Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 685: Daughter of Cell Phone Wonders

The iron nematode had a severe pain in his head, and his whole body felt cold. He felt that something was wrong, and that he was really going to be slaughtered by a group of super peers?

Puff puff…

Next, he was bleeding all over his body, and was constantly blocked by a group of ferocious super-peerless ones. He couldn't hold on anymore, and was severely injured.

In the distance, there are actually creatures from the other side appearing. However, they were unorganized, and there were not many people present. After seeing this scene, they were all a little scared, and no one came.

"Brother Zaidao, the leader, has already demonstrated, everyone, don't hide and hide, hurry up and kill the bugs together!" The giant beast Qingniu shouted.

The name of Wang Xuan's leading brother became more and more famous, and a small group of special creatures initially recognized it.

Of course, quite a group of people don't care. Aren't those who take the lead all the rafters in their early years? There's nothing wrong with having someone up front.

"Ah..." The wireworm screamed, his body was densely covered with blood holes, and he was really about to fall.

In the end, he blew the bone whistle, and with a shrill sound, a strange ripple spread out and rushed into the distance.

He joined forces with another alien, a teammate in name, but he didn't hold out much hope, the other party was looking for his own opportunity, so he might not come to rescue him.

Besides, who knows how far the two are now, and his cry for help may not be heard at all.

Now, he is just a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Huh?" A group of old monsters were suspicious by nature, and immediately retreated a certain distance, fearing that something abnormal would happen.

"It's okay, let's kill him first, he's about to die." Wang Xuan said, and personally took the lead in the attack, and was the first to kill him again.

Everyone waited for a while, and found that nothing special happened. In an instant, the attack became more violent. The body of the iron nematode was rapidly collapsing, and the primordial spirit was dimming, and was penetrated many times.

This is definitely a group of ruthless people, with all kinds of unimaginable secret methods and huge lethality, which surprised even Wang Xuan, showing a dignified look.

"There are so many magic tricks, all of which are worth learning from!"


Suddenly, a big pitch-black bat, carrying a silver sky-opening giant axe, descended from the sky, with undisguised abnormal fluctuations.

Wang Xuan was attacking the dying iron nematode. He really didn't want to leave. He was about to finish off this opponent and harvest a foreigner.

However, Shino was quiet, and he felt that the big bat thought he was coming alone.

He had no choice but to dodge quickly, and the moment he turned his head, he found that all the people in his camp had disappeared. He was both amazed and helpless.

He knew that when encountering danger, this group of people would run faster than one.

Sure enough, after the second alien appeared, the group of people went their separate ways without saying a word, and in an instant, they all reached the horizon.

"Run away!" That is to say, Hongxiu yelled in the distance, but no one else said anything. According to their definition, the role of the leading brother is to rush to the front and escape at the end.

With a buzzing sound, the gleaming silver giant ax fell, and the world was split open. This **** bat is too cruel.

Wang Xuan didn't die, facing the two strangers, he could only sigh, and ran away, rushing into the depths of the mist to disappear.

"Well, people are gone?!" The black bat covering the sky and the sun was very surprised. It was originally eyeing the "chief evil" and said, can this be lost? The giant ax smashed through the air.

"Brother Bat, help me protect the Dharma. I have been injured too badly." Iron Nematode said, his physical body has collapsed more than 80%, and he is almost falling apart now.

In his primordial spirit, all kinds of sword energy, knife light, flames, order runes, etc. are shining fiercely, which are left by that special group of super peerless. If the black giant bat is one step later, he will undoubtedly die.


At this moment, just as the black bat with the giant ax was about to land on the sea, the back of its head suddenly felt a sharp pain. Spears, broadswords, and dense fairy swords all greeted it and bombarded it on the head.

For a moment, the eyes of the black bat turned black, and he was extremely furious. Is there any king's law? Just a super peerless, dare to

Sneak attack on aliens? !

From its mouth, there were visible sound waves, which were circle after circle of black ripples, blasting the void, sweeping across this area, and he was furious.

However, he only saw the back of the other party, disappearing into nothingness.

Some blood spilled from the corner of Wang Xuan's mouth. This old bat is really tough. The end of the sound wave hit him, making his blood churn, quite uncomfortable.

Huge black bats, with wings flapping, are bigger than Tianlong, and the entire sea of ​​gods stirred up by waves, never before has Chaopeer dared to offend it like this.

This kind of encounter is too outrageous, it can't swallow this breath.

"Bat Brother, the energy you radiate is too strong, I'm about to fall apart, I can't hold it anymore!" Ironworm felt terrified, don't die by his own hands, his current state is too bad.

"Who is he?" the giant black bat asked sullenly.

