Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 128: New world first experience

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In the blur, Wang Xuan seemed to see that he was being crushed while the two universes were turning.

The first killing formation was like a robe, and he was wearing it on his body, circulating a terrifying evil spirit, and the Yudao flag also covered him, covering his whole body.

He is falling, submerged into the great world of boundless light, accompanied by the rain of blood, accompanied by his own destruction, not only the physical body is exploded, but also the primordial spirit is blasted away.

At the juncture of life and death, at the last moment, he seemed to see the tangible bodies spread out by the rules in the two universes. This was the collision of different Taos.

"Did I change to a different way to ascend?" His broken spirit laughed at himself, instead of entering the Great Barrier, he changed into a great universe, and entered like this.

Is he going to die? Both the physical body and the spirit were torn apart, and the red blood flowed and dripped in the boundless light, sacred and dreary.

It can be seen how terrifying the fourth road is. It is too difficult to cross the big universe. He has a treasure on him, and he has suffered this kind of death.

Normally, a creature who has just become an immortal can't walk this road at all. If he dares to try, he will be perfected and die without any suspense.

People who have discovered and embarked on this road through the ages, do not know how many former sages fell on the road, their blood and bones burned and turned to ashes.

He heard the screams of the mechanical bear, and he couldn't hide in the killing array. It turned into a metallic liquid, and the fire fragments shone terrifyingly.

Unconsciously, he heard the curse sound of Yu Daoqi, and the first treasure was trying his best to help him block the rules. However, in the face of the crushing of the two universes, it was also struggling and turned on the bad mouth mode.

In a desperate situation, Wang Xuan worked hard to reunite his spirits and struggled to perform the Hell Black Phoenix Nirvana Technique. It was originally the unique skill of the evil dragon possessing Qitian. In the era of exhaustion, he thoroughly studied it.

The shredded body and spirit, originally with fire, are now even more dazzling. He recovered with difficulty and was reborn from the ashes.


It had already penetrated this terrifying area, but he still exploded again, and the remaining light of the rules locked him, not all melting.

He has crossed the border, but he is still in a dead end.

The Golden Cicada Chopping Shell Technique!

He was resurrected again by this wonderful method, but in a blink of an eye, it exploded again, turning into blood mud and spiritual fragments, scattered in the void, carried by the banner, and did not expand further.

Undead Silkworm Regeneration Technique!

Over the years, he has naturally read through various classics, and has worked **** some unique skills of regeneration, and now he is performing them one after another, just to survive.

"I... really cracked!" The Yudao Banner was glowing, slashing, and tossing. The nature it had to fight against was far more terrifying than what Wang Xuan faced, after all, it was wrapping him.

The crushing of the two universes and the slashing of the light of the supreme rule were first hit on the Yudao flag, then hit the first killing array map, and then Wang Xuan.

Otherwise, even those who have become ascent to the Immortal Nine Heavens will not be able to bear it.

Finally... alive, Wang Xuan felt that some of the rules that had penetrated into him began to dissipate, and he could endure it.

The rich and soft supermatter covered the sky and rushed over, and he crossed the universe.

"Don't let your breath go unintentionally!" Wang Xuan made a difficult voice transmission to remind him that he violated the rules of the universe and was too conspicuous. He clearly told others that there were prohibited items born here.

Yudao Banner didn't say a word, this time he was "educated" not lightly, and it was useless to speak hard. The rules of the flag converged, disguised itself, and even began to petrify.

Because, when smelting the flag surface, various substances were added, including the five-colored stones in the cracks of the universe, and now the flag surface shows a stony side.

It was like a meteor streaking across the sky and falling freely.

In a blur, Wang Xuan felt that they crashed into the vast land, where the mountains were majestic, the mountains were majestic, the magic birds were crying, and the holy beasts were roaring.

With a bang, a mountain top was smashed, and the Royal Road Flag wrapped Wang Xuan and rolled, flew out, and smashed a mountain peak, and then fell into the wild jungle.

Wang Xuan is... shattered again!

He wanted to scold his mother, but he felt that he was still alive after crossing the border, but he was going to be killed by Yu Daoqi, let him keep a low profile, and don't show off the power of prohibited items, but he didn't let it hit the mountain in a daze, did he do it on purpose?

While on the road, Wang Xuan exhausted all kinds of nirvana techniques, so that he could survive hard. For example, the undead silkworm regeneration technique can be used twice a month, which is limited.

Now, he can't use any of his resurrection techniques, and he has already paid in advance.

Right now, he is very miserable, his flesh and blood are blurred, and his bones are broken. I don't know how many pieces, that is, he has a map and a flag around him. Otherwise, he will be "splashed with ink" in the mountains and forests, and it will be "heavy makeup" and bright red.

Fortunately, he has become an immortal, with strong vitality and strong immortality attributes, far exceeding that of the health master, etc. The immortal tribulation six years ago has changed him qualitatively.

Although the primordial spirit has also become fragments, there is a primitive body that has not yet emerged, and the spirit is always lingering among the broken flesh and bones, and has never dissipated.

His Primordial Spirit fragment is examining himself, and after a careful look, it is relatively complete, including the head and one hand.

One of Wang Xuan's severed hands was bloody, struggling, and he floated up to sort out his "appearance". First, he placed the tattered head, replaced the opened skull, and stuffed the broken eyeballs. into the eye socket.

