Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 192: Daoist is confused

Outside the Great Array of Five Elements, the stars flicker, a group of

People's eyes have changed, and this wild monster is too fierce.

"How is it, brother, are you alright, where did the injured go?" Wolverine walked out of the giant nest with the little wolf lamb in one hand.

Where are the wounded? Under the heavy mace, the intruder not only lost his head, but also exploded his body.

Wang Xuan threw the dark weapon on the ground

He said, "The deceased is very peaceful."

"Hey!" Wolverine swallowed a sigh of relief, and the strength in his hands was slightly stronger, which made the newly born alien Sirius gnaw his teeth in pain. 2

There was only a little blood on the ground.

Chen Yu of the Black Peacock Clan's eyelids twitched, and she felt that the two kings of Wuxingshan were extraordinary.

Chen Yu of the Black Peacock tribe's eyelids jumped, deeply

I feel that the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, Fan, is really brave.

In the starry sky, someone opened on a meteorite

Mouth: "Which son entered the battle, even a mountain king in the remote Xinghai couldn't deal with it, but was killed by someone, is it so unbearable?" 1

These people are from famous sects, in their

In the perception of , it is normal to crush the past all the way when dealing with loose cultivators.

Someone reminded: "This place is different from other places. It belongs to the no-care zone. The black market of the Meteorite Sea is very famous. Many interstellar fugitives are hiding here. There must be some stubbornness."

Immediately, the geniuses of the various sects in the sky all looked at Wang Xuan, wondering if this was really a wanted fugitive, right?

Someone immediately sent a voice transmission to Wang Yan secretly and directly solicited, as long as he was willing to serve,

Can let him get rid of the fugitive status and return to normal

He continued to recruit, as long as he was willing to serve, he could get rid of his fugitive status and return to a normal life.

Before he could say anything, someone had already

After inquiring, what strange things are in the nest.

Wang Xuan sighed, bad luck, who is the fugitive? 3

In the starry sky, some people look bad

Look, I tried to secretly rebel and recruit, but they were all rejected by Wang Xuan.

"I, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain - Kong

Brilliant! "Wang Xuan said, what are these bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, what are you doing in Qingqiu's big dream? You want to make him pay tribute when you talk about it.

Yuan Hong said: "I see this person as a hawk who looks at the wolf with a ferocious face. He must be a wanted fugitive, and, at least, a two-star fugitive."

This is unbearable, is there such a fugitive with such an immortal charm? Wang Yan refuted him and said, "What kind of eyes do you have?

Eyes? I'm so empty, and if I look cruel, wouldn't you be able to scare the ghosts to death when you walk at night? "

But no one paid him any attention, and Shen Kui agreed with Yuan.

Hong, said: "Cut him off as soon as possible to prevent him from continuing to be evil in the starry sky!"

"Maybe it's a three-star fugitive." Some people were even more ruthless, and directly characterized Wang Xuan as a vicious person who would kill anyone who saw it. 1

The people outside the Five Elements Great Array started talking, who cares about Wang Xuan reporting his name, what is the second king of the Five Elements Mountain? Say you are a murderer, you are, and that's it.

"Wild demon, you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, the chance to survive is gone, I don't have to wait, I will invite the elders to come here, and instantly kill you, a fugitive with numerous murders!"

The left and right is just a demon king dojo in the Meteorite Sea. Even if it is destroyed, the parties will not be very concerned.


Jinque Palace and Time Sect all nodded.

The tattoo palace and the paper temple are self-reliant and detached.

There were opinions, but when others spoke, they didn't object and waited to carve up the strange things.

"You guys are so dark!" Wang Xuan said,

This group of people couldn't get in, so they put on their big hats,

After a while, let the elder-level powerhouse kill him.

Some people not only want to take away the strange objects, but also assign him a fugitive charge.

Famous, killing him would still be punishing evil and promoting good.

"You don't know how to advance or retreat." Someone looked at him, as if he wanted to give him a hint, and motioned him to look at all the geniuses in the sky.

