Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 367: The place where the entire mythical civilization ascended

The last source, one leap... out of the truth, to see the real immortality? The spiritual resonance came, which made the scalp numb and the body and mind tremble.

First of all, it has an oppressive power, it is really grand, otherwise, the six masters will not be disintegrated. This tenth layer of spiritual relics is too terrifying.

The second is its true meaning, which involves the true source? The place where the myths of all dynasties are finally looking, they all want to use it to escape the extraordinary cold winter and avoid decay.

This civilization has been found, and it has pointed out a way for future generations?

Some people with a vain Taoist foundation are really pitiful. Just now, a few humane Taoists have slipped and their realm has not been stabilized.

"The sky and the earth are shaken every few days, who can stand this? It's better to knock everyone down into the clouds in one breath, and let it shake to the end. I just recovered, and I took the medicine of the gods, and you put it down again. I'm shaking down, I..."

Some people were angry, the price was too high, they were upset and scolded with their fingers.

Of course, the scale was small this time, and the number of people who were knocked down was limited. The main reason was that the ceiling was too high-end this time. .

The six people showed their means, the female alchemist held a golden boat, flowing with light and rain, and wrapped herself in the golden glow, isolating herself from the outside.

The red-clothed banshee used the thunder as a guide, and formed a cocoon of red clouds, with her graceful figure hiding in it, motionless.

The man in black robe filled the black mist, took out a long black knife, and held it in front of his eyebrows to resist suppression.

In front of Sanlangdui, Lao Zhang was very straightforward and covered his face with the bronze mirror again.


Even the peerless powerhouses are the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers to cope with this violent shock.

Wang Xuan was like riding a boat in the waves, bumping up and down, but he didn't have any serious problems. After a few shocks, the treasure became stable.

At the entrance of the tenth-floor ruins, the gate of the void, the spiritual imprint slowly dissipated.

It was only at this point that people in the real world let out a sigh of relief. They had been suppressed so badly and their lives were shaken, which really frightened many extraordinary people.

"It's not violent enough, it's no different from sitting on a rocking car." Chen Yongjie is calm, but it's not that he hasn't been shaken. What is this?

The six masters stood up and wiped away the blood of the primordial spirit from the corners of their mouths. When the seal exploded just now, they were injured.

The six people stared solemnly at the gate of the void, the road leading to the last layer of spiritual relics, deep, dark, with no end in sight.

"Everyone, do you dare to go in?" The "Underworld Blood Patriarch" standing in the blood wheel said.

"Stop pretending, I saw your real body just now, Qi Teng, you should show your true face, and Mingxue will definitely settle accounts with you in the future." Someone said.

The man in the blood wheel is actually Qi Teng, the ancestor of the gods, and the ancestor of Qi Chengdao.

"Didn't you pretend to be him too, Demon Ancestor!" Qi Teng opened his mouth, revealing a face like a crown of jade, and he looked at the man in black robe.

The black-robed man smiled lightly, shrugging off the black mist, revealing his bronze-colored body, and carrying a black magic knife on his back, he was indeed the strongest man in the magic way.

"Isn't it too much for the two of you to pretend to be someone else." The man covered in golden clouds exuded a sacred and peaceful aura.

"It's alright, Ming He doesn't care." Mozu and Qi Teng both said with a smile.

"I'll kill you both!" The man covered in golden clouds burst out, blood shone into the sky, and slaughtered towards the two of them, really angry.

"I'll go!" Outside, Chen Yongjie exclaimed, this is such a big play, the real body, the fake body, it's chaotic enough, a bunch of old bastards, there's nothing good.

The man covered in golden glow gave off an incomparably sacred feeling, but he was actually the real body of the Netherblood Patriarch, and he actually stayed here.

Qi Teng, the ancestor of the gods, was in a daze, and the demon ancestor also felt that the wind was messy, and the righteous master was by his side? It is estimated that I have been holding my breath, trying to find an opportunity to kill them!

