Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 249: True Immortal Showdown Super Peerless

; "Is this demon king all right? Why do I feel that he looks very excited, eager to try, can't wait, is it my illusion?"

Some people doubted their judgment and stared at Kong Xuan in the iron cage, thinking it was too outrageous.

Someone next to him responded to him and said, "You read that right, and I also think that before he made a move, he was already in high spirits, with a posture that he was about to die.

In the huge arena, on the bronze stand, many people found this situation and felt incredible, how could it be this expression when the real immortal saw the super peerless?

At this time, the 9th floor of the Bronze Giant Palace was full of people and overcrowded. This time, the true immortal duel is beyond peerless. Although the publicity time is limited, it has achieved great success.

Tickets are currently sold out, whether it is the VIP seats or the ordinary bronze stands, they are all full. In fact, the temporary additional seats in the Void Cave House were sold out. The giant palace on the 9th floor, from the seats to the steps, is made of bronze as a whole. "The sun is up and down in the four directions. From ancient times to today's universe, you and I are in the cage of the universe." A slightly magnetic female voice sounded, with strange magic power, the beast girl came out gracefully and said: "In this life, who can be detached , The world of great contention is actually the only word of contention."

"At this moment, in the giant bronze palace, the once-in-a-lifetime limit-breaking battle will interpret the true meaning of the word "striving" for everyone. The true immortal Kong Xuan confronts the super peerless candle sea, and the battle begins! "

After this brief introduction, the beast girl immediately exited the stage, which was considered a successful retirement. Hosting such a special duel was considered a rare occurrence in her career.

The bronze battle platform was covered by an iron cage, and the two people in the field moved slowly. boom!

The whole arena is boiling.

A large number of extraordinary people gather, even if it is a slight discussion, after gathering together, it will become a surging roar of the river.

There are quite a few fairies casting spells in the air, delivering suitable fruits, refreshments, etc. to the spectators in the stands. The ticket price for this super-standard duel is naturally high, but the services are also in place.

In the iron cage, the bronze ground is very hard, and it is smelted with treasure-making substances, engraved with various textures, and it is a bit rough to step on it. Wang Xuan slowly pulled out the thick mace from the fragments of the blessed land, locked his eyes on the middle-aged man in front of him, and started pacing.

On his body, the black demonic energy rose up and became thicker and thicker, finally turning into a monstrous fog. A scene unique to the two kings of the Five Elements Mountains appeared on the bronze duel stage.

Everyone was in a daze. In the first few games, he had already put it away, and he didn't show off the demon clouds to the sky-level masters of the candle dragon clan.

Now, after Zhuhai came on stage, Kong Xuan was posing like this generation of demon king. Is this to show the extraordinary, or is he condescending to the peerless? When I got the latest chapter for the first time, Jia Zhuhai's face turned dark, and my heart was unhappy. You are a little true fairy, talk to me about ostentation, and create the scene of the unparalleled demon king when he was born. Who will you show it to?

However, at this time, in order to set off the atmosphere, the giant bronze palace sounded a passionate battle song, which was sonorous and deafening.

After listening to the war song, people went to see the appearance of Kong Xuan, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains, and found that it was very suitable for the scene.

Candle Sea, with short cyan hair, looks like he is in his thirties or forties, and his eyes grow upright. This is the characteristic of the candle dragon clan.

He stood there, not angry but majestic, behind him, a deep, vaguely grand universe emerged, and a big star appeared, revolving around him, setting him off like the lord of the stars. The next moment, the war broke out! Wang Xuan took the initiative to attack, and in a high-profile way, unlike the real fairy facing the super peerless

, more like a condor, culling small animals such as mice and rabbits on the ground. That kind of attitude is extremely domineering, making the people of the candle dragon clan watching the battle indignant, this monster is too strong, swooping from the air, carrying a mace, and ramming it directly!

Everyone felt Kong Xuan's domineering, as if he regarded this place as a hunting ground, and covered the super peerless below with the rolling demonic energy.

Zhuhai's face was icy cold, he had never seen such a wild true immortal, unscrupulous, slaughtered in the air, this is the posture that he can't wait to kill him directly.

For a long time, Chao Peering has been sparring with him, and fighting with him, and they are all looking at each other, and no one dares to come up and kill them from a high altitude.

Right now, the meal this real fairy gave him was like an eagle swooping at a chick!

In fact, others felt it too. "When I thought about it, the Candle Dragon Clan couldn't help but want to scold my mother.

In the vast arena, there was a deafening sound of rules colliding, and the two of them collided fiercely without any intention of evading.

Zhuhai held a cyan iron pestle in his hand, which was also a heavy weapon. When he swung it in his right hand, the void collapsed and then shattered.

He collided with the cyan iron pestle and the black mace. The scene was too terrifying, there was no thunder, but the rune fragments were more dazzling than lightning and exploded.

In less than a breath, the two of them collided a hundred times from the bronze ground, to the sky, and to the edge of the vast iron cage, so that everyone was dizzy.

There, the dazzling runes, like meteors splashing out one after another, gathered into pieces, turned into light rain, densely packed,

Poured across the bronze arena.

