Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 316: ?Seeds in Spring, Fairies in Autumn

Behind him, Proxima b is far away, and there are wormholes there, connecting the corresponding galaxies of the new star and the old earth, or maybe connecting the two universes.

The three warships began to accelerate. Proxima b was 4.2 light-years away from the old soil, which is an astronomical number for humans who usually live on the surface.

But under the warp speed engine, they were close to the old soil after more than four hours. They went through the most stringent scanning and testing in outer space, and provided all kinds of complete documents before they were released.

Large-scale warships cannot easily enter the old soil. Various reports and approvals are required in advance, and the control is extremely strict.

They began to descend, approaching the surface, and saw familiar sights, the azure ocean, the majestic Kunlun Mountains, etc. They felt like a wanderer returning and seeing everything was very cordial.

When Wang Xuan left, he couldn't even afford a ferry ticket, so it was given to him by Lao Chen, but now... he returned with two large and one small three warships.

However, even though there are three battleships now, he can't afford to maintain them. Not to mention all kinds of supplies, the daily cost of parking in the spaceship base will make him dizzy.

This is the real gold swallowing beast, and every day the sky-high expenses are burning.

Regarding these, he has long communicated, and he lent the three battleships to the old soil, leaving them for some departments to use. If one day he needs them, he can call them quickly.

"Ancheng is expensive." As soon as Wang Xuan stepped on the ground of the spaceship base outside Ancheng, a lot of familiar images appeared in his mind, showing a smile.

"I just came back and said something auspicious." Chen Yongjie didn't like to hear it. At first, he was half-dead, and people from all walks of life bought wreaths and waited for him to breathe. As a result, he didn't kick his legs for several days, making several well-known old men sick. , had to leave early.

"Master Qin is back, he won't leave this time!" Qin Cheng was very excited. His family belonged to Ancheng. At the beginning, he wanted to go to Xinxing for various relationships, but after a turn around, he felt that his homeland was better.

"Old Wang, Old Chen, Sister Guan, I'm leaving first, I can't wait to see my parents. Also, I have to see with my own eyes whether my girlfriend is waiting for me. After that, An Sheng will have a dark life." Qin Cheng ran away first.

"Aoki is waiting outside. He wants to wash the dust for us." Guan Lin smiled.

Ancheng, this familiar city, Wang Xuan University spent four years here, and also worked here for a short time. Lao Chen was the leader of his department. As a result, both of them... ran away and only returned now. .

Aoki's eyes turned green when he saw them, because he already knew what realm Wang Xuan had reached, and he had been following the news of Xinxing.

At first, this was the newcomer he excavated.

In particular, he saw Qin Cheng just now, that... waste wood, who was arguing with him just now, is now a master!

What makes him feel bad?

Qin Cheng became a senior-level master in the field of old art, and the third expert among the modern people in the old land, which made Qingmu's brain buzzing, and he was a little suspicious of life.

"Xiao Wang, am I much more qualified than Qin Cheng?" After the meeting, he didn't even pay attention to his master, and first grabbed Wang Xuan's wrist.

"Don't worry, as my apprentice, if you don't enter the supernatural, isn't that a disgrace to me?" Lao Chen said.

Now that he has opened the interior scene, he can also use the "immortal bone can". In the future, he will bring Aoki into it when he cultivates, which will naturally improve this disciple.

Seeing Lao Chen, Aoki's eyes suddenly widened, and he said, "Master, you have undergone plastic surgery, you are so demon? You have made such a tender face!"

He added: "Master, are you trying to misinterpret... Are men always teenagers?"

Aoki is about forty years old, and his master looks in his early twenties now, is this going to be a demon? Then, he looked at Guan Lin, who was smiling, and found that his face was also tender.

Wang Xuan comforted him and said, "Old and young are calm, isn't it just rejuvenation? The myth still has a year to complete, and there is still a chance."


Outside the city of An, in the mountains in the distance, the dark clouds weighed down, and the blood-colored lightning came one after another.

"It's very serious!" Chen Yongjie frowned, this is definitely someone crossing the border.

Aoki told: "Near the same city, seven or eight earthquakes in one day are very common. I don't know how many extraordinary monsters have returned."

Even if the old soil is about to be hollowed out, there are not many left in the caves in the void, the ruins in the sacred mountain, etc., but many creatures still choose to return to the old soil, and their roots are here.

"The problem is very serious. It is estimated that there are more immortals in the old land than in the new star!" Wang Xuan looked at the dark clouds in the sky, which made people have to be serious.

When he didn't set foot in the supernatural, he also joked that the old covenant was broken and a new covenant should be established, but as his strength improved and he came into contact with this level, he felt the problem was terrible.

Now, he has to make sure that he can live, and he will face a lot of trouble, and it will be Zheng Yuantian, Qi Yi, the ancestor of the demon, and Qi Teng, the ancestor of the gods.

"Have you seen the red-clothed banshee?" Wang Xuan asked Aoki in a low voice. This is also a huge threat. Although the other party is not the real one, it is also very strong, and their hunting action will break out at any time.

"She has been to Xiongshan Mountain, that is, the place in Shennongjia. It seems that her dojo was indeed there. But soon she disappeared and can't be found."

Before they left the spaceship base, Wang Xuan saw a young woman dressed in an avant-garde fashion, showing her long legs and lotus arms, holding a golden alien creature - a three-eyed lion, accompanied by several bodyguards. leave.

"The creatures behind the scenes are so high-profile, raising monsters, hugging before and after going out, and those big men also have immortal or demonic aura." Cheng Yongjie was surprised.

Aoki nodded and said, "Recently, a group of people whose origins have not been traced suddenly appeared, and all parties are under great pressure."

