Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 496: There is a fiery light in the eyes

Copy the sister's house? Wang Xuan was a little bit at a loss. If the demon master knew about this, he might have an internal injury and settle the account with him.

"Come on, help her move, there are too many things, the purple gourd, get ready." Jiang Qingyao urged, her face full of excitement and happiness.

"Yes, help her move!" Wang Xuan felt that this was nothing, the Great Barrier was about to be extinguished, and the Immortal World was going to die completely.

The demon master is fighting in the land of immortality. If he doesn't come back in time, won't this cave dwelling be wiped out with ashes? That would be too much of a loser.

As a godbrother, I have an obligation to help her transfer her property, and I will pack it all up for her and bring it to the world in advance. If she finds out, she should thank him.

Then, Wang Xuan was full of energy, full of passion and enthusiasm. He believed that this was originally his own thing, and he could not let go of anything.

Spirit Medicine Field, a layer of land was scraped down... the whole thing is gone!

The secret room of the classics, including the stone house, was removed and sent into the gourd. .

In the dressing room of the demon master, there are all kinds of dazzling clothes, beautiful inner armor, and small clothes woven from fairy silk.

"All kinds of clothes are very avant-garde, mesh, black, red, and bowls. These are all made with fetishes according to the styles in the world, right? Luxurious, flirtatious, worthy of being a red-clothed fairy! " Jiang Qingyao commented.

Wang Xuan glanced at the dressing room, then looked at the bedroom, and also felt hot eyes, the demon master Yanyan kept pace with the times, and placed in a modern city, she is a perfect passionate and unrestrained stunning girl, with a perfect figure and gorgeous beauty.

All kinds of clothing, all kinds of accessories, and the curved armor that glowed all over the room, etc., soon disappeared!

Jiang Qingyao is obsessed with cleanliness. Naturally, she doesn't want to wear it herself, or she enjoys the process and steals all of them to give her a bad breath to her ancestors.

"Hey, the big goblin really has the essence of beauty, I haven't used this one yet, so I can use it!" She was delighted and searched for treasures everywhere.

In the arsenal, there are many colors and many treasures, with fairy lights and regular textures, ups and downs there, all of which are amazing.

"Take it!" With her soft shout, the place was bare.

Of course, the real peerless good things, the supreme scriptures, etc., there are none of them. The rarest and most important artifacts are all on the demon master.

Being raided here won't hurt her. It doesn't have a big impact, but it will make her angry enough. Fairy Jian doesn't expect to find a great fortune from here. Anyway, she is very happy.

Not long after, in addition to the white tiger girl, there were also some demon immortals sleeping on the ground. This area was completely empty. The so-called pure land of the demon clan was really pure to the extreme!

"Let's go!" Fairy Jian worked neatly and neatly, and it didn't take long before she finished her work completely, and went to brush her clothes.

In order to enjoy that sense of accomplishment, she did not stuff everything into the purple-skinned gourd, pretending to be a child of the rivers and lakes, carrying a sword on her shoulder and a package hanging behind the sword. Dress up as a robber and enjoy the mood.

swoosh swish...

Then, she dragged Wang Xuan and ran away, and quickly disappeared!

I really can't stay in this place for a long time. If someone sees it, there will be an accident and there will be sequelae.

"It hurts to death!" The little white tiger woke up, rubbed the back of his head, and touched a bag the size of a fist, she bared the little tiger's teeth in pain!

There is no doubt that the corresponding primordial spirit was not lightly hit, otherwise she would not have fainted!

"Who dares to attack me?!" After she woke up a little, she froze. Is there any reason for this? Tiger was sitting at home and was beaten? A bun grows on the head.

She is now quasi-peerless, a master of the ninth rank of Ascension to Immortal, feeling the big bag on her head, she is a little suspicious of life, fleshy and soft.

Then, she saw the scene in her eyes, where is this? Bare, who's the black hand, after beating her with a sap, has she thrown her into a barren land?

No, she quickly realized that this lake, this mountain, and this spring are the Demon Lord's territory, the supreme pure land, but why are they so bare?

"Is there still a Wang Fa?!" The round-faced girl shouted in anger, and she stood up, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Although she screamed fiercely, she was very guilty, and she was ready to run away. This place is too evil, too terrifying, and I don't know who was beaten, so I can't stay here!


"Let's go, come back to the world." Jiang Qingyao smiled, regaining her detached appearance, and she was full of fairy spirit again.