That means, don't you look carefully, who are these people? All have backgrounds, and descendants such as Hedao Sect, Jinque Palace, Time Sect, and Paper Temple are all here.

Seeing that the king ignored it, someone said, ""

Since they don't cooperate, I can only send you on the road. "

"I'll say a few words." Chen Yu couldn't help it.

He stood up and said, "The Five Elements Mountain is a courtyard in my Black Peacock Holy Mountain."

"Fellow Daoist, you are confused, this is a fugitive." Gu Cheng, the second master of Jinque Palace, said. He has a very high status. Even in the face of the disciples of the Black Peacock Holy Mountain, he dared to directly refute that second master. The king is classified as a fugitive.

At the very least, Shen Kui, Luo Kun and others have

Some scruples.

"This is the Five Elements Mountain, and there are no fugitives. I am Wu Xingtian, the king of the black peacock, and he is the second king, Kong Deng." Wolverine said, although he was a little frightened, but now he can't be cowardly, because he knows that the supreme elder of the clear sky is in the starry sky Looking at it.

"You are also a fugitive!" Gu Cheng glanced at him lightly and said.

"I#!" Wolverine wanted to slap his face, which directly put a big cap on him as a fugitive

Directly put a big hat on him as a fugitive?

Chen Yu was very angry, after all, it was her weight

That's not enough. If Luo Ying, the first young master of the Black Peacock Clan, was here, the other party would definitely be a little more afraid.

Now, Gu Cheng refers to a deer as a horse, saying that she is stupid

Tu, it's that direct.

Wang Huang looked at him and said, "Who are you, a person from Jinque Palace? Recently I heard that you failed to teach the core successor Mo Qing to kneel and lick the Tattoo Palace, but instead went to help a group of liars. It's really confusing, and in the end, he was killed by Jinjiao. The king was stabbed to death with a horn. Fellow Daoist, you and Mo Qing are brothers and sisters in the same blood, so don’t be confused here.”

Gu Cheng's eyes were about to kill, revealing a terrifying light. The other party was confused on the left, and the other on the right was confused. He fought back, and he didn't lift the pot, saying that Mo Qing's bad things made him look cold. Without the Five Elements Great Array blocking him, he would definitely swoosh down and crush him to death.


"I advise everyone in the Jinque Palace not to be confused.

. "Wang Deng added again.

Yu Jin, the youngest junior sister of the Jinque Palace

She was also angry, her pretty face was cold, her eyes flashed cold, and she silently made a throat-slashing gesture to Wang Xuan. 2

She has white hair. She used to have a very dusty temperament, but now she has a murderous aura.

"I think these two demon kings are indeed like Samsung fugitives who have been wanted for many years in the Chongxing Domain." Hongdao of the Tattoo Palace stood up.

After all, Mo Qing, one of the core disciples of Jinque Palace, died, and his original intention was indeed to show his favor to their Tattoo Palace, and he had to help.

Wang Yan looked at him and said, "Who are you, the core disciple of the Tattoo Palace?

Hong Dao was beaten to pieces in the head with an iron rod. The Tattoo Palace refuted the rumor and said it had nothing to do with you. However, why did you wear the abyss black-gold helmet? Could it be you? You wait to defraud a large number of strange things from major merchants, and in the last sentence, you will not admit that you are waiting, and you will reveal it lightly. I see ghosts! I think that you were skull-opened by the King of the Golden Horn, and the true and false Hongdao was originally a person! "2

Hearing him say that, some people really showed strange expressions.

Hong Dao's face was gloomy, and he was also shortened. Although his head was not broken, it was also very embarrassing to be tricked into the Jedi and almost died. In addition, he took precautions in advance and put on a black and gold helmet.