In fact, when they entered Ancheng by car, Wang Xuan saw a few people on the street with a faint fairy mist and a trace of demonic aura through the car window.

The descendants of the immortals behind the big screen merged into the red dust, so common in the old land?

Aoki experienced that kind of "opportunity" in the next few days, and the Dixianquan, Shanluo, etc. shocked him.

These legendary "strange things" actually became drinks and ingredients, and he felt dizzy during the whole process.

"Is there any problem with the place where Fairy Jian's bones are buried?" Wang Xuan asked, there can't be any trouble there.

"It's very desolate there, and no one goes there." Aoki informed that the most violent ones are places with mythological backgrounds and legends.

"It's best if there is no accident." Wang Xuan finished the lunch quickly and was ready to rush to Pingcheng to meet his parents at the location of the relevant department.

"Don't worry, we're going too." Guan Lin said with a smile, she was working there, and Lao Chen was considered to have completely joined that department.

He has learned all his life, and many scriptures have been selected from there.

Pingcheng is very large, located in the north, and there are not many places of interest. When Wang Xuan arrived, walking in the city, he actually saw some mysterious creatures on the street.

Wang Xuan said: "It seems that this is the general trend. It has become the norm for people, fairies and monsters to live together. I hope they can keep their balance and don't mess around. Isn't that great?"

Chen Yongjie said: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not constant. There have been monsters tossing around a while ago. The 'Old Zhang' came once, which shocked many ghosts and snakes, so they have settled down a lot recently."

The location of the relevant departments is not in a group of high-rise buildings. The architectural style is simple and simple. There are courtyards and small buildings with two or three floors. It covers a wide area and is very quiet.

Soon, Wang Xuan finally saw his parents again. The two were reading in the ancient book room. These days... were quite leisurely and peaceful.

"Hey, why did you come back suddenly? It's only been a few months."

"It's less than half a year, and you're homesick. Are you going to give us a surprise and a surprise?"

Wang Xuan was speechless, I really doubted, is he biological? It felt like he came back too early.

His parents put down the book in their hands, still very happy, dragged him out, and said, "Go, go home, and go get you something delicious."

"It's okay to see you all." Wang Xuan was relieved.

"This is the safest place in the old land. What could happen? We heard that you are exploring outside. Don't mess around." Wang Xuan's mother was a little worried.

"I'm fine. I just read books and exercise on weekdays. Work is too leisurely." Wang Xuan said with a smile.

Guan Lin and Chen Yongjie lived not far from here, in a small building behind.

He wanted to tell the truth very much, and he often read books, such as Buddhist scriptures, Taoism, and sorcery. Exercising every day, exercising with demons every time, no blood, no end, headshots, beheadings, etc., are common things.

He shook his head, stopped messing around and revealed the truth.

Wang Xuan took out the immortal spring and crystals, as well as snails, golden mushrooms, etc., and cooked it himself. Some extraordinary ingredients had to be handled by him.

"Royal jelly is mixed into the spring water, it's too unpleasant to drink!" This is the unanimous negative comment of his parents.

Wang Xuan was speechless. No matter how many people wanted to drink it, they couldn't drink it. Those in charge of the chaebols were jealous. This thing can be exchanged for small warships.

"This is a good thing for prolonging life. It won't be long before you will find that your youth returns. If you want to give me a brother or sister, I have no problem, I will support it with both hands. Anyway, I have to run outside often, no matter how much I have at home. I agree with the words of the mouth man with both hands!"

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about? You dare to make fun of us, are you looking for a fight?"

"I really want one or two more people in the family, hurry up and bring my daughter-in-law home and let us carry our grandson or granddaughter!"

"Okay, wait, I'll bring it back after a while!" Wang Xuan patted his chest and agreed. He felt that his strength was not enough to pick up people in a dense area. That old fox was terrible. He had to break through again. Row.

Two days later, Wang Xuan left enough elixir and Earth Immortal Spring, and then ran away, unable to stand the indiscriminate bombardment of his parents. Those two had a big heart for him and were not worried at all, but they were only thinking about their future daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

"Lao Qing, let's go see Fairy Sword!" Wang Xuan ran back to Ancheng, found Aoki, and asked him to drive a small airship to the nameless mountain.

"Okay!" Aoki drove him all the way to a barren mountain area 800 kilometers away from Ancheng. There are no historical sites, it is very remote, and no one has set foot on it all the year round.

It took a long time for Wang Xuan to find that place. Now is not the last autumn and winter season. Now the mountains are full of lush greens, and all kinds of thorns and vines are overgrown, burying the low mountain.

"There is a situation!" Wang Xuan looked solemn, while sitting on the top of the mountain, there was a faint white mist wafting out, and he approached cautiously.

There are rubble under the grass and soil, and broken walls and ruins are buried. Many years ago, there was a small Taoist temple. When Fairy Sword was still in the red dust, she once practiced here, and it was also on this mountain that she became an immortal.

"I've grown flesh, isn't it, is this reshaping the real body?"

Nothing bad happened. On the contrary, Fairy Sword's growth rate was too fast. After Wang Xuan saw the underground situation with his spiritual eyes, he was stunned for a while.

"In spring, I bury the seeds in the ground. In autumn, a fairy can really grow!"

At the beginning, he buried a fairy bone here, and now a little girl of about ten years old appears in the depths of the soil, carved in pink and jade, with her eyes closed, filled with fairy mist, and her flawless and beautiful face is a miniature version of Sword Fairy!

Today is only one chapter. The protagonist has just returned to the old land, so I will think about the following content.

Thanks: Red Rabbit, Warm Cat Nest, thank you for your support.


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