"I think it can be summed up. Since you have started to copy homes, one or two copies are also copied, and three or four are also copied. If you think about it again, whether there are enemies, whether there are opponents, the most important thing is whether there are any A particularly great creation, let's... go and see?" Wang Xuan sighed.

Fairy Jian glanced at him and said, "This kind of thinking of yours is very dangerous. When it's time to stop, it's too much."

Wang Xuanran seemed to be a little impulsive.

However, Fairy Sword soon said again: "However, at a special time point, the background of the era that is difficult to replicate, the peerless immortals are not at home, the so-called wealth is sought in danger, God does not take it, and it will be blamed instead."

Wang Xuan looked at her, what did the down-to-earth Sword Fairy want to do, which one was she eyeing?

"You have also seen that although the peerless masters have left, the real treasures, which can make people feel good, have also been taken away by them. This time we have to think about which one is stronger and has a real treasure. good things." Jiang Qingyao said.

"I heard that there is a celestial medicine in the blood pool of Yaozu, and he wants to make it evolve into a real medicine, a Tao medicine." Wang Xuan said.

"Well, I've heard of it too. I don't know if he's gone, so let's choose his family first. Hehehe, Yaozu still wanted his eldest son to marry me as his wife, if it wasn't for me using the guise of an ancient lunatic. It's really possible that they will persecute me!" Fairy Jian had a bad look on her face.

Wang Xuan's face changed slightly, and he suddenly became serious, and said, "Is there such a thing? If Yaozu is not at home, let's kill his eldest son Su, and I will give you a bad breath!"

"This is not the human world, can you?" Jiang Qingyao glanced at him with a smile.

"Why not? Go!"

He does have the confidence. In addition to the treasure, he also has the most powerful runes that Zhang Daoling, Fang Yuzhu, the demon master, and the ancestors of the underworld blood have portrayed to him. When they are released in the fairy world, it is equivalent to their shocking blow.

The last time he went to kill Zheng Yuantian and looted the first immortal tea tree in Hengjun Cave Mansion, he didn't run out of them, and there were more than half of the runes left.

However, he kept his composure, he knew these things himself, and he didn't say it in front of Fairy Sword. He pondered that if the rune engraved by Lao Zhang was abolished and the blood pool of Yaozu Zhenruo's life was taken away, it would be absolutely worth it.

"Okay, it's fine if you have this intention. Then look at me and take you to the holy mountain of the demon race to enjoy the wonderful scenery, follow me, I will protect you in danger!" Sword Fairy Bingjiyugu, a She flung her satin-like black and shiny hair, and raised her snow-white chin, proud and loyal.

Yaozu's mansion is not in this fairyland, but in the depths of the big screen corresponding to the new star, and ordinary immortals can't get through at all.

However, after reaching the peerless level, you can go on expeditions across different immortal worlds. Jiang Qingyao took Wang Xuan across the sky, through the boundless dark area, and killed the half-material and half-energy plane corresponding to Nova.

In the end, they rushed to this big scene and flew to the holy mountain of the demon clan, the place where the demon ancestors sat.

In this area, terrifying mountains stretch for tens of thousands of miles, majestic and tall, ancient wood wolf forests, and the real sacred place of the demon race is covered with blood clouds all the year round.

It is said that it has something to do with Yaozu's practice. Every time he breathes and breathes, his blood energy will continue to gather and disperse.

"There is no blood cloud, the demon ancestor is not at home!" Wang Xuan was pleasantly surprised.

They stood on a high mountain far away to observe, where they looked into the distance. In the sacred mountain area of ​​the demon clan, the second son of the demon clan, Qi Liandao, personally guarded it. Soon Wang Xuan and the two discovered the parent and son of the demon ancestor.

"His incarnation is a lunatic. After being subdued by me in the human world, he is quite reasonable." Wang Xuan smiled.

"Unfortunately, Yaozu's eldest son is not here, otherwise I can't cut him!" Jiang Qingyao said while holding the fairy sword, and now he has completely absorbed the Time Zhankong Sword.

Suddenly, she frowned and whispered: "I feel something is wrong, this place seems very out of place, let's... let's go!"

Her intuition was quite sharp, and she sensed something, she pulled Wang Xuan and left immediately.

