Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 511: Great Barrier Collapse

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Is it an illusion? He really heard footsteps in a trance. In this era of the twilight of the gods, this abnormal induction made him strongly uneasy.

The sky was torn apart, the Great Barrier was torn apart, Fang Yuzhu and the ancient madman fought fiercely, the place was misty with light and rain, and the meteors fell one by one.

Two figures, stepping through the pure land of the gods, holding a treasure in their hands, Fang Yuzhu was usually dignified and peaceful, but now he is like the strongest warrior immortal.

The curtain of the sky bracelet in her hand and the madman's sword of the world hit each other thousands of times, not sparks, but fragments of the supreme rules. When they rush to the sky, they chop off the stars, and when they fall to the ground, they let the **** soil of the great enchantment. If it collapses and falls on the Great Barrier, the Old Testament will be invalidated, and the gap will be torn open.

Going back in time, Zhen Chao and Gou Zhuan, the two originators of Chaojue Palace and Gouchen Emperor Palace, attacked again with the Xiaoyao boat, traced the history, and went along the river of time to kill the lunatic Shang Yi!

It has to be said that any treasure is extremely terrifying. This Xiaoyaozhou seems to be a tool for carrying people, not a weapon for attacking and attacking.

"That's..." Even Zhang Daoling was shocked.

The expressions of the ancestors of the underworld blood and the demon master changed suddenly. They have experienced the end of the ancient times. In the ancient times, they saw some vague scenes, including murders, conspiracies, and bloodshed.

"I didn't see it thoroughly, but, this lunatic is definitely not simple. In the hazy scene, it is the earliest ancient emperors who are shooting, killing the 'first person'. Shadow?"

"Or, because this madman has become the only witness at present, so he can show all the old scenes?"

Zhen Chao and Gou Zhuan are both peerless, driving the Xiaoyao boat to trace the past of the sword madman together, and really want to kill him.

Many people did not expect that the two of them were still fighting Fang Yuzhu to death earlier, and now they are joining forces with her to overthrow this ancient lunatic.

The madman is very terrifying, standing in the sky, using the sword of the world to open and close, slashing towards Fang Yuzhu, and the bracelet bursts one after another of supreme rules, making the extraterritorial stars tremble, and the adjacent planets explode directly. .

Now, facing Xiaoyaozhou, who was looking back the years, he was not worried, his pupils shot out a terrifying beam of light, he snorted coldly, and recited the ancient mantra.

With a bang, time collapsed, Xiaoyaozhou struggled violently, rushed out of the sky of history, and almost broke free from the control of the two super peers.

"Sure enough, it was obtained by you and manipulated." The originator of the Chaojue Palace had a gloomy face. If it wasn't for being reminded by the people of Immortal Dao, they might end up being attacked and killed by this lunatic, abruptly.

"Unfortunately, people's energy is limited, and it is difficult to fully refine two or three treasures." The originator of Gouchen Emperor Palace controlled Xiaoyaozhou, with boundless murderous aura.

The second time they went back to the madman's past, they failed again, but they were not discouraged, and started the third attack when they used him to fight Fang Yuzhu.

This time, an accident happened. They were smashed into the treasure boat by the madman's peerless sword light. The supreme rule shook violently. Both of them coughed up blood. When you see the sword light, you are hit by the sword!

For a moment, the two of them were in a trance, their Yuanshen was almost torn apart, and Xiaoyaozhou was still shaking violently.

The ancient madman groaned and retreated, unable to pursue him.

Because, Fang Yuzhu's Mutian Bracelet crossed, his armor shattered, exposing his left arm, if it weren't for his skill and strength, the whole person would explode.

The sword of the world condensed with him, glowing at the same time, holding up the light curtain and protecting the flesh.


On the other side, a tall figure appeared out of the dust, holding a feathered flag, and crashing down, Xianwei shocked the world and overturned Xiaoyaozhou.

If the two originators hadn't woken up in time and wiped out the sword light in their minds, they would have been swept away by the supreme rules poured out by Yuhuafan.

The evil dragon is coming, and he chooses to shoot at the most appropriate time. The goal is very clear, to capture Xiaoyaozhou.

"It's you again!" The murderous aura in the eyes of Zhen Chao and Gou Zhun ripped apart the void, new hatred and old hatred, which made their hearts angry.

