Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 66: Yuanshen flesh body 1

The latest website: Quicksand Star, Lanbei Bay, is a very famous holiday resort with suitable temperature and many tourists all year round, very lively.

Tall coconut trees, soft white sandy beaches, turquoise blue waters, clearly visible corals, and many colorful schools of fish swim past.

A blond man was lying on a beach chair, looking at the beautiful woman, looking like he was enjoying it, but soon he hugged his head in pain.

Beside him, his assistant, a young and beautiful woman with long brown hair, asked with concern, "Boss, what's the matter with you?"

"The last inborn divine body in my 'stock' has been carefully cultivated for many years. My spiritual seed has been fused with him and has just been replaced. As a result, today...on his home planet, it was harvested!"

The blond man is Yuan Dao, a fallen person, now with a contorted face, in great pain, holding his hair with his hands.

On weekdays, he enjoys life very much. Sometimes he is a lord on a retro planet, and sometimes he goes on vacation to a seaside city with a highly developed technological civilization. It is hard to imagine that he is one of the vicious spirits who participated in the rebellion of the ancient emperors.

"It was harvested by others, and some of his peers also stared at that natural divine body?" The female assistant was surprised, and anyone dared to harvest the Dao Lingyuan Dao?

"Yeah, it should be done by the same kind. This is a high-risk industry. It is conceivable that the transcendent is not obvious. The fallen and experiencers who are stuck in this universe will not have a good life. If things go on like this, they will become serious and may devour each other. "

In the depths of Yuan Dao's eyes, the light of the gods is uncertain, and his face is gloomy. In recent years, all kinds of things have not been smooth, and even he has missed several times.

Of course, the most serious one was the huge damage caused to him by the giant whale he wanted to capture the most.

"Boss, in the culture vessel in the mother ship, several mutants went wrong, and finally... they all rotted." The assistant carefully reported the latest news.

"It's a pity, there are two corpses of the ancient emperor. I still want to study it, to plant spiritual seeds, but in the end, it was 'corrected' by this universe, corrected to the original trajectory, the festering of myths, no one can Can't stop it."

Yuan Dao judged from this that all parties are very uncomfortable now, including the experiencers from the extraordinary universe, who are weak day after day and will eventually die.

The assistant with long brown hair and a shawl with a beautiful face and a swimsuit asked, "Boss, do you still want to hunt giant whales? The power he got seems to be very special, and nothing has happened so far."

"The person who gets the power can at least keep the peak for ten to fifty years. He is still within the normal range, and I can afford it. However, Ming Lun, Xian Yue, and Yan Dao and others behind them, still Do you really think he is your own? It's beyond my expectations!"

"Can they still have any forbidden powers?" the female assistant asked.

"Now, life is so difficult, they should still have trump cards in their hands. When it comes to the life and death of their hometown universe, they will exert their strength at a critical moment that affects the future survival of the ethnic group. But now it seems that they are going to fight with the giant whale. We joined forces." Yuan Dao's face was gloomy.

"Boss, we are getting weaker and weaker, how did you finally catch the giant whale?"

"Wait!" Yuan Dao determined that everyone's life was not easy. Relatively speaking, he was a fallen person, and he should be more calm than the experiencers who have a sense of urgency and want to save the homeland and universe.

Old Tu, Ancheng, Ban Xian Cha Zhai, Wang Xuan has been more diligent recently.

He consulted with Huang Ming, Gu Mingxi, Qi Liandao, the second son of the demon ancestor, and others. When they were in the fairyland, did each family and each sect have any secret recipes for eugenics?

"Haha, congratulations, I want a child?" Qi Liandao is no longer a schizophrenic patient. He is more normal than anyone else in this world. He has been married for many years, and his second child is five years old. He really provided Wang Xuan with an article. "Holy Fetus" parenting method.

Wang Xuan thinks it is very unreliable. The things recorded on it are rambunctious. What about reciting the supreme scriptures to the mother's body every day, and most importantly, swallowing a lot of blood food. Is this cultivating the holy fetus of the demon race?

"Look at what I'm doing, I'm not... married." Gu Mingxi's face turned red as he stared at him. Is it necessary to ask her this kind of question?

"I just want to know, does your family, or your division, have any secrets," Wang Xuan said.

Zhou Qinghuang took Gu Mingxi's arm generously, and said, "Without him, eat some peaches, golden fruits, etc., you can produce a **** child, but these strange things are only produced in the higher spiritual world."

Kong Yun shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I can't get in now, and even if I pick it up and bring it to the world, the medicinal effect is not so strong."

"Speaking of which, the Millennium Conference, the Three Hundred Years' Small Conference, the most solemn Yaochi event, the day is coming soon, but unfortunately, it is destined to be deserted and deserted, and no one can approach it."

The ghost monk also came, shaking his head here, thinking back then, he was also a person who entered the Jade Lake. Although he didn't eat pan peach, he enjoyed a lot of other miracle medicines.

In Yaochi, although there are a lot of pan peach forests, there are only three ancient pan peach trees with top medicinal effects, and they produce very few fruits.

That piece of forest is very difficult to approach. Only a few patriarchs can join forces to settle here, and then they can lead their disciples to enter. However, there is a consensus among all parties that the ancient peach tree is not allowed to be dug up, and it is positioned as a special place for resolving disputes and opening a grand event. .

"In these years, I have almost ignored the spiritual world." Wang Xuan pondered, he was exploring the source of reality, where he practiced, comprehended the law, wandered all the year round, and occasionally heard the whispers of some terrifying powerhouses, Yuanshen never returned.

