Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 688: The supreme beings whose waists and legs were chopped off

"He escaped?!" In the impression of a small group of supreme beings, the scorching sun demon **** who had undergone a complete mutation of the radiation on the other side was terrifying and huge. Now, he opened his mouth like a crow, and all kinds of disasters came, and then he ran away without saying a word. "Dead crow, it's really unreliable, it's really shameful," the giant beast Bat King scolded, and he had never seen such a shameless ancient god. There was some mist in the tiankeng. Coming out of the yellow clay coffin was half the body of a living being, which was white bones and lifeless, while the other half was full of flesh and blood. There is a high probability that it is true? He has mastered the principles of opposites, even his body is like this, half dead, half alive, unconventional path "Not quite right, this is really a single broken creature, much stronger than the rumored Zadao, that old devil The metamorphosis has not reached this step." They were retreating, although they were scolding the scorching sun demon god, but they themselves did not plan to face it, the suspected single broken creature, let's get out of the pit first. [Currently used, listening to books has the most complete and best sound, integrated large speech synthesis engine, super variety of timbres, and an artifact that supports offline reading,.Change the source] However, the wind is extremely intertwined, especially the void In the middle of it, it seems that the magic circle of the era of storage of gods has been activated, and it is actually blocking their escape route. They couldn't help it, and wanted to scold the scorching sun demon **** again. This dead crow knew the methods of the ancient **** best, so he must have sensed something, and went out by himself without saying hello. "Kill!" Up to now, they have no choice, they can only fight hard and fight. boom! A dazzling beam of light hit all of them, covering the faces of all of them. It was a very orthodox primordial **** master's unique skill, which used to frighten the gods in the past. The void is ignited, everything is melting, and everything extraordinary will be judged. The half-skeleton-faced monster is ruthlessly suppressing them. But the other half of his face is so sacred, even the hair is shining and fluttering, the Taoist old devil with a dazzling ring, majoring in life and death, light and darkness, yin and yang, this is not his way, It looks like the way of a certain terrifying god. They were shaken all over by the beating, their own Tao was suppressed, and the densely packed supreme runes outside their bodies were dimming and rapidly collapsing. The Giant Beast Bat King said: "With so many of us together, we still can't kill him? Even if it's just a single broken creature, don't be afraid, we will join hands to kill the god, no matter who he is, the brave will win when we meet on a narrow road" Kacha! Half of the face of the sacred skull was broken, and the inside of the bone was shining violently, and a terrifying light of the heaven-shattering primordial spirit rushed out, ready to abandon the body. Take home! "He actually gave up his body, everyone, beat him back and you can't let him come over." The iron nematode said anxiously, it is crazy that there is a problem with the soul of that monster, it is indeed a single broken supreme rune, and the light of the spirit is in it. The boiling was incomparable, and it rushed out with majestic power. That kind of power is too vast, and the runes of infinite spiritual power are shining and surging, coming like a sea of ​​stars bursting a dike, crowding the sinkholes, breaking away from their broken body, and covering the iron nematodes. In an instant, he found that many people's killers had fought in the past, dimming the light of the primordial spirit, but he still swooped down without hesitation. Moreover, the state of the light of the primordial spirit, which is as huge as a nebula, is becoming more and more crazy. The iron nematodes are miserably confused, and they make inexplicable screams, like iron plates hitting and rubbing, or like the dreaming of a prehistoric god. Find it back in the present world. The iron nematode was miserable, and he avoided and disappeared several times, but he was still covered by that Pang Tai's primordial spirit nebula, and he let out a cry of pain. "This... the third-generation **** master" iron nematodes found clues in fighting against the erosion of a single broken creature. The broken creature is not at its peak state, is insane, and is connected with the iron nematode primordial spirit. After close contact, its identity is discovered. Everyone is awe-inspiring, who will lead the team this time? Going to the wrong place, even if the wireworm is the supreme being, it is screaming and screaming, unable to stop the invasion of a single monster, shouting: "Everyone, God wants to keep it, bombard him, help me expel him." Xuan Zhi, The expressions of Sword Immortal Inscription, Wanfa Spider King, etc. are extremely difficult. The **** scorching sun demon **** can even lead the wrong way. Did he do it on purpose? They tried their best to rescue the iron nematode, and finally drove out the third generation of God Master Crazy Power, but the iron nematode lost at least 40% of its primordial spirit. Everyone was gasping for breath. In a short while, a supreme being swallowed up nearly half of his spiritual light. This is really terrifying. Even if the third generation of God Lord has problems, he is still a single broken monster, unstoppable . "If we work together, we should be able to kill him." Xuanzhi said, but it will cost a lot, some people may be severely injured, and even their souls may be swallowed by this crazy God Lord, which is very dangerous. In an instant, a chaotic battle broke out here, and they burned through the formation blocking the way with difficulty. Suddenly, the scorching sun demon **** roared

