Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 324: ?Shoot when it's time to do it

After Wang Xuan recovered, he pinched it quite naturally, because in the Land of Nothingness, he had pinched it several times.

But this time it was really different. He pinched a real little face, full of apple muscles, slippery, white and elastic.

The mini version of Sword Fairy closed her eyes and was sucking the last silver mist. I really didn't expect him to do this, and she was completely unprepared for him.

Now she was stunned and opened her eyes quickly. After knowing what was going on, she widened her eyes, which is really outrageous!

Wang Xuan really feels good in hand, full of collagen.

So, he pinched this little face that was amazed from pure to stunned, and gently tugged, carefully feeling the slippery elasticity.

The miniature Sword Fairy wants to beat him!

Wang Xuan's hand was like lightning. In fact, when he moved his right hand, his left hand had already stretched out naturally, and the fleshy cheek on the other side had also started.

This makes it symmetrical. He talked about it. It was really fun. He thought that this little thing's big round eyes and an angry look were very cute, and it was very attractive.

Of course, he was also completely awake at this time, secretly calling himself confused, staying in a land of nothingness for "two years", and he had not recovered from his return, but he really regarded her as a little girl.

This is a famous female swordsman. Now she is only a little younger in appearance, but in fact, she is capable of soaring sword energy and dares to challenge the red-clothed banshee. She is an extremely powerful character.

"Fairy, are you okay?" He was thinking about various remedies, but he was careless. He still hasn't adapted to the body after his spirit returned to the body. It was definitely not intentional.

But will anyone listen, will Fairy Sword believe it? He was clueless.

"I'm going!" On the ground, Aoki seemed to feel something, and looked around.

"Let's go!" Chen Yongjie pulled him and Guan Lin, and disappeared quickly.

He is quite decisive, what if he is angered? The sword qi is vertical and horizontal, and it also slashes at them. Isn't that a wrongful death? If there is anything, let Wang Jiazu take it on himself!

"Master, I just glanced at it, and Wang Xuan seems to be touching Fairy Jian's face." Aoki's voice came from where they disappeared.

Of course, the person has long since disappeared, all because Wang Xuan and the female sword fairy are too sensitive and can catch the movement from far away.

Aoki, did you do it on purpose? Wang Xuan exclaimed in his heart!


Outside the mountain, the spaceship set sail and rushed to Ancheng. The distance of 800 miles is not a problem, and it will be there soon.

At this time, Aoki is in excellent condition and has officially become a master. After all, this time his master spent two real bones, baptized with mysterious factors in the interior scene, and he practiced for "many years".

He was very excited, even the "waste wood Qin Cheng" had already entered this field. If he couldn't become a master, he would be ashamed to continue on the path of old art.

Guan Lin has a higher realm. She is very busy along the way, talking with relevant organizations and departments to exchange opinions.

She told Lao Chen that the shattered creatures talked with many people not long ago, and most of them will come to him.

"Let's wait and see. If they are not too much, I will bear with them. If it is too much, we will be forced to have no choice, then set rules for them." Chen Yongjie said.

Broken board-level creature? His face was slightly cold, I guess he was all shaken down, right? If you fall into the realm of Free Travel, everything will be different.

At this time, Chen Yongjie's strength has improved a lot. The last medicinal soil, as well as Tianyao and immortal syrup, have been promoting his breakthrough.

Those powerful foundations have not been exhausted.

This time, he opened two more immortal bones, practiced in the interior for so many years, and also conducted various "death" experiments, and he was approaching the sixth stage.

He held the Soul Locking Bell and the Sakyamuni's Dharma conch in his hand.

However, he sighed again, guessing that Wang Xuan had made a breakthrough again, surpassing his realm properly.

"The fifth section, he named it Dinglu, what is the name of the sixth section?"

Outside Ancheng, Aoki's manor is also a branch of their organization. Two people have been waiting here for a long time.

When Chen Yongjie saw them, he was displeased and met them again. He looked down at him calmly in his study last time, and now he's here?

The faces of these two were a little pale. Not long ago, they coughed up blood, as if someone had pierced the foundation of the Dao, and fell from the realm of free travel!

"It's still for cooperation, this time there will be a big project, which can be a win-win situation." A gray-haired middle-aged man opened his mouth and said with a lack of anger.

At this time, he was in a bad mood, didn't get up, seemed too lazy to deal with it, his body was a little weak, and this time he was shaken down, it was really miserable.

