Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 237: A childhood dream fulfilled

The yard is quiet, the golden pine trees are sprinkled with the morning glow,

The needles are crystal clear and full of vitality. A squirrel holds a pine cone, lazily

Sitting on the top of the tree and basking in the sun.

Wang Deng stayed in Yihai for more than two months, as if it was just yesterday, where the stars were full of stars,

Always at night. Now the sun is shining, he is facing the rising sun, bathing in the golden glow, and his whole body is warm


Back then, he longed for the legendary Lie Xian, traveled to the North Sea, stayed overnight in Buzhou Mountain, went to

The Yaochi event, what a carefree experience it was.

He was born in the wrong age, when he has the ability to go, the myth will fall, and the immortals will be silent.

He was the only one left to stand still in places such as Yaochi and Guanghan Palace.

In the Transcendent Central Great World, there is no need to worry about this kind of thing, the top Taoist forest

Li, that is one after another civilization outside the universe, the mythology is extremely gorgeous.

"Now I take a step forward, and I have actually crossed more than 20 star fields, and my real body is swimming in different seas.

Now I'm going to Immortal Realm again, to attend another grand event, and life's circumstances are changeable. "

Wang Xuan muttered to himself, feeling somewhat touched. 2

Of course, even if there are any memoirs in the future, he will never mention it.

It was caught by a silver strange fish and passively entered a different sea.

On the golden pine tree, the squirrel lying in the sun climbed up, shaking the tent.

Pine's big tail, very human, bowed to Wang Yan and held a pine cone to give to Wang Yan.


This is the squirrel that was tested by Wang Yan at the beginning. It is more courageous than before.

It came from the yard, and it will please people.

Wang Deng waved his hand at it and walked outside the courtyard, overlooking the entire mountain city.

"Haha, brother, the second king, you are finally out." Wolverine said from the next door.

The yard came out, with three feather feathers on the head, spreading the layers of brilliant ripples,

There is a halo directly on the head.

As Young Wolftian said, his father has been working hard recently and has achieved remarkable results.

Above his head, there are three vague big men sitting cross-legged.

Wang Xuan greeted him, looked at his head, and was a little speechless. but

Wolverine doesn't feel anything, he is seriously studying his own path.

"When to set off?"

"Recently, you and Luo Ying didn't leave the customs, I think it's fast, maybe soon.

Got to go. ' said Wolverine.

Then, the two kings of the Five Elements Mountain took a young man to see the head of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain.


On the tall mountain peaks, clear springs gurgling, hundreds of flowers bloom, magnificent

The silver hall is surrounded by blue clouds. The peerless elder of the clear sky is looking at the correspondence

Jian, Di Bao, etc. couldn't help but smile, as if there was something happy about it.

There were a lot of people in the hall, Luo Ying also left, and the core disciple of the family's heaven-level Chong.

Xiao and others, as well as the six-eyed golden cicada Jinming of the Shanwai Department, and the descendant of Yiren who returned to their ancestors.

Cheng, Sword Immortal of the Silver Crane Clan with Long Mouth, etc.

Some people fought against the gibbons half a year ago. They were badly injured, but they are now well-bred


"Is there a happy event for the elders?" Luo Ying asked, she has been in retreat, practicing asceticism

After 11 years, I have followed the path of becoming a Taoist in the realm of true immortal perfection, and now I have finally achieved something.

The second is to follow into the fairyland.

Qing Sky put down the secret letter and said, "It involves aliens, so I can't tell you more about it.

When your realm is higher, you will be able to read this special newspaper. "

However, she still mentioned one thing and said with a smile: "Some things are not impossible.

Said, after all, the news has already leaked out, the incomparably powerful old man of the long-armed ape tribe

Man, a tuft of monkey hair was removed from his head. "

Everyone present was stunned, looked at each other in dismay, and then laughed loudly.

Your family's holy ape was attacked? The news is really good!

Wang Xuan's face was calm. He was sure that foreigners had their own circles.

It is a kind of secret, which will be released after filtering.


After all, this news spread to the world, but it was delayed for several months.

The clear sky elder said: "By the way, there is another piece of news that I can tell you, wait, Jiuling

The cat in the hole was lost again. It looks like this, if it can be seen outside

Found out that you can get sky-high rewards, and it's really four drops. "

Immediately, the hall became lively, and many people were interested.

Wang Xuan secretly wiped his sweat.

"Jiulingdong is unfathomable, and it has existed for as long as possible. Some people say that there is a real cave there.

Saint sits. ' said an old peacock.