"Zai Dao, a decaying god, the real body probably will die." The wireworm informed.

"He..." Just as the giant black bat said this, its body suddenly tensed up, and black light burst out instantly.

But it was already too late, and with a bang, the back of its head was hit again, this time accompanied by the terrifying Song of Light and Darkness blooming, and the sky-high fist light passing across the sky.

Bat King's violent temper suddenly came up, and his lung tubes were about to burst. It had never encountered such a thing before, and a super peerless attacked him twice in a row.

"Beast Emperor's Fist!" The iron nematode was in shock and guessed. Could it be that Zaidao really benefited even though he was disliked by the Beast Emperor and specially targeted during his miraculous journey?

The Beast Emperor's Manual is very mysterious. After a little practice, in addition to unparalleled combat power, it also has some invisibility characteristics, which can disappear into the vast world.

In fact, that is the characteristic of a single 6-breaker, which can enter the fog. But outsiders don't know, thinking that it is a special attribute of the Emperor of Beasts.

"Many people have gained something after returning, and Zaidao may have obtained some of the essence!" Ironworm guessed that although his alien body has not gone, he has learned about it from others in detail.

"The King of Beasts..." The black giant bat looked sullen, and his heart was moved. As a giant beast in the era of the giant beast dynasty, he threw himself to the opposite bank and changed his way.

However, he has never forgotten the invincible posture of the first Beast Emperor when he was in full swing, and has been thinking about his scriptures.

"He got part of the essence of the second chapter of the Beast Emperor's Sutra..."


Their conversation was forced to be interrupted, Zaidao Laomo made a surprise attack for the third time, and successfully hit the giant bat again.

Of course, this time Wang Xuan just wanted to irritate it, instead of choosing the mysteriously radiant head, he hit it on the buttocks, causing it to bleed instantly.

In fact, this kind of injury is really not serious, but it is extremely insulting!

Sure enough, the gloomy giant bat finally couldn't restrain himself, and his perception of aliens was infinitely improved, so he would no longer care about the wireworm, no longer protect him, and directly chased and killed the faint figure.

Wang Xuan appeared and disappeared from time to time, but he didn't disappear completely, just trying to lure him away.

"Everyone, don't run away. Look, the leading brother Zaidao really dares to fight. The two strangers were there, and he went to provoke them one after another. Three times, he wounded the giant bat king. We also helped Let's do it."

The sea and the sky are the same color, and at the end of the sky in the distance, some super peerless people are watching and dormant, and they all saw the scene just now with their own eyes.

A group of old guys hid in a safe enough place and did not stay away. They knew that even if they escaped, they had to stick together and not be separated, so as to avoid being attacked one by one by strangers, so they all appeared one after another.

Hong Xiu said: "Everyone, Zaidao most likely wants to kill the iron nematode first, and now we will help him drag the giant bat king."

Silver-haired Vero nodded: "It makes sense, after the death of an Inhuman, the remaining Giant Bat King is nothing to worry about."

"Patriarch Zaidao is here, he must be asking us to trap Bat King," Lu Po said.

"Let's do it like this." Ancient God Miya nodded.

It is rare for a group of people to reach a consensus quickly. The main reason is that if the two strangers are slowed down, even they will be in danger. This is related to their own interests.

As for personally killing iron nematodes, this kind of thing is still reserved.

Let Zaidao do it, anyway, he has been fighting with the other party forever, so he probably doesn't care that the other party will target his real body in Jedi afterwards, right?

A group of people are in harmony.

In an instant, Wang Xuan arrived, and a group of people jumped out to block the giant beast Bat King.

Wang Xuan also understood this group of old monsters, and he didn't want to do the dirty work, so I left it to him.

He slandered: a bunch of old bastards.

However, he didn't care, he really wanted to go back and capture the extraordinary dao rhyme of the different big universes behind the iron nematodes.

Wang Xuan went away and shot back at the iron nematode.

In fact, how could this alien-level **** worm wait in place, his scalp was numb, and he had already fled away.

However, Wang Xuan has been in contact with him more than once, and he can use the changes of "nothing" and "yes" to manifest himself in the past and kill him directly.

The iron nematode escaped far away, but his own problems were indeed too serious, and he had no time to heal, his physical body collapsed, his soul was dim, and he met an old devil Zaidao who liked to attack and kill the most, which made him feel a little nervous. blackened.

He felt that if he was in his peak state, he would have to follow the rules of death, but now, he just wanted to escape.

Wang Xuan didn't want to waste even a little bit of time. The Dao Furnace in his hand appeared, and what was carried inside was not sword light, but ultimate moves such as nothing, being, passing, and constant.

This time, all his ultimate killers are on display!

