Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 306: ? Times Upheaval

"The old land is very violent, even more terrifying." Lao Chen told Wang Xuan that he understood his feeling of wanting to go home, but it was not necessarily more peaceful over there.

"My parents are really okay?" Wang Xuan was a little worried. The demons and ghosts are so cruel and tossing around, he is really afraid that something big will happen to the old land.

"Now, they flip through ancient books every day and look at history books, and they live a very fulfilling life." Lao Chen reassured him.

Some time ago, Wang Xuan's parents were picked up by Aoki, and it was adjacent to the relevant department. That place was considered the safest place in the old land.

In that city, there is the largest cultural relic hall, and there are all kinds of extraordinary weapons, which can strangle the spiritual body and slay demons!

Chen Yongjie said: "Your parents are very calm, which makes Aoki feel ashamed. The two of them read all kinds of myths, legends, and historical ancient books every day, and they actually look like... with great interest."

Wang Xuan was helpless, his parents had always been big-hearted, and they didn't even care that he came to Xinxing, and when he left, the two happily planned a trip.

"That 'Old Zhang', who appeared in the old land last time, was solemnly invited by the relevant departments. The relationship between the two sides is good. He is very shocking, so that the ghosts and snakes don't dare to mess up."

"I don't want to go back." Wang Xuan was not sure, is that really the old Zhang of Longhu Mountain? It feels more and more different!

"He left the old land and may return to the new moon." Chen Yongjie pointed to the moon in the sky.

Recently, there has been a lot of trouble behind the scenes. All the big guys are vying for the treasure, and they have no time to be distracted.

"Where did the red-clothed banshee and the female alchemist go? Did you find out?" Wang Xuan asked.

Chen Yongjie shook his head and said, "No whereabouts have been found so far."

They were preparing for the retreat, and they had to find out who was aiming at Wang Xuan's large warship. If it was hit just after takeoff, it would be very tragic.

This time, some of the people from Lao Chen's organization will also go back, and the battleship will be controlled by them.

Before leaving, they also have to carry out a final search. Those extraordinary artifacts, scriptures, etc., if they are not taken away, they will be given to the immortals and demons at a low price.

So on this night, the two of them are actively taking action, and they are going to be new stars at night!

Both the chaebols and the top life research institutes have been patronized by the two of them. At this stage, one cannot be too polite.

Some things will definitely fall into the hands of demons if you don't take them away!

"Unexpectedly, there are more monsters in these genetic research institutes than anywhere else!"

The two of them were surprised. All kinds of spiritual bodies carried real bones, etc., and wanted to use technological means to make flesh and blood grow faster and reshape the real body.

Wang Xuan showed a strange expression and said, "There are many demons, remember these places first, don't startle the snakes for the time being, take them away when you leave, and take these cans of demon bones with you!"

Since it is destined to be antagonistic, there is nothing to be soft on!

In a sense, those real bones are resources for cultivation. Today, the world is deficient in super-material, and Wang Xuan needs these bones with a rotten interior.

"Use it if you can. Within a year, these rotten interior sites will collapse on their own." Chen Yongjie nodded.

Now everyone can see the general trend, and the extraordinary traces are destined to be wiped away without leaving any traces.

"We are cultivating in an era of hopelessness, and embarking on this road is really helpless when you think about it..." Wang Xuan had a complicated mood.

In the current environment, no matter how confident people are or how powerful Lie Xian is, they can't find a feasible way forward, and no one can see clearly in the future.

Overnight, the two traveled all over the place and gained quite a lot!

However, the new star is too big, there are many big organizations, and the figures of the immortals and demons can be seen everywhere.

Because many places have masters, and they quietly **** food from the mouths of immortals and demons.

"Something happened to the Zhao family." Wang Xuan's expression changed. He had contact with Zhao Zejun and knew that they were going to set sail at noon today and enter deep space.

He and Lao Chen rushed over, preparing to receive a batch of extraordinary artifacts from the Zhao family, and at the same time helping Lao Zhao to see if there were any demons infiltrating.

Wang Xuan hadn't entered Zhao's house yet. He was out of his body in the distance. He carefully probed with the eyes of the sky. He saw the demonic energy, and even saw a shadow of blood!

"Yesterday when we passed by, the Zhao family was fine. The demon must have arrived today, or even not long ago." Old Chen's expression also changed.

The creatures behind the scenes are getting bigger and bigger, and they look like they can't wait and don't want to eat, they're going crazy!

At this moment, the demon is desperately trying to occupy some territory and occupy the property of the chaebol.

"It's really scary, they want a lot of battleships." Wang Xuan's face was also ugly.

If it is the ancient monsters, it is easy to deal with, but now that the other party has integrated into the modern society and keeps pace with the times, it is difficult to handle.

The Zhao family is in chaos now, and even they themselves have discovered the demon, and there are blood shadows, causing some high-level members to faint and fall to the ground.

There is a high probability that a key person will be taken away, so he gave an order directly, not to set sail, and stood by where he was, saying that some people in the family were sick and needed emergency treatment.

"Seven demon immortals came here with their real bones wrapped in blood mist. This kind of person is suitable for taking over and replacing them!"

