Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 47: Destroyed treasure

The warships torn apart, a large number of smashed super robots, the steel jungle melted into metal slag, this is the scene behind Wang Xuan.

In such a special era, he smashed many battleships with cold weapons, standing in the icy universe, surrounded by fragments of battleships, myth and technology competed, especially shocking.

Wang Xuan blessed the secret method through the Imperial Dao Spear. With him as the center, the red material transpired, the red glow rose to the sky, and the spear tip shot out a splendid beam of light, illuminating the dark universe.

Mu Qing stood in the void, and the treasure life pool in his hand was illuminated by Shen Xia, and the surrounding space collapsed, accompanied by endless Dao lines, which was the power of rules.

Without any words, the two came up in the most intense collision!

The red star river fell, and the killing energy was terrifying, and it collided with the glow of the life pool. People could feel the power and majestic momentum across the starry sky.

Between the two, the terrifying transcendent matter surging and confronting, the immortal light and the power of destruction coexist, tearing apart the cosmic space, like round after round of scorching sun bursting here!

All over the place, people watching this battle felt like they were suffocating. There was only light on the screen, which was extremely dazzling. In a short time, they couldn't see anything.

Then, as if there were electromagnetic signals from the old era, it was as if it had pierced through the sky of history and returned to the past.

It was after many probes were destroyed and malfunctioned, rattling, affecting live footage of Nova, Old Earth, and other living planets.

Finally, various warships and probes dispatched from the Mars base filled the gap and captured the real scene there.

Two glowing figures, one was covered with red material, with the spear in his hand, each attack pierced the sky, and the rays of light shot straight into the sky.

The other person counterattacked, holding the pool of life and spraying out boundless rays of light to drown the opponent.

The two sides are moving like lightning, the speed is too fast, relying on the supreme power, using the treasure to confront each other, every fight is devastating.

In the haze, in the extraordinary light and fog, they collided continuously and fought fiercely in the starry sky, shocking many people.

In an instant, the two fought thousands of times in succession, the place where they stood, the time was distorted, the space was collapsing, and the various scenes were incoherent.

With them at the center, a devastating extraordinary storm was formed, and many robots, future super space warriors, were swept up, smashed in an instant, and turned into metal fragments.

More battleships were impacted, and the huge hull, like a mountain of steel, was also thrown out, and it was torn apart and quickly shattered.

There is no doubt that this is not just a battle at the level of the earth immortals. Both of them have unreservedly motivated the treasures. The imperial spear and the life pool, the brainchild of extraordinary civilization, shine with stunning brilliance.

Wang Xuan stopped and stood still in the void. In an instant, the heartstring plucked the sky arrow was sent out again, and after the blessing of the treasure, beams of light flew out one after another, like a piece of falling star across the sky.

A piece of arrow light, densely packed, huge lethality!

The pool of life became larger, like a hole of light, extremely dazzling, swallowing the terrifying arrow light.

With a puff, in this wave of attacks, Mu Qing, who was still in a defensive stance, did not block all of them. A Chixia pierced the light curtain constructed with runes in the life pool and tore his left rib open, revealing bones and blood. splash.

The life pool's rune counteracted the devastating Shard of Order, otherwise the blow would have shattered his flesh.

"When the life pool penetrated the universe, the inner Dao pattern was slightly dim, how could it be so strong?" Wang Xuan frowned.

The Imperial Dao Spear glowed, extremely splendid, the gold and silver patterns were intertwined and spread, and the murderous aura was monstrous, but it didn't have any conscious response, and it was a bit terrifyingly quiet.

The body of the gun is flowing with fairy light. Obviously, its internal consciousness is not calm, as if it sensed something.

"It's very strong, very impressive, and worthy of being the number one treasure in the past!" Mu Qing's eyes were deep, his youthful face, and his black hair was scattered.

He was at a disadvantage just now, but today he has no way out, the only way to fight is to kill Wang Xuan or be killed!


There are strange runes flowing throughout his body, and the aura of his whole body has improved a bit. In his body, there are three **** nails that are automatically pulled out from the flesh and blood. Instantly nails the strongest.

In recent years, Mu Qing used them to fix his spiritual realm, and now some kind of seal has been lifted, and the special dao fruit of cultivation is being released.

In an instant, a dazzling light erupted from his body, and every inch of pores was gushing out, which was the power of the primordial spirit surging.

