Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 93: all killed

Xianyuan Star, there are only two large land continents, the others are islands, dotted in the ocean, dotted with many species.

For today's people, it is very livable, with beautiful mountains and rivers and rich products.

It is said that in ancient times, each giant island had unique rare birds and beasts, all of which were mythological species.

With the passage of time, this place entered the era of supermatter depletion before the old soil and the new star, and those legendary alien species disappeared.

The development of this planet by modern humans began decades ago. A spacecraft occasionally found this place, which attracted attention from the outside world, and then a large number of humans migrated.

Yan Dao also took the opportunity to establish the most important secret base here. Although it is very low-key, if there is a war, the power he controls is absolutely devastating.

Wang Xuan came, possessed Ming Lun, and engraved runes on the core of the moon, completely controlling the two brothers and sisters, looking for Yan Dao and Mu Han to settle the bill.

He was a little regretful that he didn't bring the mechanical bear. The three major bases on Xianyuan Star have Star Destroyer ships parked, and any one of them is extremely precious.

In the process of solving the experiencer, it is impossible to have a little omission. If there is an accident, I don’t know how many spaceships will be left in the end.

There are a lot of resource stars in the adjacent star land, which can meet the needs of the Yandao fleet.

The so-called Three Caves of Crafty Rabbit, let alone the experiencer, Yandao has strongholds on many planets, and this is his last retreat.

After Ming Lun and Xianyue came, they did not take the initiative to see Yan Dao and Mu Han, but participated in a party of a friend who was an experiencer, and spent a few days in depression.

In fact, the two brothers and sisters only knew by intuition that their parents are here, and it is not easy to meet now, and they have to passively wait for the summons.

In extraordinary times, if you are too active, you may be shocked. The current situation makes the experiencers extremely pessimistic and more cautious.

Moreover, Yan Dao and Mu Han are both senior-level "possessors", and if something goes wrong, they may go away.

It took two full months for Ming Lun and Crescent Moon to be called by Yan Dao. Obviously, the experiencer has various subtle ways of observation to troubleshoot the crisis.

Wang Xuan searched for all kinds of subtle and mysterious methods in his memory, and manipulated the lives of the two brothers and sisters with the most terrifying method.

The massive secret books born in the age of mythology were all obtained by him in later generations through the secret vault of the chaebol. He has various extraordinary means, which is more evil than the experiencer.

Ming Lun and Crescent Moon quickly passed the period of fear, and their memories were reshaped, and their living conditions continued their original trajectory without any flaws.

If it wasn't for Wang Xuan who wanted to kill the experiencers, hoping to kill the leaders such as No. 63 and Luomeng, he would have already started, and he would not be so patient.

Finally, Ming Lun and Xianyue met with the same Ying Dao, but Wang Xuan didn't start, this Ying Dao was only a clone, not its main body, and the level of life was not enough.

However, the Ming Lun brothers and sisters didn't realize it, they didn't know it themselves, and in extraordinary times, they didn't even have the qualifications to see their father's real body.

"Have we failed completely?" Ming Lun asked.

"No chance. The only remaining key - ancient and modern, no one can refine it. At that level, it is no longer a thing for people to control, but it is used to control people."

Xian Yue was sad and said: "Are we going to stay in this universe forever? I want to go back, the extraordinary universe, there are countless sacred mountains, there are dream cities of science and technology, and every place has endless splendor, and we but die here."

"There is still an ethereal road, the road of the strange people in this universe, but it is extremely difficult, and I can't find the threshold." Yan Dao frowned, he has been searching for a long time, and he has no clue.

"Odd man, what kind of state is that?"

"In a very unstable state, the strength is not high in the dead era, but it can temporarily withstand the erosion of the years. If it goes well, you can survive the extraordinary winter. If it is not smooth, you may die in various accidents in the middle."

He said a lot, which surprised Wang Xuan, so he listened carefully.

Even if the strange man has survived the long years, after the myth is revived, the state is still special, and it is still unstable. When it is strong, it can exert its peak-level strength, but when it is weak, it is similar to the extraordinary collapse period. It fluctuates between the peaks and valleys. control.

For half a month, Wang Xuan kept a close eye on Yan Dao's clone, and finally determined where his main body and Mu Han were, hiding in the spaceship in outer space.

These two people are ready to give up everything at any time and flee to the deep space of the universe, and they don't even believe in this secret base.

A few days later, Wang Xuan came with the Imperial Dao Spear. Although he went in and out invisible, he still almost had an accident. It was not that they could not suppress the two, but that they almost made their inadvertent actions to communicate for other experiencers.

Fortunately, he imprisoned Yan Dao and Mu Han for the first time, and corrected their posture. In the spacecraft, their every move, any abnormal movement, has a special signal.

Wang Xuan quickly possessed the body, took control of the two, and carved runes on their cores with a subtle and mysterious method, refining them into real puppets.

He calmly took down two malicious experiencers, and learned a lot of secrets from their hearts. These two are crazy and extremely dangerous. A planet of life, buried with them.

Wang Xuan asked them to "reshape" them, and still let them live in their original trajectory without any abnormality.

Tens of days later, he asked Yandao and Mu Han to invite No. 63, Luomeng, and Beit Omi in their normal way. Unfortunately, the king did not see the king, and the real body did not meet, but the meeting was held across the starry sky.

