Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 300: ?A lot of movement

"It's a little scary and a little strange." Wang Xuan looked at the mountains at the end of the horizon. Many ancient legends and stories were reproduced.

In the early years, when he first set foot on the old art path, he was skeptical about the existence of Liexian, thinking that the ancients were most likely dead.

Now, everything has been confirmed. Those ancient creatures are not only alive, but also want to reproduce the **** scene of the past.

He stood for a long time, but did not act immediately, thinking about some problems. He wanted to kill and get rid of some demons who wanted to eat living people for blood, but this was not a battle for him alone, and he had to involve more people.

He landed down, retracted the boat, and then walked on the ground. One or two hundred meters away when he took one step, it seemed to shrink into an inch, and the speed was too fast.

In fact, every time he borrowed strength, he briefly flew close to the ground and crossed the earth.

Wang Xuan approached the mountain forest outside Su City and sneaked into hiding. He soon discovered something unusual. There is an antique mountain forest inn here, which is very distinctive. It provides accommodation for rock climbers and explorers.

However, the four staff members are not in the right state now. Are they replaced by someone? Their mental bodies were eaten.

In their bodies, the primordial spirits of demon birds and beasts dwell in them.

Wang Xuan observed in secret for a long time, paying attention to their conversation.

"After getting familiar with our identity, we can enter the prosperous world of red dust. As long as we are careful, we can keep changing our bodies and enjoy fresh blood."

In the short term, these monsters are adapting to the various rules of modern society, so they are looking for people in such remote places to start.

Soon, when they are fully integrated into this society, they will enter the city and let the body they occupy now reasonably "die of illness".

According to their rhythm and methods, thinking about terror is simply impossible to guard against. The huge crowd in the city and the population on the new star will be regarded as blood food by them, it is their paradise.

Times have changed, and so have they. It seems that they don't want to take the simple and rude road that makes the blood-stained earth too naked and unsustainable. Now they want to return silently.

"Our high-level officials are preparing, and soon they will occupy the bodies of chaebols and leaders of major organizations and be responsible for grasping the general direction. In fact, it's not as good as us, this planet is so beautiful, the life is so gorgeous, and the population is so large, I like this The world is far better than ancient times."

Inside a man, there is the primordial spirit of a vicious bird, the beak is bent into a hook shape, the claws are sharp, and the smile is slightly cold.

Wang Xuan watched them quietly from a distance, understanding the habits of this group of demons and gaining insight into their various secrets.

He frowned, these monsters can only be regarded as members of the bottom, and the higher-ups are in Hanwu Mountain, but now based on their words, it is already known that it is not easy to deal with. This time the monsters want to sneak into the world silently, which is normally very difficult. Hard to notice!

"Eating blood everywhere, blending in with them, picking them quietly, taking anything or taking it, really makes people look forward to it!"

"Even if the supernatural world collapses, if there is enough blood to eat every day and devour the spiritual body, our primordial spirit may slowly become stronger, and the worst will not degenerate, right?"

In a man's body, the primordial spirit of a black wolf is ferocious, grinning, and wants to enter the city earlier and integrate into this era.


Wang Xuan is silent. In today's society, all kinds of monsters have returned, mixed with people, and there is no blood on the bright side, but in the long run, it is not much better than the legend of massacres in the past.

He wasn't in a hurry, didn't want to go further and startle the snake.

In fact, not only that, he soon found several forest rangers in the mountains, and they were already replaced by demons.

He silently walked through the mountains and forests, looked at the distant Hanwu Mountain, and watched with his spiritual eyes. There was a ghostly energy, but there was no demon, and people went to the empty building.

The high-level monsters left the base camp, and they should have given up here not long ago.

He actually left so decisively without giving Wang Xuan a chance to find out. Originally, he didn't think about doing it alone, but the other party's escape like this really surprised him, and he was very cautious.

"Run away, or are you deliberately guiding me step by step, asking me to investigate, and pursue it step by step, and then suddenly hit me hard?"

This time, he unexpectedly received a ringing phone call from Qian An, so he had the idea to look at him when he was passing by. Was it Qian An's original intention to ask for help, or did the demon call and hang up?

It's a pity that everyone died, he didn't think much about it at the time, and didn't ask.

On the way back, he slaughtered the demon primordial spirit within the body of the forest ranger, watched a few people fall silently, he sighed softly, and then killed the four demons in the mountain inn.

Wang Xuan returned to Qian's house and stared at the ancient road, watching and watching, the immortal bone in the copper wall was swallowed by the demon, and it was dead.

"It seems that I've been thinking too much, and I thought it was the real bone of a big Taoist figure. The demon is really not taboo, and it's not ambiguous when it can attack Lie Xian."

Wang Xuan thought that the real bones of powerful creatures may be hidden very secretly.

Knowing the Taoists, we will see if they will take action to slay demons and slay demons. Why should he be the only modern supernatural being to undertake this matter?

Unless Lie Xian and the demon really colluded, perfunctory, or simply didn't mix, in that case, the trouble would be big.

The Qian family is intensively preparing for the big migration. In fact, they also had a plan at the beginning, and they were already fully prepared for other things, so it was not in a hurry, and various matters were advancing in an orderly manner.

"I took revenge for Lao Qian, but only on the surface. The real monster behind the scenes is still there. Before you leave, don't you want to take revenge?" Wang Xuan and Qian An's two brothers had a secret conversation.

"Of course, my brother died so miserably, his body was tough, his soul was eaten, and he was treated as blood by monsters. The death was too humiliating and desolate!"

The two elder brothers of the Qian family were full of anger and resentment. They were going to withdraw anyway. If they could take revenge themselves, they naturally wanted to be ruthless.