"Wait a minute, let me take a look." Wang Xuan combined his spiritual eyes with his own background, looked at the holy land of the demon clan, and quickly found the clue, seeing the most important blood pond emitting blood.

He didn't know if there was any celestial medicine in it, but there was a very terrifying creature in it, dormant, cultivating, and devouring the vast amount of demon blood essence!

That was the demon ancestor. He was very calm. He did not follow Zhu Qiang to the Immortal Land, but followed his own rhythm and retreated in the blood pool.

"Someone peeping at me?" This is the Immortal Realm, and the peerless demon ancestor was naturally super sensitive. After being watched, he rushed out immediately.

"Let's go!" Fairy Jian took Wang Xuan's hand, urged the strange treasure, and disappeared in a hurry.

With a loud bang, the demonic energy was overwhelming, and the clouds of blood covered the sky. Qi Yi, the demon ancestor, came out immediately, crossed hundreds of miles, landed on the ground, and smashed the mountain where Wang Xuan and the two of them were standing just now with one foot.

The demon ancestor Qi Yi traced back to the source for a moment, wanting to know who was spying. However, it was blurry and hazy, and nothing was speculated.

He immediately set off and chased down according to the remaining breath. However, Fairy Sword changed direction several times and disappeared without a trace. At this level, he could escape thousands of miles in an instant.

"It's a big loss, let's run in vain, this demon ancestor is really powerful, he deserves to be an extremely distant giant." Wang Xuan said, and then he thought that he couldn't beat him in the immortal world, but when he came to the human world, he could learn from each other.

Fairy Jian didn't have any depression, she was quite calm, and said: "Cultivation is like this, full of accidents and dangers, some geniuses may suddenly die at any time, it is impossible for everything to go smoothly, if the road is smooth, there are no ups and downs in life. , that's not normal."

She looked very open and was not affected at all.

"It makes sense." Wang Xuan nodded.

"However... your spiritual eye is far beyond my expectations. It is one or two levels sharper than my semi-mature spiritual eye. It is very rare." Having said this, Jiang Qingyao's eyes glowed, no longer quiet, and a smile appeared.

"There's light in your eyes, and you're so hot all of a sudden, tell me, did you see my person, or did you see my eyes?" Wang Xuan said with a smile.

Jiang Qingyao hit him with the scabbard and said, "Your eyes are very thief, and your vision is beyond common sense. I think it can be very useful."

"Oh, what do you want to do?" When Wang Xuan heard her say this, he suddenly regained his energy.

"Peerless Cave Mansion, the courtyard of the hostile patriarch, I don't want to visit it very often. All good things have been taken away by them. I think we should read the world's number one swordsmanship!" Jiang Qingyao's eyes really had a fiery light~www. This girl has begun to fall from the fairy world like the earth again.

"Is it more powerful than Dao Slashing Sword?" The swordsmanship Wang Xuan said was the kendo scriptures recorded in the golden bamboo slips.

"The Dao Slashing Sword is naturally very strong. Different people can comprehend different methods. It belongs to the super civilization that has passed away. ."

Jiang Qingyao looked into the distance and said, "The supreme sword scripture I said should not be weaker than the Dao Slashing Sword, and it is more practical. After all, I have seen fragments of the main character in martial arts."

"Could it be that the ancient madman's sword scripture, you are going to steal his law?" Wang Xuan was taken aback immediately.

That is the vaguely number one person in the world, Fang Yuzhu is not here, who can fight? If you go to see his sword scriptures, it is estimated that he can be chopped into blood scum by his sword at a distance of 100,000 miles.

"The place where he practiced swords is indeed a restricted area, where even the peerless powerhouses dare not stand. At the same time, there is also a kendo array there. However, he doesn't stay there every day, with such a rare spiritual eye like you, To be able to break through the illusion and look directly at the sword cliff, we have the opportunity to watch all kinds of swordsmanship methods engraved on the cliff, all of which he left everywhere when he felt it, but it is the supreme method!"

Jiang Qingyao was very eccentric when she was quiet, but she was very proud when she escaped, and she was so bold that she dared to read the madman's sword scriptures.

"Let's go, let's go back to the big screen corresponding to the old land. I feel that this time the two of us can gather the most prestigious sword ceremony in the world, and we can start a new sword road!"

Sword Fairy Jiang Qingyao took Wang Xuan's hand and flew him up, like a pair of winged birds, crossing the celestial sky of the immortal world and returning to another immortal world.

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