After the two of them swept across, the void began to explode! This scene shocked many people with sweaty palms. Is this a true immortal duel? Heaven-level masters will be beaten to death if they enter.

"It's not in vain, it's worth it, is this a super-normal limit breaker? Or, it's the result of taking the road of imperialization in the real fairy field, which has opened a new door for me!"

there are many

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ The real immortal screamed out, and the heaven-level masters were silent, all staring at it and trying to figure it out. In fact, in the VIP seats, the super peerless people who were present did not say a word. They stared carefully. After seeing this kind of battle, they could also look back on their own path to see if there were any shortcomings that could be made up.

Then there was a peerless sigh, some things could not be made up, the mighty demon king of the Five Elements Mountain, although arrogant, came up with a mace, and wanted to give Zhuhai a scoop. But he is really fierce and brave, his body and spirit are highly tenacious and condensed, just like the original fairy body achieved after protecting the body when he became an immortal in the legend!

In fact, some people have a spirit in their hearts, thinking that he is very likely to be such a creature, otherwise how can he be able to fight the sea of ​​candles?

You must know that Zhuhai is extremely peerless. He has already started to study Yu Daohua for many years, and he has proved it with his own body. Now that he has returned to the real immortal realm, it is difficult to find flaws and approach the perfect immortal body, but now,

He was actually blocked fiercely!

"The real murderer, maybe it's because I rarely walk around, I haven't seen such a real immortal for many years, and if he goes down with this stick, the heaven-level master will be blasted." An elderly man sighed.

The bronze arena is vast enough. It is covered by a large array of rings and sums transforming into each other. It is like a world. However, when the two of them rushed up into the sky, they still bombarded the iron cage from time to time, causing the eardrums to be shattered. .

At this moment, both of them were cold-faced and extremely fierce. They were all wearing sacred runes, which were possessed by magic techniques and turned into body-protecting fairy clothes.

The two were carrying a pitch-black mace, and the other was holding a cyan iron pestle, which was faster than lightning. They fought together again. The collision of such heavy weapons caused the black void to appear one after another. The two were furious, as if possessed by a killing god, but also as if the demon ancestor was resurrected, stirring up a very terrifying void storm. If it is not covered by an iron cage, it will definitely affect the entire arena. In the iron cage, the continuous sound of the big explosion shook the faces of many true immortals, and their primordial spirits were about to leave their bodies.

That's not the real sound, that's Dao Ming, you can clearly see that the fragments of rules, Dao rhyme, emerge in the entire arena. Get the latest chapter at the first time and add the center of the field. The two fight, stirring up the rules and regulations, and the fragments of the immortal way, which continue to spread and pour, and the entire bronze battle platform has become a terrifying place of destruction.

If a real immortal comes in, it will be directly burst open by those storms and fragments.

In fact, the Bronze Giant Palace was already inspecting it, and a fairy-level mechanical beast was sent to the edge area and exploded on the spot. Then, a heaven-level puppet was also sent in. After the surging wind and clouds, after the impact of the regular fragments, fine cracks gradually appeared, and then they were torn apart!

"I'm going, so fierce!" Many extraordinary people were shocked, but also very happy, staring at the rhyme played by the two, looking at the fragments of the rules, and realizing the fighting consciousness of the two, they all felt that they had benefited greatly. shallow.

"Look carefully, if you want to break the limit many times, see clearly the artistic conception of these two people, and understand their current level of consciousness, that's enough!" There are strong people teaching on the spot, instructing the children to understand the two people in the field. Dao rhyme flowing around.

Everyone realized that earlier, Kong Xuan's 12-game winning streak on Zhenxian Broadcasting Station and the battle that swept the Candle Dragon Clan's heaven-level masters in the ninth floor arena were only appetizers.

Those battles all presented a one-sided posture. Now, he is the real opponent.

However, when they thought that he was only a real fairy, and the other party was an old man who had practiced for many years, everyone was awe-inspiring and shocked.

"That's really good, I guess he's only been practicing for six or seven hundred years, or even five hundred years?" Earlier in the strange object area, the middle-aged beautiful woman who bought the youthful flower without blinking her eyes opened her mouth, revealing that The color of admiration, and then said: "The candle sea has spent several dry years, and the immortal body that has been carefully polished can't take him down for a while?"

In the arena, the two separated with a swipe, Zhuhai took the initiative to back away, his right hand was tucked into the sleeve of his robe, the cyan iron pestle was exposed, and he looked at Kong Xuan solemnly.

Around the two, the wind and clouds were turbulent, and the fragments of the immortal path were flying.

"I saw that the old dragon's right hand slightly shook his forehead twice between his sleeves." Six-eyed Jinchan said, and he opened all six of his golden eyes to discover the truth.

Many people were moved, and there was an uproar nearby. The super peerless demon king Kong Xuan shook his right hand twice?

"Did you see it?" In the VIP box, Zhuo Yanran turned her head and asked the black bestie beside her.

Jingjing Qi nodded and said, "Well, Zhuhai's hands did tremble, and blood seeped between his fingers, but it was absorbed by him using a secret technique, and the injured fingers were quickly healed."