"Look, didn't the descendants of the immortals hold a press conference? All kinds of clarifications, saying that they are actively integrating into modern society. I think the first step is to pull them in."

"Recently, the Taoist masters who have appeared across the border must be found and let them come and see your Taoist temple, and they will express something."

Wang Xuan chatted with the Qian family for a long time. If he went to toss it himself, it would only be a small splash, and it would be too dazzling, which would put him in a dangerous environment.

It also happened to take this opportunity to take a look at the reactions of various camps and understand the essential issues.

He naturally wanted to take action, not just a matter of revenge for the old money. Demons are rampant, too arrogant, hunting ordinary people at will, are they still immersed in the **** glory of the past? He really wanted to go on a killing spree.

However, he also had to consider his own safety issues, and let a group of people accompany him to rush to kill. He couldn't let the eyes of Qi Teng, the ancestor of the gods, and Qi Yi, the peerless demon, all fall on him.

Soon after, the true immortal of the Zheng family came and met with Wang Xuan.

"I am Wang Xuan now, and I am passively involved in the conflict between the Qian family, the demons, Zhou Chong and others. You go and check it out for me, and don't let me accidentally be counted as Wang Xuan by them. In addition, I Are you ready for the fairy juice, five-color soil, etc. you want?"

The true immortal of the Zheng family nodded, and now they are checking the specific situation.

"It will be sent from behind the curtain in two days at the latest. Those fetish objects are too precious to be found in the fairy world, but they are almost collected."


It has to be said that some of the descendants of Li Xian are extremely adaptable, and they have integrated into the modern society quickly and naturally, no different from the young people of Xinxing.

After some representatives held a press conference during the day, there were also several large-scale live broadcasts in the evening to get closer to everyone and eliminate all kinds of bad rumors.

"In the new era, technology is splendid, and ordinary people can roam the sea of ​​stars. The passage of time has changed everything. And the immortals have also changed, advancing with the times, not the stereotype that everyone thinks."

People thought about it, and it seems that Li Xian's descendants have done nothing wrong so far.

"We are trying to integrate into this society and cherish everything we have. I have now signed a contract to become a singer. I like my life very much."

Zhou Shiqian appeared and said that she was young and beautiful, surrounded by fairy spirit, and the first impression of her was very beautiful.

And a record company has stood up and supported her, saying that she works hard and will release a new song soon, so people will wait and see.

Wang Xuan was paying attention to their every move, because he was about to pull them off the stage. Seeing this scene, he was dazed and speechless.

"Someone invested and opened a sanatorium with me, which can prolong the life of old friends and improve the appearance of young people who love beauty. This is the secret of Xianjia. I am working hard to integrate into the life of the world."

Chen Yan also made an appearance. Although she is not a top beauty, she has an outstanding temperament and gives a good impression, which cools down the restless emotions of the outside world again because of the departure of the Zhong family.

Kong Yun, Cao Qingyu and others also stood up, with a dignified appearance, a rare handsome man who was very humble and gave people a good impression.

Wang Xuan watched silently, not afraid that the immortals would forcefully shake the battleship, but that they would truly integrate into this era. In the end, the old chaebols left, and the chaebols and demon chaebols came, which would be even more terrifying.

However, at this stage, this is fine. These people have said so themselves and erected the archway. Then we will see their real performance. The stage will be set up for them soon.

Of course, the descendants of the immortals and demons who have kept pace with the times, not everyone likes them.

For example, when Huang Ming appeared, the effect was not good. He said that he liked the life of a new star, wanted to find a job, and asked if he needed a bodyguard. He wanted to apply.

It can be said that Huang Daxian's attitude is very low. As the descendant of the demon fairy, it is enough to let go of the air, whether it is to make a gesture or to experience life.

However, the comments are one-sided.

"Look, this is definitely a weasel, with thief eyes and eyes, if this is brought into the house, will it still be safe? He is Huang Daxian!"

Huang Ming was so angry that he was about to explode, and he secretly shouted, "You are all good-looking, superficial!"

The next day, Qian An died, and the high-level members of the chaebol were eaten by demons as blood food, shaking the whole world like a nuclear explosion.

Soon, the news that the four people in the Mountain Inn and the six forest rangers were eaten by monsters was quickly reported.

In the morning of the new star, the world is boiling!

"@%You Mad, the demon, started to eat people, and beautified it as a fairy. I'll see how you explain and how to say it!"

"It's been rumored recently that after three years, or maybe a year later, the extraordinary will ebb. The demons, the immortals, you wait, all of you will be killed by then! What era is this? More than a hundred years ago, the Big data, face let alone now. Do you think you can hibernate and hide? See you in a year!"

"Let us become blood eaters? I greet your immortals!"

People's emotions are detonated!

In a sense, what they say is the truth.

Why did the descendants of the immortals hold a conference? Various explanations are to stay behind, fearing that the myth will be completely collapsed in the future, they will become ordinary people, and they will be targeted by the people of the world.

In the news reports, various blood-colored horrors of ancient demons were also mentioned, which made people even more angry.

"Demon? You still want to slaughter the city and wash the earth with blood, I #¥%! With so many new stars, have you finished eating? In the future, I will bring all of you back to their original shape and raise them in pigsties and sheep sheds!"


Lao Chen called immediately and communicated with Wang Xuan in slang. What's the situation?

"You can find the lotus pod at ease, hurry up, don't participate in this matter." Wang Xuan responded calmly.

"The movement is a bit big. Does it have anything to do with you? Will it be very dangerous?" Chen Yongjie asked, feeling sad for Qian An's death at the same time.

"The acquaintances around me died, and many others were treated as **** food by them. I was really angry and had to take action. However, I will be fine. A group of people rushed in front of me, and I followed behind to start a killing spree. ." Wang Xuan told him that it would start soon.

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