Wang Xuan grinned secretly, his face was a little ugly, he wanted to swallow a few mouthfuls of cold pressure.

Surprised, Jiulingdong is so ferocious?

"However, there seems to have been an accident there, and there seems to be a holy death incident in the last century.

Of course, some people say that there has never been a true saint there. Just a top-notch

Man, who was infinitely close to the highest level, but failed and died when he finally attacked the sanctuary.

Made huge movements and visions. "

Wang Xuan listened silently. Several old peacocks spread this kind of knowledge for the younger generation, and they were very fond of him.


He sighed secretly, the true sage really is high above, this field is ethereal and difficult to resist.

Da, what I have come into contact with, what I have heard, no

A living saint.

There are young women who don't focus on this, but stare at the photo,

Said: "This kitten is really beautiful, very cute, very cute!"

Cute cat? But Wang Yan knew that this cat was at the Heavenly Great Perfection level, and it was a top dog.

Level monster.

He kept his head down, looked inside the killing formation, and the slap-sized kitten was still sealed by him.

Well, the price actually went up, much more expensive than when it was lost for the first time.

He estimated that Jiulingdong hated cat thieves, and the higher the price, the more eager they were to find out the culprit.

This bounty was not easy to earn, so he decided to look back and see if he could throw the cat directly into it.

Sold on the black market.

The clear sky elder summoned them and said some precautions, this time entering the fairyland is short-lived

After taking a break, I really want to go to a grand event.

Those who attended were all great teachers, top powerhouses, and most of them had been out of strangers, and even, meeting

There is a Taoism that transcends the world, and all parties attach great importance to it.

"When the time comes, there will be a longevity fruit club, such as the Zifu Tao of the Gibbon clan, and the time will teach

The fruit of the years, the lucid lucidum of the Barbarian Temple, the Huoyang Liquor of the Huoyun Cave, the Black and White Bear Bamboo Garden

The yin and yang of jade bamboo shoots”

Elder Zhuo Kong said a lot of names of the treasures of heaven and earth, which belong to the top of this sea of ​​stars.

The sharp objects are all invaluable and cannot be seen at all on weekdays.

Every kind is monopolized, planted in the powerhouses of these top ethnic groups, the roots of outsiders

Ben can't get in touch.

However, this time, the longevity fruit fair, each family can exchange at the grand event, of course adults

The thing is qualified to sit there and enjoy it directly, and will be warmly entertained.

"Among you, if you have outstanding performance, you will also have the opportunity to be invited to the table.

Enjoy a variety of longevity fruits. "The Great Elder Qing Cang also came, usually a middle-aged man.

's serious image, but now with a smile of encouragement.

A group of young people are very realistic, and they all know their identities.

have their qualifications to sit down.

The first elder said: "Not necessarily, the grand event will definitely give young people a chance, very

Take care. Otherwise, we'd all have to stand there and smell the fruit, only

There are people who are aliens who are eligible to be seated. "

"We have a chance? Browser search

The fastest update." Six-eyed Jinchan is very happy, this rough man

Very wild, he started rubbing his hands.

"Yes, both of you and I have a chance." Da Chang Qingcang smiled and nodded.

"?" Everyone was startled.

At this time, they realized that the so-called young people also include the elder Qing Cang.

This kind of super peerless? !

But, how old is he? Are you really embarrassed?

"Before we became aliens, you and I were the same, we were still on the road, young

In the spring years, work hard. "The elder Qing Cang was there looking like he was still young.


Everyone was speechless, he was serious!

If it is said that the third elder Qingsky is indeed a person who has not cultivated the Tao for a long time, the black

The youngest super peer on Peacock Holy Mountain was recognized by everyone.

However, the Great Elder is not nine thousand years old, but eight thousand years old, right?

"What are your eyes? The longevity fruit will be very important. The fruits on the jade table and

Wine pulp is the most rare thing, no one wants to take a bite, so we must have the courage to fight

heart of! "

"But, we can't compete with you." Someone whispered.

The clear sky elder explained: "Don't worry, there is a super peerless circle, Great Elder.

I won't argue with you. Work hard, seize the opportunity, you and I encourage each other. "

Obviously, even she is going to end!

Then she introduced that the scale of this event is very large, as well as the Daoist Conference and the Rare Treasures Conference.

Wait, it is very worth visiting, it will definitely open their eyes.

Of course, the clear sky elder also mentioned a few points to let them pay attention.

At the grand event, don't be ostentatious or arrogant, everything is in accordance with the rules there

Come, or maybe the face that I meet with you is young

The superhuman is a senior alien who can't afford to offend him.

