Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 365: Treasure under the embers

In the city of lightning, in the underground abyss, a bird of prey slowly emerged, with thousands of wings, densely packed wings, and when it flapped, the spiritual world trembled, and all extraordinary creatures were terrified and trembling.

The monsters on the ground were even more submissive, trembling, and did not dare to contend at all.

Wang Xuan is sure that this is a peerless spiritual monster. If it is on the big screen, it can fight against the demon ancestor, the ancestor of the gods and others!

Even, he felt that facing this monster, he felt a little more pressure than when he faced the mysterious man with silver complexion that day.

This bird of prey is too huge. After the thousand wings are unfolded, it occupies one-tenth of the size of Lightning City, and it enters the sky like a dark cloud.

It bathed in lightning, opened its beak, and devoured all spirits. Whether it was a rotten dragon, a ghoul, or a supernatural being, it was attacked by it.

Lao Chen and Wang Xuan were also at the edge of its huge beak, and were pulled over by an inexplicable light.

Wang Xuan waved the God-killing flag and blasted it with all his strength, but instead it attracted the attention of the monster. . Its huge beak is open, and there are boundless dark veins surging, like the rope of the **** of death, entangled towards the two of them.

The spiritual chains were entangled, which came from its mouth, entangled them, and there were thousands of them.

Wang Xuan waved the God-killing flag one after another, while Lao Chen held the Heavenly Medicine and freed his hand to hold the Soul Locking Bell, and the bell was also vibrating violently, and the ripples rushed out one after another.

The two of them broke many spiritual chains, but they were still bound by more black veins, and they were pulled closer to the bird's beak, and they didn't enter in an instant.

They struggled fiercely, and naturally they wouldn't sit still. They slammed into the bird's beak and made a gap. The mental remains of the bird of prey screamed in pain, and opened its mouth instantly.

The two wanted to escape, but in an instant, the bird's beak closed again, which was catastrophic. Many ghouls and huge dragons were cut off just as they were trying to break free.

Wang Xuan and Lao Chen were also brutally tortured like a "massacre".

Old Chen went out with his upper body, holding the Heavenly Medicine, carrying the Soul Locking Bell, constantly shaking silver ripples, attacking the ominous bird, but his legs were left behind, clipped off by the terrifying and huge bird's beak glowing, leaving it in his mouth inside.

This is the pain of the rupture of the primordial spirit, which almost made him faint.

Wang Xuan was also very miserable. He was locked in by the consciousness of this bird of prey, and he focused on it. Just as he was about to escape, the black spiritual black cable rushed over and locked him.

This caused one of his legs and one arm to be exposed, and then it was cut off with two clicks. It was really excruciating pain, and he usually divided his mind. It was active, and it was bitten off by a bird of prey.

Outside, although Chen Yongjie was not dead, he was severely injured and smiled tragically. However, when he saw that Wang Xuan was swallowed, leaving only one arm and one leg, his heart suddenly sank.

He used the Soul Locking Bell to bang several times, trying to rescue him, but he couldn't move at all. In the end, he stumbled back and fled back with no legs, hugging Wang Xuan's broken leg and arm.

"Little Wang, you died so miserably!" You were swallowed by a peerless beast, how can you survive? He felt an unusual depression in his heart, and he died before he left the apprenticeship.

In the mouth of Qianyi Fierce Bird, Wang Xuan endured the severe pain, struggled, put away Lao Chen's legs, and then tried his best to urge the flag of Zhan Shenqi.

He didn't plan to go out directly, but attacked from the inside to fight this bird of prey decisively, using the flag to slash at its upper jaw area, trying to penetrate there and smash its head!

At this moment, the God-killer flag glowed, and was pushed to the limit by Wang Xuan's all-out efforts. It became extremely dazzling, showing an unprecedented powerful state. With a swipe, the bird's head as huge as a mountain was cut open, letting it be Let out an earth-shattering spiritual roar.

In the distance, Lao Chen hid in the enlarged soul lock clock. Even so, he had a splitting headache, and the body of the primordial spirit kept "spitting blood".

In other areas, the nearby Transcendents were even worse. Originally, several demons saw the miserable state of the two and were approaching. They wanted to sneak up on Chen Yongjie and take away the medicine, but they all exploded.

In front of the peerless ominous beasts, ordinary transcendents are simply not enough to see, and the early stage of Xiaoyao also died tragically!

Wang Xuan took... Chen Yongjie's legs and slaughtered it out. The ferocious bird was furious and quickly reorganized its head, trying to swallow him again.

This time, Wang Xuan didn't entangle with it. This bird of prey was too strong. Even if he tried his best, he probably wouldn't be able to kill it completely. It would be good to be able to protect himself.

He merged with the God Slaying Banner, and in an instant, increased the speed to ten times, almost tore through the spiritual space, teleported, went away, picked up the Soul Locking Bell on the way, submerged into the clouds, and hid in the foggy area near the ninth-layer ruins .