In fact, these people had a tacit understanding earlier, and they shot together to attack the red-clothed banshee, but they couldn't win the other party at all.

"What a mess." The man wearing a silver mask said, standing there, floating out of the dust.

"Zheng Yuantian, don't be arrogant, you have recognized you already!" Someone shouted out his identity.

"It's really that grandson, you guessed it right!" Chen Yongjie whispered outside the barrier, and added, "Shock him for a while, and don't care if you accidentally hurt him, you have to shake him down, he's too strong!"

The relationship between a group of people is very complicated. They have attacked each other, split and combined, and there is no good stubbornness.

"Don't be noisy, those who want to enter the Void Gate should be quiet, or leave immediately." Fang Yuzhu said, there is no doubt that she is very prestige, and the real record is there.

As the number one master among the alchemists, she has killed more than one peerless powerhouse, and even the ancestor of the underworld blood was almost killed by her. She killed eight of his true lives in a row, and his last true life was hidden in the endless blood shadow. , only to escape.

"You, and you, don't make any small moves, just be careful with me, I'm a very vengeful person!" The red-clothed banshee also opened her mouth, tucked her hair together, and squinted at a few people.

The six masters stepped into the quiet place, and the dense substance close to the real moved them, and they were a little excited. When they came to the tenth floor of the spiritual ruins, there were no spiritual statues attacking everyone here, and everything was calm.

Wang Xuan and the others also ascended, hiding in the clouds and mist, looking at the tenth layer of spiritual relics that had actually emerged.

In front of the dark place, the spiritual ruins are huge, with buildings and towering mountains, but they are all lifeless and lifeless.

The turbulent energy material that is close to reality falls from the sky, like snowflakes, and like raindrops, one after another.

The sky of the tenth layer of spiritual relics borders a dark place. Is that the so-called true source?

In that dark sky, meteors streak past from time to time, but there are no normal stars, the whole is quite dim, and the occasional starlight also gives people a sense of desolation.

"This civilization is indeed outrageously powerful. They tore apart one side of Tianyu, found a way, and left as a whole?" Zheng Yuantian said, still wearing a silver mask.

"That starlight is not a real meteor, but a near-real energy across this silent sky." Fang Yuzhu said.

The final end, the true source, the ultimate leap, visible immortality, but the six peerless masters present are frowning, jumping out of that dark sky?

They looked up and stared at the deep space and looked and looked!

"Who headed in to explore?" asked the ancestor of the underworld blood, and then a group of people looked at him.

Lao Ming suddenly became a little more polite, he wanted to say, do you have any questions, what do you think I do? !

"Mingxue, you have endless blood incarnations, and there are nine true lives. Send one true life to explore, and everyone will welcome you." The ancestors smiled, and the bronze-colored skin was flowing with precious light. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes. Very decent.

"Are you ill?" The ancestor of the underworld blood became anxious.

"Mingxue, you must be yours!" Qi Teng, the ancestor of Heavenly Immortals, nodded.

"Are you also ill?" The ancestor of the underworld blood glared at him. It was these two people who pretended to be him not long ago, and now want him to take the blame?

"Mingxue, your talent is there, but you can transform into ten thousand in one body. It is also called if you die some incarnations. If you die a real life, you can slowly cultivate back in the future." Zheng Yuantian, who was wearing a silver mask, said.

"You are also sick!" The ancestor of the underworld blood had a very intense reaction. Listen, are the three of them speaking human words? In this age, if the real life is dead, there is no time to practice to make up for it.

Outside the barrier, Wang Xuan and Lao Chen looked at each other. It turns out that the peerless masters are also human, and they are also very down-to-earth. It is completely different from what they imagined to be aloof and untouched by the world.

The two watched and listened with relish.

"Mingxue, you send your avatar in, you don't need real life." Fang Yuzhu said gently.

