Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 536: Against the general trend

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Chapter 536: Going Against the General Trend

Chiyan blood splashed from the black arrow shaft, as if it was about to overflow the entire photo, Wu Xingtian's eyes, the wolverine, were absent-minded, extremely dim.

His head was torn apart the moment the black iron arrow pierced through it, and his eyes lost all their former brilliance.

In an instant, Wang Xuan felt his blood surge, his killing intent soared, and his whole body trembled slightly.

After he came to the new universe, the wolverine Wu Xingtian was undoubtedly an extremely important part of the friends he met

When it comes to Kong Xuan, what people think of is that he is wild and unruly, and no matter what, he cannot escape his status as the second king of Wuxing Mountain.

He and Wolverine got acquainted in the Meteorite Sea, and then entered the Black Peacock Mountain together, and then Wolverine went to the other courtyard of Wujie Mountain.

During this period, they have experienced many things together, and Wolverine is absolutely interesting. Every time they advance and retreat with Wang Xuan, they regard him as a true sworn brother.

Now, the **** photo of the wolverine appeared in his hand, and he was shot through the head with an arrow. The scarlet blood, cracked frontal bone, and dull eyes deeply irritated Wang Xuan.

"Who did it? Wu Xingtian... What happened to him in the end?" Wang Xuan's voice was low, his knuckles turned white, and he pinched the photo with murderous aura.

"I don't know yet. There is no definite news. At present, only this photo has been circulated." The mechanical bear whispered.

This is a picture that was circulated on Chaofan's Internet. It was nothing at first, but after the Wolverine's identity was revealed, the attention immediately soared.

The life in Wujie Mountain is very difficult, and this kind of thing happened again. The **** photos are likely to have a certain tendency.

"Don't be impulsive, just wait for the follow-up news." The mechanical bear told Wang Xuan to calm down.

"Maybe, this is aimed at Wujie Mountain, maybe it's aimed at you." The mechanical bear said hesitantly. If it is to catch Kong Xuan, the other party must be looking forward to him jumping out, and there will probably be a **** hunt next.

The blood in Wang Xuan's body was flowing at an extremely high speed, and there was a thunderous sound, and the texture of imperialism appeared all over his body, but he understood that it is best to calm down now and observe first.

Even if he restrained himself, he was human after all and would have corresponding mood swings.

He has found the direct descendant of ancient and modern times—now, please find out the exact news. In fact, it didn't take long before two more photos came out in succession.

One of them is the scene of the wolverine being shot, starting from the head, spreading to the whole body, full of cracks, and completely shattered.

Moreover, this time with a clear background, it should be the other courtyard of Wujie Mountain, a place outside the world, very close to the True Sage Dojo, and it can be regarded as one of the core places.

Under such circumstances, some people dare to kill. This kind of behavior is undoubtedly full of contempt, and it is sending a very bad signal.

Is this proving the decline of the Five Tribulations Mountain Dojo? This is not only provocative, but also creates a terrible psychological expectation for people. Five Tribulation Mountains are completely decayed and doomed to perish!

This photo uses a dark filter to make the originally magnificent scenery of Wujie Mountain dim, dull and lifeless.

There is also a picture, that is a transcendent whose whole body is covered with a shiny armored stomach, holding a big red bow, an alloy bow tire, and dragon tendon bow strings.

He even wore a cold metal mask on his face, showing his coldness, and he was carrying a bundle of metal arrows, which was specially photographed and released, in stark contrast to the photo of Wolverine being shot.

These two photos caused a huge impact on the Chaofan network. People sighed, this is a turning point in the fate of Wujie Mountain, this big ship is about to sink.

Many social accounts of well-known extraordinary people have forwarded and commented.

Many people think that it is not the dojo's fault that the true sage hero of the Five Tribulations Mountain is late, but the result of the waves of the great era.