Wolverine's canthal teeth, thinking that the fighting strength of the two kings is not bad, he specializes in poking people's sore spots. 2

"The woman's name is Chen Yu, she is Luo Ying's cronie, and she is regarded as her right-hand man. This place is really occupied by the black peacock, so you have to act quickly. Otherwise,

If the peerless clear sky elder of the Black Peacock Holy Mountain

After rushing back from the secret realm, we can't take away the strange objects in Kunpeng's nest. ' someone whispered.

The expressions of a group of people have changed. If the peerless Black Peacock clan sits here, what is wrong with them?

"Don't wait, it won't work to characterize the two demon kings as fugitives. Before the elder Qingkong comes back, we will be the first to do it. This is a competition between our peers, and it is to take away all the strange things. clear."


The brief calm was broken again, and a group of people started. This time it was the reserved second senior brother of Jinque Palace, Gu Cheng, who personally made a ruthless attack. Standing beside Yuan Hong, Shenkui and others, he urged a huge sword several hundred meters long to slash into the five elements.

The self-reliant and detached successor of the Tattoo Palace, Hong Dao, and the female disciple of the Paper Temple, Mo Han, also ended up together.

"Attack one place with all your strength and send people in!"

When Gu Cheng spoke, he was really motivated to kill and wanted to kill the demon king below.

The Wolverine personally controls the Five Elements Great Array and defends it.

Wang Yan saw that such a fierce attack was indeed suspended, and the light curtain of the mountain was about to be broken, so he couldn't be so passive, he said, "Put in one by one!"1

He motioned to release Yuan Hong, Shen Kui, and Luo Kun first.

Wu Xingtian's pupils shrank, the second king is about to make a real move, killing one by one? However, can it really stop the geniuses of those top teachers?

"Brother, give me the bottom line, how many times have you broken the limit?" he asked secretly.

"Three times!" Wang Xuan informed.

"Niu Feng!" Wolverine exclaimed, this is the top

The achievement that can only be achieved by the most core disciple of the Dao Lineage, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain has also reached this step.

He has confidence in Wang Xuan, because the second king told him before that he has broken the level to the True Immortal Nine Heavens, and if he has broken the limit three times, he is also an extremely powerful character!


Shen Kui fell in, although he cursed

Huan, just now he justly said that the demon king here is a fugitive, intimidating and threatening, but now he is a little more polite.

Did he just come in? He is not Yuan Hong, let alone Gu Cheng, Yu Jin, Hong Dao.

"I'm going!" He turned around and wanted to run away, because the second king was holding a pitch-black mace, like an unparalleled demon, taking one step at a time.

When he came out, the heaven and the earth were in turmoil, the black clouds pressed against the sky, the Five Elements Mountain trembled, and he came over with a bang.

"This demon king has something to I'm here to recruit, no, I'm here to listen to your explanation to see if I've really wronged you, and are you a fugitive?" Shen Kui With a green face and fangs, there is a colorful texture on his forehead, and his smile now is uglier than crying. 3

"I'm your uncle!" When Wang Xuan arrived, it was truly the demeanor of a peerless monster. At the very least, he was imposing, and the wind and clouds were raging, and the heavens and the earth were raging, flying sand and rocks, and it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

But this time, after he really got his hands on it, he still held back the beating. If he didn't come up, he would kill the person, so as not to be too shocking.

The two fought each other and banged against each other dozens or hundreds of times. Just after Shen Kui gradually became more confident, with a slap, his whole body was smashed by a mace like a broken watermelon, and he was gone in an instant.

Only bloodstains were left on the ground.

But this time, after Gu Dong started Yu Mi, he still held back the beating. If he didn't come up, he would have beaten the person to avoid being too shocking to the world.

The two fought against each other and hit hundreds of them.

The next time, just after Shen Kui gradually became more confident, with a snap, his whole figure was smashed by a mace like a broken watermelon, and he was gone in an instant, only blood stains were left on the ground.

At this moment, Yuan Hong's complexion also changed, because his body suddenly sank, and he was about to fall into the mountain protection formation of the Five Elements Mountain.

Gu Cheng, Yu Jin, and Hong Dao rushed in together and wanted to follow!

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