"Okay...let's go." Mingxue nodded, not consuming his life. It's good to say that he separated a figure with a bang, and immediately disappeared into the pitch-dark domain, flying into the depths of the vast sky.

"It's not like a universe, there are no stars, no sun and moon, it's like a black cloth covering it." Chen Yongjie said.

Wang Xuan was also staring at it, his spiritual eyes were wide open.

"Mingxue, there are too few incarnations, let out more, at least thirty-six days." The demon ancestor with thick eyebrows and big eyes suggested.

"Don't mess with me, be careful I'll put you out of the realm!" The ancestor of Mingxue said harshly.

After half an hour, his expression changed and he said, "My avatar is dead!"

"How did he die? What did he see in the end?" The red-clothed banshee became interested.

"The chariot, the corpse, the broken flag, the blood, and the blurred road ahead, my avatar disappeared for no reason. All the scenery was a fleeting glance, and it was not very real."

"Send another avatar to have a look." Zheng Yuantian said.

The ancestor of the underworld blood glared at him, then strode to the side of the female alchemist and the red-clothed banshee, and sighed: "From now on, I will change my wickedness and return to the right, and join the two of you in the same camp, and open a livestock farm in the world in the future, I promise not to. Let the disciples and disciples drink human blood!"

Lao Ming felt that he was too difficult, and the two peerless female fairies were more reasonable.

"The ancestor of the underworld blood stayed with those black-hearted people. This is a lot of blame. It's pitiful. Now I'm repenting, and I've lost my way." Wang Xuan felt a little when he saw it.

"I originally wanted to kill that Wang Xuan and **** his special true blood, but now I decided to stop it, because he is related to you, Fairy Fang." The Underworld Blood Religion group looked honest and polite, smiling, and asked The lady confessed.

"I..." Wang Xuan immediately shut up and didn't sympathize with him at all. This old thief actually wanted to attack him personally?

"I'll shock you to death!" Wang Xuan felt that he had to go to the meteorite ground to plant cacti. Ming Xue, Zheng Yuantian, and Qi Teng were all too vicious.

But before going to the void, he had to make sure that he was taken out so that these people could see with their own eyes. His breakthrough had nothing to do with the cultivators of all parties losing their realm.

"Is the ethereal place I'm going to have something to do with this place in reality?" Wang Xuan hesitated for a while, staring at the end of the dark sky in the barrier!

Mingxue sent a few more incarnations, but this time it was the same result, it disappeared for no reason, and what he saw was very vague.

"Let's go in and take a look in person, together, dare you?" The red-clothed banshee said, although she is beautiful and slim, she is very courageous.

"Yes!" Zheng Yuantian nodded, the myth is about to die out, and now it is in its final stage. If you can't break free at the last moment, everything in the future will be Why dare you?

The six masters set out on the road together and entered the dark sky.

In front of Sanlangdui, Lao Zhang finally stood up swayingly, took his broken bronze mirror, let out a long breath, and quickly left the fire.

Those three big pale faces were tired of his continuous lectures on the scriptures for many days, and drove him away!

However, before he left the Gobi and entered the spiritual world, he turned his head abruptly, slammed his teeth again, and actually followed two, one was the female king of Sanlangdui, the other was an old man in an old space suit, and the two King!

In the pitch-dark sky bordered by the spiritual relics on the tenth floor, the female alchemist and others frowned on the way. This is not the real sky, but a spiritual universe.

In the gloom, they flew out not very far, and found a golden chariot, huge and intimidating, engraved with the emblem of the Royal Road Flag, and more intricate and restrained textures.

The blood stained the chariot, but no living beings were seen. It was real blood, not the substance left by the primordial spirit.

"Is this mythical civilization ascending as a whole in the end? Breaking the sky, coming to this world, and coming with a physical body, but this is still a spiritual universe."

"They opened the way with the Imperial Road Flag and forced a way, but did they really come to the real source?" Fang Yuzhu said, she was fluttering in white clothes, her appearance was beautiful, and she stood out in the dark universe.

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