Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 113: Health Master

The universe is vast, vast and dark, the depths are endless, and the stars are so long that ordinary people can only look up, but cannot see the other side.

Daoist-level creatures and treasures are as small as dust in front of the universe, but they are indeed a bit detached, and can cross the cold deep space with their own power.

Wang Xuan and the others passed the Amu Starfield all the way from the Black Desert Star Field, passed through the wormhole, passed the Nova, returned to the old land, and then asked the Mechanical Bear to contact the spacecraft that left the communication method.

"Sure enough, I have traveled far and arrived at the Tianfeng Star Region."

The stars flowed, and they passed through a bright land. They approached a dead planet and found the landing spaceship here.

"Dad!" In the cabin, the three children rushed towards Wang Xuan with tears in their eyes. Today's experience had a great impact on them.

Even Wang Ye and Wang Xin, the two most active and active children, hugged him tightly, and were reluctant to let go for a long time, but they experienced life and death at such a young age.

Wang Hui, who had always been afraid of being separated from his family, was obsessed with longevity and immortality, and cried extremely sadly. Zhao Qinghan held him first, and then lay on Wang Xuan's shoulder.

There was no danger, the family reunited, and finally let Wang Xuan breathe a sigh of relief. He thanked the captain very much, left his contact information, and told him that he could go to him if he had any questions.

Zhao Qinghan's face also turned pale. For a moment, she was desperate, not because of herself, but because she was afraid that Wang Xuan would never come back.

She knew very well that at the moment of sending her and the child away, Wang Xuan and Xiao Yaozhou were determined to die, and they were obviously defeated, but they were just delaying the time to let her and the child escape.

She didn't cry in front of her children, she hugged them tightly with Wang Xuan, and it was not until she sat on the Xiaoyaozhou that her heart was completely quiet and relaxed.

Xiaoyaozhou was surrounded by extraordinary factors, forming a light curtain, which more intuitively approached the cosmic starry sky.

"It's so beautiful, the starry sky is so close, I seem to be able to pick that star out with my hand." After all, it was a child, and after a short time, the three little guys wiped away their tears and became active.

Sitting on the treasure and traveling far, breathing soft mythological factors, protected by a layer of crystal light, they swim in the sea of ​​​​stars.

On the way, the three treasures were discussing the transformation scriptures, and the harvest was huge, which gave them a new breakthrough direction in their difficult evolutionary path.

"Old boat, you are going to crack, can you still do it?" Yu Dao gun asked, from the point of view of its rise, the mythical civilization it was in was considered a latecomer.

"It's okay, it needs to be raised for a period of time." It doesn't panic, mainly because it has supreme materials in its hands, tinkers, and sleeps for a mythical age. When the next recovery period comes, it will be intact.

For them, they don't care much about time, there are too many years to squander, and the precious life is spent in the cycle of extraordinary recovery and extinction.

"Entering the world behind my life soil, healing will be quicker." Wang Xuan said.

Yu Daoqi said: "The material there is too domineering, if you are injured, it is not as good as my Chaos Cave. I will retreat for a few decades. After I understand the first killing formation, I will give you the site."

"You hurt your vitality?" On the way, Wang Xuan carefully checked the condition of Zhao Qinghan and his children.

There was no problem with the three children. When they encountered a sudden change, only Zhao Qinghan was alone in another cabin, although he was rescued by the life pool for the first time.

However, at that time, the dark fog that filled the heart of the dark sky had some residual breath, which had a certain impact on her.

The life pool has purified the black fog, but the third-ranked prohibited item is too terrifying, and the mysterious seal of origin from the "old times" is extremely terrifying.

Wang Xuan helped her to baptize her whole body, only a faint "spirit" appeared, lingering around his fingertips, and it was all right.

But he still frowned, any influence of the third prohibited item, whether it is for ordinary people or extraordinary people, is fatal.

"Let me see." The pool of life said, for life, for longevity, it has a say.

"Is there something wrong with my mother's body?" I have to say, the three children are a little precocious, and they were very excited just now, shouting to pick the stars and catch the moon, and had a great time. All nervous.

Wang Ye and Wang Xin hugged Zhao Qinghan's arm, while Wang Hui hugged her neck tightly, both crying.

"Where do you want to go, it's fine." Zhao Qinghan smiled and rubbed their heads.

She said softly: "No matter how long a person's life is, can it be compared to this brilliant starlight or the boundless universe? You should all be strong. People will always grow up, don't cry all the time."

"Mixed good and bad, not necessarily a bad thing." Life Pool said.

It took a piece of Dark Sky Heart and told it that this was one of the more special pieces, put it on Zhao Qinghan's body, and injected some soft mythological factors into the shard.

Yu Daoqi nodded and said, "Maybe it's feasible. This time, the dark heart is really miserable, and the core fragments are all blown out. These important fragments play an important role in handling chaos, purification and transformation."

Life Pool said: "In the worst case, Qinghan's foundation is unstable, and he loses some life essence, but he can live a hundred years.

The former is a slight reduction of lifespan, and the latter is less hopeful, even if there are core fragments of the third prohibited item, it is difficult.

Wang Xuan gradually calmed down and began to organize the harvest this time. Together with Yudao Banner, Xiaoyaozhou, and Life Pool, he selected black fragments and copied their textures. Especially, the core fragments can swallow chaos and use them for himself. This is extremely important. .