The black-haired and black-eyed young man Luo Meng said: "Yan Dao, didn't you say it, don't contact me in the future, if there is no turning point, the door of the universe does not open by itself, we will always be dormant and cultivate hard until we are silent in the years. Die!"

Yandao with short silver hair said solemnly: "I'm not reconciled, I want to offer all mythical items, go to see ancient and modern, and have a candid talk with it, what exactly it needs, even if it is blood sacrifice to myself and a large number of experiencers. As long as it can find a way out for others."

Several people were silent, and naturally they thought about ancient and modern, that is the only key, and its strength is unparalleled, and it can suppress almost all prohibited items.

"Forget it, when my family was still the co-owner of a certain domain, we might be able to discuss cooperation with it, but if we have long-term contact, it is estimated that it will suffer a lot. Now there is nothing to attract it."


Wang Xuan was a little helpless. He couldn't touch the roots of these people. There were some clues in the past, but now he doesn't know where to hide.

Three months later, he exhausted all means and used the clues provided by Yan Dao, Zhuo Kong and others, and only determined Baiteao's secret stronghold.

As for No. 63, the tomb, and Luomeng, although there are also strongholds exposed, Wang Xuan, based on various clues, believes that they are all abandoned places.

"The situation is wrong." On this day, Wang Xuan acted decisively. Recently, the investigation of No. 63 and Luomeng has been frequent, which may have shocked the snake.

On the same day, he launched the attack, and all the power that Yan Dao and Mu Hanneng mobilized attacked.

On this day, there was an interstellar war, and it was a melee. Wang Xuan went to catch Baiteo himself, and he succeeded in the end. He also mobilized some of his power, but some experiencers still found it abnormal and resisted fiercely. .

In the starry sky, there is chaos.

Afterwards, Yandao and Baiteao joined forces to kill Luomeng and some bases of No. 63 at all costs, but of course they also suffered heavy losses.

No. 63 and Luomeng disappeared, not killed, but never reappeared in this universe.

"Wang Xuan, don't kill me..." Ming Lun was awake, but he still couldn't let go of his love for life. Even if he had been depressed and dreamed of dying, he still wanted to live.

Relatively speaking, Xianyue was tougher than her brother. After she figured it out, she kept silent and stopped begging for mercy.

Wang Xuan showed no mercy, pinched the two brothers and sisters to death, and then slashed Yan Dao with the Primordial Spirit Sword Embryo, beheaded Mu Han, and smashed Baiteao away.

On the same day, their followers and the group of experiencers also died violently.

The mechanical bear came and received some of the remaining ships after the chaotic war. It was no problem to repair the complete giant ship, and even a small fleet with an explosive attack power could be assembled.

The mechanical bear regains extraordinary attributes, and with the blessing of fire fragments, his strength is not bad.

Wang Xuan left and returned to the old land. He let Xiaoyaozhou and the mechanical bear together, there was an accident, and he could leave safely at any time.

Next, this small fleet haunted the starry sky, continuing to search for experiencers and fallen ones, finding one and killing the other.

During this period, Wang Xuan once went to Dark Sky Heart and wanted to take it down with the Imperial Dao Spear, but when he arrived at that planet, the third-ranked pieces of prohibited items had already disappeared for several months.

"This thing is extremely dangerous. It may not be really destroyed. It may be that Nirvana of life temporarily disintegrates. It may not be able to reorganize in the future, it may be stronger!"

It was a rare occasion for the Imperial Dao Spear to be extremely solemn, and the fluctuation of consciousness it radiated violently fluctuated. This evaluation was given only from the residual breath.

In addition, Wang Xuan obtained from Yandao's collection, in addition to a lot of fine and mysterious books, there are also some handwritten notes, which are the words of another universe.

But he has already analyzed it. He has already learned how to possess the body for so long.

These manuscripts are more important than secret books. They record a lot of practice experience, and there are also many records of possessed blood cases. They also tell some secrets, among which are about strange people.

Tomb, once fought with strange people!

He is not only a fallen person, but also one of the leaders of the Yandao camp, and his status is equal to that of Yandao, Luomeng, and Baiteao.

In the ancient years, the tomb detonated the chaos of the emperors, and even borrowed the power of the emperors, teamed up with Shang Yi and Yuan Dao, etc., to encircle and suppress the first person successfully killed.

However, in the end, the priceless body fell into the hands of Shang Yi.

It's not that the tomb doesn't need it, but that something unexpected happened, and he met a strange person while recovering from his injury.

That strange man strangled a large number of degenerate spirits alone. There were two great spirits who were only weaker than the tomb, but they still died in battle.

In that battle, both sides were injured, the tomb escaped, and the strange man also suffered heavy losses, because his strength fluctuated, and his unstable state made him suffer a huge loss.

"In the age of splendid mythology, strength actually fluctuates violently..." Wang Xuan was surprised.

The existence of this manuscript is too long, it can be thousands of years old, the original manuscript is still a little unclear, but the general appearance of the strange man is still roughly recognizable from the memory of the tomb.

"So... familiar!" When Wang Xuan turned to this page, he was very surprised when he saw the sketch.

Please leave a chapter, the era of extraordinary exhaustion is almost finished, and I will organize my thoughts.

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