"What cooperation?" Chen Yongjie asked.

The gray-haired man whispered: "There is a palace deep in the heart of the earth, but the seal there is still very strong. I need your help to bomb it."

Chen Yongjie's heart skipped a beat, how could there be a palace near the center of the earth?

Don't even think about it, the seal must be very strong, otherwise these people won't be able to open it, and they need to use powerful weapons.

But can the place be bombed? Once the geological structure is changed, the whole old soil may disintegrate!

Guan Lin also frowned deeply, what are these people looking for? Not long ago, a jade house was dug up from the depths of the ground, and the rotting people inside had not completely turned into bones.

People from a certain life science research institute have tested those rotten people, and they all died after living for more than 500 years, and some people lived more than 800 years.

Moreover, the cause of death is unknown, it is not like death of normal aging.

"Those are people who insist on staying in the world. They should be able to become immortals, but they choose to stay. If they don't enter the big screen, they will naturally fall ill and die miserably." Another purple-haired man explained.

The gray-haired man said: "But we suspect that there may be people alive in the grand underground palace in the center of the earth. After all, there were extremely powerful people who chose to stay."

This kind of news is quite astonishing. There are powerful mythical creatures that retain their physical bodies and have been living in the human world? Chen Yongjie, Guan Lin, and Aoki were all moved.

It is said that it is the core of the earth, but in fact that giant palace is only submerged in the magma, not in the core of the earth.

"You two, you can pull the palace out, and we will help you out." Guan Lin said.

In any case, she is against doing it in the depths of the ground. If it goes out of control, it will cause a big explosion, which is unimaginable.

You must know that this is a place that even people at the free-roaming level can't open, how much terrifying energy does it take to explode?

The purple-haired man shook his head and said, "It is far heavier than Dayue, and has various restrictions, so even the Earth Immortal can't pull it out."

Chen Yongjie directly wanted to drive them out, what a joke, the myths are rotten, and even the Earth Immortals can't pull out that giant palace? At first glance, there is a big problem.

"There is an celestial medicine in the underground palace. It is conservatively estimated that there will be one plant. If you are lucky, there may be two plants!" The gray-haired man smiled lightly and told them that if it was successful, they would be divided into two pieces of heavenly medicine petals.

Even Aoki, who doesn't know much about the behind-the-scenes scene, could hear something wrong. There could be a celestial medicine in the underground palace. What exactly is that? Absolutely no banging!

Chen Yongjie refused, and he couldn't cooperate at all. The underground palace was either terrifying beyond imagination, or there were peerless powerhouses dormant.

After these people came out, they dug directly into the center of the earth. That place was valued by Heng Jun, so it must be very evil.

"So, you can't cooperate anymore?" As time passed, the expressions of the two men sank.

Chen Yongjie sat aside, acquiescing, he tried his best to restrain himself and not conflict with them.

The middle-aged man with purple hair said: "Well, let's talk about the second cooperation, Wang Xuan will go back to the old land with you? We want to meet him."

Chen Yongjie's heart sank. Wherever Xiao Wang goes, he is always the flesh of a Tang monk and is always remembered. It seems that the secret that he has a special interior location is gradually becoming public.

"He went to retreat, and I don't know where."

The purple-haired middle-aged man smiled and said, "Don't worry, the peerless powerhouse we follow doesn't need him to guide him, and he already has the feathering flag. We heard that he has the God Slaying Banner in his hand, and we want to see it with our own eyes. Can you use it to split the underground palace?"

"I really don't know where he is." Chen Yongjie shook his head.

"You're a little ignorant of current affairs." The purple-haired middle-aged man got up and came to him, condescendingly, looking down as indifferently as last time.

"Don't go too far!" Aoki couldn't see his master being wronged.

The middle-aged man with purple hair ignored him, thinking that he was not qualified to be worthy of his attention and to say more.

"You two, some of your requirements have indeed been passed. We can't do it. Let's see if there are others who can cooperate?" Guan Lin spoke at the right time to smooth things out.

"Not currently." The gray-haired man sat there and shook his head, his voice a little cold.

Then he added: "Actually, it is not difficult for us to find Wang Xuan. His parents are in Pingcheng. It would be easy for us to meet them there. After all, they are two mortals. To avoid them being frightened, I think it is better to go with Wang Xuan. It's better to chat privately."

Chen Yongjie looked serious and said, "Both of you, you are both experts. Wang Xuan's parents are ordinary people. It's a bit too much to implicate his family."