The golden Primordial Spirit's light soared, making his flesh and blood covered with golden glow, transpiring immortal substances, and his overall strength was rising!

At the same time, his hair turned red, and under the light of the golden primordial spirit, it looked like it was made of red gold, and the whole person became extremely dangerous.

He nailed his "Old Primordial Spirit" with three space-time nails, so that the spiritual coffin Dafa could be transformed. In the era of extraordinary exhaustion, he went one step further and came to a great Nirvana of Primordial Spirit!

"Unfortunately, the big universe corrected mistakes, this era has failed me, and the road ahead has become illusory." Mu Qing said to himself.

His face was calm, his confidence, and the strong confidence in his heart were all evident.

In the distance, the originator of the Gouchen Emperor Palace was shocked. In this era of despair for the extraordinary, Mu Qing's strength seemed to have improved, and his talent was extremely terrifying.

"He used the time-space nail to trap himself, and finally transformed the spiritual coffin Dafa to the extreme?" Yuan Kong, the rotten person Zhou Yun said to himself, making some guesses.

"Has he broken through?" Gou Zhuan was in shock. In this way, Mu Qing was stronger than his senior brother, the Demon Sovereign, perhaps second only to Shang Yi and Fang Yuzhu.

In this regard, Wang Xuan looked at it flatly, didn't he just make a breakthrough, slightly stronger than Earth Immortal? It's not like he hasn't improved over the years!

In fact, his Primordial Spirit is gone, and he has been breaking through the barriers and adapting to the new path!

Therefore, if Mu Qing thought that he was strong enough and wanted to look down on him, he would be destined to be disappointed.

"The times have failed you? How dare you say it." Wang Xuan replied flatly, under his life, the light of the primordial spirit shone up, and the mighty primordial spirit condensed, like a big sun in the sky!

At this time, he did not hide it, and his whole body was reflected in a bright light. Whether it was compared to strength or realm, he was not afraid of Mu Qing.

"Wang Dixian, it seems that it has not only recovered to the peak state of the year, but also seems to have improved?!" Zhou Yaosheng was surprised.

By now, he and Li Tianxian could not understand the state of Mu Qing and Wang Xuan, but many people knew that the two powerhouses in the starry sky were terrible at this time.

The two fought, and with the help of the power of the treasure, they flew the battleship at will. People realized that even if the fleet was used to encircle and suppress this kind of creature, it would probably not be able to capture this kind of creature.

"Monster!" The originator of the Gouchen Emperor Palace whispered, he was shocked, ordinary people could not see that he was a peerless man in the past, and now he maintains the earthly immortal fruit, naturally aware of Wang Xuan's power.


The fluctuations emitted by the life pool are terrifying. Between its own splendor and dimness, it seems to be able to swallow all things in the world, reflecting Mu Qing's face incomparably cold.

Mu Qing shot again, and he took the initiative to attack, and killed him. With a bang, the entire starry sky seemed to be shaking violently. He used the life pool to shake the Imperial Dao Spear, and the treasure ripples expanded, and the scene was terrifying.

There are no warships in this area, and they all retreat, otherwise they will be destroyed by the treasure!

In the starry sky, Mu Qing took the initiative to fight Wang Xuan in close quarters, and the life pool surged with hundreds of millions of rays of light, colliding with the imperial spear thousands of times.

The two powerhouses went shopping, their figures intertwined like thunder, constantly slamming into each other, and every major confrontation erupted with massive runes, shattering the void.

"The pool of life is seriously underestimated!" Many extraordinary people were fascinated and deeply shocked.

Gou Zhuan's eyes straightened and he was shocked. Is the life pool so powerful? It is much more "hard" than Xiaoyaozhou, and it dares to collide with the flagpole of the first treasure Yudao flag!

Later, he couldn't be distracted, and was attacked again by the super warship, driving him away from the battlefield, and the rotten Zhou Yun insisted on hunting him.

"md!" He was frightened and was targeted, but he had no better way to drive the Xiaoyao boat out of the area covered by the energy beam.


In the center of the battlefield, after the most violent collision between Wang Xuan and Mu Qing, the treasure ripples swept across the area, and the wreckage of the battleship left behind all collapsed and turned into metal dust.

With a swipe, the two masters separated, each standing on one side.

"The super-substance has not been exhausted yet?!" Mu Qing realized something, staring at Wang Xuan with a complicated expression, his chest heaving violently, the consumption was too great, and he was absorbing the super-factor from the life pool.