In the past, how did the powerhouses of Xiaoyou cultivate? It is necessary to explore the spiritual world, and the spiritual world of mind wandering one after another.

The fragrance of tea curled up, and the spiritual mist floated. The ghost monk barely kept his extraordinary strength and continued tea for everyone in the air.

The people present did not leave many traces of time. After all, they were all monks, and like ghost monks, they were the top experts in the immortal way.

They have been baptized by extraordinary factors for many years, and they are still young, but their hearts are slightly vicissitudes. They have experienced too much, especially the drastic changes in this era, which makes people sigh.

Kong Yundao: "Fifty years from now, maybe we will still be middle-aged. In 100 years, we will still be alive. What about 150 years from now? It's hard to say."

"In eighty years, will I be full of gray hair? I don't want to watch myself grow old. I'd rather sit straight than see my face full of wrinkles." Gu Mingxi said, as a famous fairy, She is most afraid of seeing white hair in the world.

Regarding this kind of problem, there is currently no solution, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became dull. They all knew that Wang Xuan was exploring a new path, but it was not suitable for them.

"Two hundred years later, I still want to drink tea with you here, but it is impossible. I will probably live to be one hundred and fifty or sixty years old." Huang Ming said.

"No hurry, there's still time." Wang Xuan said, he was looking for a gentle supernatural factor, but all the substances he found were extremely overbearing.

He knew that Lao Zhong, Chen Yongjie, Liu Huai'an and others were all waiting for him, and they wanted to set foot in the extraordinary again. If there is still no universal extraordinary factor after a hundred years, maybe they can only find a way to penetrate the universe!

As for the rush now, it is useless to break the cracks in the universe.

Moreover, it is not a good thing to break through now, it is estimated that there is fierceness there. On the big stage of the transcendent center world, heroes emerge in large numbers, giants stand, and prohibited items complement each other. Although it is gorgeous and attracts worldwide attention, it is also destined to be extremely dangerous. He is now in the past, probably can only be regarded as cannon fodder.

Soon after, the tea party was over.

"You want the method of prenatal and postnatal care in our universe?" Ming Lun was in a daze, not expecting Wang Xuan to ask him this question.

"I'll go look for it in the spacecraft database." Soon after, he actually turned up a few articles.

Crescent Moon rolled her eyes, she just gave birth to a child, is it so solemn?

In fact, Zhao Qinghan knew from friends that when Wang Xuan asked all over the world for advice, looking for the secret recipe of immortality, and looking for the method of better education in another universe, she couldn't sit still, her face was crimson, and she called Wang Xuan to go home.

At noon, the red substance in Wang Xuan's body filled the air, and the brilliant rays of the sun were shining.

Five or six years have passed, and his physical body has gradually adapted to the red substance. That night, the primordial spirit really passed through the life soil and entered the physical body.

"No!" He opened his eyes abruptly, and his primordial spirit was gone again in an instant.

It's not that he can't hold it, but he feels that he is about to be struck by lightning, and he has a vague insight that the catastrophe is coming!

This is naturally very dangerous, the surface is his home, it will be split into ashes.

His Primordial Spirit survived the calamity above the Sea of ​​Misty Clouds, but in the end, he has to experience it again when he comes to this world?

Wang Xuan called on the mechanical bear, took the spaceship, and went directly into the universe. Even if someone wanted to find out where he was going, they couldn't keep up.

In the depths of the universe, Wang Xuan stood alone in the darkness, and then the boundless red glow rose up in his body, and the primordial spirit rushed out of the life soil. After many years, he became one with the body!

The body is about to burn, and the red substances brought back by the primordial spirit, as well as the dazzling golden glow and purple energy, are many times more intense than the red factors outside.

His physical body is still a little unbearable!

As for the other two light spots, there are also rich golden glow, purple air, red firelight, etc., and the extraordinary power driven by them is equally terrifying.

"No, the primordial spirit can only be returned for a short period of time, or it will not last long, and it will take a few years to maintain the body. As for the light spots that represent flesh and blood and interior scenes, they cannot come back."

He was afraid of burning his present self.

However, Yuanshen returned for a short time, and he determined his realm. The flesh and Yuanshen resonated, recovered and improved together, and their strength continued to rise.

This naturally surpassed the fifteenth stage of the human world. There was no shackles in this great realm, and it couldn't stop him. Now Daoxing is improving violently.

The Great Realm of Free and Easy Tour... He broke in directly, breaking through the so-called realm level with the momentum of destroying the dry and pulling the rot, and crushed it all the way.

Getaway first floor, second floor... sixth floor!

When you reach the sixth floor, you are the real Earth Immortal!

In the past, he was only capable of fighting against Earth Immortals in terms of strength, but now he has broken levels one after another, and his realm has also risen. As for the real Taoism at this moment, it is naturally even more terrifying!

If the opponent from the past has not changed in strength, if he appears in this universe again, he can directly kill it, there is no suspense.

The seventh floor of Xiaoyaoyou, and then the eighth floor, until this time, he felt very tired, and he could break through again. After all, for so many years, his primordial spirit has always been exploring and practicing at the true source.

However, at this time, he was aware of the oppression in the dark, and a ceiling violently slammed into him. Is this the malice of the big universe?

But he still wanted to improve himself, and take a look at the final results of mind wandering and body wandering over the years. As a result, a thunderbolt came from nothingness and drowned him with a bang!

Wang Xuan was covered in super-material, transpiring dazzling light, he broke free from the thunder, stared at the boundless cosmic starry sky, and said: "Why did the supernatural arise and die, the myths are already rotten, why is there still the power of calamity? ?"


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