Obviously, he had to get rid of his opponent, and the emergence of a fusion of forbidden methods naturally had to be silenced.

He disappeared quickly, and standing here in the mist, the Dao Furnace was deformed and turned into a piece of paper, carrying various secret magic runes and so on.

With a bang, the iron nematode's head exploded like a rotten watermelon, and it suffered the strongest blow from Wang Xuan!

He couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to, and the dim light of the body protection was broken, and the primordial spirit was pierced.


He was not dead yet, screaming terribly, the primordial spirit shined again.

Wang Xuan didn't speak, and used the Ultimate Killer Copper again, and the Dao Paper flew out, shining in his soul, and chopped it up with a bang.

In the end, the alien wireworm was killed!

Wang Xuan quickly sat cross-legged here, fully open the 6-breaking perception, capturing the good fortune, and wandering in the corresponding vague cosmic rhyme behind it.

Soon, he realized something. These Dao rhymes were really effective at first, and his Dao Xing was improving, but after accumulating to a certain level, everything stagnated.

Earlier, after he passed the catastrophe in the spiritual world, he absorbed all kinds of dao rhymes and wandered in the fuzzy universe, which was equivalent to 85 years of penance in the 5th realm, and now the accumulation is naturally deeper.

"At this moment, I have at least been in the 5-breaking field for more than 130 years. The Taoist rhyme of the early aliens is really amazing. After removing the overlapping parts, I can still have such amazing gains."

When he was amazed, he also realized a fact that Lu Po cannot be measured by common sense, no matter how much Tao rhyme he absorbed, no matter how many transcendent universes Shenyou has, it is useless, and he has to comprehend it by himself as in the past, Silently rush through.

However, he is already very satisfied and has gained a lot.

He stood up, and now both his physical body and soul have reached the peak of the 5-break domain, and he needs to find a way to open up the next road to continue the 6-break glory!

Wang Xuan kept his composure and flew to the earlier sea area. The giant bat king sensed that his companion had been killed, and immediately ran away!

"Do you want to kill it?"

"Where to go!"

A group of old monsters stopped drinking, and the downwind really showed their pride, especially when they saw the leader Zaidao come back, they became more enthusiastic and had a strong fighting spirit.

However, the giant beast Bat King's evasion technique was astonishing, leaving only an afterimage before disappearing quickly.

Wang Xuan has no intention of chasing and killing him. At present, Dao Yun can't solve his 6-break problem, so he needs to take a break.

"Where are the wireworms?" someone asked.

"Dead." He informed the situation.

Immediately, everyone's eyes changed. Zaidao was so fierce that he really killed a foreigner. For a moment, he felt that he was really

He really has the demeanor of a leading brother.

"Everyone, my team's time is coming, so I have to go out." Jingyuan said, he and his companions provided two special supernatural factors, which can roughly stay here for about 10 years.

In fact, the time has come for the Giant Beast Bear King and others.

"Brother leader, our team has to leave too, and we will meet again after we leave." Before they left, they all came here to say goodbye to Laomo Zaidao.

"I think, let's go out too, the early aliens have come in, this is not our home field anymore." Silver-haired Vero said.

"Well, leave early." Hongxiu nodded, and both Lu Po and Yu Teng felt that safety was the most important thing.

"Okay, then let's go out together." Wang Xuan also thought it was time to go, and it would be really dangerous to stay here if he didn't become a stranger.

After 10 years of exploration at the source of the myth, a group of people left one after another, came out from the depths of the sea of ​​origin, and then embarked on the return journey to the extraordinary world.

The white-haired Vero ran away first, and disappeared in an instant.

"Patriarch Zaidao, let's meet again later." Boss Lu also said goodbye.

Yu Teng also left very Ma, he can be regarded as my master, and he is also like an old father. Before Hongxiu left, she said this to Wang Xuan, and she left in a hurry, saying that she had something important to do.

Wang Xuan was in a daze, and then called her to be more specific.

"You also borrowed the faded old photos he took, right?" Hong Xiu looked back and said in secret, as if there was something really urgent, and disappeared instantly.

Wang Xuan was shocked, "Ma" is a mobile phone wonder, and Hongxiu has a double identity, is the daughter of the No. 1 in the 6th era that the mobile phone wonder has been talking about? !

His heart was ups and downs, but he didn't stay in place for long, and disappeared for a moment.

Two years later, the material plane of the transcendental world shook violently, and the entire great universe seemed to be unstable. It was filled with radiance and turbulent dao rhyme, which made all the transcendental beings feel strongly uneasy.

"Is this... the time for the era to change? How is it possible, this era is only long, it is too short!"

All the extraordinary in the world are trembling.

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