With his name on the must-kill list, coupled with the fact that a group of bloodthirsty underwater predators can't wait and are about to start hunting, Wujie Mountain has entered the most difficult and difficult moment.

"I found out that the wolverine Wu Xingtian was indeed shot on the spot, but he didn't die. Over the years, he has practiced some strange supernatural powers. He has three-color divine feathers on his head, and five-color divine lights on his tail are endless. He has three immortal bodies, which should be robbed for him."

It is very efficient to inform the situation at present and obtain information from secret channels.

Even so, Wolverine almost died, because the power of that arrow was too terrifying, causing his body and soul to explode many times.

Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was anxious and filled with righteous indignation earlier, he had also guessed that the wolverine might survive.

The good news came, but Wang Xuan's heart was still heavy. This was just the beginning, and everything was just a rehearsal. This kind of tragedy may come true in the future and cannot be undone.

Today brings other news.

The True Sage of Wujie Mountain created the "Wujie Sutra" and is called the Wujie True Sage. He seems to have done it himself. However, the supreme beings of several other families stood side by side, not far from each other's dojos, so he was not given a chance.

"It's hard to change one."

In the unknown secret battle, holy blood was splashed everywhere, and strange people fell.

Five Tribulations Mountain has kept Chencang in the dark. Over the years, it has secretly sent some people away in order to keep some fire seeds. For example, Wolverine left it on purpose, and his son Lang Tian was one of the seeds sent away.

But in the end, an accident happened, and several secret paths were known. If the True Sage Wujie hadn't paid attention to these in person, all those who sent away would have died.


"This is a bit scary. Some roads lead to the outer universe, and some roads lead to ancient secret realms that are isolated from the world. It is very closed, but the whereabouts of those people are still leaked."

When Wang Xuan heard this kind of news, his heart sank immediately, even the back road was completely cut off, and the operation of Wujie Mountain to preserve the fire had completely failed.

"True saint-level raids and anti-hunting have happened at least three times." This is the news found by the ancient and modern camps, which is quite amazing.

The highest level is fighting in secret battles, and the situation is naturally very unfavorable to the True Sage If the other party's digital True Sages are tied together, he will not be given a chance to kill alone and die together.

The main reason is that the supreme beings are too strong, and the distance between each other's dojos can be directly projected, manifested, and arrived at a very fast speed, and they are not fighting alone.

Unless the True Sage of Wujie can achieve instant kills, he will never have a chance.

Moreover, he himself is in a dire situation. Now that the predators in the water smell the blood, they can't wait any longer. If they surround him, it will be a massacre!

"At present, Guixu, Shiguangtian, Tattoo Palace, and Paper Temple have all taken action. The old zombie in Kujiling and the evil **** in the evil god's mansion may also act. The waves of the great era hit the sky, and every time such a The era is destined to be very bloody, and it is difficult to change anything."

Jinchao advises Wang Xuan not to get involved.

In this terrible era, even if the ultimate limit breaker threw himself into it, he would not be able to make any waves in the battle of the supreme beings.

If he is not a true saint, his fate is meaningless, and it is difficult to change the fate of Wujie Mountain.

Wang Xuan nodded silently. He would not use the mantis arm as a car, and he was indeed powerless to save Wujie Mountain. However, he wanted to change the fate of some people.

He asked, can I ask Gu Jin to lead the line, he has some amazing things in his hand, and he wants to make deals with various true saint ashrams

"What do you have in your hand?"

"Essential sacred object." Wang Xuan informed.

"Hiss, you don't want to trade your sacred object?" Jin Zhao asked. "No, there are more."

For a while, I don't know what to say now. This kind of thing is hard to be accompanied by people who have broken the limit 5 times. It is indeed extremely rare and precious.

He hasn't heard of it yet, who is willing to trade it out, how does this not take the primordial sacred thing seriously?

Then, he looked at the black and white mechanical bear, which played with a mini battleship last time, but it was only one meter long.

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