Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 188: Wind and Cloud Center

Meteorite Sea, the faces of the people in Jinque Palace were gloomy. They bleed and died in the secret realm of time and space that day, but ended up helping a bunch of liars? Bag

The sky-level master died, and the core disciple Mo Qing was shot to death. What a big case, the key is that they rushed to get together.

This kind of miserable, but not the slightest sympathy from others, all around are strange eyes, thinking that they are flattering the tattoo palace, everything is self-inflicted, and deserves it!

The people of Jinque Palace can't wait to escape from the sea of ​​meteorites immediately. This kind of experience is beautified by being pressed on the floor and humiliated.

The people from the True Tattoo Palace came, and the people from the Paper Temple did not comfort them. Instead, they seriously asked what happened and why they helped the fraud gang.

When the people in the Jinque Palace heard the words, their hearts were cooked like oil, scorched, fried, and the dough was shaking. What kind of lying... 4

Not only were they damaged in the Meteorite Sea, but there were also a group of bitter masters. Large merchants with cave houses and stores in the black market were also harvested.

"In this case, the Tattoo Palace has to be responsible and compensate us for our losses!" Some merchants are anxious, the treasures of the store, and the top strange things are taken away on credit.

As usual, they really didn't dare to look for someone from the tattoo palace, but this time they were bald and couldn't stand it.

"What does it have to do with us!" The person in charge of investigating the scandal at the Tattoo Palace responded with a sullen face, and he was also very angry.

"Look, this is the seal of the Tattoo Palace, exclusive to your core disciples, right?" A big businessman was forced to take out his collateral.

His five-colored bamboo, his soul-raising lotus, and his natural liquid for refining the golden body were all humiliated, and he thought it was a big business.

Elder Gong Yansheng's eyes changed. This is a genuine tattoo seal, not a fake.

"Has Hong Dao escaped his troubles? I don't think he deserves to be a direct descendant. The number of positions is limited, let's change it!" Yan Sheng said coldly.

The people from the Paper Temple are also there. Will their core disciple Mo Han also be replaced? Enough, that is the direct descendant of a great man.

"Brother Yan, please calm down your anger, who has never been younger? It's mainly because the thieves have a plan. Hongdao was just careless for a while, and his talent, aptitude, temperament, etc. are still good." Someone advised.

The Meteorite Sea is very lively. It is located at the junction of the Pingtian Star Region, the Golden Horn Star Region, and the Black Sea Star Region. Originally, this three-in-one area was famous, but now it is even more turbulent.

A group of bitter masters united to demand compensation for the loss, even the Paper Temple could not escape, because they also had their token as a guarantee.

In addition, the Jinque Palace, who was already overwhelmed and felt humiliated, was also approached by someone and asked if they knew the swindlers?

Two days later, some high-level figures from the Jinque Palace also arrived.

But it's a pity that those swindlers are very familiar with their modus operandi, and they didn't leave any clues.

The only flaw is that the swindlers were beaten with sap and took away the five-colored bamboo, and the fake Hongdao was split into anger because of this. 1

When the people from the Tattoo Palace investigated this place, they were really in a complicated mood. Those who attacked the liar effectively killed the liar, but they were obviously not good people.

In particular, Shinhiro-do appeared here. After learning about the details, he put on a helmet made of abyss black gold that day. 10

However, after investigation and investigation, there is no such thing as the so-called King of the Golden Horn. They used special tools, and it was useless to assist in the deduction.

The Meteor Star Sea is completely famous, the black market is becoming more and more popular, so many good things have flowed out, and there are super prohibited items in the secret realm of time and space, etc., it is impossible to hide it.

Some top sects are restless. Even if they have sacred relics at home, who would think too much?

What's more, the various anomalies in the holy temple are too miraculous. Many aliens who have experienced more than one universe and lived more than one era are shaken in their hearts, and they send important people to investigate.

Even, there are Gongzhu and Gu Xian who came over in person, but they came secretly and did not appear in front of people.

Even these characters are here, one can imagine, how can other extraordinary people not be moved? They didn't even dare to think about prohibited items, but they were very excited about the new area that appeared in the secret realm of time and space.

Recently, there have been too many rumors about the eight-colored bamboo, the real medicine that is about to change shape, and so on.

For a time, the meteorite sea was unprecedentedly prosperous and vigorous, and the black market was overcrowded.

Even with various dojos, each operating and building Xianjia Inn, etc., it has also been full recently.

Five Elements Mountain, Wolverine opened a cave in the first time. He felt that this place might be developed, and the land would rise.

"We are very close to the black market, in the core area, and the appreciation potential is huge." Wu Xingtian will increase his efforts to develop this dojo. 2

Wang Deng reminded him that if the forbidden items in the secret realm of time and space rushed out and the Holy Temple was born, it might be beaten to ashes.

"Don't be afraid, I have inside information." Wu Xingtian was full of confidence. In the past two days, he received a group of distinguished guests, more valuable than Luo Ying's identity.

The top demon clan, the Black Peacock clan, a well-known female elder, Clear Sky, arrived. She was a peerless person and told him that there would be no chaos here.

In fact, recently, experts have noticed that some unfamiliar faces are like the sky, and they can't see through at all. Looking at them, they see the starry sky rising and dying, all things withering and birth.

People realize that some big people are coming, and they are unfathomable and unfathomable.

