Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 198: Famous demons and care

Wang Xuan realized that the so-called top sects, which can look down on the Taoism of Xinghai, are actually one after another extraterrestrial civilization, packaged as a sect.

The tragic Taoism struggle, as well as the confrontation and battle between the true saints that may exist beyond the world, all belong to the confrontation between different civilizations.

The great central world is very splendid, and it makes people yearn for the remote places where the extraordinary decay and myths are dying out. Those who break free from the cage and walk towards the light, even if they know it, may be like a moth to a flame.

Jumping forward desperately.

The transcendent center is vast enough, the stage is very large, but it is also extremely terrifying, with a magnificent history, a vast and mottled picture of the universe, and what is staged is civilization

The ups and downs and changes are very cruel.

For example, the Twilight Sect, the forbidden items of its town sect used to be famous, but were smashed by the "dead" in one day, which means that the brainchild of an extraterrestrial civilization was destroyed and declined since then.

Wang Xuan wondered, when he went to the vicinity of the Holy Temple, the true saint probably hadn't paid attention to this place, right?

Besides, the King of the Golden Horn haunts there. What does it have to do with Kong Deng, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains?

Qingyang Sword Immortal, He Kun of Jinque Palace, Hong Jinshan of Hedao Sect, elder of Paper Temple, Super Peerless Time Sect... The faces of the people present were not very good-looking.

Originally came here to divide up the rumored holy eggs and cultivate future super limit breakers, but the result is to share the cause and effect together? It made them regret it.

Some people also think that the black peacock clear sky may be shaking and deceiving them, and what she said is not in line with the facts, but at the last moment, she is still so calm.

"I only have one request, I'll choose first." Qingkong said, seeing that someone wanted to refute, she immediately gave her a strong slanted look, this is not negotiable!

This is the Five Elements Mountain, which she declared in public to be the other courtyard under the jurisdiction of the Black Peacock Holy Mountain. She has this kind of initiative, and no one else can compete with her, otherwise there will be a life-and-death battle!

After a "friendly" negotiation between the sects, no one revealed the prohibited items and agreed to her, and then they began to pick eggs in an orderly manner, one from each sect, and each took them away to raise them.

Wolverine looked at it eagerly, which meant: what about my son?

He has survived the catastrophe, holding the wolf lamb, standing outside the nest of gods, but no one pays any attention to him. Regardless of whether there are holy eggs here, it seems that they have become "bad assets", and the religions are not so enthusiastic


"You can keep it yourself." Chen Yu whispered.

Wang Xuan comforted him and said, "What are you afraid of, in case this is the son of the Holy Wolf of Heaven, maybe there will be a true saint of the demon race who will come to you to repay your kindness and form a good relationship."

"Really? When you say that, I'm in a good mood!" Wolverine grabbed the alien Sirius, held it high, and studied it for a long time, but couldn't see anything.

Luo Ying in a black dress came over and said, "The true saint has no name, and the holy egg returns to its original state. When I was young, I couldn't see anything at all. It takes the awakening of the bloodline during the growth period to make an amazing change."

Their clan itself is extremely extraordinary, they are the top demon clan, and they naturally know a lot about bloodline creatures.

The puppy-like little Sirius, with pure eyes and extremely well-behaved, stuck out his tongue to lick the wolverine's face, making it wet, and then licked Chen Yu's slender hand to hug it.

Wang Pao originally wanted to pick it up and take a look, but he stopped immediately after seeing this, thinking that it and the Wolverine have a very father-son relationship, and they are both "Tengu".

Hong Jinshan chose a metal egg. During the process, his eyes opened and closed, and he glanced at Wang Xuan. Accompanied by a vision, the terrifying wonders of the Nether Era appeared. All things withered and the universe was silent.

He could collapse to the ground.

Wang Xuan glanced at him, then turned to look down at the disciple of the sect, Yuan Hong, glared at him, and carried on.

Repression and suggestion at the spiritual level.

Of course, you can't do it here, you can't really attack the primordial spirit. After all, Hong Jinshan is just staring indifferently there, rather than making a deadly attack.

In an instant, white sweat broke out from Yuan Hong's forehead. What he saw was a vision that, under the starry sky, an unparalleled demon king, the black mist overflowing from his pores drowned the entire starry sky, and there he and Hong Jinshan were torn apart.

The scene is extremely bloody.

This lunatic... still wants to tear apart the world? Yuan Hong wanted to shout it out, but he knew that this kind of "weird scene" was only felt by him on the spiritual level, and it was useless to say it.

He was under great mental pressure, and he was really afraid in his heart. He couldn't meet this second king alone in the starry sky in the future, it was too cruel.

Obviously, Hong Jinshan put pressure on Wang Xuan, and he transferred the pressure to the core disciples of the sect. He already understood why Hong Jinshan was looking for trouble with him, and wanted to obliterate him at one point, it was definitely Yuan Hong who sued.

Indeed, Yuan Hong consumed 18 arrays to break through the magic array on the sea cliff. As a result, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain took advantage of the situation and got into the god's nest, almost mad at him.