"So, let Wang Xuan talk, we won't embarrass him." The gray-haired man sat there and explained plainly, "Actually, there are many benefits to contacting us early. Behind us, there is a A peerless powerhouse holding a treasure."

The purple-haired man stood in front of Lao Chen with an indifferent attitude, and said, "Don't just think about others, think about yourself, or think about your wife."

Speaking of which, he glanced at Guan Lin and said, "Mortals have many disasters. The world is in chaos. People should follow the trend and not oppose the general trend."

"You guys are too aggressive!" Aoki said gloomily.

In the end, the two of them still ignored him, and didn't pay attention to such a mortal person as him.

"You two go out first, I'll have a chat with the two experts." Chen Yongjie softened his tone and asked Aoki and Guan Lin to go out first.

"Old Chen!" Guan Lin was worried.

Chen Yongjie shook his head and said, "It's alright, don't worry, the two seniors will not embarrass me, there is nothing that cannot be discussed, and cooperation matters can be discussed slowly."

Guan Lin and Aoki silently exited the room with worried expressions.

"Isn't this very good?" The purple-haired man smiled lightly.

Chen Yongjie asked, "If I don't agree, will you move my family? If Wang Xuan doesn't show up, are you going to trouble his parents?"

"You think too much, we are not that kind of people, just try to communicate with your family members." The gray-haired middle-aged man sat there and said, not admitting it.

The purple-haired man stood in front of him and said, "As far as possible, peace is the most expensive, but if the negotiation is not right, then it will only be too extreme. When no one dies?" Relatively speaking, he was happy and admitted directly.

"You guys are too pushy!" Lao Chen said.

The purple-haired middle-aged man looked down at him calmly and said, "Mentality is very important, follow the general trend and put your position right, you will feel that there is no problem.


Suddenly, the purple-haired man's face was distorted, because he was slapped abruptly by a big hand, the flesh and blood of the entire face was shattered, and three teeth were broken.

Chen Yongjie was as fast as lightning, violent and violent, so suddenly flipping the table made their hearts beat wildly, and they didn't feel it in advance.

At the same time, when Lao Chen stepped out to slap, Chixia bloomed, as if there was a big sun in the sky, a cassock wrapped the entire room and blocked all the way.

This is the third most powerful treasure in Lao Chen's hands. It belongs to a Bodhisattva, and its power is extremely terrifying, turning it into a small red world, trapping the two of them.

In fact, the two of them reacted very quickly, especially the purple-haired man who was slapped, even more murderous, a person from the mundane world dared to humiliate him!

"Death!" In an instant, the super-material was turbulent, and he used several kinds of killers one after another.

No matter how many spells he had, Chen Yongjie only had one movement at this moment, urging the refined Soul Locking Bell, which instantly enlarged, and with a bang, the purple-haired man and all kinds of magic tricks were shrouded in it.

Then, Old Chen rang the bell, and there were muffled groans and screams.

The gray-haired middle-aged man naturally started at the first However, what was waiting for him was a snow-white conch. This is a rare treasure left by Sakyamuni, and its power is terrifying!

Chen Yongji blew, and the **** was as heavy as a mountain, flying out one after another, all hitting the person, causing him to cough up blood.

The two of them had just broken the board and their vitality was severely damaged. At the early stage of the ninth stage, they would even fall to the eighth stage. When they met Chen Yongjie, who had just broken through and was as brave as a tiger, and his anger and killing intent were transpiring together, it was natural that they would not be able to get better.

"I have endured you for a long time, and dared to threaten with my family. Since I am destined to turn my face, I will chop you up directly!" Chen Yongjie's spiritual realm was shaking, and his killing intent was surging.

"My master has done it!" Outside, Aoki said in a trembling voice.

He and Guan Lin knew Chen Yongjie very well, and had a premonition that Lao Chen would turn his back on him.

With a swoosh, Aoki rushed in with the hot weapon on his back, and he was already ready.

And Guan Lin had already piloted a small battleship into the sky in the distance, and locked in here, she also had a tacit understanding.

However, they were worried in vain. The battle in the room was over. Old Chen had already chopped off the heads of the two with a **** sword, and used the Soul Locking Bell to destroy the primordial spirit. He walked out with two heads.

Chen Yongjie was very calm and said, "Clean up the battlefield and remove traces, and say that the two of them left by themselves. Let's hide it for now, the time is on our side."


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