, actually fell from the sky, fell down, the ladybug carapace on his body clanged, was smashed into pieces, and even a few silver spots were extinguished, he met a terrifying enemy outside. The scorching sun demon **** shouted: "Everyone, I saved you money. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. This is a deity in the age of the gods who has a serious problem. It is not a judge. Ma De, the outside is what he sees, old man!" The devil is so cunning that he dug two lairs." He said Potian, but no one believed that he came here to rescue him on purpose. He was definitely ambushed and beaten back, so no one gave him a good face. But now is not the time for infighting, let's get out of Tiante Pit first. Buzz! A terrible roar sounded, and the highest texture intertwined in the entire void, blocking the way again. And, accompanied by the strange noise, the divine master in the ground went even more mad. "The third generation of God Lord, didn't he die back then? The wreckage was picked up by this old devil who judged Dao. I don't know what method to use, but he can still control it?" How could it be possible for the Tao to control a divine master! It’s too late to say anything, and now the divine master is crazy, and he is fighting to the death, the supreme realm is expanding and the primordial spirit is boiling, regardless of the cost.” After this, the demon **** Lieyang reminded: “Don’t be petty! Watching Zai said, he is here secretly, studying the endless years of the third generation of gods, and he himself may be close to being single-broken." Shut up, crow, good things should not be good, bad things are very accurate. This is a fierce battle, and the broken body of the third-generation **** master is unparalleled. After severely injuring a number of supreme beings, leaving them covered in blood, this group of people tore apart the sinkhole. This is a huge pit made by the great universe of countless decaying lands. Now it is destroyed, causing endless storms to rage and the large-scale sea of ​​stars outside is extinguished and never returned. You must know that these are a small group of supreme beings. Although they were injured, they were indeed extremely powerful. The secret Dao is cooperating tacitly, chasing and killing together with the divine master. "Everyone, this operation failed, and I will take revenge next time!" After successfully escaping from the trap, the scorching sun demon **** flapped his wings and fled again with a whoosh. puff! However, before he disappeared from the decaying universe, his back waist was pierced, and amidst the miserable screams, half of his body was stabbed in the back waist and he disappeared. "It deserves it, this dead crow is just unreliable!" The demon **** Qian Lieyang did escape successfully. This kind of influence was very bad. He seemed to have played a very spoiled demonstration role. Next to him, a figure immediately went away, feeling very sorry for himself. They came here this time to help the boxing, originally they had no enmity with the old devil Judao, but now the situation is not right, it is respectful to go first. "Why run away? We have so many people, we can definitely kill them!" The giant bat was very stubborn and was still attacking. However, his statement in this way attracted the God Lord who secretly hid in the back to control the single broken path, and charged him like crazy. "Everyone, hurry up and shoot together, ah..." Half of the giant beast Bat King's body was hit by the most powerful means of the god, and it broke and melted from the waist, as if it had been purified and burned, and the lower half of its body was gone. The giant bat vibrated its fleshy wings, and couldn't stand it anymore. The holy purification eroded towards his soul, and finally, he also collapsed and fled. In fact, if the remaining people dare to go shopping, they can still take down the problematic God Lord and Judge. However, every supreme being does not want to stand in front of them. As a result, a few people retreated and a few people flew away, and they were completely defeated. . They all escaped at last, and there was a muffled groan, and several people were hit, because the God Lord and Caidao jointly sacrificed the extraordinary sacred light, which was very terrifying, causing Sword Immortal Inscription, Wanfa Spider King, Xuanzhi, etc. Many people were cut in half, or their legs were cut off, and they were all disabled. "Old Daoist judge, this matter is not over." When they fled, their faces were livid with anger, and when they came to attack, they were always cut off their thighs and even their waists. Of course, not everyone is like this, for example, the iron nematode, the upper half of its body was cut off and exploded, and its primordial spirit was swallowed by the **** master. They only heard a miserable cry, and then the decaying universe gradually fell silent. A group of people were silent, and they didn't look back to look for them. They went away here, and the iron nematode died here! On the edge of eternity, the continuous stretches of terrifying Jedi are no longer peaceful. A small group of supreme beings attacked a tiankeng and returned home in defeat. "This group of people is seriously ill." The old devil judged with a gloomy expression on his face, standing in the decaying universe, he asked himself that he had no old grievances with them. When he turned his head, he saw that single broken creature in question, with sharp eyes, had already stared at him. Zaidao hurried away, and the remnant body became more and more difficult to control. "Hey, have you heard? A group of people, such as Sword Immortal Wenming, Wanfa Spider King, Scorching Sun Demon God, etc., went to fight against an old thorn in the age of the gods, but they were cut off by someone's legs, and their back was cut off. It's really outrageous!" Among the Jedi, someone was

Talking about this This is really a good thing that does not go out, but a bad thing spreads thousands of miles. This news caused a sensation in the vast Jedi area that day. Xuanzhi, Giant Beast Bat King and others are too shameful. The super peerless bodies they reshaped, fortunately, experienced the tragedy at the source of the myth, and now their real bodies have also experienced the same as those in the Jedi, and everyone knows it. When the giant beast Qingniu heard the news, his eyes widened, and he said, "The leader is really the judge of the age of the gods? To do such a big thing, after the real body was born, a group of creatures from the other side couldn't lift their heads. Bull running!" Lu Po was in a trance, marveling in absolute amazement. Silver-haired Vero frowned, and said to himself, "Is it a coincidence? It's not that I haven't seen the Dao of the Gods, but this time I really encountered a ghost." Anyway, a group of people who had dealt with the leading brother at the source of the myth As for the creatures, except for Hongxiu and Baimao Weiluo, most people were amazed and admired. More than ten days later, the extraordinary world was shaken once again, causing everyone in the Myth Center to turn pale. Is the Great Migration really about to start? In the endless deep sky, a group of supreme beings were watching, all of them looked extremely dignified, and then someone said: "Did you see it? In the mist, there was a big pale hand, and it was he who pushed the extraordinary center, "No, Dao, Is this the result you want to see? ""That's right, the irreversible period, the age of the gods, the dynasty of giant beasts, and the period of the old saint's rule, have been going on for tens of centuries, leaving too many hidden dangers and secrets, which must be seen clearly. "The big hand in the mist is not trying to end this era, but to divert the supernatural center. When it deviates from the original trajectory, there is a high probability that it wants to release something. It has always been covering a locked central area, and now someone wants to break the chain of the avenue, remove the extraordinary center, and carry out the so-called turning the clouds to see the sun.///.

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