Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 449: rotten world

In such an environment where everything is rotten, the 9th dan can be called a super master, but the 9th dan powerhouse was instantly killed by the aliens.

The momentary silence, no one spoke, and everyone's heart was churning. What kind of monster is this? Some people had personally experienced the fight in the immortal city half a year ago. In comparison, the rise of this Wang Xuan was too violent.

This kind of heightening, such a rapid improvement, gives people a very unreal feeling. There is nothing more shocking than that for a super 9-dan master to be split with one hand.

Ma Chaofan petrified on the spot. It thought that its strength was soaring. Not long ago, it was still chattering, and it was a game with Wang Xuan. It turned out that the gap between the two was so big that it was not a matter of several ranks at all.

Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin have lived in the secret land for half a year, and they practice hard every day. They know what the mythical creatures are now. Wang Xuan is their companion, and he also comes from modern society. Are you a master?

"The big murderer, it's super fierce!" The little fox immortal muttered, was unpacking the snack, nibbled on a piece of chocolate, opened her eyes instantly, and felt that the taste was good.

The old fox said: "This is if in ancient times, when mythology was the most splendid, your talent and roots could kill a large area in the immortal world alone, and after you rose up, you would be the strongest person who could be called an ancestor. It's a shame these days."

This kind of evaluation can be said to be too high, and it makes all the extraordinary people moved, even the old fox said so, what is there to be unconvinced?

The people from the three extraordinary planets of Yuhua, Euler, and Heluo were silent for a while, embarrassed, unable to advance or retreat, especially those who stood at the front and wanted to fight with Wang Xuan, it was extremely embarrassing, how could they fight?

How many people exchanged glances with each other, do you want to go together? However, this alien is too dangerous, can we kill it together?

They inevitably looked back and looked at a few old guys, they were big figures on the three extraordinary planets, and they were people at the level of the leader. .

It's just that the times are different, where there are Earth Immortals, it is even less likely that there will be health care masters. Moreover, in today's depleted period, everyone is being shaken again and again. The so-called leader now refers to those who are stable on the first floor living beings.

In the heyday of mythology, this was a joke!

But this is the cruel fact right now. The big universe is becoming more and more unfriendly to the transcendent. The creatures that can stabilize at this level are already amazing. Moreover, this is the result of the enchantment and strange objects.

Now, several leaders from Yuhua, Euler, and Heluo are frowning. From their hearts, they naturally want to stand out for the people of this star. But now, even they have no bottom in their hearts, the realm seems to be higher than that person? But when it comes to combat power, it's hard to say.

No one spoke at the scene, and the people from the three extraordinary planets felt uncomfortable, unspeakably depressed and embarrassed.

"I'll come." In this atmosphere, at a tense and silent moment, someone actually stood up, it was an old man.

Even several sect masters showed strange expressions. They knew this person, he was very mysterious, and they had come to them to integrate the Taoism of the three extraordinary planets.

Moreover, this time, this person also took the initiative to come to the secret land to talk to the old fox about something.

"I'm from the fairyland!" Finally, he reported his origins.

As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused a commotion, breaking the tranquility of the scene. Everyone opened their eyes in surprise and was restless.

The living Liexian? !

Obviously, in the big screen corresponding to these three extraordinary planets, there are not many Li Xian returning, otherwise, they would not have this expression.

"Oh, what realm are you in the fairy world?" Wang Xuan asked.

"It's close to the quasi-peerless level." The old man said flatly.

The ninth stage of feathering ascension to immortals can be called quasi-peerless, also known as demon saint, heavenly immortal, etc., and to a higher level, it is the great realm of Mutian, which is the real peerless level.

As soon as the old man's words came out, it really caused a sensation. Is this a quasi-celestial, demon saint-level ancestor?

"I'm an immortal cultivator who went out from Heluoxing. Today, seeing this junior is so unbearable, I feel really sad, and I can't help but take action." He said calmly.

He looked at Wang Xuan and said, "I've always protected my shortcomings. Today I just want to stand out for the younger generation. You don't want to say that I'm unreasonable. I'm just like that. Come on."

In the current environment, he was infinitely close to the second floor of Xiaoyaoyou, and he was seriously damaged when he crossed the border. Coupled with another shock, he stabilized at this state.

However, whether it is him or other extraordinary people, there is reason to believe that his ancestor, who has almost set foot on the second floor of Xiaoyaoyou, is far more powerful than people of the same realm, and he has been shaken down again and again during this period. Realm, Taoism is also equal to being consolidated.

"You're a typical person who doesn't do things right, doesn't make sense, that's fine, I don't want to stay behind, come!" Wang Xuan said, quite indifferent.

"Senior..." Whether it was Zhao Qinghan or Wu Yin, they both quickly transmitted their voices and spoke to the old fox, asking him to call the shots, fearing that Wang Xuan's blood would be stained.

Although they realized that Wang Xuan was very strong, and after half a year, he seemed to have miraculously improved, and was praised by the old fox, but it was hard for them to imagine that he could fight against the creatures close to the level of angels and demons.

At this moment, the people of Yuhua, Euler, and Heluo are very much looking forward to it. There are ancient gods - ancestors-level creatures, who are powerful, so there shouldn't be any suspense, right? !

Their moods fluctuated greatly. Now, many people let out a sigh of relief and felt that there was nothing wrong. Today's weird and depressing atmosphere should be broken.

The old man didn't say much, the whole right arm glowed like a heavenly sword revived, emitting a dazzling light, his face was cold, he raised his right arm and slashed towards Wang Xuan.