"Wait for you for a long time, the gods are hunting him!" The two super peers activated the magic formation on Xiaoyaozhou, and directly attracted eight people, all of them are supreme gods and immortals, and they are their sworn brothers.


Xiaoyaozhou shines brightly, chaotic years, and wants to kill the dragon.

Beside Qi Tian, ​​there are also strong people standing side by side, the golden figure is very strong, and there are people in silver robes who are the founders of the magic womb.

The confrontation between Yuhuafan and Xiaoyaozhou was extremely fierce, and they directly killed the outer region corresponding to the Great Barrier, smashing the stars, breaking the starry sky, and the scene was spectacular.

In the outside world, no one wants such a war to spread to this world.

After all, the super peerless war is for the treasure!

A treasure can give people a chance to survive the extraordinary night. If there are a few more pieces, or even a complete collection, can we not be afraid of the advent of this terrifying era of myths extinguishing?

For the gods and most of the immortals, the age of mythology is over, and there is no point in any struggle.

Now, what really can't let go is the super peerless, only they still have a chance, if the few treasures are gathered together, it might be impossible for a miracle to happen.


A corner of the Great Barrier collapsed, and a mysterious pool of life appeared. It first rushed to the Palace of Gods, which was the treasure that was being sacrificed by the Buddhist and Taoist families.

Immeasurable light erupted in the Shenming Palace, Taoist masters took action, and then Buddhist masters chanted Zen, the sky was branded with scriptures, and the supreme divine chain spread.

The pool of life avoided and swooped toward the Immortal Umbrella again, harassing this treasure that the demon master and the shadow couple sacrificed.

Whether it is the Shenming Palace or the Immortal Umbrella, they were all controlled by the old monsters of the last mythical civilization and were sacrificed for two mythical eras. Therefore, although they are now seized by people from the land of immortality, it is still extremely laborious to sacrifice.

"Even if you don't complete the sacrifice, you can still use it to kill the enemy. It interferes with me again and again. It's a shame for you, right? Don't leave this time!"

The demon master's parents were angry and put the old covenant bearing on the immortal umbrella. The two of them rode this treasure and chased the life pool away, with a posture of immortality.

In the Great Barrier, it was completely chaotic, the gods were fleeing, the former gods’ pure land, the paradise of the immortals, could no longer stand, and the super peers used the treasure war, the planets outside the territory were extinguished, and the scene was too terrifying.

The great enchantment was torn apart by the treasure, the gods fled in an all-round way, entered the WTO in an all-round way, and their true bodies were killed.

"The twilight of the gods, the extraordinary funeral song, everything has come to an end." Zhang Jiazu sighed.

The ancestor of Mingxue looked anxious and said: "Xiao Zhang, don't feel emotional, where is your main body, are you all right? My nine real lives almost died, and I'm madly running for my life, I'm about to enter the world!"

"I'm also being hunted by the gods, but I'm about to escape, the Great Barrier is completely in chaos, and I have to return to the world!" Zhang Daoling said solemnly.

The demon master also made the same choice and withdrew the main body. The current Great Barrier is extremely tragic, and she holds the ultimate treasure to fight. After all, she is still half a step away from entering that field, and staying in it will not help her parents. busy.

The situation has changed so quickly that no one thought that the great barrier here would be completely collapsed, causing the supernatural to accelerate its decay and demise.

The current Wang Xuan, left the cabin, came to the void of the universe, and stood on the spaceship, he was watching the epic final battle.

Based on the current state, he could not read or see clearly at first, but he has a special spiritual eye, and he is capturing those terrifying pictures throughout the whole process.

Jiang Qingyao was standing beside him, carrying the fairy sword, and was also staring, this kind of war touched her a lot.

It is a pity that the super peerless war is too overbearing and incomprehensible. Some people have killed the deepest part of the Great Barrier, and some people have entered the cosmic void of the semi-material plane, and gradually they can't see it.

However, just those scenes, those wonderful hands, those supreme immortal battles, even if they are priceless spiritual treasures, their style, their state, and their charm were all grasped by Wang Xuan. As for the real scriptures, He is not lacking!

Silently, Wang Xuan's interior scene opened. When he realized the Dharma, he triggered a sense of spirituality, and it opened naturally.

