Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 54: get married

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, Deep Space Beyond

Qin Cheng's child was too young, less than a year old, and was in the stage of toddlerhood. He fell directly and grinned.

This scene was naturally captured in the footage, the other children were laughing, and only the youngest was crying. The two newcomers swaying in the distance are very difficult. For example, they are suspended in the air, and they are really... silently floating.

What are the postures such as flying together with wings, without the assistance of hanging Weiya at all, Wang Xuan took Zhao Qinghan and flew over against the fresh vegetation.

"I think we can take another set of wedding photos and let Wang Xuan guide us." Qin Cheng was envious and whispered to Yang Lin.

In the distance, even though Huang Ming was unmarried, he also sighed and said, "In the early years, when I was able to fly, I didn't feel anything, but now I regret it, I should record the past, so that I can tell future generations that I was also able to fly in the past. "

The countryside is full of life, it is the season of spring flowers, everything looks prosperous and full of life.

The wedding is tomorrow, Qin Cheng, Aoki and others came to help in advance, inevitably mentioning the extraordinary and Wang Xuan's coma for seven days.

The shooting went well, and when we were resting on the way, the main thing was... the photographer couldn't stand it and needed to drink water to slow down. He couldn't fly, he had to run wildly on the ground, and he was so tired that his tongue was sticking out.

While resting, Wang Xuan told Aoki that there was nothing wrong with his body. But he still had some regrets in his heart that he didn't catch the golden miracle medicine.

The reason why he was in a coma for seven days this time was mainly because he took the risk to pick the divine fruit. Even from a long distance, he could let his primordial spirit smell the fragrance. Naturally, he was not ordinary.

He wants to find a way for the people around him, and he doesn't want to watch them grow old. Only he can practice in the world. In the end, if there is only himself left, what's the point.

Therefore, even if he was in danger and was eroded, burned, and struck by the terrifying golden substance, he chased after him all the way, and wanted to pick it up.

This is the first time he has discovered medicinal herbs in the world of Transcendent Source, which is very bizarre. Previously, in the red transcendent material world, he had been exploring for many years, but he had never had such an experience.

It is a pity that not only the golden flower buds are in full bloom, but also the mysterious plant with fragrant fruit, the sky is shining, and as he approaches, it blurs and disappears into the waves.

He has seen it many times, and has encountered it several times, but he always misses it. He seriously suspects that the medicine is rooted in the vortex of time and space, and the resistance to "popularity" is approaching.

"Bring the treasure in next time!"

The original practice required him to adapt to those violent super-materials, and bringing the treasure to protect himself would lose the meaning of cultivation. Now it seems that the source of the supernatural has another secret, and it is worth taking weapons to "hunt".

"Don't be in a hurry to practice, don't be so rash, my parents are angry this time, and they still want to hit you." Zhao Qinghan unscrewed the bottle cap and fed Wang Xuanshui a drink.

"Next time, pay attention, it won't make you worry anymore." Wang Xuan responded with a smile, helping her take down a petal that fell on her shoulder.

He didn't say the specific process to avoid worrying about Zhao Qinghan and his parents, but he had to take a risk and didn't want them to disappear in the future.

He was a little uneasy in his heart. The golden extraordinary substance he found this time looked so sacred and soft, but after touching it, it was even more domineering and astonishing.

This made him feel uneasy, and the mysterious energy contained in the dozens or hundreds of extraordinary source worlds should not be more terrifying than the other?

If this is the case, how can he continue his life for his relatives, and where can he find suitable transcendental factors, so that people around him can practice?

Is there only one option left? In the present world, penetrate the extraordinary universe.

In addition to wearing a wedding dress that suits the occasion, Zhao Qinghan also has various ethnic-style clothing prepared in advance, and even clothing from extraterritorial civilizations. There is no doubt that she is extremely beautiful, and she is the most charming and moving at this time.

Even the little fox fairy is very envious. Although he can't speak, he still gestures and wants such exotic clothes.

"I ordered some for you, and I'll put it on for you later." Zhao Qinghan rubbed its head with a smile, and now she has put on the secret gold suit of the Azure Star and Moon Clan.

She used to be an extraordinary person, and she has never given up her practice. Now her long hair is floating and her eyes are like clear springs. Against the icy luster of the metal battle dress, she is bright and heroic.

The little fox nodded in satisfaction and followed her on the catwalk.

The next day, Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan's wedding was held as scheduled, which disappointed some people. Some people heard rumors earlier that Wang Xuan suspected that something was wrong, but the result was not unexpected.

For the whole seven days, no organization or individual came to test him, and they all pretended that nothing happened, mainly because he was afraid that he would act as a demon, go fishing maliciously, and wait for others to make mistakes.

In fact, these days for some people, there are still some opportunities. If they really want to go out, the fish will die and the net will be broken, and an energy cannon will be used. The result is really hard to say.

As long as the Yudao Spear will recover, Life Pond and Xiaoyaozhou can predict that people who can get them have been regarded as short-lived passers-by from ancient times to the present.

In this season of flower and grass recovery, everything seems to be full of vigor. Many people came to the wedding scene, from relatives and friends to classmates, from new stars to old land, and guests in the depths of the starry sky. There were many familiar and unfamiliar faces, and some of them were not even human, but aliens.

If according to Wang Xuan's meaning, only the parents of both parties and people who are close to each other are enough. After the small-scale wedding, the two go on a trip.

Zhao Qinghan also agreed, thinking that it was okay.

However, Wang Xuan's mother said that if it is simple, the meaning of the wedding is lost, and it should be beautiful. Every woman hopes to have a grand wedding.