Clear sky turned around and Hong Jinshan took his eyes back.

"Senior, I have a Origin Sea Jinbei..." Wang Xuan said, asking the peerless clear sky to keep it for him, and said that if the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain needs this strange object, he is willing to give it away.

"Can I still be greedy for your Jinbei? Don't worry, it will return to your hands when the Origin Dojo opens." Qingkong took it.

Wang Xuan's main reason is that he doesn't want to make extra troubles, and is tired of fighting. With it in his hands, someone will definitely take a risk and make a black hand. As a last resort, he didn't want to commit murder in public.

Sure enough, many people in the vicinity looked hot, and it was extremely regrettable. This thing can change lives.

The various sects ended this very friendly meeting in the context of a generally peaceful atmosphere, and the super peers returned with full cause and effect and disappeared one after another.

The Five Elements Mountains regained their tranquility, and more than a dozen pale-faced little demons all sat on the ground. Today, for them, life was up and down, and they were almost scared to death, mainly because the second king was too sturdy.

They agreed that it is better to find a Mrs. Yazhai for the second king as soon as possible. This person is too energetic.

After getting married, you may be able to sharpen your temper.

Soon, Wolverine and Wang Xuan shot together to lock the newly fallen fairy mountain from the secret realm of time and space, move the mountain to fill the dojo, and make up the Five Elements Mountain.

The days that followed were very calm, and people from various religions were still stationed here, staring at the holy temple in the secret realm of time and space.

Before Wang Xuan was about to run away, Super Peerless Clear Sky informed him that he wanted him to go to the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain to practice for a few years, or send him to a grand avenue in the fairyland to take a chance.

There is no doubt that the clear sky values ​​him very much. Because even the direct descendants of the clan need fierce competition, and only a few winners can obtain this qualification.

"When the time comes, you can go in with Luo Ying." Qingkong said.

Wang Xuan was thinking about going far, but now

After thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with approaching the Black Peacock Clan.

It can be seen that the strong and powerful elder Qingkong really wants to train him.

Mainly, this time Wang Xuan defeated some of the core disciples of the top sects, and his performance was outstanding.

At the same time, his reckless temperament also suits Qingkong's appetite, much like her when she was young.

The Black Peacock Sacred Mountain is not all the children of this clan. There are extremely powerful guardians outside the mountain in all dynasties. Wang Xuan is a good seedling that Qingtian values.

Wolverine held the wolf lamb and looked at it eagerly. Obviously, he was sincere in yearning for the Black Peacock Holy Mountain. After all, he did have part of the blood of the tribe.

Qingkong looked at the father and son and said, "Okay, when the day comes, you will follow this little wolf with you in your arms.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with approaching the Black Peacock Clan.

It can be seen that the strong and powerful elder Qingkong really wants to train him.

Mainly, this time Wang Xuan defeated some of the core disciples of the top sects, and his performance was outstanding.

At the same time, his reckless temperament also suits Qingkong's appetite, much like her when she was young.

The Black Peacock Sacred Mountain is not all the children of this clan. There are extremely powerful guardians outside the mountain in all dynasties. Wang Xuan is a good seedling that Qingtian values.

Wolverine held the wolf lamb and looked at it eagerly. Obviously, he was sincere in yearning for the Black Peacock Holy Mountain. After all, he did have part of the blood of the tribe.

Qingkong looked at the father and son and said, "Okay, when the day comes, you will follow this little wolf with you in your arms.

Go, what if it is the descendant of the true saint of the demon race? "

Wolverine is so happy, no matter if the father is the son, or the brother is the younger, you can go!

"Brother, this time we seize the opportunity. Normally, this kind of cultivation of non-Black Peacock bloodline is essential, and I heard that there will be one or two grand events that you can participate in, so you must not miss it."

Wu Xingtian told Wang Xuan in private that after training, he would take them to see the real world, some mysterious gatherings.

"Of course, the more outstanding the performance, the more benefits you will get. In simple terms, that is the ability to fight!" He told in simple words that the second king only needs to maintain his usual ferocity.

To release, there is no need to restrain the restlessness in his heart, no matter how cruel he comes, he takes the posture of killing Shenkui, slashing Yu Jin and others.

Wang Xuan was fascinated. After this "appointment" and "study", there will be a mysterious event to participate in? But, how did he become a fierce monster?

"Everyone in the Meteorite Sea knows!" Wolverine added.

Indeed, the two kings of the Five Elements Mountains became famous demons in the Meteorite Sea, and their travels attracted a lot of attention. After all, not everyone would dare to fight fiercely with the descendants of the top Taoism.

A genius who has broken the limit three times, it is difficult to cultivate an extraterrestrial civilization that is not disguised as a sect.

There is such a red monster in the black household of the Meteorite Sea, who can fight to death with the core successor of the outer civilization.

For a time, Wuxingshan often had guests visiting, and Wolverine and Wang Xuan also often went out and were entertained.

Wang Xuan mixes with mature people in the sea of ​​meteorites

Now, the advantage of this is that you can occasionally get some discounts after seeing some strange things in the black market.

