Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 82: People are mourned and the red sky is defeated by the sword

The red body of the Dachitian Dao is trembling slightly, what is the situation?


No. 72 immediately discovered that the situation was not right. His heart throbbed and he was very uneasy. If the Great Chitian Saber was defeated, he would definitely die.


What kind of active metal, an inextinguishable body, can't stop the attack of the treasure at all. In fact, his state is not very good now.


The head of No. 72 with a diameter of 100 meters was punched with many large pits and many holes, all of which were bombarded by the weapons transformed by the light of the other party's primordial spirit.


"You've got a hole in your head, it's leaking!" Wang Xuan said, and when he came further, the immeasurable sword light transformed into an undulating ocean, and there were immortal swords everywhere in the void of the universe.


No. 72's face suddenly turned cold. Although it was true, this description was more exaggerated than scolding him directly.


He was impatient, the big red celestial saber trembled inexplicably just now, and even the dazzling red glow that illuminated the dark universe was slightly dimmed for a moment, making him nervous.


In the deep sky, the gun became even more fierce. It used itself as a big stick and swung it into a light wheel, which kept smashing there.


The fire poured out, the fragments of the rules flew, and the void of the universe collapsed.


Many people are in a trance when they see this scene. Is this a gun or a long stick?


No. 72 has a serious sense of crisis, his head is broken, and there are big pits and small holes, and the spiritual energy builds up the core of the gods looming.


He hurriedly transferred the divine core to blend with the fire fragments. Even if he was under great pressure, he had to seek protection. Otherwise, it would be really dangerous.


With a bang, the Divine Sound of Order spread in terror. Wang Xuan took advantage of his transfer of the Divine Core, and kicked No. 72's head with one kick. The iron head more than 100 meters high exploded, and the extraordinary rays of light scattered. The scene was quite shocking. .


At the same time, the center of Wang Xuan's brows gleamed, and the light of the primordial spirit became even more gorgeous. One after another, it flew out, transformed into a fairy furnace, condensed into a small cauldron, revealed as a fairy sword, and condensed into a spiritual hammer...


All kinds of Yuanshen weapons, whistling, driving the power of rules, rushing towards the body of the strong mechanical family, punching big holes again.


No. 72 has a strong sense of crisis, and always feels that the battle at Dachitiandao is not safe. Is it really impossible to defeat the treasure of the earth in the remote universe?


In fact, he vaguely guessed the crux of the problem. The Great Scarlet Sky Saber was broken, and even if it was docked and reorganized, there was a high probability that it would be injured by the Great Dao.


"Only by myself can I block his alien space pool and cut off the power source of that murderous spear." No. 72 broke out and improved himself regardless of the cost.


At this time, his fire trembled violently, shining immortal rays of light, his whole body dazzled, and he performed one of his strongest divine arts. He used the divine core to manifest a guillotine in the void.


In the past, when the mechanical race hunted gods and demons, they cut off immortals, cut off demons, and cut off all kinds of extraordinary species under the old master. Naturally, they had many powerful means.


The Immortal Slaying Guillotine can be said to be one of the top secret techniques of the mechanical family. After being irradiated by the fire of origin, it is one of the first group of unique skills deduced by the family.


Taking the spirit as a guide, visualize the big world picture of hunting gods and demons, and finally condense the evil spirit in the background of the big era to construct a black guillotine.


"Huh?!" Wang Xuan felt threatened.


The black guillotine appeared out of thin air, ignoring the distance, and quickly appeared in front of his eyebrows. It was not big, only the length of a palm.


Even, it ignored Wang Xuan's body, and wanted to get into his body to cut off his primordial spirit!


Then, it really blurred and manifested in Wang Xuan's head. It was weird and scary, and it was hard to prevent it.




At this moment, Wang Xuan was extremely serious, and he had all kinds of wonderful techniques in his heart, but when he pondered over the divine sense, what he used was the method of divine form in the slate scriptures.


This method can enhance the physical body and exert unparalleled power in the spiritual realm.


