Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 132: fate

Closing the book, Wang Xuan looked out the window and stared at the old streets. In the changing times, towns, human beings, in front of the big universe, are just insignificant dust. Their existence and change are nothing but easy. ignored.

Relative to time, relative to the evolution of the transcendent center, everything seems pale and weak in front of this torrent, as thin as paper.

The current Transcendent Central World is only the center of the universe in the seventeenth century. How many powerful races and splendid civilizations have fallen and disappeared in the process of this change, and how many races and civilizations have risen because of this?

It is conceivable that there must be some extremely brilliant civilizations and powerful ethnic groups, just like herdsmen chasing water and grass, chasing the transcendent central world.

Among them, there must be various stories, accompanied by blood and tears and gorgeousness, etc., many followers are destined to fall behind and will be wiped out.

There may also be ethnic groups that keep up, or "briefly" to keep up with the civilization of the 3rd and 5th centuries. In that case, how powerful creatures will be born?

If there is a civilization of "living by water and grass", is there also a "farming civilization"? Wang Xuan was in a trance, the era of the old sage cannot be verified. In the changes of the seventeenth century, the transformation of the supreme treasure that is not afraid of death includes the seal of the old sage. Does the new sage exist? Various past pasts interweave a mottled and damaged picture of the years.

It's just that those old things are too far away to see clearly.

After more than a year, Wang Xuan got used to this universe. Under the extraordinary rules, there was no more symptoms of "acclimatization".

The mechanical bear is almost recuperating, but on this planet, as a mechanical life form, it seems too special, and it still hides in the formation to practice.

The Yudao Banner is also improving, but it is not in a hurry to heal. The nine cracks are like nine orifices, swallowing the material of this world, and from time to time quietly run into the starry sky to study the Dao of this big universe.

It is pondering, how can it carry the Tao with its shape, and how can it further improve itself. Of course, changing shape is a good choice.

However, this evolution in the life course is too slow. It needs a variety of paths as a reference, and every path wants to be tried.

"Let's go, it's time to go to the place where the extraordinary live." After more than a year of practice and research in the new world, Wang Xuan became an "indigenous" and has no flaws in himself.

In the "steam age", there is an extraordinary path to take, and even ordinary people know a lot of things. Every year, there are large-scale "physical examinations" for boys and girls of the right age.

Naturally, Wang Xuan had no interest in going to the mountain gate and becoming a lower-level disciple of the First Sect to compete with those children for immortal fate.

He observed secretly, and after some research, he located the real world inhabited by the extraordinary, and found a number of ways, whether it was from the South China Sea or the desert area in the west, he could enter.

He went on his way, and for nothing else, he went to the "Prohibition First Chapter" collected by the four religions.

A year ago, he got ten pages of scriptures. According to the comments of those health care masters, "The First Chapter of Forbidden Prohibition" will be published every thousand years. Several pages, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, a total of fifty or sixty Page.

At the same time, he also wanted to see the extraordinary world of this planet, so that he could fully integrate into it. Even if he encountered a top-level existence in the future, he would not be able to see that there was a problem with his roots.

He went all the way south, bid farewell to the land, entered the South China Sea, and finally saw the clue. From a place where the sea and the sky were connected, he disappeared into a thick fog, and then disappeared, officially breaking into the extraordinary world.

This world is very large, and as far as the eye can see, the earth is boundless, it is suspected that it is far better than this planet in the steam age, and it is obviously not on the land of the real world.

In the world where the superhuman lived, he flew up to the sky, straight into the Qingming, and looked down at the earth. It was indeed vast and boundless. It was like the expansion of the real world, reshaping the universe.

The towering mountains are like blue dragon-like mountains, the huge lakes are like inland seas, there are deep mountain caves billowing with demons, and there are also prosperous ancient cities inhabited by human beings.

Even in some areas, there are cities and immortal mansions above the clouds.

Not all practitioners here. For example, the big cities and villages are densely populated, and there are more people than the planet outside, and many of them are mortals.

"As a loose cultivator, there is no need to worry about not having a suitable identity in this environment." Wang Xuan smiled, he thought that all the supernatural beings were brought in from the outer planets when they were young, and they all had identities to check.

He is not in a hurry to achieve success. At this stage, he can't use that book, and where is it not cultivation? Originally, it was necessary to silently cultivate and improve his realm, so that he could safely traverse the cosmos.

Half a year later, he acquired an identity, originally belonging to the loose cultivator who died in the mouth of the demon. He killed the demon in the deep mountain, took its cave, opened the secret cave, and found that this was the ancient cave that the human monks once used to be, and then His strength background and so on all have a real source.

The following year, he began to go out, all kinds of demons and demons, and gained a certain reputation.

In the future, even if he enters a more expansive and splendid extraordinary stage, even if someone secretly investigates him, there will be nothing wrong.

Enlightened City, with a population of millions, is bustling with traffic, and is extremely prosperous. This is a veritable ancient city, where extraordinary people and ordinary people coexist. There are all kinds of elixir shops, secret treasure sales offices, gourmet restaurants, etc., everything along the street.

"Heaven is still in the human world. Below the ninth floor is the human world, and above the ninth floor is the land of immortals. As long as you have strange things, mortals can also climb to the Nine Heavens..."