He has already learned that the big businessmen here are all—the great fugitives!

Several of them are definitely five-star interstellar fugitives, and they are definitely not slandered like him.

For this reason, Wang Xuan also went to the door and went to ask the old seniors humbly in person. Even if he couldn't see him, he would have a good time talking with their descendants and learn more about the details.

Naturally, he did this to gain escape experience and reserve the corresponding skills and knowledge. In case he was really wanted one day, he could go away calmly.

To Wang Xuan's surprise, some people who didn't have a good relationship actually came to visit Wuxingshan. After sitting down, they chatted with each other for a long time.

For example, Mo Han, the descendant of the Paper Temple, visited five

Of course, the main purpose of hiking the mountain to ease relations is to attack and test out who he is.

Yes, many people believe that he must have strong roots, but he is divorced from the original Taoism.

Wang Xuan found that although this Mo Han looks amazingly curved, charming and lifelike, he is still a paper figure, and he is the same as the paper girl he killed on the chessboard battlefield.

A paper avatar of a woman. He pondered silently. After killing the incarnation once, he can still drink tea in person and talk about the past, present and future. This feeling is really strange.

In fact, the relationship between the various religions is quite complicated. Even the successor of the tattoo palace, Hongdao, also met him in the black market, and then went to the teahouse to chat and drink tea together.

Of course, Wang was preconceived and had no idea about the tattoo palace.

What a good impression, this time he didn't talk much, mainly to discuss the strength of the abyss black gold helmet with the other party.

Soon after, Hiroto politely got up and left.

During the period, people from all sides entered the depths of the permafrost in the secret realm of time and space again, looking for good fortune, such as the eight-colored bamboo.

This time, Wang Xuan did not refuse the invitation and joined Luo Ying's team to explore this mysterious land, but unfortunately there was no great gain.

This is a very peaceful time. Wang Xuan practiced, made wine, visited friends, explored secret realms, and entered and exited the black market. There was nothing bad, just silently.

Build up strength.

Two months later, Super Peerless Clear Sky gave Wang Xuan and Wolverine a scripture to practice first.

The two kings of the Five Elements Mountains are very sensitive and realize that this is a real good thing.

"Elder Qingtian is really good to us. I think she is very kind and beautiful. She is a bit like a distant aunt of mine. Maybe she is related to her." Wu Xingtian sighed with a thick skin.


Wang Xuan believes that the super peerless elders of the clear sky are really good. After seeing them, he really does not hesitate to help and care.

"The Sutra of One Calamity is the secret of my Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, which is not allowed to be read by children who are not direct descendants and protectors outside the mountain." Luo Ying told them both.

Chen Yu even hinted privately that if the Wolverine were to fall into the eyes of the sages of the Holy Mountain, there would be two calamities in the follow-up.

The two kings of the Five Elements Mountain were serious after learning about it.

Wake up, this is part of the scriptures of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, which may be related to the transcendent Wujie Mountain!

"One catastrophe has to be experienced, and it is only necessary to practice general knowledge, and some future fortunes are also related to it." Luo Ying, the most beautiful and true immortal of the black peacock family, pointed out.

Wang Xuan comprehends the scriptures, draws the starlight into his body, and feels the many benefits of the scriptures.

"It's new. There are a lot of good things on the black market. They're all extraordinary. Let's go and have a look. This time someone almost caught the eight-colored bamboo. It's a pity."

Wolverine walked with the baby, and brought the little wolf lamb to Wang Xuandong's mansion, inviting him to visit with him.

After walking around in the black market, Wang Xuan didn't see anything interesting at the big merchants. In the end, he found something on the street stall of the black-hearted old which made his heart churn.

Where did this guy with extremely high caliber of magic sticks get these rotten things in exchange for them?

"You entered the secret realm again?" Wang Xuan asked him.

"No, this time around the fallen fairy mountain, I bought and replaced some things, all of which are defective. I guess there is something you are interested in. You don't talk secretly in front of Ming people, an immortal medicine, this one.

I've got a bunch of stuff for you. "The black-hearted old man is very direct, and he didn't show off his tongue today.

"Okay." Wang Xuan nodded happily, he didn't want to listen to his story, and in the end he had to waste time negotiating the price.

A special item that he fancy, does not belong to this world!

It was a mobile phone, and the rose pattern on the back was so striking.

This is an old brand in the old land of the mother universe.

After he found the tea fruit of the parent universe here last time, he found a mobile phone here, and Wang Xuan felt a bit outrageous.

Is there a problem with the black-hearted old man, or is there a problem with the people he has come into contact with or where he buys the goods?

After returning to the Five Elements Mountain, Wang Xuan sat down quietly, and controlled the fire with a true immortal-level primordial spirit that exceeded the limit. His fingers were simulating the current that this type of mobile phone could adapt to.

After researching for a long time, he began to test carefully, and finally... it actually showed that it was charging, which meant that he could turn on the phone.

There is only one chapter tonight, and the plot has reached a fork. I want to go to the next chapters.

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