It was too painful. He lost an arm and a thigh. He felt that his primordial spirit was weakened. This was ten times, a hundred times more severe than the pain of breaking his body.

"Old Chen, did you find my legs and arms?" Wang Xuan asked painfully.

"Here, my leg... Thank goodness, I don't want to live anymore because of the pain. Fortunately, you brought it back for me." Chen Yongjie was about to faint.

The two quickly spliced ​​their own primordial spirits. This is not a problem. Originally, the spirits can be differentiated.

But now Wang Xuan has no interest at all, this life is enough!

In fact, the hands and feet they have just separated can also exist alone, but they are not the main consciousness, and they will lack a lot of memory.

The two of them each took a small piece of the celestial medicine leaf and swallowed it. Although their primordial spirit was injured, they could recover quickly with the nourishment of this supreme celestial medicine.

"Divided fortune!"

Hiding in the clouds and avoiding the thick thunder, the two let out a long breath. Wang Xuan threw the red celestial medicine to Chen Yongjie, if there was no "fishing god", it would be nothing.

He put away the crystal-like, almost transparent "cactus" and said, "Is this thing very drought tolerant? It's just right to plant it in the meteorites in the void!"

"Hey, these two celestial medicines contain very strong substances that are close to the real thing!" Wang Xuan was surprised, and instantly realized that this kind of spiritual herb can survive the cold winter, and it is absolutely extraordinary and amazing to live from an unknown mythical age to the present.

"The mythical civilization of the past was unimaginably powerful. Otherwise, it would be difficult to leave this forbidden place!" Chen Yongjie sighed, staring at the head of the electric discharge jointly constructed by the clouds and the city of lightning.

Wang Xuan was very serious and said: "Old Chen, this is a mature herbal medicine, and it contains a strong and almost real strange substance. In this era of exhaustion, it will ensure that you can enter the realm of free travel!"

Chen Yongjie nodded solemnly and said, "Send it into the flesh and plant it into the life soil, otherwise I won't worry about it."

There is no doubt that this is the greatest good fortune they have obtained so far. It is far more powerful than the medicinal properties of Tianyao seeds, and there is no need to wait for a long time.

"I'm going to plant this medicine in a meteorite, but I don't know what will happen." Wang Xuan muttered to himself.

Up to now, he tried his best to avoid using ordinary super-material breakthroughs, either with the help of super-quality substances in the ethereal land, or trace amounts of real substances found in the world.

Wang Xuan pulled out the arm-length iron drill from the root of the tree, looked and looked, it should really be the main root of an amazing natural medicine, but it was stabbed to death.

"Huh?" He frowned, not necessarily dead, he decided to send it to the health care furnace and see if he could recover after a while.

"Unfortunately, this is very likely the most powerful medicine of a mythical civilization, but it was nailed to death." Chen Yongjie also felt regretful.

The two quickly dealt with the celestial medicine, released their physical bodies from Huang Chengcheng's small gourd, and returned their spirits. They instantly felt as if they had fallen into the mud and their movements were difficult.

"Bang dang!" The furnace cover was lifted, the medicinal roots fell into it, and Wang Xuan covered the furnace cover. The shock caused the entire spiritual world to roar.

In the ruins, the six masters of treasure hunters all swayed in shock. They looked around and looked around, a little suspicious.

"There is a treasure!"

"In the firelight of the most powerful civilization, there is bound to be a supreme treasure, find it out!"

Their confidence grew.

In the clouds, Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie returned to their primordial state, staring at the thousand-winged raptor in the distance, isolating their own breath, avoiding it far away in the mist, and walking around the ninth-layer spiritual relic.

This area is very large, surrounded by mist, and when it is really opened, it is an island with a large area.

"Is it reliable? This is a tiger's mouth to steal food." In the clouds, among the thunder and light, Chen Yongjie wore the helmet of the Soul Locking Bell, and he was very guilty.

Wang Xuan said: "We don't rob others, we just stare at the mysterious man wearing a silver mask. Anyway, we have a feud, and he is destined to be a mortal enemy. As long as he finds and gains, we will specifically rob him!"

Anyway, across the barrier, it doesn't matter if you fail, what if you succeed? Could the mysterious man wearing the silver mask get out of the barrier and bite them both?

"Okay, that's him, big fat sheep!" Chen Yongjie nodded vigorously and was almost beaten to death by this man, so he naturally wanted a chance to take revenge.

In the ruins on the ninth floor, each of the six masters is one of the best in the big screen, but they have encountered a lot of resistance here.

In the ruins, there are spiritual statues emerging. This time there are faces and clear expressions. These are the spiritual remains of ancient human beings many years ago.

"Human civilization has changed, and it has existed for far longer than we imagined. Unfortunately, ordinary people can reproduce from generation to generation, but their extraordinary vitality is too short."

