corresponding big stars were broken, and they rushed out mixed with evil spirits.

\"My physical body is strong enough to withstand it, but this kind of body refinement is too perverted. Did it baptize the whole body and complete me, or was my primitive immortal body strong enough to naturally carry it? Wang Xuan sat cross-legged, The stars all over the body, those galaxies and evil spirits that rushed out of the body, were used by him to operate the secret method, and they were brought back again and submerged into the body. This time, the starlight and evil spirits blended, reconstructed the big stars, and reappeared in every cell. Now they are It is a star that carries the evil spirit of all things. Wang Xuan opened his eyes. He broke the barrier. His power was very domineering, and he was not under his control.

The scriptures run on their own, and his whole body is washed, tempered, and nourished by \"all things evil spirits\". If it goes on day after day, year after year, it will naturally be tough and powerful.

\"Let me see the exterior view of the galaxy.

Naturally, Wang Xuan was not satisfied, so he showed his arrival to the great creation, and the cosmic galaxy map was displayed horizontally, carrying him in it, fighting with the stars, and resonating with all the stars in every cell in his body.

He was immersed in it and comprehended the picture scroll. In fact, everything came naturally. The two naturally fit together, blended naturally, and communicated together.

At the same time, he asked, he knew how much Zhuhai lost the Xinghe exterior scene, it was not only the cultivation technique, but also the other party's accumulation of insights for many years, and it was also deprived. The front is bleak.

The Cosmic Galaxy Scroll, entered Wang Xuan's body, blended with his whole body, and seemed to be innately integrated with the Xinghe Body Washing Scripture, making an effective and amazing supplement. The cosmic galaxy map took root in his body, and it was swallowed by whales, absorbing a lot of star power and evil spirits in the secret room.

At this point, the mutation occurred in Wang Xuan's body, and the evil stars of all things began to change. This made him experience pain again, and his whole body seemed to be torn apart.

Until the end, the evil spirits of all things rushed out of the body, and his eyes were blackened. In the flesh and blood cells, the starlight disintegrated, the evil spirits rushed up, and finally reorganized.

Those fine textures are connected to all the big stars. \"Um?

Dry Enthalpy said the teeth guide. After all things are linked together, the stars and bodies are connected one by one. In addition to the toughness of his own flesh and blood, he also sees that some planets seem to be about to change, and the interior seems to have his own mold powder.

This moved him. In the long run, will the evil spirits of all things give birth to his own appearance? In every cell there is a self.

The exterior scene of the galaxy is integrated into the body, in addition to hooking up all the big stars, it also resonates with the outer real universe starry sky, which can more effectively absorb the starlight and evil spirits. It greatly shortens the time. \"Obviously, both the Xinghe Body Washing Sutra and the Xinghe Outer Scenery are the same scriptures left by the true sage. The two complement each other and can correspond to each other. After the beneficial supplement of the Xinghe Outer Scenery, his Taoism has improved. , came to the middle and late stages of Zhixianli Chongtian. It is not as simple as the first entry.

Wang Xuan did not get up, but continued to practice. After a whole night passed, the bronze giant palace stopped attracting the evil spirits and other substances from the galaxy outside the sky.

At this time, he crushed all the strange stones that contained star power and evil spirits, and absorbed them cleanly.

\"There was once the blood of a strong man, shouldn't it be left behind when the alien's blood splashed in the starry sky in Luofu Mountain? There is also a saying that the owner of Luofu Mountain had left before he died, and there was only one incarnation. Guarding the dojo, Wang Xuan stood up, his Taoist practice was diligent, his strength improved, and he was officially established in the late stage of True Immortal.

Once again to achieve extraordinary transformation, this is the driving force for him to move forward. Sooner or later, he will be able to traverse the sea of ​​​​stars, stand shoulder to shoulder with other people, and even see the true saint! \"Are you ready?\" A sudden voice appeared, Let Wang Xuan turn to his side, and the strange thing on the mobile phone came out silently. It hovered beside him, and it appeared on its own without obeying orders. If it was another person, he might be startled, but Wang Xuan was used to it. \"What's the matter?\", he asked.

Then, he felt that something was wrong. The strange thing on the phone was not the same as before. It was very formal, and the atmosphere was serious and heavy. \"There is no permanent divine photo of the deceased, and the door is about to open.

●It makes a sound, suspends three-dimensional text, and has mental fluctuations, like a triple warning. \"Wait a minute!

●\"Wang Xuan stopped it This time, do you want to send him suddenly to an inexplicable place, where are you going? He didn't want to mess around with the strange things on his mobile phone and said solemnly: The previous one was serious question!\"

\"Disturbing the causal line, a decision of destiny, you need to face it, whether to take a look and avoid it for a while, or take the initiative to enter the scene and quickly resolve it, this is a minor problem in front of you!\"

Wang Xuan was stunned, what did this damned murderous mobile phone do? It has something to do with him, why does it seem like he was trapped in a trap?\"What happened, what calamity, tell me directly !\" he said

The person sitting in the secret room could not be the one who caused the trouble, but now it is suspected that there is a pot coming from the sky, so something must have been caused by the strange object on the mobile phone. \"I'm fine, it's about you.\" said the mobile phone.

\"Who cares if you're okay?\"Wang Xuan wanted to hit it, and said: \"Which time is it not about me? But it was all caused by the price!\" He urged, what was the situation. The mobile phone wonder said solemnly:

\"Fate cannot always favor a person, life is not easy, there is always a small surprise every month, there will always be some accidents, if one gets it wrong, it will be frightened, and even the waist will be broken by fate.

Wang Xuan was stunned. This mobile phone strange object gave him a lot of surprises. Now it is finally time to start sending out crises and dangers? He directly took out the Yudao flag. If the situation is not right, he will start a war with it!

Mobile phone strange things:

\"It's not my problem, it's the causal line that disturbs the peace, and I don't know what kind of test fate will give you this time. If you don't go, the consequences will be extremely serious!\"

Wang Xuan looked at it and said, "I want to stab you first!"

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