His divine form is naturally human-oriented, his primordial spirit glows, and his form is exactly the same as his physical body. The most important thing is that he is densely engraved with divine runes, wears armor, and holds various weapons.




In the spiritual realm, this was a terrifying collision. Wang Xuan's Primordial Spirit swung the mace in his right hand and the Heavenly Sword in his left, with a large bell hanging over his head, and there were many Primordial Spirit Rune Divine Swords around him. , and greeted them together.


The Immortal Slaying Guillotine was about to manifest, but it was still blurry, so he was forced out, and then smashed into the distance. Wang Xuan's primordial spirit glowed, rushed out of the Tianling Gai, and swooped directly over.


Unparalleled in mystical form and mystical power, with a burst of smashing, after dozens or hundreds of blows, the Immortal Slaying Guillotine shattered on the spot.


During this process, his physical body did not stop, he followed him like a shadow, and launched an offensive, because he had already adapted to this rhythm.


For so many years, his primordial spirit has been wandering in the supernatural source world, leaving the imprint of the origin of life in his body, leaving part of his spirit, which can resonate with his primordial spirit, empathize with him, and act directly and without error.


No. 72's eyes were a little straight when he saw it. The guillotine sword, which was invincible, was violently smashed by someone like this? !


His Primordial Spirit was in severe pain, it wasn't an illusion, it was his Divine Core that provided power, and in the face of that thug, the unique skills of the machine race collapsed directly.


At this moment, the void was slashed open, and Wang Xuan's dharma body slammed into it. Sword energy spewed from his whole body, creating a pair of very terrifying sword wings, and he fluttered his wings.


At the same time, ten sword wheels flew out in shape, clearing the way in front of them, invincible, and attacked No. 72.


In the terrifying sonorous sound of the power of the rules, the giant metal body of the strong man of the mechanical family was splashed with clouds, and was dismembered, a hole appeared in his shoulder, his waist was penetrated by a sword wheel, and his reorganized head was blown up again.


No. 72 was shocked and frightened, he was about to lose?


He once absorbed a small piece of Origin Fire, and to a mechanical lifeform like him, it was like a child of destiny, an unimaginable great creation.


Once he returns to the transcendent universe, he will be able to transform further, and any piece of origin fire can create a top-level mechanical powerhouse.

Right now, he didn't want to be defeated, and he had to get through it. For a while, the fire in his heart was boiling, and there was a real terrifying flame pouring out, fighting against Wang Xuan with the source of power.


I have to say that the source of power is very terrifying. For creatures other than the mechanical family, it is like a destructive substance, which makes the flesh and blood unbearable.


Suddenly, more than half of Wang Xuan's ten sword wheels were dimmed. The fire burst out, and the boiling substance burned his body to the point of severe pain.


However, he held back and was able to resist, what has he been doing for so many years? He has been exploring the supernatural source for more than ten years, accepting shocks such as red substances.


Wang Xuan didn't evade, but resisted, of course, he wouldn't use his body as a shield. His sword wheel, as well as the sword wings on the left and right sides, all slashed over, making a clanging sound.


Then, one of No. 72's thighs fell off, and his left arm was broken. With a pop, his chest was twisted open by the sword wheel, making a big hole that was transparent in the front and back, and a sword wheel rushed past the fire.


The shard of fire, with its primordial spirit, quickly moved and rushed to other parts of No. 72's huge metal body.


In the clanging sound, Wang Xuan is dismembering the strong mechanical clan!


Clank clank!


Suddenly, a terrifying sword sound erupted, and No. 72's body was extremely dazzling. He performed the same sword wheel, sword wings, etc., exactly the same as Wang Xuan's Dao Chopping Sword.


This is the first of the three masterpieces of the mechanical family. It is a killer secret technique that can be temporarily transformed into the opponent. As long as the opponent performs it, it can be imitated immediately and presented perfectly in a short period of time.


No. 72 has never used this first article easily, and has always been waiting quietly, trying to determine Wang Xuan's strongest killing method, so that he can copy it unexpectedly and kill it!