In theory, the opponent destroys the super battleships one after another, and then comes to fight with him again, and the super material consumption is almost the same.

"Life, take away!"

Mu Qing stood in the distance, holding a quaint pond in his hand, it turned into a black hole of life, no longer glowing, there were invisible rules spreading towards Wang Xuan, to lock his life energy and deprive him of the past.

Wang Xuan was indifferent, the pores all over his body were closed, and the light of his primordial spirit was restrained. He held the Dao Dao spear in both hands, and the two merged into one, turning into a sky-shattering rainbow, like a sword light penetrating the great universe, and killed him with a bang.


The imperial spear pierced into the pool of life, and the light of the treasure was extremely dazzling, extremely bright, stirring up, and the rays of light drowned the starry sky.

At this moment, the treasure kept colliding, and the two were fighting at close range, from the primordial spirit to the fleshly body.

The life pool swallowed super-material, struggled and vibrated violently. In the decisive battle at this moment, it was almost pierced, and there were terrible scratches on the pool wall.

"Burning the Dao, burning it!" Mu Qinghan said, in fact, before his Primordial Spirit could pronounce it, he had already taken action and sacrificed strange objects.

There is a terrifying light in the pool of life, a simple lamp, as if it can burn everything and melt away the avenue, it is the embodiment of the supreme rule.

Another treasure? Every extraordinary person who saw this scene was shocked and felt a terrifying breath, and it was suspected that a new treasure was born!

"Ran Dao Lantern!" After fleeing to the distance, Gou Zhuan's pupils shrank on the Xiaoyao boat, and even he was shocked and shocked.

The burning road lamp, in the past, was the supreme weapon that dared to confront and fight fiercely with the imperial road flag.

In the end, the burning road lamp was cracked, and the Yudao flag was indisputable and became the first treasure.

Now, it actually reappears? !

"No, it is the Dao pattern inherent in the burning road lamp. After breaking away from the former lamp body, in this era, it actually fell into the hands of Mu Qing!" The rotten Zhou Yun saw what was going on.

That is the realization of the supreme rule inherent in the lamp!

Naturally, Wang Xuan also saw the essence. He finally understood why Mu Qing dared to fight with the Yu Dao spear with the life pool, and the soul of the burning road lamp was hidden in the pool!

As soon as the lanterns came out, the rules were everywhere, turning the world into a furnace, burning and refining Wang Xuan.

However, Wang Xuan was fearless at this time, and it was not the return of the real Second Treasure, so joining forces with Life Pool did not make him feel in trouble.

"Govern the world!" he shouted.

Wang Xuan's whole body was surging with Shenxia, ​​and the primordial spirit initially entered the life soil, and the powerful primordial spirit was irradiated.

With a thud, Wang Xuan shot the life pool out with the imperial spear, leaving a small hole on it. If he hit it again, the bottom of the pool would be pierced!

Mu Qing was covered in blood and flew out with the treasure.

The burning road lamp glows, using the Dao as the firewood, and the divine pattern as the flame, burning all things, but it was violently pierced by the imperial spear, and the lights were on and off, and it also flew out backwards.

After all, it is not the treasure of the past. It has lost its bearing, and only the inner Dao pattern is left, which cannot stop the Imperial Dao Spear.

Wang Xuan chased and killed, ready to completely destroy Mu Qing, take away the pool of life, and end the disaster forever.

"Master!" In the distance, Mu Qing's disciple's complexion changed. In the super battleship, he immediately ordered to bombard Wang Xuan, block his footsteps, and help Mu Qing.

In the starry sky, the dazzling energy light erupted, the super battleship opened fire violently, and the battleship was also rushing towards this area, trying to pick up Mu Qing.

Wang Xuan is calm and indifferent. Above the trigger, his spiritual sense has been improved by an unknown number of times. He has been promoted to a very special state. Although it lasts for less than a second, it is enough.

He and the Imperial Dao Spear became one, at this moment, the light shone through the dark universe, like the first light that opened up the world, traversing the world!

With a puff, he caught up with Mu Qing and stabbed him with a single shot. The moment he rushed over, he also took away the pool of life. Mu Qing behind him exploded, blood splattered, and then turned into ashes!


Wang Xuan's speed did not decrease, and he did not turn back. He traversed the void of the universe, carrying splendid runes, before reaching the distant battleship. With a bang, he penetrated into it, destroyed it in an instant, and the super battleship exploded directly!

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