This is a complete copy of Wang Xuan's previous posture, wanting to split the enemy with the palm of his hand, to discuss an explanation for the superhumans of the three planets!

"You have to do your best!" At such a critical moment, Wang Xuan actually reminded his opponents, which surprised many people. What does he mean, he dares to be so confident in the face of beings close to gods and demons ?

Gu In the eyes of many people, this is really presumptuous!

At this moment, Wang Xuan clenched his fist tightly, without any extra movement, his right fist emitted a dazzling light, like divine flames lingering around, various fine textures emerged, exuding a terrifying aura.


When the old man's right arm fell like a heavenly sword, the light of the Huanghuang sword was so bright that everyone who shone on could not open their eyes.

However, with a thud, as Wang Xuan directly waved his fist, everything changed.

Huanghuang Jianguang was smashed open by the punch, penetrated, and punched past, the super-material boiled and swept violently, causing the Jianguang to collapse.


This time, the sound was huge, not only did the sword light explode, but even the old man was covered with cracks, and his face was intertwined with blood-colored traces like a spider web.

A creature close to the level of the gods and demons, returned from the fairyland, and was punched in the middle of the land by someone's body, which burst into pieces, and the blood mist was transpiring.

Wang Xuan stood on the spot, very calm, and solved the opponent with his fist.

However, the scene couldn't be calm anymore. That was an immortal, an ancestor, who had a great name behind the scenes, so he was beaten to death in the world?

For the people from the three planets of Yuhua, Euler, and Heluo, this is no less than a major earthquake. The belief in their hearts was shaken by the punch, and their faces were full of horror. It is difficult to accept this fact. .

Wang Xuan didn't feel anything. Even Zheng Yuantian was killed. What kind of creatures are at this level at the moment? In the big screen, they can't compare to ghost monks and round-faced white tigers.

In this rotten world, the return of unrestricted creatures and non-peerless powerhouses does not pose much of a threat to him.

"You are in the Immortal Realm, haven't you even heard of my name? It means that the level you have been exposed to is not very high." Wang Xuan said to himself.

Nearby, everyone was in a daze, and even felt terrified, and their mouths were speechless. What's the situation?

At this time, they felt a deep chill. According to his meaning, people in the fairy world should have heard his name?

What Wang Xuan said is the truth. Some time ago, Hengjun and Zheng Yuantian did not hesitate to tear up the curtain and target him. Many experts in the fairy world knew that.

"Wang Da murderer... This is going to heaven!" Xiaohuxian's voice was indistinct, her mouth was full of snacks, she was so happy that she couldn't say anything.

Ma Chaofan was dizzy, this brother Wang, no, the lord... The person seems to be too strong, so outrageous that it frightened him. It has decided that this time, it will leave the secret land with Wang Xuan and go to the distant world to take a look.

Wu Yinmei's eyes widened, and her broad mind fluctuated slightly. She was really shocked. The Wang Xuan she knew at the time was known as the most suitable wizard to follow the old art path, and was favored by many people, but she was no matter what. It is also unbelievable that he will be able to kill Lian Liexian after his return.

Zhao Qinghan watched quietly and glanced over with big beautiful eyes. This old classmate and close companion is really suitable for the path of mythology. It only took so long to reach such a height. Although she knew Wang Xuan and knew many of his secrets, she was still slightly ecstatic by his shock.

"I don't want to fight and kill." Wang Xuan opened his mouth and looked at Heluo, Ora, and Yuhua three-star people. He hoped that this matter would end here. He resented meaningless battles and hoped that there would be no enemies in the world.

The people of the three extraordinary planets are hard to understand, how can they fight? If you continue, you will only be insulting yourself.

Standing there, people who originally shared the same hatred and wanted to stand out, but now they can't stand or sit, they all have big heads and are even more nervous.

"That's it, let's stop here." The old fox made a final decision, resolved the embarrassment, and let those people go back.

They were disheartened, backed away silently, and sat behind the jade table. Today is too embarrassing. The three extraordinary planets were actually suppressed by a young man.

"Let's go, let's change into new clothes and see how beautiful it is." Xiaohuxian broke the tense and embarrassing atmosphere and ran away with Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin.

Wang Xuan opened the and let the little fox and the two girls have a sigh of relief.

"Senior, you used to be a peerless master behind the scenes, right?" He was very direct.

Everyone present was dumbfounded. Why did the strange things happen one after another today, Laohu is one of the most powerful people among the immortals? And Wang Xuan can actually have a head-to-head dialogue with such a person.

The old fox said: "Come on, let's talk slowly, you put down your guard, there won't be any conflict between us. The matter of practice, in the extraordinary realm, how can there be so much fighting and killing, it's more to sit down and talk Let's talk. I think you have misunderstood me a little by waiting for Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin not to return."

At the same time, old soil, Chen Yongjie's body glowed slightly, he frowned, what's the situation? He hasn't practiced yet, how is his flesh and blood clear, with a faint rain of light flowing out.

"Damn it!" Soon, he thought of something. In the dead land, on the ferryman's boat, he was blamed, and his body was left with a mark. There was an unavoidable cross-domain battle that had been waiting for him.

How does this work? Guan Lin is due to give birth in a few months. He wants to be by her side and watch his children come into this world. Now, can't God think of him?

"Xu Fu, Uncle Xu, you idiot! Wang Xuan, are you doing well in the secret land? I'm going to have an accident here!"

As soon as the single chapter was released, I cut myself with a knife, and there is no cure. I will try to find a way. I have saved the second chapter, and choose a good time to publish it. Don't wait.

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