Not only is Zhibao interested, even Wang Xuan is comprehending. However, when these textures are magnified and observed, they are as vast as stars and densely packed, which is really too complicated.

Yudao Banner can also absorb chaotic matter, but it can't turn it around. It tells its own experience and its own rules, which makes Xiaoyaozhou and Lifechi feel for the first time that the stinky flag also has kindness.

"Wear this core fragment on your body and practice the old art every day, it doesn't matter if you can do it or not." Wang Xuan said, took off the Primordial Spirit chain on his wrist, bound the fragments, and tied it to Zhao Qinghan's wrist.

Zhao Qinghan smiled sweetly and said, "I won't have any psychological burden, originally a hundred years of life is considered a long life, but I have to live longer than this, with you and three children by my side, everything is fine. ."

They return to their old soil, and life returns to its normal trajectory.

Wang Xuan also gave the core fragments to ***, Lao Zhong and others, and asked them to try to sense them and use spiritual sacrifices to refine them. He often injected super substances to see if they could lead them on the road.

In the next two years, Wang Xuan comprehends the law, cultivates, secretly enters the starry sky to transcend the calamity, and quietly breaks the barrier!

In two and a half years, the essence of his physical body has generally returned, and the fusion is very good. The whole person has been reborn and has completed more than one transformation.

There is no doubt that after he was stagnant on the ninth floor of Xiaoyaoyou for many years, he not only broke the limit to the tenth floor, but also broke through many times.

The metabolism of the old body is violent, as if to replace all the "decaying substances" of the old era.

In the past, he had guessed that a new soul, a new body, and a new interior scene might be able to break the shackles and allow him to be reborn on the road of cultivation in the new era.

Now after verification, it does have this charm!

Burying the decay of the old era and ushering in a new life under the environment of error correction in the universe, he felt full of vitality.

For him, the ceiling of error correction in the world began to loosen, and the ceiling was raised again.

Nearly three years have passed, and after several times of tribulation, Wang Xuan continued to transform, and then officially set foot in the main field of health preservation.

When he reached this great realm, he could vaguely perceive the interior scene. He almost stepped into it a few times. Obviously, it involved the spirit and the physical body, and it was still in the process of returning.

Time is in such a hurry, and it passed by inadvertently. Three years after the battle with Dark Sky Heart, Wang Ye and Wang Xin are both ten years old, and Wang Hui is six years old.

And the eldest son and eldest daughter of *** are both adults, and when they reach the age of marriage, Lao Chen is disappointed for a while. He, this old uncle, may suddenly become a grandfather in a few years?

In the past two years, Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun have traveled far from time to time in addition to accompanying their grandson and granddaughter.

"Master of health care, began to pay attention to the combination of spirit and body, cultivate and cultivate together, unite body and spirit, nourish yourself in the world, and improve yourself again and again until you become an immortal."

After arriving in this field, Wang Xuan's physical body is indeed strong, and he can still tear the battleship by hand without resorting to the treasure. And when the spirit is out of the body, you can go far away in an instant, temper yourself with the wind in outer space, and baptize your spirit in the electric light of thunderstorms.

In the realm of health preservation, Wang Xuan has seen many times the state of a person's spirit being separated from the body when he dies.

Many people dissipate in the moment when they are out of body, and die with the wind forever.

A few people are obsessed, wandering around the body, staying in front of the most beloved object, but it will not last long.

He cherished everything he had before, because he knew very well that once he lost it, he would never get it back.

After Wang Xuan's realm as a health care master was stabilized, he went out a long way.

Three years ago, after he and Xiaoyaozhou fought to the death with the Dark Sky Heart, when he was lying alone in the starry sky, someone bombed him with a warship. At that time, he had serious physical problems. If the mechanical bear had not taken the risk and rushed over to carry him away He might actually have an accident.

During this period, both Mechanical Bear and Lele have sent micro-robots to investigate this matter and have eyes on them.

"I'm still kind and soft-hearted. I didn't care about you after the matter passed, but some people always want to jump up and bite me at a critical moment, so let's settle it now."

Wang Xuan came to Xinxing, set off on his own, and bought a ferry ticket through normal channels.

This time, it was not for visiting relatives and friends. The moment he entered the new star, he did not hide it, striding in the air, super-material flow, as if driving a colorful cloud.

On weekdays, he is very low-key, and he almost never appears holy, and he does not perform supernatural powers in front of ordinary people, but this time he went out strongly.

His dharma body was reflected in the sky, and it was huge, like a **** who glowed all over his body. He stretched out a big hand and grabbed it directly towards the ground of Corning City.

"Wang Xuan? Stop it!" Someone in the Sun family shouted in horror, blasting off through the spaceship and using all feasible means to shout at Wang Xuan.

However, when a spaceship approached, it was directly grasped by the big hand, turned into steel scraps, and flowed down from the fingertips of the law body.

"Wang Xuan, let us explain!"

The big hands were slowly approaching, creating a terrible sense of pressure, ignoring their shouting.

"You are so reckless, you want to kill us, don't blame us for breaking the net, warships from all over the world will be dispatched together to make you lose your relatives and friends, you can't keep everyone!" Someone shouted and threatened in desperation.

"Are you worthy?" Wang Xuan stood high in the sky, looking down, and the person who had just threatened to burst into pieces on the spot. (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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