Along the street, there is a tall building surrounded by white mist. It is a veritable Qionglou Yuyu. It has 18 floors. The immortal family has extraordinary charm, and there are extraordinary people who are recruiting business along the street.

Wang Xuan stopped and looked and looked, because the name of this house was a bit special.

"Fellow Daoist, please move on. There is a new product in Shangjiuzhongtian. Master Leihuo picked a great medicine of thunder from the thunder waterfall on Jueling Mountain. It is rare in the world. It is auctioned here, don't miss it."

"Can one become immortal?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Fellow Daoist, your requirements are too high, but this rare and precious medicine can make people who practice Thunder Fa hope to reach the level of the Great Perfection of the Master of Health, and it is also considered to be near immortal. It is the highest in the medicine world in ten years. !"

"Hey, I don't have that many strange things." Wang Xuan shook his head, he couldn't even become an immortal, it was of no use to him.

The extraordinary person who was recruiting business lowered his voice, smiled ambiguously, and said: "Seeing Xiongtai is a talented person, but he is alone, but he can go up to the Jiuzhongtian in my building. Recently, the extraordinary Taoism - Mingyue Pavilion, was attacked by demons, and Mingyue Pavilion is the most talented. The female disciple Zhou Yanran was caught and sold here to become the oiran in the Nine Heavens."

"It really deserves to be... Heaven is still in the world." Wang Xuan just learned that this is the place where rare and precious medicines are sold, and he thought he had misunderstood, but he didn't expect that there was no misunderstanding at all.

"Of course, absolutely worthy. Looking at the extraordinary world, we are a time-honored brand with a history of two thousand years." The extraordinary person who solicited business lowered his voice and said, "I told you that Zhou Yanran is very similar to the genius of the Zixiao Palace. , there is a saying of Xiao Ling Xuan."

"I'm sorry, there are still no wonders." Wang Xuan turned and left, not wanting to communicate with him more, who is Xiao Lingxuan? He even beat up Fairy Zhen Ling Xuan.

Wang Xuan lived in this giant city, and after practicing every day, he would blend into the world to learn about the city and the world.

Soon, he figured out that this extraordinary world is attached to Haichuan Star, and it is a large cave opened up by it.

Overall, this is a simplified version of the Great Barrier, and if it is upgraded, it may evolve into a fairyland.

Wang Xuan missed the splendor of the age of mythology and lived in a period of depletion. He felt novel everywhere in this splendid and extraordinary world full of monsters and human monks.

"Is this going to make up for my life regrets? To experience this life in a new universe."

Half a month later, he "coincidentally" met Su Tong, a genius of the Longevity Sect. The reason why he came here was because he was waiting for such a person. This place was very close to the Longevity Sect.

After coming and going, Wang Xuan and Su Tong got to know each other well. After he manifested his extraordinary strength and talent, he quickly became a member of Su Tong's circle, and two months later, they had already talked very happily.

If it weren't for the fact that the people of these great sects were walking bombs, once they searched their souls, they would trigger the prohibition and self-destruction in the primordial spirit, and Wang Xuan would not be so troublesome.

Regarding the first chapter of the forbidden, whether it is hidden there or not, it is more reliable to learn from the mouths of the core wizards and future teachers.

"Brother Qin, let's go to the world of Tianshang. Ling Xuan is here. I'll wait for my friends to have a drink." Su Tong said with a smile.

Now Wang Xuan's pseudonym is Qin Cheng, and he misses his best brother a little bit, so I use his name here to remind myself not to forget it.

Heaven is still in the world, the guy with the broken mouth, as expected... was beaten badly. This extraordinary person has recently used Xiao Ling Xuan to talk about things in order to attract business.

As a result, he begged for benevolence, and he begged for a hammer. Fairy Ling Xuan, a genius from the top-level teacher Zixiao Palace, came, and apparently heard about it. He was hanged on Qionglou Yuyu, beaten violently, and ordered not to be allowed. put it down.

Soon after, Fairy Ling Xuan was apologized by the people here. The two-thousand-year-old brand has a lot of business. Fengyue is just a decoration, and it is mainly engaged in the business of medicinal herbs and secret treasures.

She got a rare flower in Yan Yan, and finally got a little out of anger, and was invited to the elegant room of Jiuzhongtian.

Su Tong and Wang Xuan came, so they got together like this, and they had a good time over the wine. Wang Xuan felt strange in his heart. If the monkey also came, it would be complete.

"Brother Qin, have we met? Why do I feel like I know each other." Fairy Ling Xuan asked.

Wang Xuan was surprised, he even changed his primordial spirit, and the other party still had some instinctive doubts.

"I have long admired Fairy Ling's name as a genius, but today is indeed the first time we meet. It's an honor to have a feeling of deja vu. Maybe it's a wink among friends." Wang Xuan said with a smile.

He silently recalled that more than a year ago, he just punched her five times and kicked her both feet.

Su Tong smiled and nodded, echoing: "Yes, brother Qin and I also hit it off. This is indeed some kind of fate." (To be continued) Click to download this book Station APP, massive novels, free to read!

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