When encountering a dispute, it must be resolved through formal channels, and it is absolutely forbidden to fight in private.

Otherwise, if they are caught by those who maintain order, they may be directly killed.

"I have a lot of friends in the Black Peacock Holy Mountain, but I also have some enemies. If I participate in the

This grand event is definitely unavoidable, and some frictions and even conflicts may be required.

If you want to end the "discussion of Taoism", you must be mentally prepared. "

Elder Qingkong solemnly emphasized that this is very important, and he cannot relax recently.

"If you yourself are amazing enough, there will be many benefits to the event.

Wang Xuan understood, this was a grand ceremony similar to the Yaochi Festival.

I have never experienced it in the mother universe. After coming to the Transcendent Central Great World, I have to experience it for the first time.


He was looking forward to this, thinking back then, he was still a mortal, a young man.

In 2009, I had this kind of longing, wanting to go side by side with Lie Xian, to go to the Guanghan Palace and ride the clouds into the sky.


Generally speaking, this is the idea in my mind when I was young, a very distant, very

The ethereal and incomparably magnificent dream now has a chance to come true.

"In that kind of place, don't be complacent, um, what about you, the six-eyed golden cicada!

At a grand event, maybe one girl can beat you five times! Don't be unconvinced, than

Like Jing Jing Qi last time, you

What to win? She is a name in the golden book and jade book. "

Elder Qingkong called out his name and glanced at Jin Ming, telling him not to be "wild".

People come from all races, if you really want to fight, if you want to compete, it is far better than fighting the Gibbons.


"And you, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain - Kong Xuan!"

Wang Xuan was also named. At first, he hadn't reacted.

Haixian, who identified himself as Lu Renjia, almost didn't change his identity.

"You are indeed good and strong, but in case of conflict, remember,

Don't be so high-profile and brutal. At every turn, he swiped his mace and smashed people's heads out

Now, this is very bad, it is easy to cause the ultimate immortal, and even the undefeated stars in several star fields.

The true immortal ends and fights with you. In addition, there are people with more background there, cut

Remember, there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky! "

The clear sky elders focused on admonishing and exhorting him, making a group of people show strange expressions, and now

The name of the second king of the Five Elements Mountain is known to all the people of the mountain.

Even some disciples of the great sects in the starry sky have heard about his battles.

achievement. After all, he was already a red demon when he was in the Meteorite Sea, having beaten the Golden Palace,

The disciples of the Hedao Sect and the Shimmering Sect, those who cut off the soles of their feet, those who cut their throats, and those who opened their skulls

There is a group of bitter masters!

"Don't worry, I will never cause trouble!" Wang patted his chest as a guarantee, telling

Elder Clear Sky, he was young to participate in this kind of event.

's dream, you will definitely cherish it.

The clear sky elder did not want to discourage his enthusiasm, let alone kill the second king of the Five Elements Mountains.

The belligerent "ruthless nature" gave some encouragement and remarks, saying: "Of course,

I warn you, I don't want you to be restrained, just take it easy. Should

You must fight for what you strive for, you cannot give up, this trip has a great opportunity! so

Well, just imagine, why would there be people who are beyond the orthodoxy of the world? have them

Interested and wanted things! "

A group of people are moved and come to the spirit.

They got a Some opportunities are indeed obtained by strength, but there are also some opportunities.

Fate is related to luck, and everyone will have a chance at that time.

In the end, the Great Elder opened his mouth to sum up again, saying: "To encourage you, I will wait for my years to come.

Light, work hard at the event and perform well. Even if it doesn't work this time, there is still a future.

I believe that dreams can always be fulfilled in life. Sooner or later, there will be you and me in the VIP seats of the event.

land. "

Everyone was speechless again. The Great Elder was responsible for relaxing and decompressing them.


"Okay, go pack your things and get ready, and enter the fairyland at this time tomorrow!"

With a clatter, the crowd dispersed.

The next day, the morning glow was splendid, dyeing the entire peak and hall with a rich golden color

Brilliant, extremely sacred, everyone came early in the morning.

"Let's go, enter the fairyland, and prepare to meet the great opportunity of you and me. At the grand meeting, he said,

Taste the fruit of longevity, and leave your name on the holy book! "

The first elder Qingcang and the third elder Qingsky personally led the team, on this main peak, opened the

After entering the portal to the fairyland, the radiance is radiant in an instant.

Yes, extremely dazzling and holy, a group of people stepped into the golden passage in an orderly manner,


It's the weekend, as I said before, take a half day off, don't wait for Chapter 2


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