Earlier, he was very fond of the "god shape" in the slate scriptures. The image of the primordial spirit coming out in armor and fighting like a thug made his heart move.


But now, he couldn't hold it any longer, and he was about to be disintegrated by the sword wheel and scatter the fire, so he could only choose to copy the sword light in front of him.


In fact, Wang Xuan has so many secret techniques and subtle techniques that it is difficult to tell which method is stronger.


Chi Chi!


The sword light erupted, and the sword wheels slashed towards Wang Xuan one by one. It really caught him off guard, leaving him covered in blood, and his bones were clearly visible.


Even, a sword was hit between his eyebrows, and he was almost pierced through his forehead.


In an instant, Wang Xuan had at least a hundred wounds all over his body and was dripping with blood. This was indeed beyond his expectations. At a critical moment, the opponent delivered a blow that was comparable to his killer blow.


In an instant, Wang Xuan's whole body glowed, all the wounds healed, even the chopped bones recovered in an instant, and the price paid was only to take off a piece of skin.


The old skin didn't leave any traces either, it burned instantly, turned into dust and dissipated cleanly.


The golden cicada's shell cutting technique!


This is one of the most powerful resurrection techniques. In fact, Wang Xuan is not on the verge of death. It is a waste to use this magical power now.


Mainly, he has mastered a variety of similar supreme secret methods. For many years, he has been practicing asceticism, studying all the various scriptures he has collected.


Today, he is testing some spells in actual combat.


Wang Xuan's whole body glowed, and the thunder was like a waterfall, constantly blasting towards No. 72. This is the song of Wanxian Dujiao, the magic method of the demon master's father, which cracked the damaged body of the strong mechanical family again.


Soon, endless flames burned, a picture scroll appeared, and an ancient lamp was constructed by rules and revealed, burning the rhythm of Taoism, which was extremely terrifying.


"Ah..." No. 72's broken body was burned and melted, even annihilating part of the metal body.


This is the "Ran Dao Scroll". In order to improve the relationship, the Sun family gave Wang Xuan the records on the old metal plate. He didn't know the words at first, but after the translation by Life Pool, Wang Xuan understood that this is a Ran Dao. The supreme scroll of the civilization in which the lamp resides.


Now, when he displays it, his power is unparalleled.


The Divine Sound of Order rose and fell like waves, and Wang Xuan threw out a punch, blowing most of the broken No. 72's body apart.


In the sky, the big scarlet sword smashed by the imperial spear was dim and trembling violently.


The outside world, whether it is Yuan Dao, Zhuo Kong and the dragon hunters, are all shocked. This treasure in the remote universe can actually suppress the Great Red Heaven Sword?


"What is one of the top prohibited It's the same thing, taunting me is a treasure, if it is broken by me, see what kind of face you have." Yu Dao gun is very tough, there It is indeed not just stubbornness to issue consciousness fluctuations, its strength makes people speechless.


The Imperial Dao Spear turned into a big stick, and it was still swinging violently, making a humming sound, becoming a dazzling light wheel, driving the power of endless rules, leaving countless afterimages, constantly smashing.


The big red sky knife brought the red glow of the starry sky, making the void of the universe tremble. It suddenly shook the imperial spear and slashed down.


Yu Dao Spear immediately returned to the defense, the texture of gold and silver intertwined, protecting Wang Xuan, it also swooped and arrived in an instant.


However, contrary to everyone's expectations, the Dachitian Dao was not aimed at Wang Xuan, but at No. 72.


In fact, at this moment, the powerhouse of the mechanical race, No. 72, was shattered by Wang Xuan, and more than 80% of his body was shattered.




Chi Yingying slashed through the sky, and countless red clouds drowned the starry sky. It chopped up No. 72 with one strike, annihilated directly, and disappeared completely!


At the same time, it swept away the dazzling shard of fire, ripped apart the vortex of time and space with a knife, and was about to rush in and disappear from this battlefield.


"Do you still want to leave? The sword must be broken, and the fire must be left behind!" Yu Dao Spear erupted with powerful consciousness fluctuations, and was held in Wang Xuan's hand.

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