As Zhao Qinghan's mother, Su Xuan also nodded.

Wang Xuan naturally noticed Zhao Qinghan's expectant gaze, and then nodded decisively in agreement. He felt that it was women who understood women. If he understood them, he would be negligent.

As for the opinions of Zhao Zejun and Wang Zesheng, he didn't ask them at all, because those two people were about the same level of consciousness as him, so they can do whatever they want.

Fortunately, Wang Xuan is an extraordinary person, surpassing the earth immortal, and his energy is extremely strong, otherwise, he will be exhausted just by seeing people.

In particular, there are people he doesn't like to see, such as the Sun family who used to face each other in life and death. He didn't just come to one or two, but to form a group, several! On this occasion, on such a happy day, he couldn't drive people away, and he had to raise a glass with a false smile. Of course, he didn't really drink it.

But after hearing Zhao Qinghan whispering to him quietly, after the Sun family sent a super "big red envelope", it was suspected that there was an ancient spaceship, and he was not so disgusted at last.

At the wedding scene, in addition to Chen Yongjie's four children and Aoki's children as flower girls, there were also mechanical bears mixed in, happily joining in the fun.

This time, Ma Chaofan also came to the scene, and was no longer thrown aside like in the past. It is on the lawn not far away, and there is a mare that is slightly shorter than it, flowing with a golden light like it. It is reported that this is its "childhood".

The current Ma Chaofan has a super strong ability to attract gold, because he is the number one in horse racing all the year round, and he does well in the new star.

"Wang Xuan, Fairy Zhao, I wish you all a long life and give birth to a precious son early." Obviously, the person who came up to call Fairy was a guest from the retro extraordinary planet. In the future, it is necessary to get close, and I hope to understand and communicate more.

"Wang Xuan, I have prepared a great gift for you, which can optimize your bloodline and enhance the various extraordinary attributes of your descendants. This is the brainchild of exhausting countless extraordinary materials in several laboratories in the dead land. I will bring you Hundreds of doses came, of course, just one dose for a baby."

Zhang Qifan is here, and he is full of anticipation. According to him, these optimized medicines can promote super evolution and are extremely precious. What are the origins of immortals, the essence of dragon blood, the regenerative essence in phoenix marrow, etc. All kinds of extraordinary holy relics are consumed on this potion.

Wang Xuan could only accept it with a smile, and turned it over to his own laboratory for analysis and research.

Zhao Qinghan was also smiling, but the corners of her bright red mouth twitched slightly. Hundreds of doses, how many children do you want her to have? really...

Zhou Kun, Li Qingxuan, Su Chan, Zhong Cheng, Zhou Yun, Jing Yue... Many acquaintances came, and there was a spaceship landing in the distance.

Wu Yin also appeared, slightly reduced, and sent blessings and gifts.

Xinxing's big organization and big forces, the Qin family, the Qian family, the Song family, etc. all appeared, and they gave heavy gifts. There were also people from the dead places in the deep space, and there were many non-human races.

Wang Xuan felt that this was even more tiring than fighting the Earth Immortal. He had to keep smiling, keep raising his glass, and repeat words of thanks.

Where is the joy of killing Mu Qing, stabbed with a gun, and with a puff... it's gone!

Even holding a gun to challenge a super battleship doesn't seem to be such a hard task. As long as his body is covered with red substances, the man and the gun are united, and the impact will pass, and the ship will almost burst.

Luckily, Zhao Qinghan handles things with ease and is as beautiful as a flower. Today, she is the most beautiful person. She has a beautiful smile under the wedding dress. Although many beauties came, such as Zhong Qing and Zhou Qinghuang, they were all compared by the bride.

She took Wang Xuan's arm and smiled softly: "Okay, cheer up, in the future you will be responsible for longevity and beauty, and I will be responsible for making money to support the family."

Listening to her playful words, Wang Xuan naturally couldn't be perfunctory, he was full of energy, his transcendent factors flowed, and he was instantly refreshed.

He also forcibly took out some extraordinary factors from the nearly dry life pool, injected it into Zhao Qinghan's body, helped her baptize her, and wiped away her exhaustion.

Of course, there is borrowing and repayment, and in the future, it will be returned to the life pool with red substances.

"Why do you look at the sky from time to time?" Zhao Qinghan bit his ears.

"I'm looking to see if there are any guests coming." Wang Xuan responded with a smile. In fact, he was looking forward to "Shang Yi", why didn't any of them come?

If there is an opponent who really disrupts the situation, he doesn't mind to delay the time and solve it all at once.

No accident happened. Although too many people came, the wedding went smoothly, the guests were full of joy, and the host's face was numb with laughter.

It's just that there are clouds drifting by, and light rain falls on the lawn. Although it is not big, it will also wet the dress and so on.

A piece of red material rose up, and in an instant, the clouds cleared and the sun was shining brightly. Many people didn't notice what was going on, but the major forces and organizations were all shocked and inexplicable. Caused by extraordinary energy!

In the evening, in the room, Zhao Qinghan was nourished by the extraordinary factors in the pool of life, without any tiredness. After taking a bath, she came out wearing cool pajamas. She was graceful and beautiful, her complexion was fair, and she was still full of energy after a busy day.

"You said, if you live forever, am I a short-lived scenery on your way?" Although she is bright and moving, she is usually calm, but now she has some emotional ups and If I live forever, you can also go all the way Go on, don't leave! "Wang Xuan said.

"I don't think so much, we're married..." She smiled and massaged Wang Xuan's head, to help him relieve the fatigue of dealing with countless guests during the day.

"I'm not tired, let me massage you..." Wang Xuan grabbed her hand and turned around.

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