"It's actually so strong, another pervert." Zhuo Yanran said to herself, thinking of Lu Renjia in the different sea, she asked Jing Qi, and said, "If you enter the arena, can you take him down? Forget it, it's not that you haven't touched him before. , if they are both in the realm of real immortals, if he goes straight up, someone's small waist may be broken, hehe." In the arena, the two of them are far apart at this time, but at this level, no matter how far the distance is. A matter of a few steps can be killed in an instant.

Wang Xuan carried a thick black demon mist, dragged a heavy mace in his right hand, and drew a string of sparks on the bronze ground. He pressed forward step by step, strong and domineering, still in the same stance from earlier, he wanted to hunt. , I can't wait to press the death directly to surpass the peerless.

The opponent is very strong. In the super-peerless field, he started to study the imperial path, and after confirming his own path, it was beyond imagination, and Zhuhai smoothed the previous path.

In fact, Zhuhai's evaluation of Kong Xuan is that a ferocious true immortal who is unreasonable in terms of physical and mental strength, should be an unconventional limit-breaker, and is suspected of being an incredible immortal in the flesh.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ very tricky.

"Maybe it's another situation. After he took the road of imperial Taoism, he used various acquired means to make up for the physical body and return to the original immortal body? However, it is more difficult, requiring all kinds of good fortune substances, and in the true immortal stage, You have to let the texture of the Royal Dao attach to the bones and regenerate, and practice with some ancient scriptures. What is his condition?" Zhu Hai was suspicious, and his expression was solemn.

"You're a bit strong." Wang Xuan said as he approached with a heavy mace in his right hand.

Even Zhuhai couldn't help it, and wanted to spit "sweet fragrance". Is this the attitude you should have as a true immortal? Looking at Super Peerless, and still making such a thorny comment, the identities of the two seem to be misplaced and reversed. With a bang, there were countless golden lights around Wang Xuan's body, expanding and exploding all around, all because he moved, his speed exceeded the limit, and his fleshly body shattered into the void. He took the mace and smashed to the front of Zhuhai again, and smashed it directly. He was going to give him a complete skull opening and smash it into a rotten watermelon.

This time, Zhuhai retreated, holding the cyan iron pestle, like a flickering light, the passing years, time, separated from the original area.

He chose to avoid it. Suddenly, in the stands outside the iron cage, all parties were surprised, and then they talked about whether even the super peers need to avoid the edge of a true immortal?

Wang Xuan, holding a mace, chased after him with extreme speed, crossing his body and shattering the void.

Zhuhai stopped in the distance, his eyes closed first, causing the whole world to shake and dim, but when he opened his eyes, the entire iron cage space was so bright, accompanied by light and rain. .

In particular, his right eye became silver-white, with sacred textures intertwined, and some Dao ripples expanded, forming a spiral channel.

Its shape is astonishing. Looking closely, those ripples are runes of imperial Taoism, built into a spiral channel, coming out from the right eye, covering Wang Xuan, to capture him.

"The world in your eyes?" There was a peerless whisper in the VIP seat, which seemed rather apprehensive.

With Zhuhai's right eye as the center, the ripples spread, layer upon layer, forming a channel, to introduce Wang Xuan into the silver-white world of eye light.

Wang Xuan felt the danger for the first time, and his primordial spirit was almost deprived. This was because he wanted to separate his spirit from his physical body.

However, in his parietal bone, there is a texture of imperial Taoism that is unique to him, suppressing all unstable factors, after the primordial spirit shakes a little, he sits down safely.

In the next moment, Zhuhai directly detained Wang Xuan's body, with his spirit, without separating the body and spirit, and wanted to integrate it into the world of imperial Taoism in his eyes.

"I want to capture my spirit and body and enter your imperial world, okay, I'm here myself!" Wang Xuan was fearless, holding a mace, strode forward, stepping on those sacred textures,

Go straight to the world in your eyes.

Many people are The battle has reached an extremely dangerous and intense moment. Both sides have dispatched the texture of imperialism, which is destined to be earth-shattering.

"The eyes of the candle dragon clan are very special. After the super peerless practice becomes the real eye of the Royal Dao, it can purify and dissolve all the real immortals. How dare this Kong Xuan dare to take the initiative to break in?" Even the director of the Bronze Giant Palace, Yi Zhao, was shocked. Rong, stood up in a box.

In fact, not only him, but also other big figures were also moved, staring at the battlefield.

In the VIP room, Zhuo Yanran turned her head, looked at Jing Jing Qiying's flawless face, and said, "I'll make a bet, I think he might use iron head skills, do you believe it, do you dare to bet with me?"

Jing Jing turned her head to look at her innocent face, and said, "I bet you and Kong Xuan have a fight, I think you will also vomit, vomit, cry and cry.

In the gladiatorial arena, the runes of the Royal Daoist transformation were shocking, and Wang Xuan, holding a mace, rushed into the world in his silver-white eyes, the demonic energy was billowing, and a boundless black mist appeared in his extraordinary right eye.

This Saturday, we have a chapter break, so you don't have to wait for the late night chapter.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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