The war broke out. This is a peerless spiritual statue, lifelike. Several men and women fought hard against the six peerless masters. In the end, each of them was injured, and several spiritual statues were gradually shattered.

Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie were terrified. There are ancient statues of peerless gods appearing here at every turn. Except for someone of the level of Lao Zhang, who can stand it?

Half an hour later, the six masters met in a square, where there was a huge pile of ashes, and a little bit of residual fire was shining, and it was uncertain.

"This mythical civilization is far more powerful than what we have seen before, more splendid than Sanlangdui, and more prosperous than the civilization that created Xiaoyaozhou, but they also failed, leaving only remnants of civilization."

"The strange thing is, where is their treasure, it hasn't been circulated in the world, is it really sealed here?"

The six people stared at the huge embers, where the green smoke curled up, the residual fire was swaying, and it would be completely extinguished at any time.

The six masters blocked Liuhe, thinking that if there was something left, it might be in the last fire, and they started to dig the fire.

According to rumors, how could the powerful civilization most famous for refining treasures have no treasures left?

Outside the barrier, Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie were hiding in the clouds, approaching the soft light curtain, staring carefully, feeling the same, as if they were exploring the mythical ruins, looking for the last treasure.

"what is this?"

The man in black robe took the broken scriptures, read them carefully, and sighed in shock: "They want to make a powerful flag!"

The man covered in golden clouds was stunned when he heard the words, and said, "This civilization, shouldn't it be the mythical civilization that refines the flesh and the flag of God?"

"It's... the Immortal Slaying Banner, I also want to call it... the Imperial Dao Banner?"

The man wearing a silver mask held a scrap of a scroll, and after being dazed and resonating with his spirit, he read the information that the Xeon mythical civilization of that year was indeed refining a treasure, and here is the name they wanted to take.

"It was mentioned in this scripture that some people wanted to call it the flag of Zhan Dao, but they felt that the name was too much, so they gave up." The female alchemist frowned, her white clothes were stunning, and she emerged from the dust and empty in front of the embers of the fire.

The six masters were all surprised, and then moved, and naturally thought of the flag of the gods and the body, and it was related to this powerful civilization!

Could it be that the combination of two exotic treasures will really become a supreme treasure? In terms of the brilliance of this civilization, the Immortal Slaying Banner or the Imperial Dao Banner are probably the strongest among the treasures!

In an instant, many people moved their minds, thinking of Wang Xuan, but he has the God Slaying Banner in his hand, which means that he has already obtained half of the treasure? !

Outside the barrier, Wang Xuan was extremely bitter, how ugly his face was, everyone knew that he had a divine flag in his hand, isn't he the target of a peerless master now?

If he doesn't hand over the flag, will he still have a way to survive in the future?

"It's not like you and I haven't heard of it. Someone tried to merge the two flags back then, but the effect was not satisfactory." Fang Yuzhu said.

The red-clothed banshee swept the city and the country, with a faint smile, shook the scraps in her hands, and said: "Here is the record, the flag of the body and the flag of the **** are only the products of the experimental stage, not the final flag of the imperial road. It's kind of amazing!"

"What, even the flag of Zhanshen and the flag in Wang Xuan's hand are leftovers from early experiments, not genuine?" Someone took over the fragments in her hand, resonated spiritually, and read them carefully.

Outside the barrier, Wang Xuan let out a long sigh of relief. He was calculating just now. If he were to fight against all the peerless masters of the moment, how many days would he be able to live?

The few people didn't mess around, they were on guard against each other and checked and balanced, and they dug this ashes in an orderly manner, looking for possible treasures.

Suddenly, the "Godfather of the Underworld" who was in the dazzling blood-colored light wheel caught an ancient object, which was actually a pale golden animal skin only about a foot long.


The peerless master wearing a silver mask reacted too quickly. He immediately slapped his hand and slapped it away. The brows even bloomed with magic runes, drowning the blood wheel.

With a bang, he successfully attacked and grabbed the pale golden animal skin into his hands.

"What are you robbing, didn't you see the big hole burned? If it is a real Slaying Immortal Flag or Imperial Dao Flag, will it be damaged?" The flag was taken away.

"I'm just looking at it, hehe." The man wearing the silver mask smiled, and then he was attacked by the "Godfather of the Underworld".

The red-clothed demon master also made his move, and wanted to grab the flag and take a look.

The others didn't move, they were very calm, and they didn't think this was a treasure, because if it were the Imperial Dao Flag, it would be impossible to destroy it.


The man wearing the silver mask fought against the two strong men several times. The shocked animal skin dropped his hands, and he slammed it far away with a slap, and then met the enemy.


At this moment, the fishing **** made his move resolutely. Wang Xuan fully believed in him and let the old fisherman attack!

The man wearing the silver mask quickly separated from the two masters, stood on the spot, stretched out his hand and waited for the pale golden animal skin to fall.

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