"Come together." Wang Xuan greeted Fairy Jian, he directly entered the interior scene with his physical body. The last time he met the evil dragon, he actually fought in the interior scene.

"Hey, it's worthy of being a special interior scene. Bringing the body in, the resistance is obviously not that great!" Jiang Qingyao's body followed.

Here, the two watch the battle in the Great Barrier and comprehend their own methods.

"I've already established myself in the thirteenth stage of perfection. I can either enter Xiaoyaoyou, or continue to break through all the way for me, to reach the almost impossible fourteenth stage, and to embark on a new path, I have to become stronger!" Wang Xuan whispered.

Now that the gods have entered the world, the main body has returned, and the most terrible turmoil has begun.

Outside, in the snap of his fingers, in the interior scene is "many days", and now Wang Xuan's mentality fluctuates extremely violently, it really seems to be stealing time.

Various scriptures appeared in his heart, and it was confirmed by the decisive battle in the Great Barrier. Perhaps, this was the last time I watched this kind of battle, and there would be no more in the future.

"The extraordinary is over, but I am persistently moving forward." He whispered.

In an instant, the understanding in his heart deepened, and the passages of scriptures became light, turned into words, and lingered around his body, like firelight, like the divine flame of a phoenix, to help him nirvana.

"The level has been loosened a little, and Dao Xing can really improve in every way!" Wang Xuan is calm and empty. Here, even if there are emotional ups and downs, it will be corrected and return to a state of no joy and worry.

"It's too deceiving, to actually follow my main body, chase and kill all the way here, approaching the spaceship!" Lao Zhang got angry.

Because his lord was really in a mess, covered in blood, a group of immortals and gods, even if they escaped, they didn't plan to let him go.

"It's very dangerous, one of my true lives was almost headed by someone, run away." The ancestor of the underworld blood was also anxious, he turned into a god, but he was still identified.

The demon master is similar. After being chased and killed, this is the place of immortality after all. It belongs to the opponent's home field. The gods and immortals who escaped from the Great Barrier, after coming to the real world, still did not forget to target and hunt them. .

"I heard footsteps again, it's not a hallucination!" Wang Xuan stood up, his eyes were like electricity, and he glanced at the big universe outside, and then looked into the depths of the interior scene.

He walked towards the rough interior wall, his eyes glowed with the strongest light, staring at the "stone wall", someone was approaching outside the interior, and some creatures were staggering, and the fire he had seen was almost extinguished, only The smoke lingered.

With a thud, someone fell down outside the stone wall, and across the boundary wall, it seemed that a large amount of blood was flowing, and the creature could not get up.

At the same time, the outside world was shocked, and the top rule of the Great Barrier collapsed. It was extremely terrifying. The entire land of the gods and the paradise of the immortals were extinguished.

Wang Xuan's body was stiff, staring at the rough interior wall, and was really startled.

With a bang, the outside world, the supreme rule collapsed again, the gods pure land, the great enchantment shrank again, and extinguished a large area!

At the same time, Wang Xuan stared at the interior wall, and there was the sound of staggering footsteps, and another figure fell down, with blood flowing.

Soon, the time is up, the interior will be closed, and Wang Xuan and Jian Xianzi walked out together.

"Dare to chase and kill Zhang, you are tired of living!" Zhang Jiazu shouted, he suffered a loss, the situation was a little critical, his main body returned, attracting a large number of enemies.

The ancestor of the underworld blood is also very uncomfortable, even if he has a lot of life, but being surrounded by gods, it still seems that there are too few underworld blood troops, and he is surrounded and suppressed by his ass.

Demon Lord Yanyan's situation is the Because the gods know that she once refined the Immortal Umbrella, walked with the pair of shadows, and now focuses on chasing her.

The demon master coughed up blood, his body was covered in blood, he was severely injured, the extraordinary ended, and all the strong people went crazy. enemy.

Myth is about to die forever, and there is boundless anger in the hearts of all parties, endless regrets and grievances, and there is no way to vent.


Some people bent their bows and shot through the shoulders of the demon master with the most powerful immortal arrow across endless time and space, and some people slaughtered the past with red eyes.


Wang Xuan held the banner of Slaying God and directly crossed the void of the universe. He appeared next to the demon master in an instant. The banner was swept away, and the head of a supreme **** flew out and was beheaded by the banner!

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