"There are also six flesh-and-blood demons who transformed into human beings and came to be guests. The Zhao family who were taken away welcomed them in!"

Wang Xuan stared ahead, all this happened in a short period of time. The demon did arrive before noon, intercepting the Zhao family and preventing them from leaving.

At present, the biggest shortcoming of major organizations is that they can't prevent the invasion of the spiritual body. If they are all demons, they really can't stop the battleship.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the Zhao family, the two sneaked in and headed towards the demon as soon as possible.

"Fortunately, we stopped them before they set off. We have another strong family background, and we have more security to cope with the changing situation."

"Who would have thought that the feathering banner was born and was captured by a peerless powerhouse. The camps of all parties behind the scene are uneasy. If that person is fully refined, many people will be killed by him, peerless powerhouse. Even if they join forces, they can't stop it!"

The demons are talking.

Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie looked at each other and felt chills in their hearts. Sure enough, something big happened. Someone got the treasure, which made other top figures restless and wanted to escape into the world at any time.

Behind the scenes, blood will flow into rivers, and peerless powerhouses will perish!


Wang Xuan discovered that the familiar demons, Black Mane, Silver Bat, and Blue Wolf, had clashed with them when they were in the Ling family.

The three people led the flesh-and-blood demons, and they came to the Zhao family unexpectedly.

However, I haven't seen their leader Xue Peng, and I think they are still taking more flesh-and-blood demons to find the seeds of heavenly medicine.

The next moment, Wang Xuan's pupils shrank!

He saw Zhao Zejun, his face was pale, and he was extremely thin. It was as if he had experienced a serious illness, and it was completely different from before.

"After all, it's a mortal. There's not too much spirituality in the blood." The silver bat opened his mouth, his white hair was scattered, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Caused by the blood-sucking bat sperm? !

Wang Xuan's murderous intention was revealed in an instant. If something happened to Zhao Zejun, it would definitely be a great regret. After all, he was Zhao Qinghan's father.

"Be content, the times have changed, where will there be any extraordinary blood food in the future. Relatively speaking, human blood and spirit are far more spiritual than other species."

The blue wolf opened his mouth, revealing his body, covered with cyan animal hair, with a baleful aura, his mouth was bright red, and his fangs were frightening.

"When will I get rid of him?" Hei Yan lowered his head and looked down at Zhao Zejun, he was ready to **** the spiritual energy from his flesh and blood.

The silver bat was wearing a tuxedo and looked like he was going to a banquet. He wiped away the human blood from the corners of his mouth with a white silk scarf and said, "Don't worry, let him catch that Wang Xuan. It is reported that his daughter has a relationship with that Wang Xuan. It's a pity to let him die, so it's a pity not to use it."

He only sucked Zhao Zejun's blood and left his spirit behind, just wanting to continue digging holes.

"He killed so many of us, so of course he has to take it. There are also special interior locations. If God does not take it, he will be to blame." Hei Yan nodded, his humanoid body was covered with black hair, and even his face was covered with black hair. All the same, when he laughs, his fangs are white, and he is very cruel.

Wang Xuan hid in a building in the distance, resisting the killing intent and restraining the boiling anger. He was looking for an opportunity, and now he rushed over for fear that he would not be able to save Zhao Zejun.

Lao Chen was also wiping the snow-white conch silently, and clenched the black long sword, the demon is really deceiving!

The silver bat threw the snow-white silk scarf in his hand on the face of Zhao Zejun, who was lying motionless on the ground. He lowered his head and smiled and said, "Where did your daughter go? It's a pity that she is not at home."

Zhao Zejun was very weak, did not speak, turned his face to the other side with difficulty. He, who was originally outstanding in appearance, was thin and a little out of shape.

"The world has changed, God, the times have changed dramatically, you will gradually adapt to it in the Yinbat smiled.

Hei Yan squatted down, patted Zhao Zejun's face and said, "You should be glad that your daughter is not here, otherwise it will be even more miserable, and you will die without resting your eyes."

"Come on, don't shoot him bad." Qinglang said with a grin. Although he was a human body, he was sitting on a three-person sofa in the living room like a human, and it was crushed.

Hei Yan nodded, patted Zhao Zejun's face again, and said: "You live well, this world is still very bright, think about those beautiful things. For example, if your daughter comes back soon and sees that the family has changed, It's all demons, won't you be surprised?"

"Go away!" Zhao Zejun reprimanded with all his strength.

Hei Yan got up, kicked him out more than three meters with his feet, and said calmly, "You still can't find your position, the future will be the era of the chaebol and the chaebol, and you have already retired from history. stage."

At the moment when the few demons left Zhao Zejun a little, Wang Xuan moved, drifting forward silently like a wisp of smoke, and then quickly started.

With a swoosh, he brought out a crystal silk thread, which came from the dead moon. After being driven by supermatter, it spread like a wandering dragon, and wrapped around Zhao Zejun in an instant.

Wang Xuan pulled him hard and let him fly off the ground!

"Oh, it's really coming, don't be slow." The silver bat smiled coldly, took off his tuxedo, revealing his close-fitting white shirt, and loosened two buttons.

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