Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 114: The pressure of the big devil

Final Chapter 114 The Great Devil's Sense of Oppression


The Nirvana Dojo, and the place where Lu Po's powerful teachings were established, was completely silent at the scene, and everyone was so shocked that they remained motionless, as if they were petrified.

The whole time and space seemed to be frozen, and the picture was frozen at this moment.

what did they see That is the originator of a religion, a peerless powerhouse who has broken through the two great realms, and is a rare opponent in the super mythical world, but now, the ancestor of Wuyuan is held in the hands of a young man of later generations!

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In the Nirvana Dojo, the whole sect has already overestimated Wang Xuan, and they also know that his potential is boundless. Otherwise, why would they give the highest standard of courtesy?

However, it was only now that they realized that they still underestimated the mysterious Wang Qingzhou in the past and lacked a real understanding. What kind of monster is this?

Not to mention that Wuyuan Patriarch is the strongest 6-break power in the New Mythology Great World, he is about the same, and can be ranked at the forefront. After he made a move, there was such a dreadful horror scene, which was different from what people expected. The situation is quite the opposite

"How is it possible, Wang Daoyou... what level of creature is he? Is he really just a young man from later generations? Could it be that he has another root?"

"Raising one's hand to grasp the power, this kind of method... appalling, he must not be the reincarnation of the real king, if he is of the same generation as Yihui and Mingxuan, how could he be so strong?"

Even the real sages Mingyuan and Henghe in the Lupo dojo were trembling. They felt like their scalps were being electrified. This was not only shocking, but also a little scary.

Not to mention them, even Yihui and Mingxuan had a deep contact with Wang Xuan, and they already knew Wang Xuan very well. At this moment, they were all shocked, like clay sculptures and wood withers, unbelievable.

"After so many years, I was in my home's 6th Dojo, protected by the supreme magic circle and protected by the true saint, and once again felt the incomparable oppression of the great devil Wang Qingzhou." The usually cold junior sister Ling Han, now he seems to feel the trembling feeling when he first came to the other shore and faced Wang Qingzhou.

In the Nirvana Dojo, from the sect's famous masters, to the famous aliens, to the disciples below, there were huge waves in their hearts.

At this time, everyone wanted to be amazed to express the shock from the deepest part of their hearts.

In my life, I have witnessed the most unbelievable battle at the level of gods. The gods of heaven suppressed the 6 broken powers? I couldn't believe my eyes!

In the nirvana dojo, it was completely boiling.

As for the true master, Wuyuan, the originator of a religion, has already cast dozens of hundreds of secret techniques in this short moment, the rules are lingering, the order is turbulent, and the fragments of the avenue are violent, like thousands of flowers blooming, which is enough to destroy everything.

At the level of Wuyuan Patriarch, it will not be difficult to penetrate the world, look at the direction of the eyes, and destroy the major clans. But here, let him have great supernatural powers, and he can tear apart the mythical universe with his bare hands. No, he couldn't escape the palm of that giant palm, and was tightly grasped.

Those brilliant spell runes and the light of rules were all extinguished when Wang Xuan exerted force with his hand.

As long as he gets angry, he will radiate a little bit of extraordinary ripples, which even the extraordinary people can't stand, and may explode in a breath, heading for self-destruction,? However, with Wang Xuan here, this situation will not happen.

After all, he is a guest in the Nirvana Dojo, so how could it damage this place, let alone let the disciples of this dojo die suddenly.

The holy light emanating from the ancestor Wuyuan, and the terrifying fluctuations radiated, were all blocked by that big hand and purified, not even a trace of fragments of the avenue and harmful substances gushed out, and the five fingers were like a mountain that reached the sky, suppressing him to death of.

As for Wang Xuan himself, he didn't have any erupting textures of human power. On the contrary, he stood there, calmly suppressing Lu Po's power, and purifying the entire time and space.

And, with a bang, he crushed Wuyuan, the originator of a sect, and the blood and powerful bones splashed out, shocking the whole detached land!

When Wuyuan Patriarch entered the Nirvana Dojo, there were naturally people watching outside. This is a character who can make the entire super mythical world shake three times with a stomp of his foot, and his every move will attract attention.

In a place of detachment, large dojos gather.

Now all the supreme beings who are watching are terrified, and the whole spine is chilling.

In such a short moment, the powerful Lu Po who looked down on the entire Transcendent World was like a chicken being grabbed, kneaded until bones were broken, and holy blood stained space and time.

"Ah..." Patriarch Wuyuan yelled, the feelings in his heart were too complicated, from the previous supremacy, self-confidence, to Xinji, to bewilderment, horror, regret... It's hard to describe in words.

"Lu Po's great power, the Wuyuan ancestor who can shake the entire mythical world, was suppressed by raising his hand, and his physical body is disintegrating!"

The major true saint ashrams all sent out violent mental fluctuations by coincidence, and many strong men communicated in secret, and immediately warned the disciples, remember that Wang Xuan, don't go to death.

It was like a storm sweeping through the Beyond, and all from the High Ones down to the disciples below knew of the dreadful things that were taking place.

Wang Xuan is far from being so famous at the No. 1 source, because he has been dormant and very low-key.

Instead, he became famous in this new mythical world, and this battle alone was enough to make those supreme beings stifle all the thoughts they shouldn't have.

He gave this super mythical world enough respect, and appeared on the stage with the strongest posture, and now it has indeed played its due effect.

6 Po Da Neng Wu Yuan naturally cannot sit still and try his best to resist, especially now, he is forced to use his ultimate hole card.

His shattered body and primordial spirit merged with a black strange insect, which looked like a centipede, and the whole body seemed to be made of black gold. The insect's legs were long and sawtoothed.

This thing is obviously unusual, the material is special, and it has the breath of a real king. After Wuyuan merged with it, it turned into a black gold centipede, and the impact was violent.

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