Soon, some gossip came out. Some important figures from top sects visited the place in person, and some even brought the treasures of the town sect.

This caused a huge sensation, and the situation gathered here!

So far, people have known that the Golden Palace, the Time Sect, the Hedao Sect, the Qingyang Palace, and the Longevity Dynasty have all come one after another, all of which are high-ranking and famous super sects.

Not to mention, there are also behemoths like the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Sanctuary that have had true legends!

"In the sea of ​​meteorites, at least three prohibited items were carried by people!" Someone said with oath.

Moreover, people believe that when other families see this, they will probably dispatch the sacred relics of the town church, and there is no reason not to participate in this feast.

In the eyes of the major camps, the confrontation in the deepest part of the permafrost, at the Holy Temple, will eventually hurt both parties, or even completely wiped out.

Wang is very responsible. When people sit at home, they don't go to the black market. Even if he wants to run away, he just retreats. When he comes out, things change.

"The abyss mothership appeared in the distant starry sky and disappeared in a flash. It is a prohibited item in the Black Sea Star Region."

Every day there is sensational news, which is amazing. "It's terrifying, there is a mechanical dragon turtle that is bigger than the stars, carrying a demon knife that flows chaotic matter, and has shown traces in the sea of ​​​​stars next door."

This area seems to have become the center of the situation, and various legendary creatures have appeared one after another, lingering nearby, ready to enter at any time.

"Your Majesty, Brother Wu, are you sure we don't have to stay away?" Wang Xuan asked.

"The two kings can rest assured. It's alright. All parties are negotiating to reopen the secret realm of time and space, and let the disciples go in to find opportunities."

Wolverine informed that there is a super peerless guard, carrying prohibited items to suppress, this time there should be no big trouble.

Wang Yan was silent. He just wanted to avoid aliens and prohibited items, but he couldn't say anything to him. He just reminded him that the big man would end sooner or later, and the Meteorite Sea might be gone in the end.

"Why do you think so much, you have to be good first. This time I got two void-breaking talismans. I'll give you one when I go back. Let's go in and find opportunities together."

Wu Xingtian informed that this was bestowed by the famous and peerless female elder of the Black Peacock Clan, Qing Sky.

The first time he broke through the secret realm and escaped, he was as cautious as he was, and he had to enter this time. 2

Then, he lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "Elder Qingkong said, it's really not messy this time. Someone has spoken and is paying attention to this matter."

"Did the old patriarch of the top demon clan, the Black Peacock Clan, speak?" Wang Yan asked. The most powerful demon clan really has a very high status in the sea of ​​​​cosmos and can discuss major events with all parties.

"It really came from the Black Peacock Mountain, the sacred place of our clan, but its source came from a higher level." Wolverine used spiritual voice transmission and was extra cautious.

Wang Yan's expression was solemn, and after hearing the secret, the water in this big universe was too deep, and he knew about a behemoth dormant in an unknown place.

Wolverine said: "The news comes from the 'Five Tribulations Mountain', which is stronger than my ancestor of the Black Peacock Clan, the most powerful black peacock in the world. He also practiced in the Five Tribulations Mountain in the past and became a guardian outside the mountain. , I have a good relationship with them, so I can get the news at the first time, and I won't be in a mess this time, and don't act rashly."

Wang Yan asked seriously and humbly, what is the origin of the Five Tribulations Mountain? He had some guesses in his heart that there were probably true saint-level creatures sitting in that place.

"No one knows its origin or where it is, but I, the first ancestor of the Peacock Clan, have been there. Wujie Mountain, as its name suggests, has been through the Five Epochs according to legend, and this is the fifth time it has moved with the Transcendent Center into this brand new area. the great universe."

After Wang Yan heard this, he didn't say anything for a long had to digest it. Such a behemoth is probably a little bigger than the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple, right? Didn't know it before.

This shows that they are not at a certain level, and they are not even qualified to understand the truth of this universe. Some Taoist traditions are too detached and mysterious.

"It's kind of scary." He sighed sincerely, alerting himself, and at the same time reminding Yu Dao Spear, don't worry about anything.

Yudaoqi secretly recovered, and was suddenly aroused by its fierceness. It had to work hard to blend with this big universe and improve itself.

Whether it is it or Wang Xuan, they are all under pressure. The Transcendent Central World is so dangerous.

The top five prohibited items in the ranking: non-existent, existence, deceased, constant, and divine photos, each one is more ferocious than the other, and the other is outrageous. 2

Now, I actually learned that in the transcendent world, there are five calamities mountains and so on in places that cannot be seen.

How can we traverse the sea of ​​​​stars, you can be a little detached, and you can't get rid of the secret time of the seed: the only way is to improve the eyes and body, and become the master of the Tao as soon as possible!

"Second king, brother, let's enter the secret realm together this time." Wu Xingtian said.

"This... The people who appear have a lot of backgrounds. If you fight for strange things like this, what will you do if you accidentally hurt someone with a foot? Well, we are loose cultivators."

"What are you afraid of, my black peacock family is closely related to Wujie Mountain, and our Wuxingshan is a branch of Wujie Mountain!" Wolverine was so proud, and finally added in a low voice: "Elder Qingtian said, go ahead and fight for the chance, don't worry Those messy things, support Luo Ying and us!"

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