After all, he is also an immortal muscle. Even if he looks miserable after being dissected, he still can't die. Those body "parts" still have the activity of immortality.

Then, he returned to the "rotten" five internal organs, and in the severe pain, in the hell-like torture, he was also thinking wildly.

This time, his right hand and head are relatively complete. In the future, if the future is to become a Taoist, will these two be the first to start?

After stuffing his broken and disgusting intestines into his open belly, he stopped all kinds of thoughts, and he was really exhausted by his miserable state.

In the distance, the sound of thick branches breaking came, the towering ancient trees shook violently, the leaves fluttered in the sky, and some creatures were rushing at high speed.

"Find a place to hide, I don't want to become the blood food of some monsters as soon as I enter the new world." Wang Xuan's weak voice transmission.

Yudaoqi was also swearing, the flag was torn, there were many holes, and it could even be said that it was riddled with holes.

Fortunately, it has the ability to repair itself.

A faint light emerged, and it took Wang Xuan away from here in a low-key manner, sneaked for five hundred miles, and then plunged into the ground and hid in the ground.

"Xiao Xiong, are you alright?" Wang Xuan asked.

"The bear hurts!" The mechanical bear's spirit hid in the fire and responded fearfully. If there were no fire fragments from the mechanical life family, it would be gone this time, and it would die completely.

"Fortunately, you have an active metal body, so there is no big problem."

After Wang Xuan finished speaking, he began his painful recovery process. For the first month, he could only watch himself in tatters, and let Yuhua's body repair itself after becoming an immortal.

Although the light of the rules of the universe crushing his form and spirit has largely dissipated, the breath of the aftertaste is still a hindrance, and he can only endure the pain.

For a whole month, he was bloody, and his eyeballs, heart, kidneys and other vital organs had not grown well, and he was always a **** man.

It was not until the second month that he could use the Hell Black Phoenix Nirvana technique, etc., that he ushered in a turning point and repaired himself.

This is also beneficial. After a month of adaptation, to realize the difference in this universe, it really dismantles one's body and spirit, and accepts everything in this extraordinary world in an all-round way.


When Wang Xuan's body grew up, he endured the severe pain again, cut off his own bones, and re-nirvana. At first, he used his right hand to form himself, and some parts of the natural healing were not good enough.

After several regenerations, many corrections, and nirvana, Wang Xuan finally recovered after he came to this world for fifty days, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Although he has become an immortal, he has long been fasted, but now Wang Xuan still has a sense of hunger, he really wants to eat a lot of food, and his stomach is hungry.

Supermatter can supplement what he needs, but when he first came to Xintiandi, he wanted to follow his instinct and "understand" this extraordinary world in all directions.

Wang Xuan climbed out of the ground and looked at the sun in the sky, as if from a lifetime ago, this is no longer his homeland, he came to another big universe.

In the breath, there are rich transcendent factors. This kind of environment is much stronger than that of his mother universe. Not to mention that everyone can cultivate, but if the roots are good, if there is a book, you can go on the road.

He sighed, different worlds, different lives, in his mother universe, the immortals and gods are desperate, in order to live, do not want to die in the years, constantly fighting, knowing that it is going to die, but also with the ancient and modern Go to the battlefield to fight for a chance.

Here... an ordinary spider is a monster, not far away, "grooming" to Wang Xuan, showing a hideous face.

Its lower body is a spider body, and its upper body is a human body. With a gust of wind, it spit out silk like a flying sword and came towards Wang Xuan.

The spider silk, touching the big trees and rocks, all passed through directly, but facing Wang Xuan, who became an immortal, was still a lot worse.

As soon as he pointed it out, with a puff, the fairy light flew over, and the spider monster died, and a blood hole appeared on its head in the air.

Wang Xuan stood here and looked around, the mountains were majestic, the mountains were primitive, and the footprints of various beasts and monsters were not too few. This place is not a pure land.

On the cliff not far away, a large centipede with thick human legs, red all over its body, and its demonic energy is transpiring. When it crawls over, it makes rocks and sparks splash around, making a clanging sound, leaving many small holes.

Suddenly, a ferocious bird of indescribable species swooped down with a strong wind, opened its mouth and devoured the giant red centipede like a python.

A big green ox appeared, with glowing fur, four horns on its head, and wide mouth and fangs. Like a dull thunder, it reaches the soul of a person.

"Old demon!" Wang Xuan was surprised, and only when he officially came into contact with this felt the difference between the world and the earth under the contrast of the general environment.

That ominous bird, which was dozens of meters long, had just preyed on a giant centipede with thick legs. In this dull cow roar, it fell headlong, and the primordial spirit was severely injured.

The Qingniu, who was at the main level of health preservation, had extraordinary supernatural powers, and once again roared, killing the primordial spirit who killed the prey, and then set his sights on Wang Xuan again.

Wang Xuan also looked at it and felt that it was this cow, so let's have a full meal first.

At this moment, lightning, thunder, and golden gusts whizzed past, rolling up the fierce birds in front of the cliff, as well as Da Qingniu and Wang Xuan, and wanted to take them all away.

Wang Xuan showed a strange look. Not long after he came to this extraordinary world, he suspected that he saw a divine beast. It could be perceived that it was not raised by humans in the cave, but was purely wild. He thought about it, but didn't do it right away, and let it roll forward amid the lightning and strong wind.

This chapter is tonight, officially entering the new world, adjust the idea.


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